meeting with onities after 6 months

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Guys, I want to know your opinion.

In a couple of days I will after a half year meet my onities, we (group of poeple) are going out play bowling. She will ne there with her boyfriend (theyre a couple for 7-8 months and he isa total AFC)

I want to show her that she did a mistake, if she is with him. Any advices?

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Gast Bismarck
Guys, I want to know your opinion.

In a couple of days I will after a half year meet my onities, we (group of poeple) are going out play bowling. She will ne there with her boyfriend (theyre a couple for 7-8 months and he isa total AFC)

I want to show her that she did a mistake, if she is with him. Any advices?

Impress her by not trying to impress her.

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