BETA MALE 2.0 Programm

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Introducing: The INSTANT BETA MALE 2.0 – THE PUA.

As you would know from the Beta Male 1.0 dating program, you can become a successful Beta Male in two easy steps:

Step 1: worry about what people think

Step 2: do what you think will please other people

So, for example, if you approach an attractive woman, you first work out if she wants you (Step 1).

If she is not attracted to you, you then “demonstrate qualities” of a man who you think she would be attracted to (Step 2). For example, you may say things which demonstrate social value.

Or you may give her a “sincere” compliment. But not too much (so she won’t think you’re too needy).

And so on.


Instant Beta Male Is Born!

Never mind that this ASTONISHING program never shows you how to focus on what YOU really want.

And it never shows you how to follow through with your core desires so that you can experience long term happiness and fulfillment which magnetically draw women in.

Instead, here at Beta Male Training, we have developed a highly effective step-by-step system which will allow you to live your life by a complex set of rules…

…so you can eliminate all possibility of ever being yourself ever again!

DISCLAIMER: Will only work after a few more hundred approaches.

Now, let’s go back in time for a moment.

In the Beta Male 1 series dating coaches who came before us gave you a very powerful set of rules. These included the classics:

- Be nice to her

- Buy her flowers

- Listen politely whilst she tells you all her problems

- Take her to expensive restaurants

Fast forward to present day, and with the new “Instant Beta Male 2.0 – The PUA” program, we completely flipped the script.

All those years spent listening to your mum and your mates in the playground are totally out the window. It’s time to take it to a whole other reality!

We’ve taken the techniques “the born naturals” have been using to get massive success with women, copied exactly what they do, and now we’ll get you to copy them – even if it doesn’t feel right and doesn’t make you happy.

(DISCLAIMER: In order to develop this system, we’ve simply had to ignore the fact that the way you act is a product of deeply ingrained perceptions you have about the world…

We’ve ignored the fact that there are women out there who like different things…

We’ve ignored the fact that you have your own intrinsic desires that you’re only able to fulfill and experience the long term happiness that come with that when you actually pursue them).

But we’ve decided to just get you to pretend like you’re the kind of guy who women like to be around and hope that magically, somehow, by pretending enough, you’ll change.


This limited edition program comes with many different styles, but they all contain one key ingredient: change who you are so that she likes you more.

This brand new system is based on very simple logic:

If women haven’t been attracted to the guy you’ve been pretending to be in Beta Male 1.0 series –

(that guy who follows societies rules, doesn’t step outside the mould, and who is hiding behind the rules his mum told him-

– just pretend to be a different person, follow a different set of rules (mine), step into a different mould and hide your true self behind a set of techniques and tricks!

Ignore the fact that you’ve never really been yourself long enough for women to get to know you, let alone feel attracted to you.

Ignore the fact that women desire Men who are strong enough to stand on their own two feet and do what they know to be right, and not succumb to someone else’s ideals…

…And just follow a different set of rules about how you should act around her.

How do you do this?


- Talk to her about the things that we at Beta Male Training TELL YOU to talk to women about.

- Only go after women who would rate as attractive on someone else’s scale of looks rather than the women who draw you in with their magnetic personalities. (If she’s not hot according to Maxim, then she’s not worth it).

- Only go after women that have jobs that you can use to impress your mates with – like strippers or actresses. Because as long as your mates are impressed, you’re going to be happy with her.

- Go for quantity of interactions rather than quality. Your friends will find it far more impressive when you get lots of phone numbers (despite that most of them turn out to be flakes) rather than hearing about that one special girl you met and spent the whole night getting to know on a real level.

- Have more fun than anyone else. We provide you with a strict set of guidelines that allow you to do so.

- Make fun of anyone who doesn’t know the things that you do by calling them ‘chodes’, ‘chumps’ or ‘afc’s’. This will allow you to achieve that feeling superior and power that you’ve been desperately seeking and hide from the nagging feelings of inadequacy that you experience.

- Lie about or exaggerate the things you do so that she can like you for the shallow, superficial aspects of your life rather than who you are.

And there’s more!

If you follow these complex structures that we provide you with, you’ll be able to continue the trend of hiding who you are, long into your retirement years.

You’ll guarantee that the women you bring into your life don’t actually like you for who you are and sleep with you because of the things you’ve copied from our system…

…so that if you do accidentally stop pretending and slip into the kind of guy who fulfills his own desire, rather than the desires we’ve prescribed in our manual, they’ll leave you and find someone else.

With our easy step-by-step seduction system, you’re guaranteeing that you’re going to fill your life with shallow, insecure, needy women who only like you for the surface level actions you take, instead of the powerful Masculine Man you have locked inside you.

And it’s only going to cost you a few long years of your life!

(DISCLAIMER: As we haven’t really bothered to logically analyse what we’re doing and assess all the inconsistencies, we’re still trying to iron out a few kinks in the system. These include:

- You need to change who you are so that she likes you more and yet still remain detached from the outcome.

We’re not sure how it’s possible to spend so much of your time changing who you are, just so that she’ll want to spend more time with you and yet not care whether she spends more time with you.

- The way to get maximum success with women is to be totally present with them and totally in the moment, yet you need to follow this complex set of structures in order to get her.

We’re not sure how you can follow structures that are inside your head yet remain outside your head.

- That two of the most attractive traits in a Man are happiness and fulfillment and to get them, you need to follow your desires, and yet we’re telling you to not follow your desires.

- For every rule we can give you, there are guys out there who break it and guys out there who completely contradict it and get the results with women you’re looking for.

But you must follow our rules otherwise you wont get the success you want).

But, we’re sure that we can surround this product with enough hype, and marketing sounding jargon that you wont notice these inconsistencies anyway.

So it’s time to get started -

…put your life on hold, cut off all your chode friends, throw out your entire wardrobe, and get started on the least fulfilling journey you’ll ever undertake!

And whatever you do, don’t visit the guys at The Attraction Institute.

They’re going fill your head with junk that allows you to live a happy and fulfilling life, a life that magnetically draws women in, rather than having to desperately convince them to be part of your reality.

And we all know how shit that would be!

Your Friendly Local Dating Coach.

PS. On a serious note, I’m not trying to discourage you from the PUA journey.

I’ve said a lot of things in here that point out all the inconsistencies and issues I’ve found through my journey in the community but, they’re just what I’ve found.

I can tell you these things, but until you’ve actually experienced them, they’re not going to mean anything to you.

If you feel as though you need to become a PUA and that’s gong to make you happy and fulfilled in your life, the definitely go ahead with it. In fact, commit to it fully. Don’t hold back. Make it your purpose in life.

But, if at any point in time you find that you’re not getting the happiness, fulfilment, and deep level of connection that you desire, then read through this again.

See how it feels once you’ve tried this path, and then consider having a look at this journey from another angle.

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Klasse Text! Zu der selben Erkenntnis bin ich nach einiger Zeit nach PU auch gekommen, schade nur dass ich den Text nicht früher gelesen habe. Sei einfach du selbst, fühle dich Wohl in deiner Haut und weiss was du willst.

Das kombiniert mit einem guten Umgang mit Ablehnung, einer guten Selbstreflektion, Eiern und Disziplin kann jeder einen sehr guten Umgang mit Frauen lernen.

Der Text richtet sich wohl vor allem gegen die Mystery Method, hier wird ja sehr viel "vorgespielt". Bei LDS sind noch mehr die Eigenschaften eines Attraktiven Mannes Beschrieben obwohl auch hier viel Fake it untill u make it drinn ist.

bearbeitet von California

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ey lofty kannste den text überhaupt lesen?

hast ja anscheinend schon genug probleme mit der deutschen sprache.

bekomm ich augenschmerzen bei deiner überschrift!

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Der Text ist interessant.

Ich denke allerdings nicht, dass die Mystery-Methode den guten Umgang mit Frauen und das "be yourself" ausschließt.

Jeder PUA kann selbst entscheiden, in wie weit er seine eigene Persönlichkeit zur Schau stellen möchte.

Im Idealfall trägt das "kopieren" zum eigenen Entwicklungsprozess bei.

Außerdem sprechen aus meiner Sicht folgende Dinge dagegen:

  • Die Technik ist auf einen langen Zeitraum ausgelegt
  • Ich werde nichts in eine Frau investieren ohne zu wissen, dass es sich für mich "rentiert"
  • Es wird nur Comfort aufgebaut, keine Attraction (Mein Ziel ist ein F-Close, kein "Best Friend-Close")

Einige Elemente dieser Technik sind durchaus plausibel.

Können sich jedoch auch mit der Mystery-Methode kombinieren lassen.

bearbeitet von Optimate

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Also es gibt hier zwei Möglichkeiten:

1. Ihr könnt kein Englisch.

2. Ihr versteht den Text nicht und merkt nicht dass es nicht um eine Methode geht sondern es eine kritische Sicht auf das AFC leben und auf die Wandlung zum PUA ist...

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Es geht eigentlich um die Verwandlung von einem AFC in den PUA AFC. Der erste AFC hört eben auf seine Mutter, der zweite auf Pick Up Weisheiten und legt seine Persönlichkeit ab um jeder Frau das Bild eines Playern zu vermitteln.

bearbeitet von California

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Es geht darum dass PUA in der Form wie es weitverbreitet gelehrt wird, scheiße ist.

Diese Erkenntnis ist nicht neu, in der englischsprachigen Community gibt es bereits eine wachsende Gemeinschaft innerhalb der PU-Szene die das erkannt hat und mit entsprechenden Anti-Konzepten gegensteuert.

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Das sagt der Autor doch gar nicht,

"On a serious note, I’m not trying to discourage you from the PUA journey.

I’ve said a lot of things in here that point out all the inconsistencies and issues I’ve found through my journey in the community but, they’re just what I’ve found.

I can tell you these things, but until you’ve actually experienced them, they’re not going to mean anything to you.

If you feel as though you need to become a PUA and that’s gong to make you happy and fulfilled in your life, the definitely go ahead with it. In fact, commit to it fully. Don’t hold back. Make it your purpose in life.

But, if at any point in time you find that you’re not getting the happiness, fulfilment, and deep level of connection that you desire, then read through this again.

See how it feels once you’ve tried this path, and then consider having a look at this journey from another angle."

Er sagt, dass er niemanden vom Weg zum PUA abbringen möchte, sondern nur dass man auch einen kritischen Blickwinkel darauf hat und sich am Ende fragt ist es genau das was ich will?

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  Spiritofman schrieb:
Das sagt der Autor doch gar nicht,

"On a serious note, I’m not trying to discourage you from the PUA journey.


Er sagt, dass er niemanden vom Weg zum PUA abbringen möchte, sondern nur dass man auch einen kritischen Blickwinkel darauf hat und sich am Ende fragt ist es genau das was ich will?

Da hast du natürlich Recht, das habe ich nicht richtig gelesen. Aber ich glaube er meint dass man eben das alles ausprobieren sollte damit man merkt dass PU eben nicht der Schlüssel zu dauerhaftem Glück ist. Also den gleichen Weg zu gehn wie Style in "The Game", der das ja auch am Ende einsieht.

Der Autor des Textes hat übrigens auch das eBook "Seduction Community sucks" geschrieben.

bearbeitet von lofty

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