Stockholm Seduction Club in Berlin

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Don't know where to put this. Can't post in some threds for some reason, don't know why.. I don't understand German so please move this if it is posted wrong.

Hey guys!

We are three Swedish guys and one beautiful Swedish girl visiting Berlin in 22-25 of April. One of us is the founder of Stockholm Seduction Club. I'm the official coach of I've been in contact with two friends in Berlin that also are members of this forum. I don't know their nicknames but if you add me on Facebook, you can see who they are because we will probably be mutual friends, if you know them. They will give you their recommendation to join this.

Because we don't have any place for a seminar, we will host an in-field coaching session. Our purpose of the trip is honestly the party, so we don't travel there in any "business purpose". Tough, we would like to meet some new friends in Berlin, and that's why we will do this coaching session for a whole day. I made a smaller free session last time I were in town.

The price will be only 20 euros/person. Our perspective of "the game" is using direct game. We think the largest problem with guys is that they are so afraid of telling the truth. That's why we will be teaching you guys the art of going for what you want, in an honest, direct way.

If it will be in 22, 23, 24 or 25 of April, we have not decided yet. It would be cool to hang out with you guys the other days also. If we like you, that's included in the price. ;) That's why we will probably be hosting this in the beginning of the Easter weekend (22 or 23 of April).

I really hope you guys are interested. If you have any questions, would like to see some videos of us in-field or when we are holding seminars in Sweden, just add me on facebook. If you want to make an agreement discussing date and time, you also have to add me on facebook. My nickname in the community is zocstyle.

Included in the coaching session:

- A shorter speak from me, Bullet and Co (my friends nicknames), 1 hour

- Eating lunch together and discussing your personal sticking-points, 1 hour

- Daygame with in-field coaching, 1 hour

- Nightgame in a more calm place with in-field coaching, 2-3 hours

- Nightgame on a nightclub, with in-field coaching, the rest of the night.

We are party-animals so we won't leave until the morning.

Best Regards,

Marc Andersson

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