alpha as fuck

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Vor kurzem in meinem Lieblingsforum,...

-Go to upscale bar/club dressed like a fucking badass

-as soon as i walk in the door pussies become wet and boners rise

-Get complimented by 3 girls and 2 guys

-Drunk chick cant keep her hands off me

-take drunk chick to friends house

-fuck chick and throw up

-she comforts me and tells me its ok

-fuck her again and lick her pussy and asshole

-quietly leave and take off in the morning

-calls me a minute later

-dont answer

-Alpha as fuck


We are not worthy. :worship:

But throwing up after sex indicates you may not be tall enough for this ride. :sly:

Yes, i took this pic as soon as i woke up. She was a hot little broad, short skirt and red lace panties. Good lay.



Fortsetzung hier

Wahrscheinlich das lustigste was ich so diesen Monat lesen durfte!

No dude your way off. Alpha is when bitches come after you, its when you can go to any club and pick up a hot broad and fuck her. Alpha is having bitches being all over your jock and you dont give a shit about them cuz your alpha and its their job to impress you. Alpha is when you make other guys jealous(like ya'll are right now) and kick their fucking ass if they look at your crooked. Alpha is treating bitches like shit cuz when your alpha they will still come for more regardless. that my friend is alpha as fuck.
bearbeitet von Solutas

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Der Mann auf den Fotos ist hässlich finde ich.

Und ich muss es ja wissen.

1. Komme ich aus Düsseldorf.

2. Bin ich schwul. (naja ok nicht wirklich aber was solls...)

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Ich wette, es war sein erstes mal. ( Auf seinem eigenen Abiball mit 4 Promille ) :diablo:

Der hier ist auch nicht schlecht

So I met this chick, she was by far the prettiest girl I have met this month and in person things were swell. I mean I started fliting with her and she flirted back and she ended up telling me I was going to have to chase her for like 3 months because she wanted to see if I was really interested, I said okay and I pretty much left. So I sent her a message the first day and this is practically how it went. (I met her this past Friday)


Boy:So how long will I have to chase you before I can take you to dinner?

Girl: we will see

Boy: well I hope that I dont have to wait three months before I take you out to dinner...but if I have to I will

Girl: awwwww


Boy: (6 hours later) what are you up to tonight?

Girl: no response


Boy: have a nice day at work

Girl: thank you

Boy: how was your day sweetheart?

Girl:no response

Sunday: I did not text her nor did she text me


Boy: Hope you have a great day

Girl: no response

Boy ten hours later) so is this whole ignoring my messages part of the me chasing you part, not that I mind being ignored and all, I just dont want to bother you

Boy: and I did not say that to be rude in any way, I just dont want to bother you

Girl:no reply

So clearly, I came on too strong and I guess I turned her off.

:-D " so is this whole ignoring my messages part of the me chasing you part, not that I mind being ignored and all, I just dont want to bother you" göttlich

bearbeitet von kenyo

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