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Moin Moin,

ich hab heute mal relativ sinnlos durch's Netz geklickt und bin auf zwei interessante Postings bei Twitter gestoßen.

Hier gibt jemand "Zeichen" woran FRAU erkennt, dass MANN sie als Freund/Kumpel will oder ob er tatsächlich an ihr Interesse hat und mehr will (Sex/Beziehung).

Möchte diese beiden Ansichten einfach mal zur Diskussion freigeben ;)

Signs that he likes you

1. He keeps teasing you or flirting to get your attention.

2. He calls and texts you on a regular basis and he does’t mind talking for hours

3. He rarely says NO to you and when you ask for favors, he gladly does anything

4. He looks tense when he’s near you, and he seems to notice every little thing you do

5. He tries to look good whenever he’s around you so you would notice him.

6. He starts liking the same things you do to indicate that he’s the perfect match for you

7. He gives you compliments, something like “you’re fun to hang out with” or “you look good

8. when you hang out together, he often offers to pay the bill or if he notices something you like,he offers to get it for you.

9. He shows that he cares about you, when you’re sick, sad or worried, he does everything he can to make you smile

10. He sneaks glances at you when you’re not looking and when he gets caught, he looks away

11. He jokes about dating you.

12. He calls you by a nickname/pet name.

13. He notices and remembers things about you

Klick I

Signs He Wants to Be Just Friends

1. He Invites Other People to Hang Out with You Guys

You’re so stoked that he called and invited you to check out the county fair with him…until you find out he’s also invited three other people. If he wanted to be more than friends, he wouldn’t share you with anyone else.

2. His Emails Are Friendly, But to-the-Point

He emails you to set up a time to hang out, forward you an article, or occasionally to just see what you’re up to. However, once the initial exchange of information is over, he won’t try to prolong the conversation. A chain will last no more than two messages each.

3. He Never Texts You First

And will sometimes take hours to respond to your text.

4. He’ll Ask You For Advice on Girls

In high school, asking a girl you liked for advice on a different girl was textbook flirting strategy, and the perfect opportunity to gauge how she felt about you. But as adults, men generally won’t ask a girl he’s into for pseudo-advice on someone else. If he likes you, he’ll want you to know.

5. He’ll Ask to Hang Out Day-of

He’ll text you at six p.m. to see if you want to grab dinner or see a movie. This means he was looking for casual plans, and thought of you—but if he liked you, he’d have made sure you were free well in advance.

6. He Doesn’t Offer to Pay

It’s 2011, and most men and women have reached a pretty egalitarian stance when it comes to sharing financial responsibility of dates: couples will take turns paying, and girls should always offer. But when a guy really likes a girl, a tiny, old-fashioned part of him will want to be gallant and foot the bill. If you insist on paying your way, he might give in, but he’ll at least offer to pay.

7. He Doesn’t Try to Kiss You

Unless he’s obviously super-shy (and you’ve recognized this trait in him) most guys can find the courage to plant one on a girl, if he likes her and has any reason to suspect that she likes him back.

Of course, when it comes to friends/more than friends, there’s always a gray area. Have you guys been in this situation? What signs let you know that he was or wasn’t interested?

Klick II

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