The Most Important in Life [Philosophie]

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Hey Jungs,

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The Most Important in Life

I just asked myself what is the most important in life. And do you know what? Whenever I think deeper and deeper about it, it comes down to the point that I have to admit, GIRLS are the most important in life!

Serious! Girls make that everything in life make sense, whatever we are doing right now!

Think about it on a deeper level. What is the meaning of making money. Of making more money than you need on a basic level? Yeah now you might say ohh its because I want to afford that nice car and have that nice house and be able to go on holiday here and there. But serious! Why do you want that nice car? On a deeper level you want to show off that you achieved something. That you are someone. That you can enjoy success. And to show off means in details to show other guys YOU are the cool guy. YOU made it. And on the same level show girls “Hey I made it. I can make your life comfortable”. I mean serious! Why do you spend your time wasting in trying to make career, climb the career-ladder? Its ALL to get status in front of other guys and to show girls YOU are the person with HIGHEST status and can provide the girls best. Now you might say…. Nonono Im doing it because I enjoy to be successful. But because I cant Imagine to ever do anything else. Im on my deep inner core and this is what I really wanted. Really????? You enjoy EVERYTHING at your job that you couldn’t Imagine doing anything else?

I tell you what I would do if girls wouldn’t exist. I would damn go to Hawaii and try to surf the biggest waves in the world. Or maybe life in the mountains to do skiing all day long. Here I will get the success you are talking about by slowly progress and being able to ride bigger and bigger waves.

Okay lets dig deep into what girls really want. There are two absolutely MOST IMPORTANT thing girls love from boys if it comes down to attraction. And trust me I studied this for years now.

It comes down to 2 essential things:

1. Optic. Serious we guys are superficial by wanting the hottest girl possible. But girls too! If you are really attractive you can do nothing than just surfing in Hawaii without any job or status. You would still get girls

2. Status. On a deeper level we all know this conscious or subconscious. We all noticed that the leader in a group will always more likely attract a girls than the follower. We don’t have any influence who our parents are. And how beautiful we are. But we do have an influence on what kind of status we can get in front of other guys and especially girls.

This in fact also applies for girls too. Why do you think there is a cosmetic-industry making billions every single year? Because we all – and especially girls – want to be more beautiful. In fact for girls the factor of beauty applies more than for boys. You can get an amazing girl by having high status. Look at all these ugly Sportsman. They get damn amazing girlfriends. But still for both girls and boys these two topic applies ALLWAYS. If a girl is the leader and most amazing person in a girls group, she will be the most attractive girl. She might even be more attractive for us guys than the most beautyfull girl in the group. Because If we can get her we can “get her status aswell” and by this increase our own status as well.

Serious. When we boys where young we all wanted to be soccerstars, basketballstars, rockstars, dictators, astronauts and stuff like that. And girls wanted to be singstars, moviestars, models etc. Why? It all gives us ULTIMATE status! Maybe your dream was it to be policeman because your dad is policeman. But again at that time you thought this will give you the ultimate status because at that time your dad had the highest status you ever could imagine.

Serious. When you wake up in the morning and want to get some breakfast and go down to the bakery around the corner to get some bread rolls. Why do you care how you look like this morning? Why do you get some real clothes on? Because it have some influence on your status in society. Would you really care about it if you don’t care about your status in society? Why do you care about this status? Because of girls! Without girls you probably wouldn’t care as much because there is no fights between guys going on and you don’t need to worry about what girls may think.

You could argue now that you already have a beautiful girl or maybe even wife and do have amazing kids. And you still want to climb the career-ladder. Well congratulations. You made it. So why do you still want to be more successful? Oh yeah true you would say because I love that shit and could never Imagine to do anything else. Well sounds like a fair argument. But the truth is you get used to your kind of success and your kind of status. Once you achieved some kind of status level you want to maintain it. Why do you think so many people kill themselves when they lost a big fortune or their status? You think you need to maintain this status because if not you cant hold your wife/girl and you might even kill yourself because you cant handle the loss of status and the convenience being where you are. Serious what do you think why so many relationships break when you lost your job? Why do people kill themselves if they lost a lot of money or their job? E.g. after “Black Friday” in 1929? Think by yourself!

I really want to ask you. Would you do exactly the same right now if there wouldn’t be any girls left in this world? Maybe you are sitting right now reading this stuff by studying in University with you really love and you would say “Im studying because I want to learn more about that topic I study”. It has nothing to do with girls or status. Im just curious what science know about that topic. Cool. But do you really need to go to Uni to learn about a specific topic? You could do self-study by your own in your own place with your own speed. Why do you care about making all these silly exams which get you stressed so often? Ahh yeah I forgot because you want to be something specific. And to be a doctor, professor, teacher, psychologist whatever.

Oh yeah you really want to help people. This is all you want. You don’t care about getting a lot of money or get high status. You just want to help people. Really? If this would be the case then you shouldn’t care about your master degree. The money you will get afterwards. Because no matter if you try to help people by being doctor, psychologist, teacher or whatever. A lot of these subject have status in the society. You are someone if you are a doctor. And if you show you gonna help people, this gonna increase your status. You are the social person who takes care about others. This give you status as well. And some girls appreciate it more than making a lot of money. Most likely because they do have enough money because their parents are rich or they make a lot of money by them self and it not too important for these type of girl to have a boy with a lot of money.

Even jobs like aid worker, social worker and stuff like that where you don’t get paid well and are very social devote all your energy towards helping others, even these kind of jobs gives you a lot of status IN this little group of people you trying to help. You do have status within this group because you are the helper. This gives you some sort of satisfaction.

And even if we look at a person like Mother Teresa and maybe other religious people who devote their life towards helping other people. They do not have a great husband or wife. They pretty much exit this kind of life. As if girls (or boys) doesn’t exist. They seems to get their happiness by helping other people, praying to god… whatever - without getting a satisfied sexlife.

Yeah you could say. But I heard so many people when they get serious injured and maybe have to sit in the wheelchair rest of their life they hate life in the first stage but later on they enjoy life fully and are as happy as no one else. How can it be? They accepted the fact like Mother Teresa or munks or people like that, that the topic sexuality won’t be theirs anymore. So they won’t have the pressure anymore to get a certain status or maintain it and by this they get reliefed and seems to be quite happy with their life.

Pretty much the same applies for a lot of families when they move to the countryside “that the kids can grow up in peace”. They are taking themselves off “the market of love” say we don’t care about this topic anymore. They go to a place where its less likely that each of them will find another one, a better one, someone more beautiful with higher status. It work out for some families with seems quite happy but by far not for most.

Am I telling you to be a munk, be Mother Teresa, fuck money and status? Not necessary. What Im telling you is more or less the truth on a deeper level. And you can either choose to fight and try to get the highest status possible or try to exit the game like munks. I do beliefe this is why so many people get depressed and are not happy. Because they don’t get successful getting a status and are just mediocre or bad.

Alternative you can go to Thailand ;) There it really doesn’t matter what kind of status you got as long as you have money. And you can still get a very hot girl. That’s the worst world possible – prostitution.

Why is prostitution so bad? Because the deeper reason why I stay in my office making money, stay studying or whatever you do is to get the highest status and girl possible to get the biggest pleasure in world – sex. It seems to have higher pleasure than anything else like surfing, skiing, shopping (for girls ;) because it seems to be the most important for us humans to reproduce ourself. To get the best possible baby. It seems like nature made such a strong happiness-emotion out of sex that nothing else is more important. That’s why prostitution exist and always will exist. Its still bad because by going to a prostitute you are saying you don’t have the status to get a girl and by this cant reproduce yourself. You are a looser.

I want to say thank you to girls that you exist and make life wonderful exciting, exhorting and challenging! Thanks!

I ask you tell me one, just one reason why this isn’t the most important in life. If you deeply think about it. This is more likely the truth than anything else in the world.


bearbeitet von TroyMaster

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Der Fehlschluss liegt darin, das "important" absolut zu setzen. Aber Dinge oder Menschen sind nicht per se "important" bzw. wichtig. Sondern sie sind wichtig für etwas. Beispiele: * Ein Businessplan ist wichtig für ein Unternehmen. * Um den Wettkampf zu gewinnen, ist es wichtig, viel zu trainieren. * Weil es regnen wird, ist es wichtig, dass Du einen Regenschirm mitnimmst. Etc.

Das ist der Punkt. Wenn Du versuchst, darüber nachzudenken, wofür Mädchen und Status wichtig sind, wirst Du weiterkommen bzw. Dir wird auffallen, dass Du dann in einen Regress gerätst.

Übrigens wirkt ein Text schnell satirisch, wenn er ständig seine eigene Ernsthaftigkeit betont.

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Dieser Frame ist so ziemlich der kontraproduktivste den man annehmen kann um "Erfolg bei Frauen" zu bekommen.

Er spiegelt genau das wieder was uns das sog. "social programming", Werbung, etc. ständig eintrichtert - arbeite hart,

verdiene Geld und dann kriechen dir die Frauen zu Füßen.

Wahrscheinlich haben wir alle unterbewußt den Frame dieses Textes in uns nd genau da liegt das Problem.

Wenn äußerlich attraktive Frauen die Krönung aller Anstrengungen sind, dann wirst du dich immer unattraktiv in

ihrer Umgebung verhalten ob du es willst oder nicht. Denn du siehst dich schließlich im Status weit unter ihr und dies ist

aus evolutionsbiologischer Sicht sehr unattraktiv.

Der Text ist also insofern hilfreich, dass er aufzeigt wie wir gerade nicht denken sollten.

Er zeigt was uns wo uns die Werbung am liebsten haben möchte.

Er argumentiert mit Evolutionsbiologie was ihm den Anschein erweckt "wissenschaftlich" und durchdacht zu sein.

Er enthält vereinzelt Wahrheiten aber vermischt sie mit Fehlschlüssen, was fatal wirken kann

Fazit1: Maximal ein Denkanstoß, dann wäre aber alles einer...;)

Fazit2: Unbrauchbar bzw schädlich um Erfolg mit Frauen zu fördern

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erstens -> von wem stammt diese These (von dir)?

zweitens -> mein Englisch ist nicht das schlechteste dennoch würde ich mir eine Deutsch Übersetzung wünschen. Der Text ist ja nun doch etwas länger und es wäre bequemer in Deutsch und beugt vielleicht auch Missverständnissen vor.

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Das ist der Punkt. Wenn Du versuchst, darüber nachzudenken, wofür Mädchen und Status wichtig sind, wirst Du weiterkommen bzw. Dir wird auffallen, dass Du dann in einen Regress gerätst.

Kannst das bitte ausführen?

Was mit dem Text u.A. probiert wird zu sagen ist, dass Fortpflanzung wichtiger ist als alles andere. Daher gehts um Status und Girls

Der Text hat ein sehr guter Freund von mir mal geschrieben (ist mittlerweile 1-2 Jahre her) und ich teile Teilweise seine Ansätze. Ziemlich harsch geschrieben. Er bezeichnet sich selbst als das was PU-Leute "Natural" bezeichen. Nur gehts ihm nicht mehr ums reine ficken, sondern um "The One" zu finden. Seine Phase wo er regelmäßig Mädels abgeschleppt hat, hatte er von 15-18y.

Naja wir streiten recht viel über das Thema PU, inwieweit es zum Erfolg führt. Denn für ihn ist Erfolg nicht, mit x Anzahl Mädels zu schlafen, sondern das beste Mädl möglich zu kriegen.

Er hat agreed dass ich das Thema mal bei PU-leuten diskutieren kann. Auch wenn wahrscheinlich hier recht einseitige Meinungen kommen werden (was die ersten Kommentare indikieren).

Meine Kritik an dem Thema wäre, dass es alles Ego-based ist (nach Eckhart Tolle, Freud/Jung). Status etc. besänftigt nur das Ego gibt dir ne gewisse Anerkennung die IMO auch noch nicht mal eine gute Form von Anerkennung wäre.

Auf Deutsch gibts halt den Text nicht, da er kein Deutscher ist. Sorry dafür. Und ich bin zu faul ihn genaustens zu übersetzen.

bearbeitet von TroyMaster

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Was mit dem Text u.A. probiert wird zu sagen ist, dass Fortpflanzung wichtiger ist als alles andere.

Wichtig wofür? :-D

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Haha, Grundsätze einer neuen teleologischen Ethik.

H&M hat das schon richtig erkannt. Frauen nehmen nur eine eudämonistische Stellvertreterrolle in dem System ein. Das Ziel gibst du dir selber vor, und wenn es Frauen sind, bzw. Sex oder die Beziehung oder was auch immer du mit denen anstellst, dann ist das deine Vorstellung, ich würds mir nicht so leicht machen, aber jeder hat mal klein angefangen.

Tolle und freud sind übrigens keine Philosophischen Leitfiguren, Platons Kardinaltugenden sind da schon eher die richtige Lektüre. Danach die Nikomachische Ethik und du ahst eigentlich eine gesunde Grundlage.

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Letztendlich führt die Diskusion dazu es zu akzeptieren mehrere Realitäten welche sich wiedersprechen gleichzeitig

in seinem Denken zu akzeptieren.

Evolutionsbiologische Erkenntnisse vs. Methaphsik / Esotherik / etc.

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