Angels and Angels, FR: Munich Daytime and Nightime Sarging

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Well here it is,

Field Report #1

Location: Downtown Munich, 8Seasons

PUA: Metro

First why I am writing this in English is the fact that all of my English speaking friends want the scoop as well;-)

So here it comes,….very detailed so if you are not willing to read, don’t waste your time!!!

So I started of close to 1 right after work. Went to the local H&M and got myself a pimpin hat and some new rings. So now I am peacocked with 4 rings total.

Other then that I was wearing black slim Jeans, BikerBoots over my Jeans, a white button down shirt with silver cough lings, a black vest, black slim tie, my new hat, Diesel Sunglasses and rings.

So I started sarging at the Viktualienmarkt, and let me tell you that much for those who didn’t end up showing up, it was wild and crazy. Lots of heavily peacocked women in crazy outfits willing to get down to business.

First set let me call them HBSpain and HBRomania (7.5; 8.0) tried to pass me and whenever I they were taking a step to the left I stepped to the left and so on;-) Opened them with something like

Metro: Hey I didn’t come here for dancing, that was planned for tonight!

Got into talking with them and fluffed for a bit. Found out that the one was from Spain and the other one from Romania. Qualified myself when talking to HBSpain in Spanish.

The Problem with this set was that I didn’t have a wing around to take care of the obstacle so I just gamed them both in the same amount. Did my Rockstar Routine with HBRomania who was by the way wearing a really cute short short skirt. Convo went something like this…

Metro: you are pretty cute but I will make you a Rockstar.

HB: oh ok so what’s wrong with my outfit?

Metro: I am gonna make you a Rockstar

HB: Ok

So I opened her jacket played with her shirt and sunglasses and changed her hairstyle a bit.

Metro: Ok so now you are a Rockstar

She changed her hair instantly back to what it was.

Metro: Wowowo what are you doing I told you you need to be a rockstar to be with me

Changed her hair again. She didn’t mind this time.

Metro: well now you are a Rocktar, you are allowed to stand next to me now!

She giggled and punshed me in the stomach. I teased her back and the game was on.

Number closed her right afterwards and they asked me to go to the P1 later on that night. I didn’t like the idea and escaped from the set to open the next one.

Went over to one of my buddies, got a couple free drinks and chatted up one of his coworkers for social proof.

Went into a couple more sets but nothing worth talking about. I opened this 5 set which was apparently friends with a buddy of mine (found that out later on) and they invited me to go to the 8Seasons with them. Since I had planned that anyway I bounced with them after talking for like an half an hour.

Arrived at the 8Seasons. Checked in my 2 of my buddies who work there for social proof and a table later on and went downstairs in this other club. Walked over the dance floor and high fived almost every guy standing around. Got a lot of attention and social proof and saw my first target. Gorgeous angel with huge white wings and a great smile. We will call her HBAngel for now (HB 8.9-9).

She basically opened me and we flirted for a bit. DHV’ed myself by talking about travelling, which she loves and told her one of my stories from the US where is lived for over a year. She loved em all and you could see the attraction build. We talked about some topic which I don’t remember right now but it was something were I had to get back to her and tell her how it went. So I told her that I couldn’t even call her and she asked for my number.

Metro: Well my number is like one of the best kept secrets. Only special people get that one and you haven’t qualified yourself enough to be in that list.

HBAngel: Well my number is really special as well and you will not get mine either just yet. But lets go someplace else where we can talk for a bit.

Metro: Ok but only if you promise not to kidnap me

Takes my hand and leads me out of the room. I tell her that we could get a table upstairs and she says something like that it is really hard to get a table in here. Well not for me;-)

We arrive upstairs and I ask my buddy for a table which he gets us right away and I also order a bottle of champagne. She loves all of it and tells me that no one has ever impressed her that much. I shrug and leave it at that. At this point of sitting down she is already giving me heavy kino by touching my hands and arms and body. I build more social proof by talking to 2 of my buddies who work there and invite them to a glass of champagne.

We talk about everything and there is just so much we have in common. I build comfort instantly and she asks me if I have a boyfriend. I try to kiss her instead and she answers with well not on the first date. Still kiss her later on. I tell her that I don’t have a girlfriend and what’s her status. She tells me she has a boyfriend and drops the drama right away. Doesn’t want me to ask her about it and tells me that she is breaking up with him anyways. I answer with something like well he is probably not as interesting as I am anyway. She agrees.

She needs to get back to her buddies but gives me her number first and I put mine in her phone as well.

I let her get back to her friends but not before a heavy make out in one of the hallways.

I go back upstairs, dance for a bit and get automatically opened by a HB7.5 let us call her HBKinky for now. She grabs my ass I tell her hands of the merchandise and it is on. After dancing with her for 5 minutes she asks if my girlfriend minds? I answer by telling her “which one?” She keeps dancing and after a couple more minutes just stops and walks away. I am like standing there in shock but opened another 3 set right away to not let this get to me. HBKinky comes back and tells me that she is getting too turned on by dancing with me.:rolleyes: Starts dancing with me again.:blink: And there comes my second angel. This time black wings, mini skirt and everything in black. I guess I was the angel magnet that night. Did I mention that HBKinky wore wings as well?:lol:

HBBlackAngel (8) grabs my ass why I was still dancing with HBKinky. I take her hand of it and tell her to leave;-) God do I love to play this game.

She tries to chat me up and I deliver her one of mysteries lines beautifully.

Metro: Well you are a pretty cute girl and if I wasn’t gay I would so take you home tonight.

HBBlackAngel: You are not gay! Prove it to me.

Metro: Well that is like the worst pickup line I have heard in a while. You are just trying to get me to kiss you!

HBBlackAngel: Blahbah bah blah and more blahblah,….- wasn’t even listening anymore;-)

Atfterwards she comes right back to me starts dancing and makes out with me heavily. This is why I love this game so much. You just know that when you push em away they will come right back to you. Oh and just for the record at that point I neither knew her name or her phone number!

Everything else that happened that night in the club is not worth the talk.

But when I stepped outside to get my tired ass home I saw HBAngel and a friend walking down that street. She asks me to go for drinks with her and I agree. We agree on Sprite at McDonalds talk for more and I build even more comfort.

I just called her today and set up a date for Monday -- going home this weekend!

Another night of incredible sarging!

Questions, comments or dislikes are greatly appreciated!!!

Cheers fellows,…keep on sarging!!!


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