Sex Als Hauptfach

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Gast Peer Vormäntz
Nach erfolgreich abgelegten Prüfungen wird den Schülern ihre sexuelle Fähigkeit übrigens mit einem Zertifikat bescheinigt.

Macht bestimmt was her das Ding ... eingerahmt über dem Bett.

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die verklemmten Österreicher habens aber auch dringlichst nötig.... neben den Schwaben, Bayern und Schweizern ;-)

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Hab sie angeschrieben. Das war die Antwort:

Have you heard about the bird base? The School of Sex? The fake Kafka Novel?

During the last month The Bird Base have made austrians, and the world, talk about media, education, pension systems, short sighted politicians and not least about the way media itself works.

We know news stories can spread like a wild fire if considered relevant enough.

Our campaigns has reached millions.

Now, we are sad to say there is no Bird Base. The organisation was created by us at The Young Industries.

But before you get mad, let us give you the reason why we did this.

Austria (and Europe) stands before enormous challenges. An aging population, a failing system of education and budget deficits out of control yet there is almost no discussion in the media and the little discussion there is from locked positions.

We wanted to break this gridlock. It is not about what WE think needs to be done (everyone that know us knows this is not hard to get us talking) but that we ALL start to TALK.

(Actually, some of our friends hated the campaign, and some of our political opposites loved it. And that is fine. As long as there is a reaction.)

This fall has been dedicated to get Austria to talk.

And to realize the situation is dire.

The next time we will join the discussion.

I'm sure you have questions. You are very welcome to the press conference.


/The Young Industries

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