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Compliance Tests

Hallo liebe Community!

Letztens wollte ich mich mit dem Thema 'Compliance Test' auseinandersetzen. Habe natürlich erst die Suchfunktion benutzt und bin so auf einen Thread von RoyTS gestoßen, welcher dieses Thema zwar aufgegriffen hatte, was jedoch leider nicht zu einem zufriedenstellenden Ergebnis geführt hat.

Was ist ein Compliance Test? Hier eine Definition:

'Quick Definition:

When delivered by a woman a compliance test is a small request or series of requests that a woman will make to shift the power dynamic of an interaction in her favor. When delivered by a PUA, is a test to see the target’s current compliance level to him.

Full Definition:

A compliance test can be a form of shit test that women use, often subconsciously, to test the alpha characteristics of a man, and occasionally to take advantage of him. Compliance tests can be anything from a small favor to a large request, and often depend on how entitled a woman feels, and how strong a woman gauges the man to be.

AFCs often fall into the trap over-complying with any request that an attractive woman makes of them, for fear of losing the woman’s approval or attention. What these socially uncalibrated men do not realize is that this behavior is very needy, and unattractive, and by trying so hard to win a woman’s approval, they lose it. The only way to pass a compliance test is by not complying with it, or asking for a compliance from her in return.

A PUA can use compliance tests to his advantage, often to gauge a woman’s interest in him. For example, Mystery’s knee compliance routine to below shows the beginning of kino escalation compliance. Another form of a compliance test is to as the woman to move to a new location at the bar with you, a form of logistical compliance.

It is important to deliver compliance tests smoothly, as if they are not “tests”, but rather, small hoops that the PUA smoothly transitions to. If a woman complies, the compliance threshold can be increase with each data point, and if she declines or is unenthusiastic about it, the PUA can always IOD, and try again when more demonstrations of value have been communicated from both sides.'

- www.pualingo.com

Da ich finde, dass diese Compliance Tests extrem nützlich für das Game sein können würde ich hier gerne eine kleine Sammlung erstellen. Es wäre seht nett wenn erfahrene Member oder welche die sich dafür halten :-D eventuelle Routinen hier posten und diskutieren könnten. Würde mich natürlich darum kümmern, dass diese Routinen dann übersichtlich hier im Anfangspost dargestellt werden.

Also legt los!!!

Euer DerName!!!


bearbeitet von DerName

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