Lustiges SMS Game (englisch)

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Lasst euch von der Sprache nicht ablenken, ich game eben international 8) Wollt am Freitag mal nen neuen Opener ausprobieren, was dann eventuell zum FC geführt hätte. Könnt ja selber lesen, aber hörte sich für mich nach ner Einladung zu ihr nach Hause an. Fand die HB aber nicht heiss genug, und wollt auch eigentlich nur nem Kumpel die Chance geben sich an ihre Freundin ranzumachen. Guter Wing eben. Jetzt aber los...

Hab HB mit einem Finger zu mir her gewunken und dann gemeint: "I just made you come with one finger, now imagine what I can do with three." Kann mich nicht mehr erinnern was im Midgame genau lief, nur dass sie meinte sie wär betrunken und dass sie unbedingt meine Nummer haben wollte. Hab dann noch ein paar Stunden in nem anderen Club weitergemacht, und später von zu Hause gesmst.

Keks: Haha, you were really drunk tonight :P

HB: Lol yea I'm sorry about that! I'm really glad to have met you... you seem pretty awesome!

Keks: I am! And you entertained well, though I'll accept a sincere apology for your inebriation in the morning ;)

HB: Haha well since you're so awesome we definitely have to catch up tomorrow... lookin forward to it!

Keks: Hit me up, I'll be stirring trouble somewhere...

HB: Sounds good! Trouble maker huh? Kinda cute!

Keks: I try to be good, but somehow end up causing debauchery... Glad someone's forgiving to a troubled kid :P

HB: Haha good news... you've met the one person who will set a good example for you! (minus the whole being drunk part). Not gonna lie though, I'm pretty interested in finding out what kind of trouble you get into ;)

Keks: Please, show me the righteous path, and I may confess some of my prior sins...

HB: You MAY confess prior sins? Pretty sure I could make you confess them all love

Keks: Doesn't that sound promising? Reeks of salvation :P

HB: It does! Looks like you chose the right bar to pick up a drunk girl in tonight!

Am nächsten Tag ging's dann weiter...

Keks: So how about those confessions... Or should I wail til the Lord's day?

HB: Good things come to those who wait, right? ;)

Keks: You tell me... But I'll get in trouble again tonight, so we'd have to do-over on Sunday anyway. Maybe you can keep an eye on me this evening ;)

HB: Possibly! What are your plans?

Keks: I have the kids this weekend, so I'll be out with the boys. Probably starting at XYZ.

HB: Sweet! How many kids do you have?

Keks: Honestly, I've lost count. I think one of them is having a sleepover, so should be a few. Of course I understand if that's too much parenting for you :P

HB: Well I have six, so hopefully they'll get along

Keks: Mine are well behaved, they don't follow my example...

HB: Lol mine are wild for sure... but very cute. Two of them kinda have issues with biting

Keks: That's actually kind of hot ;)

HB: Lol I'm totally kidding though. But one day maybe two of my kids will actually have an issue with biting.

HB: So... sad news. My friends and I were gonna go out tonight and were thinking about XYZ area BUT I can't find my ID. :(

Keks: Party's happening without you, although that's not to say you're fungible

HB: Haha of course I'm not! I'm exhausted from last night though so a night in is sounding pretty good right now.

Keks: Now that sounds like middle aged mom talk...

HB: I know, right! This is rare for me. This is great though, I'm so comfortable and the rommates are out so I'm totally loving it... don't be jealous

Hab ihr dann noch beigebracht, dass ich lieber weggeh, und meine Aufmerksamkeit anderen HBs gewidmet.

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