FitSteve Diary

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So far I had 2 Conversations:

Moday: Talked with a woman I don't know while waiting for a course to begin. She was not very responsive at the beginning but I stayed beside her and after one minute she started talking to me. Soon two other stangers joined the conversation. The period was 3-5 minutes.

Wednesday: Talked to a guy in the Fitness changing room about his boxing carreer. Conversation lasted 5 minutes.

I am still sying Hi from week 1 whenever I can.

My plan is to approach women with an English opener to be abit original. I will see if I can manage 8 Conversations this way.

bearbeitet von Stephan zeitschel

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Hi Steve,

Ich wuerde dir anraten, die Gespraeche ausserhalb des Fitness-Studios zu fuehren. Ich weiss, das das Studio schon zu deiner Komfort-Zone gehoert, aber der Nutzen der Aufgaben ist umso hoeher, je staerker du dich selbst ueberwinden musst.

Es ist meist so, dass du bei den Sets erstmal den Hook-Point ueberwinden musst, bevor sich die Leute wirklich am Gespraech beteiligen, aber wenn du darueber hinaus bist, musst du sie fast schon bremsen.

Wie bereits gesagt, sollte du mal versuchen Sets auf Englisch zu machen, ist sicher ne interessante Erfahrung (Hab ich mir auch fuer die Zukunft vorgenommen).


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Hi Steve,

Ich wuerde dir anraten, die Gespraeche ausserhalb des Fitness-Studios zu fuehren. Ich weiss, das das Studio schon zu deiner Komfort-Zone gehoert, aber der Nutzen der Aufgaben ist umso hoeher, je staerker du dich selbst ueberwinden musst.

Es ist meist so, dass du bei den Sets erstmal den Hook-Point ueberwinden musst, bevor sich die Leute wirklich am Gespraech beteiligen, aber wenn du darueber hinaus bist, musst du sie fast schon bremsen.

Wie bereits gesagt, sollte du mal versuchen Sets auf Englisch zu machen, ist sicher ne interessante Erfahrung (Hab ich mir auch fuer die Zukunft vorgenommen).


Very good point,

Today I opened 3 sets in english outside of fitness studio with mani. He did 3 also.

English works wunders! You have to try it.

Women are strugelling to reply and search for words and it seems like I am above them and ahead of them all the time. I did twice kino by touching the shoulder and shaking the hand. It felt really really good and I had alot of fun. I will play with this further.

I want to continue on this line and try to reach the hook point. I will go with mani next weekend and try to srag in a club.

Mani is comming along very well. I felt he is very relaxed and open with his sets. I think he has alot of potential.

My next opener will be thaeter topics and cultural activities in general. I will only open sets with women.

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did 1 set yestrday and 3 today. mani did 4 sets.

one set was really intersting the woman stuck really close to me and started kinoing me when i asked about the disco. Shit I can actually be attractive.

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Another pair of HBs yesterday at about 1 after midnight.

Was not too special though this time and was not easy to change the topic away from the informational opener in english. They had low energy.

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Today I opened 5 sets of HBs. Each set was either 2 or 3.

Of those 5 sets I managed to hold a conversation over 2 miutes with two of these sets.

My opener was again english and the topic was I am grounding a theatre group in English in Kiel.

The topic was pritty shitty as most of the sets could not care less about theatre. I was hoping to diverge the conversation but it did not work so well. One set of two HBs was quite engaged because they speak english themselves.

My approcah anxeity is gradually dissapearing and HBs don't really make that much difference.

I will continue this again and again.

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