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Bin ich wirklich der einzige aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, der sich mit der Thematik hier befasst oder gibts auch noch andere?

Und ja, ich habe ebend grad schon die Suchfunktion genutzt...Bei raus gekommen is aber herzlich wenig...

Bewohner dieses Bundeslandes vereinigt euch :D

Resonanz per PN oder hier im Thread würde ich sehr begrüßen :lol:

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Mehr finden sich hier net? Kann ich mir ja irgendwie gar net vor stellen...Haben nur wir den Stein der Weisen gefunden? :D

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Moin! :-D

hier ein weiterer MVler!! xD

Bin die Woche aber im Westen tätig, und nur am WE in MV...

Bin dann ca. 30min östlich von SN zu hause^^

tschöö! :hi:

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Komm aus Neustrelitz,

Geh aber auch in Neubrandenburg sargen!

Jeder aus dieser Region kann sich bei mir melden!

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Achja, alle die in Rostock wohnen und Lust auf sargen haben, bitte in diesem Thread melden:

Es existiert zwar kein Lair aber es haben sich schon einige (angehende) PUA's getroffen!

Grüße LifeChange

P.S.: Hallo J.D., zufällig komme ich ursprünglich aus Neubrandenburg und bin da ab und zu (Wochenende). Also wenn Du Lust auf Schlachthof hast, bzw. streetsargen, dann meld Dich bitte mal bei mir (PM). Ich hätt auch mal wieder Lust zum Difa zu fahren.....

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Und wo treibt ihr euch so rum?

Ps. Ich komm aus Rostock...

Heeey, Was geht denn so??

Ich komm auch aus Rostock und bin unglücklicherweise erst vor kurzem auf dieses Forum gestoßen aber finds echt sau cool und wollt ma fragen ob du oder irgendwer ma bock auf ne runde sargen in HRO hat bei dem wir vielleicht alle was lernen können!!! Bin seit letztem Jahr im september dabei hab The game von neil strauss und total viele andere sachen gelesen und hatte seitdem fast jeden monat ne neue freundin und arbeite mich dazu hin jede woche mindestens 10 sets zu öffnen!!

Yo, meldetet euch doch ma wenn ihr aus rostock kommt und bock auf ne runde sargen habt

MFG Slide :-D

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Bin auch aus Meck-Pomm sagt mal gibts i-was neues in Richtung Lair in MV??

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Even those who argue that morality should play a large role in statecraft acknowledge that international politics is not like domestic politics. In the latter, there is government; in the former, there is none. As a consequence, no agency exists above the individual states with authority and power to make laws and settle disputes. States can make commitments and treaties, wow power leveling,but no sovereign power ensures compliance and punishes deviations. This the absence of a supreme power-is what is meant by the anarchic environment of international polities. Anarchy is therefore said to constitute a state of war: when all else fails, force is the ultima ratio--the final and legitimate arbiter of disputes among states.

The state of war does not mean that every nation is constantly at the brink of war or actually at war with other nations. Most countries, wow gold,though, do feel threatened by some states at some time, and every state has experienced periods of intense insecurity. No two contiguous states, moreover, have had a history of close, friendly relations uninterrupted by severe tension if not outright war. Because a nation cannot look to a supreme body to enforce laws, nor count on other nations for constant aid and support, it must rely on its own efforts, particularly for defense against attack. Coexistence in an anarchic environment thus requires self-help. The psychological outlook that self-help breeds is best described by a saying common among British statesmen since Palmerston: "Great Britain has no permanent enemies or permanent friends, she has only permanent interests."

Although states must provide the wherewithal to achieve their own ends, they do not always reach their foreign policy goals. The goals may be grandiose; wow gold,the means available, meager. The goals may be attainable; the means selected, inappropriate. But even if the goals are realistic and the means both available and appropriate, a state can be frustrated in pursuit of its ends. The reason is simple, but fundamental to an understanding of international polities: wow gold,what one state does will inevitably impinge on some other states--on some beneficially, but on others adversely. What one state desires another may covet. What one thinks its just due another may find threatening. Steps that a state takes to achieve its goals may be rendered useless by the counter steps others take. No state, therefore, can afford to disregard the effects its actions will have on other nations' behavior. In this sense state behavior is contingent: wow gold,what one state does is dependent in part upon what others do. Mutual dependence means that each must take the others into account.

Mutual dependence affects nothing more powerfully than it does security-the measures states take to protect their gold, Like other foreign-policy goals, the security of one state is contingent upon the behavior of other states. Herein lies the security dilemma to which each state is subject: In its efforts to preserve or enhance its own security,WOW power leveling,one state can take measures that decrease the security of other states and cause them to take countermeasures that neutralize the actions of the first state and that may even menace it. The first state may feel impelled to take additional actions that will provoke additional countermeasures.., and so gold, The security dilemma means that an action-reaction spiral can occur between two states or among several of them so that each is forced to spend ever larger sums on arms and be no more secure than before. All will run faster merely to stay where they were.

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Salem :)

ich bin übrigens aus Waren (Müritz)

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Bin auch in der Gegend. Wohne in Rostock um genau zu sein. Langweile mich hier zu Tode und muss dringend mal wieder was unternehmen.

Gebt Bescheid wenn ihr mal wieder um die Häuser ziehen wollt.

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