Testosteron steigern ohne Pillen!!!

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Hab heute morgen eine Email von Bobby Rio bekommen.

Mich hat das schonmal wirklich interessiert.

wer eine Übersetzung braucht, kopiert das in den Übersetzer von Google, hab gerade keine Zeit.

PS. ignoriert bitte die Werbung, ich hab mir das nicht gekauft was auf der Seite steht und weiß nicht ob das dort keine Verarsche ist.

jedenfalls stimmen die tipps ;)

There seems to be a huge fascination with guys

taking steroids lately. Obviously the major reason

being that the increase in testosterone most

anabolic steroids produce causes extraordinary

gains in muscle mass. In addition to the gains in

muscle mass many guys become addicted to the

adrenaline rush of having excess testosterone

flowing through their veins.

To put it bluntly; Taking steroids is a coward's

way out that leads nowhere fast. I've seen many of

my friends succumb to the lure of steroids. While

they would tell themselves it was going to be only

one time... soon they became reliant on them and

were doing cycle after cycle.

Not only are steroids an expensive habit, the side

effects can be brutal in the short term... and

deadly in the long term.

This is not to say that your body couldn't benefit

from extra testosterone. Testosterone is the most

important muscle building hormone in your body,

and even a slight increase in its level will

provide many amazing benefits.

Benefits of increased testosterone'

Increase in strength and muscle size

Body fat decrease

Increased sex drive and endurance

More energized and motivated

Decrease in bad cholesterol

Makes you more attractive to women

Increasing testosterone can be a huge benefit to

you. Instead of cheating and doing it the

artificial way that will drain your wallet and

health; I'm going to give you tips to naturally

increase your testosterone.

Here's the biology behind testosterone:

First, the brain releases a substance called

Luteinizing Hormone, or "LH" for short. LH

basically "tells" the body to start producing

testosterone. Once this occurs, the adrenal glands

release DHEA into the bloodstream. LH and DHEA

then travel together to the testes where

testosterone production begins. Testosterone can

now be released into the bloodstream to perform

its magic.

1. Fill your work out with compound exercises.

Exercises that put your muscles under the most

amount of stress will force your body to produce

more testosterone. These exercises include squats,

dead lifts, bench presses, dips, lunges, and

military presses.

2. Push yourself 110% at the gym.

True gains in muscle and testosterone come when you push

yourself to the limit at the gym.

>>>Tactfit Commando is a workout plan formulated to get you

a body that women admire. It will get you looking like a

Greek God... and pump you full of testosterone


3. Increase consumption of Essential Fatty Acids.

The EFAs found in peanuts, avocadoes, fish,

olives, flaxseed, and canola are a proven natural

way to boost testosterone.

4. Reduce Estrogen levels. Reducing the levels z

of estrogen (the main female hormone) will greatly

increase your testosterone. You can reduce

estrogen by eating more cruciferous vegetables

like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, radishes, and

turnips. You can also reduce estrogen by limiting

the amount of soy protein you take in. Soy has

been known to raise estrogen levels which

decreases testosterone levels.

5. Limit Cortisol production. Cortisol is a

catabolic hormone that will cause testosterone to

plummet. Cortisol is produced during times of high

stress or anxiety. It is also produced during

times of lack of sleep.

6. Eliminate Binge Drinking. Excessive alcohol

consumption can drastically reduce testosterone

levels. It is best to keep your drinking to a

minimum and try not to exceed more than three

drinks in a night.

7. Have more sex. Sexual stimulation causes the

body to increase the production of oxytocin which

increases endorphin production (the "feel-good"

chemical), and this also raises testosterone.

If you follow these 7 steps you can avoid having

to resort to sticking needles in your ass a couple

days a week.

If you combine this with the complete Tactfit Commando

program, you will be rocking a superstar body in no time.


Take Care,


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Kriegst trotzdem per defintion keine supraphysiologischen Dosen damit hin. Nur kann manches dich auf dein "normales" Level bringen.

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Oder etwas höher.

Aber um einen Vergleichswert zu geben :

Ein hoher Standardwert für Testo sind 8ng/ml. Das entspricht bei 5 Litern Blut ca 0,04mg im gesamten Körper.

Der durchschnittliche Verbrauch eines Profibodybuilders entspricht ca 42mg an Steroidderivaten intravenös täglich.

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Ein hoher Standardwert für Testo sind 8ng/ml. Das entspricht bei 5 Litern Blut ca 0,04mg im gesamten Körper.

Das ist aber jetzt ein etwas irritierender Vergleich für einen Leien, weil die Hoden ja schon zw. 4 und 9 mg Testosteron tägl. produzieren ;-)

Ich habe allerdings nen Tick mehr in den Adern ;-)

bearbeitet von Anadrol

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Ein hoher Standardwert für Testo sind 8ng/ml. Das entspricht bei 5 Litern Blut ca 0,04mg im gesamten Körper.

Das ist aber jetzt ein etwas irritierender Vergleich für einen Leien, weil die Hoden ja schon zw. 4 und 9 mg Testosteron tägl. produzieren ;-)

Ich habe allerdings nen Tick mehr in den Adern :-p

Eher 2-6mg ;)

Determination of Testosterone Production Rates in Men and Women Using Stable Isotope/Dilution and Mass Spectrometry

Zitat :

In accordance with results obtained by others using radioactive tracers, estimated production rates were 147 ± 31 µg/h (3.7 ± 2.2 mg/day in men) and 1.8 ± 0.6 µg/h (0.4 ± 0.1 mg/day in women).

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