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Gast Yeezyzz

Toll, Libera! Zuerst postet du ein Video, das man auf den beiden letzten Seiten mehrmals finden konnte, dann gibst du noch einen dummen und unnötigen Kommentar zu einer verstorbenen Person ab.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch, du hast uns alle einen Schritt nach vorne gebracht damit!

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Hoffentlich hattet ihr es hier noch nicht:

Absolute Monster die Jungs in dem Video, und Musik by Rob Bailey. Hab mir extra sein Album gekauft, absolut geile workout music.

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„Ich bin mit all meinen Sinnen angepasst an die Umgebung, die mich zurückhalten sollte. Jeden meiner Schritte vorsichtig gesetzt, jedes Überwinden eines Hindernisses eine fließende Bewegung, die keine Spuren hinterlässt. Alles, was ich sehe, ist mein nächstes Hindernis, während ich einen Weg bahne, der eigentlich Umwege bedeuten würde. Mühelos treiben mich meine Arme und Beine in einzigartigem Einklang weiter an und ich weiß, dass ich mein ganzes Leben lang hierfür bestimmt war.“

Daniel Arroyo über seine Leidenschaft Parkour



bearbeitet von Kommtnoch

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Martin via F-Book:

How much time and energy do you really need to spend to build and maintain a great body? My thoughts:

For fat loss there is *never* any benefit to weight train more than 3x/week. To the contrary in fact. This is a Hard Rule of mine. That means it's an absolute statement, true for anyone regardless of weight training experience.

Seeing that I've helped several natural physique competitors to top 3 or gold with 3x/week low volume workouts, with strength gains all the way up 'till 2 weeks, you can bet your balls I know what I'm talking about here.

In contest prep, doing too much is the single greatest and most common mistake by everyone from first-timers to pros. Period. That's why you see all these roided up bros still getting weak as shit and dropping muscle on their prep, in spite of the stuff they're taking.

Muscle loss on roids seems like a feat in itself, but to me it's hardly surprising when you combine a zero-carb low-calorie diet, 2 hrs+ on the treadmill each morning & high-volume weights in the evening, overall dumbassery, single digit bf %, and a buttload of T3 (the last one's almost the best part, since T3 *selectively* increases LBM loss under these circumstances, but I guess their drug gurus don't care about phony "studies").

The "extra time" fallacy is unfortunately a very common one; "I got all this free time now, so what do you guys think about this 6x/week-twice-daily-routine?" Been there, done that.

It falls into the same category of superstitions people have about what it takes to be ripped and muscular. Can't count the times people have asked me whether I work out 5-6x/week ("I bet you work out like almost every day and take protein, amirite?"), as if that was a given.

On a similar note, can't count the times @pecman45637 or @paleopete837 have asked me how much cardio I do to stay lean (none) or what type they should do to get lean.

The point is this: dare to be fucking lazy with your training and diet, and don't fall into trap of thinking that getting a great physique is some huge and time consuming commitment. What it's all about is

A) Consistency. Lao Tzu said 'the flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long', but when it comes to this game of strength and aesthetics, twice as strong burns a month or two tops. Maybe 12 weeks if you're stepping on stage.

Then comes the inevitable backlash; the binge, the injury, the 20 lbs off your bench due to your crazy zero-carb diet (...and the week-long 'refeed' (AKA binge) you rationalized afterwards, and repeat).

B) Do the work when it counts and put your heart into it. People find it hard to believe I got to where I'm at on an average of 2-3 days in the gym. But still to this day, I've *never* seen anyone train harder than me. Hand on heart, no one. I'm not really lazy, I'm smart and time-efficient, and so should you be.

C) Got "extra time"? Spend that on something sensible or fun. Not more cardio/weights. Read books, expand your mind. Play some Shadow Era. Watch Breaking Bad. Get drunk and talk shit with your buddies all night.

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inb4 roids

Auf jeden Fall ein geiler Körper, vor allem für einen 60 jährigen.

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Auf jeden Fall zum Joggen Musik von U2!!!!!Flasht mich enorm, besonders das Album Pop.

bearbeitet von langläufer

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Good morning, friend, and get outta bed,

Run 'round the block, you've got fat to shed.

Push that iron and lift that steel,

Who you are is how you feel.

Exercise is life's surprise,

Within its hold longevity lies.

We're not to say, „Some other time,“

To procrastinate is a sad human crime.

Consider the loss in vitality and desire,

As the body fails and systems misfire.

Sets times reps with focus and pace,

Intensity with sweat should you embrace.

This isn't a hardship, a pain to resist,

It's the thing of life upon which we subsist,

No nuisance is this, no curse to retire,

It's a thing of life upon which we aspire.

Give up the couch some time each week,

Walk, run, lift weights these goals to seek.

You're not alone and need not despair,

The fun's ahead and the game is a dare.


Dave Draper Brother Iron, Sister Steel

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