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Wir hatten ihn ja schon mal hier drin. Interessante Karriere bisher

:blink: bei Olympia hat er dann 233 geschafft. :good:

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Und nun will er's allen zeigen und als Vegetarier Olympia gewinnen.

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Und lasst die "He skipped leg day" comments....die sind Asbach!

Er hat auf jeden Fall nicht die Harzer-Challenge geskipped

Hast Du das aus Deiner "verlässlichen Quelle"? Naja, Batman, der Beschützer der Entrechteten aka Royal Dutch, ist wieder in geheimer Mission...Bruce Wayne?

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Mir ist grad nochmal bewusst geworden das Brad Gillingham mit Hookgrip zieht.

Einfach krank.

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Und jetzt hören wir auf, Pussies zu sein und bewegen wieder Gewichte durch die Gegend. In dem Sinne


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Und jetzt hören wir auf, Pussies zu sein und essen Harzer. In dem Sinne



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Ross Enamait zum Thema, early gains der Beginner und hohe Erwartungen wenn man anfängt zu trainieren. Am Anfang gained man ohne Ende aber nach einer Weile erreicht man ein Plateau.

.....Perhaps I am in the minority, but I do not consider it discouraging to uncover the truth. Isn’t that what we are after? Beginners should never be fooled to believe that dramatic results are a few weeks away. Yes, they will make early gains, but let’s be realistic when discussing the extent of those gains.

Isn’t it more discouraging to start with unrealistic expectations and then find out otherwise as the weeks and months pass? If the fitness industry ever wishes to legitimize itself, the first step is to eliminate the deceptive marketing campaigns. You will be hard pressed to find any other industry with such a misleading marketing style. A used car salesmen won’t tell you that his vehicles can fly, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see a nutritional supplement that promises human levitation.

In summary, I encourage you to defy the odds. Don’t train to be average. Strive to reach levels that go beyond what is realistic, but don’t be discouraged if it takes longer than expected. Significant results take time. There are no shortcuts. Training shouldn’t be viewed as a sprint. It is a continuous journey with many potholes along the way. There is no reason to panic and assume something is wrong just because you’ve hit an obstacle or temporarily stalled. The best of the best have bad days and hit sticking points that can be physically and mentally taxing. It’s all part of the process. If it was easy, everyone would do it.

Rather than pretending that there isn’t a challenge ahead, let’s prepare for it each and every day. When the time comes that you hit an obstacle, you will be better prepared if you knew it was coming. And when that sticking point rears its ugly head, realize that it will not stand up to the test of time. That is when patience and consistency truly come into play. If you stay on track and continue to grind, the obstacle will eventually fall. You just can’t lose focus and start hopping from one program to the next. Be patient. Be diligent. Learn to embrace the grind. Welcome it. Get comfortable with the uncomfortable.

That is how real results are earned.

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Sind das lowbar Beugen? Sieht so aus...

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Sind das lowbar Beugen? Sieht so aus...

Das ist so HighBar wie eine Marihuana-Kneipe!

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