Cassius at best

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Women love to be chased... even though they show a lot of resistance. It's great, what a game. :) Keep on going cassius.
Yeah, that keep on going thing is really hard atm....


I was invited to Jordans going away party, so I got there around 10, a couple of ppl there, starting to fill up. I talk to a random dude and ask Jordan for permission to hit on any cute girls. There was one fairly cute Chinese girl, I see her and decide to ignore her for now and continue talking to a couple of other ppl at the party. I'm sitting on a couch for two and she walks by, so into the kitchen, we make eye contact (her face wasn't that great, but a stunning body). On her way back I make a "come here" gesture with my finger and a "sit down" gesture with my other hand on the couch. She follows and sits down. Now I don't remember that much of the conversation. I covered the basic teasing her, p&p, kino a little bit and sexual conversation. Unfortunately she had this female friend with her that wouldn't leave her side. Also I didn't really know where to isolate at the house. I think we talked maybe an hour or so in total before she had to leave. I got her number and now I try to get to meet her again.

That was when I realized that my follow-up game pretty much sucks ass. It's really hard to admit, but I totally suck at this, I think out of 30 numbers I was only able to get a day 2 one time. Thats fucking frustrating... if there is any good material about this out there please let me know. Because my follow-up game sucks so bad, I kinda stopped doing day game, because I know how fucking hard it is for me to get a day 2 or do something useful with the number. Plus, I got better results out of night game so far, so I kinda wanna stick only to that right now...

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I'm still learning/racking up experience when it comes to following up wit da #'s. I've only gotten the digits 2x and one of them was a day2 (currently). Things I realized was building comfort on the phone before a day2 helps ALOT with getting the girl more comfortable with you on a day 2. The other thing was plan day2's within the month... because I forgot what this chick looked like when we went on a day2... luckily she spotted me and knew who I was hahaha.

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The one thing I'm sure is beneficial is immediate follow up text. Within a few minutes of saying good bye, send her the first text ("get home safe" or some joke about something you were talking about). Then when you call/text her later, there'll be some background to it. She'll probably see those texts again between the first night and whenever you follow up later. She'll remember you better, etc.

When you're about to head home for the night, make a point of stopping and texting all the numbers you've gotten (just don't mix them up :D )

It's worth a shot.

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Wie währs mit Deutsch? Wenn du auf Englisch posten willst, gibt es, da kannst du dich austoben.

nen Gruß


The one thing I'm sure is beneficial is immediate follow up text. Within a few minutes of saying good bye, send her the first text ("get home safe" or some joke about something you were talking about). Then when you call/text her later, there'll be some background to it. She'll probably see those texts again between the first night and whenever you follow up later. She'll remember you better, etc.

When you're about to head home for the night, make a point of stopping and texting all the numbers you've gotten (just don't mix them up :D )

It's worth a shot.

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Ich mag deinen Style, und ich mags auch dass du das alles auf englisch schreibst!

Die SMS mit der indischen Version fand ich geil, fühl dich bestohlen ;)

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Ich bin bald wieder zurueck in Deutschland, dann werden wohl hoffentlich die deutschen Berichte kommen...


Kein Thema, hab den glaub selber von irgendwem anders :P

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The last couple of days have been pretty busy for me, so I had no time writing a journal update...however, here it is. A quick side note to Halloween. It was fun, a lot of fun. I eventually got less action then I expected but who cares, I'm at a point where I don't want to put too much pressure on myself. I don't know what happened on Saturday, I opened a couple of sets but Blarney Stones music was too loud and there were too many ppl on the dance floor, I was literally not able to move. Also for some reason I was operating in chode-mode. I think it was because there were just too much hot girls. I know that sounds kinda stupid but I can't come up with another explanation. I was just too busy watching and storing all the visual input :P


GoldenGun joins me for celebrities. The place wasn't very busy when we arrived so we decided to take a little walk on Granville. As I walk by cafe Barcelona I see a girl on stage from her rear side. We got stamps for Republic and some other place and walk back to celebrities. So while walking by cafe barcelona again, I see that the stage is empty and this bartender from Republic was sitting in the front row. So we hit Celebs and eventually it's not too good, so we decide to check out Republic. And of cause, the same girl I saw just 2h earlier was working that night. So I walk up to her:

Cassius: Hey, do you have like an identical twin or something?

Hbhg: uhm no

Cassius: So it was you I saw 2h earlier at cafe Barcelona?

Hbhg: yeah

Cassius: hm, but it wasn't you performing on stage wasn't it?

Hbhg: yep

Cassius: haha yeah, are you some kind of singer or what?

Hbhg: yes, I am (at this point she bobs up and down with her feet and genuinely smiles)

Cassius: thats awesome, I'm honestly impressed right now! Sing something for me

Hbhg: haha no, the music here is to distracting and loud

Cassius: aw, doesn't matter, here, I provide the beat (make beat sounds)

Hbhg: haha no, but jeah, I saw you too, walking by earlier..

Cassius: ok, next time I see you Downtown you have to sing something for me...

Hbhg: ok :)

Cassius: ok, I have to get back to my friends...

I just wrote down the important stuff of our conversation, I talked a little bit longer to her, thats why I knew she lives Downtown. So we stay for 10 more minutes or so and it was already late, so GoldenGun tells me to just walk up to her and say “Hey, I gotta go, I have to get up early tomorrow, gotta babysit, whats your name?”. I thought sweet, thats easy enough. Eventually I ended up saying that but more like “Hey..uhm..I have to get up early tomorrow, I have to leave now...uhm...I'm babysitting..uhm..(at this point she's like “babysitting?”)...whats your name?” “Hannah” “I'm Cassius, see ya”. After that glorification of stuttering I just wanted to get out of there...


Republic was stuffed. I told GoldenGun to check for me if she's working, of cause she was. So we're in the club, dancing on the dance floor with some chicks and walking around Granville with Lust. After a while I was like, fuck, you have to do something about her. So I grab a random hot chick and ask her

Cassius: Hey, are you married?

Hbrandom: no

Cassius: Are you in love with someone?

Hbrandom: no ?!

Cassius: ok, I'm gonna need you for a couple of minutes then

Hbrandom: what why? What for?

Cassius: You're gonna be my girlfriend for the next couple of minutes

Hbradom: uhum

Cassius: here is what we're doing. Grab my hand and follow me over there. Then we stay there for a few seconds and come back here.

Hbrandom: ok, whay?

Cassius: trust me, I'll tell you later

Hbrandom: ok, but you could buy me a drink for doing that

Cassius: (I really genuinely had to laugh at what she just said) no, I know this is fun for you too

So yeah, that was basically my move on her for that night, I was walking by, leading this cute chick on my hand through the club and on our way back I greeted her with my hand and she greeted back. I have to do that a couple of more times, I'm not gonna waste my time and try do game her behind the bar. If anyone has advice or material on how to game hired guns, that would be appreciated.


Mirage. Nice! That was a good night. Me and GoldenGun approached a couple of sets, and I ended up chatting to this chick in the smoking area. Now I wouldn't say she was big...but let's just say I probably wouldn't have approached her during daygame :D. I also didn't do anything to spike her interest, we were just having a chill conversation. But then she saw me on the dance floor a couple of minutes later and started dancing with me. So in my defense, we had to leave pretty much within the next ten minutes, so I was just like fuck it, just grind with her a little bit...she was actually quiet the good dancer.

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Hired guns are fun to game. If you approached them with high energy + smile you will get IOIs. Make sure your energy is congruent with the environment, too much or little energy can throw them off. Opinion openers are best done with hired guns and make a statement why you asked her instead of her co-worker. It works like a charm.


"Hey I got a quick question to ask you"

- her reply

"I need a sexy looking dress for my friend"

- reply

"I like your style, so that's the reason why I asked you"

There are so many variations to say it.

Make sure you bring something to the table because they interact with people everyday. They treat people like numbers, so they don't give a damn who you are. In other words, have an attention grabber. You have an accent, so that's a hooking point for you.

Hired gun game is ONLY a bit different from normal game. Your task is to show that YOU are different from CLIENTS around her.

There are few main things you should show with them:

- sexual tension --- done by push and pull, c/f or w/e your attraction tools are

- takeaways

- pre-selection

- ability to walk away

Your task is to be POLARIZING to what other men around her do. The most POLARIZING tool is takeaways = they show that you are willing to walk away from her at any moment. They work because NONE, and I mean NONE of the guys are willing to walk away from her. What you do with takeaways is change the frame of the interaction with the hired gun ---- MOST ppl FIGHT for her attention, BUT when you make HER interested in your attention and you take it away she will chase.

What the problem with this style of gaming is that you SHOULD NOT overgame the hired gun - there is a point where they start to think you are REALLY not interested in them so as soon as you get a REAL IOI from them you have to be less dismissive.

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thanks guys, I will keep that in mind next time I see and talk to her...if I'm not able to talk to her I will repeat what I did and get chicks to dance with me in front of her or holding hands with me or something...that should cover the preselection issue. I don't want to talk to her if she's behind the bar tho, I kinda feel like fast escalation is crucial with her and if she's serving that's obviously not possible...


I never thought I would write this, but tonight Forum was actually good. You heard me...Forum....good. They had this fashion week after show party there and so there were a couple of cute girls. I went to the place together with Radical after getting stamps for Republic. He opened a 2 set which I joined later on and I finally remembered doing something 60 years of challenge mentioned, I was holding the girls hand until she let go of it (which was like 30 sec or so) after I introduced myself (she asked for my name). They eventually ejected and we went on to the other bar. This one chick is standing next to us and looks at us, so Radical opened her just by saying “hi” which felt somehow convenient in that situation. Wanting to build more positive momentum I just went up to her, played with her hair and complimented her on that. Now the following was funny cause she grabbed my hand and did the spinning move on herself. Me and Radical had the discussion earlier if there is something equal in getting compliance and kino on the same level like the spinning move. No need to say we didn't came up with something. But I still didn't want to do it so Radical tells the girl about our conversation and I kinda frame it as her being bad for me cause she forced me to do the spinning move at her. We come pretty close and I was testing how far I could come close to her with her being comfortable, so I moved in till our foreheads touched each other. I didn't went for the kiss tho cause I didn't find her attractive enough.

After that we chill a little bit and I get opened by this HBchinese who wants to take a picture together. She was wearing a really nice black dress and had a great figure so after they left I decided I want to re-open her. Radical wings me and starts talking to her photographer friends who takes pictures of her all the time. I went up to her and ask her whether she's just for work here or also for having fun. I think her answer was work, I'll grab her hand anyways and lead her to the dance floor where we start dancing together. She tells me shes not a good dancer because she doesn't do that a lot...which was actually true.

While we're dancing I kino her slightly and after a couple of minutes she says she's hot so I drag her outside. She has a cat tattoo above her left breast, so I ask her about that.

Cassius: why a cat? Wouldn't it make more sense to put something more meaningful up there?

Hbchinese: nah, I wanted a cat because I LOVE cats

Cassius: so, I love pancakes....should I get a pancake tattoo now?

Hbchinese: yes, if you really love them you should do that

Cassius: well I don't love them that much

Then I tell her Jeffy's female cat story and since she was a big cat fan, she was able to relate to that story.

Hbchinese: Yeah that happened to my cat too, she started making strange noises in the middle of the night and rubbing her ass against my face

Cassius: please tell me that wasn't like 2 days ago

Hbchinese: Haha no! I wash my face every day, that was two years ago

We chat a little longer and I find out that she is from Richmond. Eventually she gets cold again and so we went back inside. She tells me she's about to leave, so get her number and text her like 30 minutes after they left and Radical and I were on our way home too.

Cassius: Hey I met this chinese girl tonight, she's cute but cant you think I should call her?

Hbchinese: What do you think? If u think she's really cute, then u should call her.

Cassius: Well I dont know how i'd feel about her personal photographer following us around on a date tho...

Overall it was a fun night, I should have escalated more on that chick, we had rather a fun then a sexual vibe...still I was kinoing her and used push and pull to make sure not to get near the friend zone...

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I haven't been doing daygame for the past 3 weeks I guess, but finally today I forced myself to go out even though it was raining like shit. I met up with Leo at the Pacific Center and Geist joined us later on. Even though I only did two sets, it felt kinda good to go out again and do dg. I also tried to go more 60 years of challenge style in my sets during daygame, what basically means cut the personal space, hold on to their hand as long as possible and have sexual eye contact. I have to say the effect was quiet positive on the first set, unfortunately she was on the run cause she had to get back to work plus she had a boyfriend. Overall though her body language was positive and she definitely lit up during our conversation.

Set number two went also pretty good, at least I think it did, she is here for a couple of days and from Victoria. I used a little bit of physical push&pull and told her that we should hang out before she leaves. She said yeah we should do that so not making my old mistake again I asked her directly when its the best time for her.

HB6.5: well Friday or Thursday is good

Cassius: hm I can't do Friday so lets meet up on Thursday

HB6.5: jeah ok (smile)

Cassius: so, whats the best way to get in touch with you?

HB6.5: uhm my phone number...or facebook

Cassius: ok, phone sounds good (#c)

So I don't know what it is about me and follow up game, but she never replied to my simple txtmsg “Hey little red riding Hood” (she was wearing a red coat). Fuck that, I'm just gonna call her later, had to work the whole day.


Me and GoldenGun went to check out Celebrities but it didn't look too promising, so we flipped a coin. Three times, since GG was not capable of catching the coin. It was head all 3 times, so we went in. Fortunately we did, it was pretty good. The first set went kinda bad since all 4 girls were dogpersons and hated cats (I was taking sides for cats of cause). I opened that one chick which had a dog tattoo on her shoulder by trying to scratch it off. I didn't get the set to hook, so I ejected after 5 minutes or so.

Set number two went better. GG opened one girl standing next to the dancefloor and after a minute her friend joined. Since I didn't see her from the front I was kinda hesitating of winging him cause I wasn't sure if he's even interested in one of the girls. So after he waved me over (very discretely) I joined. Now the thing here was I kinda joined them from the wrong site, so I was talking to the better looking chick and GG was talking to her semi-ugly friend. Since almost the same happen like a week earlier, only that he got to talk to the hotter chick in that situation I kinda just let it happen :P.

After talking to her for 5 minutes (thanks for talking to that other chick that long GG) I isolated her upstairs. Unfortunately we kinda got to the topic of religion and that was obviously not the best topic to escalate...I did brush her inner tights though and did some “incidental” kino on her boobs a couple of times. Well but after 5 more minutes, her friends and her brother are showing up and dragging her to the dancefloor. She invited me to join her but I passed since I didn't want to waste more time on that set and also saw hotter chicks in the club.

Then this one girl basically opens me. We hold long eye contact while I was passing by and she opened me and told me that she knows me from Granville street ( she's a ticket girl). She was there with two big guys and I kinda expected them to pull her away as soon as I started to hug her and leave my arms around her. But it didn't happen. That threw me off the track a little bit but I continue talking to her for a while, and sure enough after 2 minutes one of the guys grabs her hand and pulls her away. Doesn't matter though, I will see her on granville again anyways...

We did another set of two chicks which also didn't hook at all, both of them just had a ridiculous BS so we ejected. Overall it was a pretty good night I have to say, I got probably 60% unstifled...

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Since I had to work pretty much the whole day, I went out only for nightgame. I met Passion and we got our stamps for Republic and Venue. We ended up bouncing between those two. I called Hbchinese earlier that night and she told me she's in Yaletown right now to celebrate her birthday. I texted back and forth a little bit and she asked me to stop by and sing happy birthday to her. Well, not totally what I had in mind but since Passion had to get the last Seabus (btw thanks for the tea :P) I figured I might as well try to get her and her friends to Granville and then pull her back to my place from there. When I arrived there she and her friends were about to leave to one of the dudes places to play a chinese card game (wtf?). I pretty much ignored the dudes and just talked to her and her friends. She was shittesting me a little bit, but I'm sure now all of her friends love me. Her two friends even suggested that the two of us should go to Granville alone but Hbchinese didn't want to “No, you guys have been so good to me tonight, I'm coming with you”. Fuuuck! I tried to save the situation by trying to get all her friends to come to Granville but I almost immediately knew this was pointless since the all looked pretty chill and it was already 1am. So I tell Hbchinese ok, we go and check Granville out and if it sucks we meet up with your friends and play that (stupid retarded) card game. But she didn't want to so I said cool, thanks for inviting me over to play that card game but unfortunately I don't speak chinese so I'm going back to Granville, enjoy your night.

On my way back to Granville I randomly opened 3 sets just to keep the momentum going. One of the sets really challenged me to don't take rejection personally. The three of them looked like the type of girls that are just waiting for you to approach them to blow you off as hard as possible. And, sure enough it was like that, comments like “we don't wanna talk to you, fuck off”, “stop talking to us” - “ok, well then I'm singing to you guys, can you try to help me out with that song, the melody is stuck in my head but I can't figure out what it is” (start singing). Two of the girls just acted pissed off about that, the other one said “Kiss from a rose by seal now stop talking to us”...which I did after that.

But my night wasn't over, I knew Hbhg was working tonight, so I wanted to do something about that. Earlier that night, I did what I did the other night before, I just grabbed a hot chick and asked her to walk by the bar where she works. So with that done, almost at the end of the night I walk up to her don't say anything and just give her my ipod in which I had typed

“Hbhg! Tell me a good way to get in touch with you”

She types in “facebook. Her Name. Her email”

damn, number would have been better, but now at least I don't have to wonder about how much compliance I could have gotten from her.

Well that was pretty much it for that night, I did like 2 more sets in Republic but nothing mentionable.

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haha... I got the finger in my face so no worries on the rejection part.... lmao awesome night tho. Pushed my self a lot that nite.

I met up with Geist today to do some daygame, tried to implement more 60 of challenge stuff. Set #1 went ok, I actually don't remember that one any more, I just know she told me she had a Boyfriend in Seattle where she was about to go to. Set #2 went like this:

Cassius: Hey, I just saw you walking by and had to come back and say Hi, my name is Cassius (offer her my hand)

HB7: Oh thank you (grabs my hand) ......

Cassius: the part where you're supposed to introduce yourself..

HB7: Haha right, my name is Cindy

Cassius: You really look gorgeous in that red coat (she did look pretty damn hot)

HB7: Thank you (smile)

Cassius: So where are you going to ?

HB7: ...home

Cassius: well, where do you live ?

HB7: ...around Broadway

Cassius: Haha you probably think I'm a weird stalker now...where do you live? (move closer to her face)...where exactly? (move closer, imitating a weird rough voice)

HB7: Haha no

Cassius: ok good haha

HB7: look I..have a boyfriend (not very clear)

Cassius: What was that?

HB7: I have a boyfriend


HB7: .....

Cassius: Oh... I get it, you want me to be discrete?!

HB7: haha no...I don't know

now I cant remember it exactly, but I think this was the point where she pulled back her hand, I have been holding onto her hand for a good that I think about it, I should've gone for an instant date. The attraction was definitely there and #c would've been not enough considering she had a bf...but an instant date, that's a whole lot of more time to build attraction. Yeah, set #3 wasn't special as well, she also had a bf.

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Cassius: Hey, are you married?

Hbrandom: no

Cassius: Are you in love with someone?

Hbrandom: no ?!

Cassius: ok, I'm gonna need you for a couple of minutes then

Hbrandom: what why? What for?

Cassius: You're gonna be my girlfriend for the next couple of minutes

Hbradom: uhum

Cassius: here is what we're doing. Grab my hand and follow me over there. Then we stay there for a few seconds and come back here.

Good opener, instant hand kino. Might need an interesting background story to continue (make someone jealous, a bet, w/e).


"Cassius: Hey I met this chinese girl tonight, she's cute but cant you think I should call her?"

You texted this to the chinese girl? This is brilliant!

bearbeitet von dajim

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60 years of challenge talks about having to risk being creepy and YOU DID JUST THAT!! Respect!!! Keep it going bro!


I was pretty busy over the last couple of days working, so I actually wasn't able to go out for a week. Neither for daygame nor for nightgame. I messaged the hired gun over fb the day after I got her contact details.

Cassius: Looking at the rain outside I was wondering what do like most about Vancouver?

Hbhg: I don't really like Vancouver but I have to live here because I'm canadian lol

Cassius: Hmm you're weird..but ok, I guess we can try squeezing you into my luggage back to Germany...I can use someone to sing to me before bed

Well, no answer so far...I'm not quiet sure what I should do right now, I probably see her tonight while she is working. Anyways, I texted Hbchinese like two days after I tried to pull her to my place just with a simple “What's up?”...maybe that was too simple since she also didn't text me anything back so far.

Well time to get some new numbers and generally do some more, so I went to Mirage together with GoldenGun. We arrive early, the place is pretty empty except for a couple of dudes. Overall nothing really special happened that night. I have to say although it was just a week out of game for me I already had troubles to open the first set. Finally I did so out in the smoking area, my opener was something like “Ok, I guess I have to talk to you guys now”. So I talk to them for a little while and GG joins in to wing me. I'd say it was pretty decent, I did a good mix of physical push & pull, just regular fluff talk, kino and overall a non-needy attitude. We ejected figuring we'd see them later again on the dance floor.

At the bar: we wanted to get us some drinks and line up behind three chicks. One of them turns around and is like “heeyy, it's you” and I'm like “uuhm, do I know you?” “yeah, I'm the girl with the good smelling hair” “oh right! You are? You have your hair different” So, I ended up chatting to her for a little while but time was running up plus some chode friend of hers started talking to her and I was kinda just standing between GG and his girl and her and her friend. So I walk up to her and say “Hey, I gotta go soon, let's go dance” “Yeah, after me and the girls went to the restroom”...alright, I think to myself, I don't care, just go to the dance floor and have some fun. And sure enough, who do I see on the dance floor, Hbsmokingarea. I tap her on the shoulder and she immediately starts grinding with me. I didn't went for the make-out cause I wanna take advantage of her place being near to Mirage next Thrusday. Had my hands inside her pants on her butt though...and at the end she wanted me to give her my number, I took hers instead. I also hope to see Hbsmellgood next week again, she and her friends seriously were pretty hot, and she was also into me while we were talking (she also wanted me to add her on fb)

bearbeitet von Cassius.

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10:10. After Avon's total failure at guitar hero, he, Radical me and GoldenGun head out to get our stamps for the Cellar in time. Quality of the sets in there was not very good unfortunately, I only did two that night. Number one was a girl I think I already gamed a couple of weeks ago, I just opened her non-verbally by giving her a strange look, which – of cause -she reciprocated and waved her over to me. I chatted a little while with her and apparently she also knew me. Set number two was this really hot asian chick, she was dancing with one of her friends, so I walked up to her and said:

Cassius: “Hey, are you married?”

HB7.5: “No”

Cassius: “ok, you have to dance with me cause you're cute”

HB7.5: “I'm with someone”

Cassius: “Well, where is he?”

HB7.5: “..uhm...”

Cassius: “Alright, you're not talking yourself out of that one, c'mon dance with me”

So she starts dancing with me but eventually like 3 minutes later her friend shows up and they start grinding with one another. I think my response to that was something like “that's rude of you” and then I danced a little longer besides them before I left. That was about it tonight, also first snow downtown today...

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What I find works in this situation is that if her friend comes, you dance with the friend for a while and then go back to dancing/grinding with your target and grab her friend to sandwich your target so she's grinding her friend and you. Then you can switch it up by throwing yourself in between them and have them both grind you

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haha nice, I'm gonna try that next time...


After a very chill evening at GG's place (I'm homeless atm), we head out to get stamps for the Cellar. It's very quiet so we decide to go to the only place we can get in for free as well – Joe's Apartment. It was actually pretty good, still empty, but promising. Noel joins us and me and GG decide to check out Cellar again. While my wing is upstairs, I position myself close to the dance floor and dance a little bit to get warmed up. I make eye contact with one of the chicks at the dance floor but don't approach her. About 2 minutes later she comes over and starts discretely dancing next to me...what a coincidence. Even tho that was a total approach invitation (no one was around us), I still hesitated a little bit and make excuses (is she really hot enough etc.). Lucky for me GG shows up and gives me his approval, not only that, he grabs her right away and tells her I'm very shy but I think she is cute...thanks again for that buddy.

Set #1

So I start talking to her and switch to lock in position. It was pretty much on, but my verbal game wasn't leading anywhere, so I decided to take things a notch further physically. I put my left leg around her so that she was basically locked in with me and couldn't go anywhere...very good decision, she was immediately turned on by that. I don't remember how exactly it came to the kc but I didn't escalate fast enough after that and she said something I didn't really understand, but I think she told me she had to go to her friends (who were watching us). The bottom line is that she wanted me to let go of her but she didn't told me directly to do so, which is why I just replied “Why, what are you gonna do about it huh?”. After that I looked her in the eye and we started making out.

But sure enough her cousin (small, fat, ugly) shows up and starts cockblocking me like crazy. She asked me how old I am and guessed 23 to which I answered “yeah, are you psychic or something”. She didn't believe me and wanted to see my ID. Wtf??? She insisted on seeing my ID, she actually grabbed into my left pocket, took out my phone and told me if she doesn't see my ID, I don't get my phone back. I was stunned. I didn't know how to react to that, I ended up doing nothing and acting cool about it, cause seriously, what could she do with my phone. So yeah, she walks off with my phone in her fat little hand and I asked my girl to get it back for me. Obviously she was embarrassed by her cousins behavior so we go up there and I had to show her my ID to get back my phone...well that was cellar for me, good job fatty. I left to check out Joe's Apartment.

I dance for a little while and get approached by this chick who wants to dance with me. Again, normally I probably wouldn't have approached her, but in that situation I kinda just went along with it. After that I go upstairs and open a two set by asking why there are so many dudes wearing hats. Well, that set didn't go anywhere, so I went back downstairs.

Set #4

I see this cougar, no, milf, a couple of people away also at the bar looking at me, and then talking to her friend and pointing over to me. So I was kinda playful about it and before she could show me to her friend, I ducked down behind some dude standing between us. Eventually I had to come back up again and I still saw her pointing towards me while laughing. After 5 min I get my drink, go over to her and say.

Cassius: you can't do that, you scared the shit out of me

Hbmilf: huh? (smiling)

Cassius: I thought you were talking to your personal hitman, 'hey, that guy over there, kill him, his hair is blonder then mine'

Hbmilf: haha no (starts playing with her hair)

Cassius: yes it is, plus my hair is actually naturally blond, I bet yours is dyed

Hbmilf: no it's not (it was)

Cassius: yes it is, you just know me 2 minutes and already lie to me...that's bad...the 9th commitment tells us not to lie

Hbmilf: haha no it is real (it wasn't )

Cassius: haha well if you say so...anyways, I gotta go back to the dance floor

at his moment her friend (normal looking, compared to her not hot) turns around and sees me, comes close to my ear and says “nordic man” “Oh yeah! Well, I have to look for my friends”. I don't remember exactly what I said, but the other chick creeped me out a little bit so I wanted to leave. After 5 minutes of dancing I go in the back and stop next to the soundcheck guy. Hbmilf and her friend show up a little later and her friend starts talking to the guy (thank god). So I reopened her.

Cassius: blablabla re-open and talk to her a little bit(can't remember, it was pretty easy, she walked right up to me)

Hbmilf: (touches my necklace) what's that?

Cassius: thats a necklace, why are you not wearing one?

Hbmilf: I don't know, do I have to

Cassius: yeah, it looks good, well I guess, you could cover your neck with your hair at least (start touching her hair)

all the time I was talking to her, we were standing pretty close to each other and I had my hand around her lower back. Also our tights were touching. Damn she was hot, I get a boner right now just from writing this shit down. Of CAUSE, I had a boner while talking to her, for some reason tho (I'm a stupid fuck idiot) I wasn't letting her know..

Hbmilf: So, how old are you?

Cassius: guess

Hbmilf: 22

Cassius: pretty close, 21 actually (oh yeah, she knows her target group :D), how old are you?

Hbmilf: guess

Cassius: no, I don't guess womens ages

Hbmilf: I'm more than twice your age

Cassius: thats hot

All the time it was a pretty flirtatious mood but then at this point sure where it's getting interesting sure enough, her friend was finished talking to that guy and she grabs her hand and while pulling Hbmilf away, she tries making out with me, she basically just pressed her lips at mine. And they left, fuck!

Set #5

After that we decide to leave and go back to check out cellar again. I don't know how I did that, but I get GG to be angry enough to just pull a hot chick from the bar around and introduce me to her (same as set 1). I chat with her a little bit but it was too chody and so she tells me she has to go to her friend who is celebrating her birthday.

Overall a pretty good night, I got approached by another chick upstairs at Doulins who wouldn't believe me that I'm not gay, apparently I'm too cute for that venue :D. She was ok, but also 30 already, so I ejected after 5 minutes.

Important notes: The next time I get to talk to a hot milf like the one tonight, I'm definitely gonna release the boner power. “You're twice my age? Thats pretty hot” → move close and let her feel that shes turning me the fuck on....damn....good night.

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I just did a little bit of daygame today with Leo and Augustin at pc. I just feel more and more alienated from it. Maybe it's because I'm going back to Germany soon, maybe it's because it's getting freaky cold outside and leaving the house just seems too much of an effort or maybe it's because I'm homeless and don't have a possible place to pull. Anyways, I winged Augustin on one set he approached, the friend of the girl was actually kinda cute I just shit-talked to her a little bit, tried to give her I-wanna-fuck-you-look, but then again, she wasn't that hot. I closed her nevertheless so that we can catch up and I can “tell her about my summer”. She gave me her mail.


Celebrities, me and GG get there around 10:45 and the place is pretty much empty. The only good set we could spot was a 4 set of hotties, which none of us had the balls to approach as the first set. So we stick around for a little while before figuring that we need to do something about it. No wait, I think we actually waited like 30 minutes for something better to show up, before GG approached the 4 set and got cockblocked heavy by one of the chicks...moving on. 10 minutes later my first approach, “Hey you're cute, I wanna talk to you” “tell me your name”. So I grab her hand, she tells me her name, while GG is talking to her friend. Eventually I get blown out and she just goes to her friend to escape from me. Alright, finally, the first blow we can get started.

I observe two hot chicks sitting next to the dance floor and watching the people dancing. Sure enough after like 5 minutes, they get approached by two dudes, and after another minute or two, the four of them go to the bar, where the guys buy them drinks. I am watching this scene with amusement. Now the part where they have to talk to the guys for a little bit, because they're not total bitches. I decide to move in.

Cassius: (walks up to Hbnicetits) Heeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy! How have you been?

Hbnicetits: ?

Cassius: (before she can say something, hugging her, whispering in her ear) just follow my lead

Hbnicetits: haha hey

Cassius: So good to see you again, hey man, can I borrow her for a sec ?

Chode: doesn't even react to that, just nods

Cassius and Hbnicetits walk off a couple of meters

Cassius: ok, I just saved your ass , the next time a guy buys you a drink we're gonna split

Hbnicetits: haha thank you, thats so funny blabla

So this was basically my frame, I was her savior, she's working for me now and I get some of her drinks. After like 5 minutes her friend shows up (what a surprise) so Hbnicetits explains her what just happened, great, I have two bitches now, I'm starting to feel like a PIMP, where is GG? Eventually after like 15 minutes in set I have to eject because I wanted to get GG to wing me so that I can concentrate better on my girl. I get him and we walk up to the girls, I talk to my girl a little bit and GG wings me but his girl is just really boring and my conversation doesn't go anywhere as well. So I do the only thing I know I can do, I get her to dance with me. I pull off a move from my Salsa lessons which she obviously likes but no grinding tho, she seems a little bit shy in front of her friend...or she wasn't just drunk enough yet. After 3 minutes or so her friend joins us and they have to go to the washroom (sure).

Btw, while I was looking for GG she got another drink from another guy, and she even offered some of it to me. While they are away I figure it would be a good idea to get another cute girl to talk to me while she is away so I go up to Hbsmall “oh my god, you're so tiny, it's adorable” . I don't remember everything, but I think my lack of escalation got me the blow-out again (they also had to use the washroom after a while). I have to work on that, she was definitely giving me IOI's but I still failed at escalating. I see them 5 minutes later at the dance floor, and dance a little bit with them before ejecting. I did another one, but that one also didn't lead anywhere.

At this point we decide to leave, cause GG's girl really seemed boring (hot tho, just a dead fish) and I had no option at pulling my girl. Btw she already had another guy buying her a drink. So, I walk up to her and am like

Cassius: Hbnicetits! (loud vocal projection)

Hbnicetits: looks up, smiles

Cassius: come here

I try to get her away from that dude, to number close her and leave but she says in my ear, no she is fine with this guy ( I guess she though I wanted to “save” her again) but I tell her that I have to leave.

Hbnicetits: what? Really? (sad)

Cassius: yeah, I have to get up early tomorrow (as if pahaha)

Hbnicetits: uhh (sad, gives me a hug)

Cassius: give me your number though and we can hang

Hbnicetits: yeah ok

So I number close her and text her approx. 30 minutes later the following:

Cassius: That last guy looked like a big fish, give him your number and get him to buy you a ginger bread house we can eat together

Cassius: Oh, and get home safe hon. Cassius

I also texted Hbsmokingarea from last week Mirage

Cassius: I just saw a girl at Clebs that was wearing the same weird/cute outfit like you the other night

speaking of the devil, she just replied

Hbsmokingarea: Lol no way! Who was weirdly cuter??:P how was celebs I've never been

But that answer has to wait till tomorrow...

bearbeitet von Cassius.

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Thursday. Surrey. Mirage. While GG is talking to one of the hired guns, I did a little warm-up set of two girls. They weren't that hot, so I switch my attention to GG after he was done with his girl and they leave soon. So we get up and go into lock-in position somewhere and this chick walks up to us and basically throws herself at us. “I want you guys to give me a hug”, we hug her and afterwords she first gives GG a brief kiss on the lips, then me. Wtf? GG decides to escalate “baby you're getting me excited here”, I don't know where it would've ended up if I also would have been escalating, I only know that like 5 minutes later they leave to the bathroom and she gives him a blowjob.

While they are having fun I open another set, both girls pretty hot, I just walk up and look at them without saying anything, then some random introduction. I chat with them for a little while, one of them goes back to their table. I continue talking to the other one until a bartender walks up and says something about 'they have your ID ready at the entrance now', she has to leave. Since my only possibility is to stay in their group is to talk to the dude, I didn't feel like doing it and move on looking for GG (at that point I didn't know).

Later at the bar. Someone taps me on the shoulder, it is Hbsmokingarea I've been texting with a little bit throughout the week. She says “hey, you can buy me a drink now” - “You don't see me a week and the first thing you say to me is asking me to buy you a drink?!” I turn my body slightly away to emphasize my dislike. Someone starts taping her on the shoulder and starts talking to her – a friend. I don't care and GG gets Hb7.5 and Hb6 to talk to us and I start talking to HB6 for a bit. It was ok I guess...I didn't find her attractive enough thou at that moment.

At the other side of the bar we hang out before I get tapped on the shoulder again. It's one of the girls from my first warm-up set. She wants to talk to me. Unfortunately I also think she's not hot enough even though she was kinda cute, so I eject after chatting to her for like 5 minutes.

We go outside to the smoking area of the club and on our way back in GG approaches a two set at which I join him. I was talking to this asian chick, probably half a head taller then me. I made fun of that by shouting her name as if she was super far away. The set doesn't hook so we eject.

That was it, I go to bed now

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I'm going to miss u when u head to Germany. BTW i'm loving the chick that kissed both of u guys on the lips hahah what a team player.
Yeah especially since GG porbably wasn't the first guy she gave head to that night :D

Cellar, Caprice, Republic tonight. We get our stamps and I pretty much chode around till like 11:something before doing some random approaches, actually just 2 or 3, none of them hooks. That was at Caprice, Cellar was bad, so I didn't even went there. At Republic I ran into a girl I randomly talked to a couple of times this summer but haven't seen in like 4 monthS. Anyway, she remembered my name, I remembered hers (Hbjuly), we start talking a little bit. She was with two of her friends which needed to walk through the venue like all the time, so she was always following them. We didn't really hat a consistent time to talk and I didn't had the balls to escalate hard.

At some point later that night I'm dancing downstairs right in front of a speaker. This asian chick and her fat friend walk by and I make ec with her. She stops next to me with her back turned towards me...what a coincidence. I tap her on the shoulder and “show” her the speaker (it vibrates pretty good). She likes it and shows it to her friend. But then I tell her her time's up and I drag her away from the speaker and start dancing in lock-in position. She and – unfortunately- her friend stay and she starts grinding with me. I slightly bite her in the neck (always a safe bet) while feeling up her (nice) ass. After a couple of minutes her friend gestures to her that she's going upstairs now. She tells me she has to go with her friend but will come back. She didn't.

While I was still dancing with her, Hbjuly walks by, sees us grinding and gives me a thumbs up?! Later after that asian chick was gone, she and her friend came down and started dancing with me, but eventually since they were moving all the time, they went back upstairs. At the end of the night, she walks up to me to say goodbye course she had to leave. I'll get her number and leave also.

Other shit that happened tonight:

I saw the tallest, biggest guy ever, that dude was 6'7” tall and at least 5” from one shoulder to the other. I got violated at Republic from a fucking guy, that creeped the shit out of me for like at least 5 min (I used it right away as an opener tho). And probably just a minor thing, but Hbhg was bar tending tonight and at one point where I was upstairs, I looked down, she sees me looking down and waves at me. That was it for tonight...I need to do more, escalate more, everything more. Next weekend is gonna be my last one here in Vancouver.

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I'm going to miss u when u head to Germany. BTW i'm loving the chick that kissed both of u guys on the lips hahah what a team player.
Yeah especially since GG porbably wasn't the first guy she gave head to that night :D

Cellar, Caprice, Republic tonight. We get our stamps and I pretty much chode around till like 11:something before doing some random approaches, actually just 2 or 3, none of them hooks. That was at Caprice, Cellar was bad, so I didn't even went there. At Republic I ran into a girl I randomly talked to a couple of times this summer but haven't seen in like 4 monthS. Anyway, she remembered my name, I remembered hers (Hbjuly), we start talking a little bit. She was with two of her friends which needed to walk through the venue like all the time, so she was always following them. We didn't really hat a consistent time to talk and I didn't had the balls to escalate hard.

At some point later that night I'm dancing downstairs right in front of a speaker. This asian chick and her fat friend walk by and I make ec with her. She stops next to me with her back turned towards me...what a coincidence. I tap her on the shoulder and “show” her the speaker (it vibrates pretty good). She likes it and shows it to her friend. But then I tell her her time's up and I drag her away from the speaker and start dancing in lock-in position. She and – unfortunately- her friend stay and she starts grinding with me. I slightly bite her in the neck (always a safe bet) while feeling up her (nice) ass. After a couple of minutes her friend gestures to her that she's going upstairs now. She tells me she has to go with her friend but will come back. She didn't.

While I was still dancing with her, Hbjuly walks by, sees us grinding and gives me a thumbs up?! Later after that asian chick was gone, she and her friend came down and started dancing with me, but eventually since they were moving all the time, they went back upstairs. At the end of the night, she walks up to me to say goodbye course she had to leave. I'll get her number and leave also.

Other shit that happened tonight:

I saw the tallest, biggest guy ever, that dude was 6'7” tall and at least 5” from one shoulder to the other. I got violated at Republic from a fucking guy, that creeped the shit out of me for like at least 5 min (I used it right away as an opener tho). And probably just a minor thing, but Hbhg was bar tending tonight and at one point where I was upstairs, I looked down, she sees me looking down and waves at me. That was it for tonight...I need to do more, escalate more, everything more. Next weekend is gonna be my last one here in Vancouver.

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im a fan of your work lol. where u headed?
Thanks buddy, back to Germany..


The beginning of the end. Last weekend for me in Vancouver starting today at Mirage. We run into VirginChodeAFC at Surrey Central but he didn't join us for Mirage. After chillin at McDonalds for a little while, we go there and look around for bit. I see this gorgeous girl but decide not to approach her yet (stupid mistake, she was busy dancing with some other dude later). Anyways, the first set is this blonde girl with her two friends, GG talks to one, I talk to the blonde chick. We talk for like 10 minutes in a sort of vibe I'd rather describe social then game. Thats cool tho, good to get warmed up. They go outside for a smoke, I don't wanna pursue them so I decline to join.

I think I open some random other set, two more sets GG opened didn't hook either. It doesn't affect me at all, I'm still running around with a fucking smile on my face most of the time. Which is running out tho, we had only like 40 minutes left till the bus was due. So we're dancing and this blonde kinda drunk chick is dancing next to me. Usually I don't think I would've approached her but under the given circumstances, I was in “fuck it” mode, and also considering that I wanted to get a blowjob and she was dancing by herself without any cockblocks aroud, I just went for it. Now, I call this opener the sneaky-subtle-molest-opener. I was basically just dancing next to her, my elbows sticking out. So while dancing next to each other I start touching her boobs with my elbow without looking towards her. At the corner of my eye tho, I could see that after a couple of seconds she looked over to me trying to find out whether I'd do that on purpose or not. Once again, I didn't look at her, I just had this ambiguous smile on my face. So after another couple of seconds doing that, she just grabbed my arm and started grinding with me. It was on. After 5 minutes she tried to kiss me, I just tell her I only kiss girls in private, grab her hand, and lead her away from the dance floor towards the washrooms.

But she wouldn't go in the washroom with me, so we kinda hung out in front of the bathroom making out. From time to time she was saying something to me but I didn't understand because of the loudness. I tried to get her moving to the washroom after another 5 minutes of making out but she refused again. Wtf. Then she wanted to get into a booth were already two people were sitting in. So we sit down but I almost immediately tell her to leave again because it really was lame. So for the third time I try to pull her to the fucking washroom but she wanted to go to the bar get more drinks. Fuck, times running out, this is not leading anywhere, so we're standing in the club against some wall neither at the bar, nor at the bathroom. So I was like 'great, what now?!' so I start talking to her and said “you're bad for me, you're getting me too excited” ….well, I didn't get to the second part, cause she was pissed at the first part. > eject. 5 minutes before we actually leave we run into Hbsmellsgood and her friends. I chode around and GG doesn't have enough time to numberclose his girl.

It was a fucking fun night, got some IOI's on the dance floor but that was basically it. Looking forward to Friday and Saturday...

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It is 2:57 I am sharing a couch with TDIII and Radical right now. Gravity just sort of woke up...I actually can't really tell whether he's asleep or not because he is sitting in a chair, not leaning, sitting..he probably is asleep...and he stole my blanket. GG is making himself a toast while texting a chick to come by and party with us. TDIII is showing me and Radical random pictures of chicks and part of the game is that we have to rate them as in fuck or don't fuck, coming up right now, a hot asian chick, tap.

Yes, the night was pretty fun...we all got hammered like 6 hours ago, back then Lust was also around, he went home earlier tho cause he has to work on Saturday. I can't really remember all the sets I did, I only know that it went way better then last time I got drunk and tried to game.

It is 11:25, TDIII is still sleeping, one eye almost half way open. I just had to go to bed after that...too tired. Hmm let's see what I remember from last night. The first set was at Cellar, GG introduced me to two German chicks, we chatted a little bit, they were into us, but we had another mission. Get more drunk. So we went back to his place and invested another 30 minutes into our good old pals Bacardi and Tequila.

So back on Granville, I leave my Jacket at Doulins as usual and we hit Caprice. I randomly open 2 sets they're fun but I don't stay in. I go out on the street and walk towards Joe's Apartment. Not a lot people there but a good 4 set on the dance floor. Since I was pretty high energy, I just start dancing with them. This cute asian girl starts dancing with me 1on1 but after 5 minutes or so a friend of hers shows up and she starts talking to her. Good for me, I start dancing with this 7.5 next to me, she was wearing an awesome dress, with a zipper right from her boobs down to her bellybutton...I still don't know why I didn't play with that thing. So we were dancing and after a while another girl walks up and starts engaging her. So I start dancing with the asian chick again. This went on for 5 more minutes before she had to leave somewhere. I didn't really care, I had my fun with them so I venuechanged into Republic.

On my way there I get stopped by a girl which name I could remember on my second guess. She was/is a promoter for venue and told me come there later, I knew her from summer, she's a good friend of Hbjuly. I don't remember any sets in particular from Republic.

So back at Caprice I walk through the venue and see this girl sitting next to the dance floor by herself so I just sit down next to her. I couldn't really hear what she was saying because of the noise level but while we were “talking” I was pretty much all over her body with my hands. Anyway, my position wasn't perfect so I get up and try to get her to dance with me, for some reason she wouldn't tho so I sat down next to her and try again 5 min later. No success. I eject, and venuechange to Cellar to meet up with Radical. Ok let my explain his state of mind delicately. He was totally SHITFACED. We went up to Doulins and he – shitfaced as he is – sits down in one of their chairs to “chill”. Nah man, not with me, I have to get back to Caprice. Since he wouldn't get up from my encouragement I think of something else. I walk up to a pretty hot chick and tell her to walk over and get him to get up with a come hither gesture combined with a naughty look. She complies but instead of doing that she just walks up to him and asks him whats up. I actually don't know what she was talking to him, I only know it worked. His fucked up mind somehow realized that she was smoking hot and somewhere deep down he didn't want to look bad in front of her so he gets up (hahahah douche).

So we're out of there back at Caprice where we loose each other after like 5 minutes lol. I run into Hbjuly and her friend the promoter but they tell me they have to leave. I can't hear a thing they say to me, so I tell them to follow me outside where I can hear them better. I go into lock-in and talk to them. I don't remember at all what I was talking about, but the promoter chick was pretty much into me. At some point she even told me that it's too bad she has a bf atm. And she wanted to get my number. I told them that I'm only here for another week so I have to see what I can do about it. After 10 minutes some dude just walked into that set and told me I have to dial a number on my phone for him since his blackberry just broke. I tried to ignore him but the dick wouldn't let go. I was to drunk to handle the cockblock so the girls walked away since they had to say good bye to their boss before leaving.

At this point it was already pretty late, the clubs were getting empty, TDIII and Radical were somewhere, so I call up GG to get a Slice of Pizza before going home. Bottom line...fucking awesome night!

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k this is gonna be a short one, just for Saturdays sake. We got our tickets around 9:30 so we still had some time left for a little nap before leaving. A 20 minute walk later we arrive at the Post Modern around 12. Some cute chicks there, we only approached one each though, it was more of a chill night out today. Granville wasn't as busy as well, I totally miscalibrated one set at cellar. We went in and I'm on my way up to leave my jacket, so while walking pass this girl she looks at me and smiles slightly. She was pretty hot so I go up, leave my jacket, go back down, open her “Sorry, I just had to leave my jacket upstairs, we can dance now”. I don't even got to the we can dance now part, she just looks at me, rolls her eyes and leaves, I have no idea where that was coming from. Anyway I don't have time yet, me and GG are trying to get Dragon Ball Final Bout running yeah! Fuck them girls! Gaming is the real deal!

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It sounds like you gave her too much value and went after her at the wrong angle. But, that's just my opinion. You're much better at the game then I am.
I didn't know that it is possible to give too much value?! Isn't value offering generally awesome?! Oh btw dude, you still owe me $5...I'll be flying back to Germany tomorrow though so I'd like you to spend it on a hooker..

What better place could there be as to party my last night in Vancouver at Mirage. Lust picks us up at around 10 and so the three of us are off to Surrey. I can tell you, the night went quiet different then I expected it to go. We pretty much destroyed the club. I got blown out so many times I stopped counting after 10. At one point when I was looking at a girl, I either already got blown out by her, she was ugly, or she was dancing with a was crazy. But soo much fucking fun! This was the first time out at a night club where getting blown out genuinely didn't affect my state at all. After all it all is just a joke. I was pretty drunk at the beginning too, but I don't blame getting blown out at that...or do I? Nah...this night taught me a very valuable lesson concerning getting blown out and not letting it get to you. I hope I can remember that the next time.

Speaking of, unfortunately there will be no next time for me going out in Vancouver, I'm sitting here in Frankfurt right now writing this. I wanna thank all the people I had the opportunity to go out with and learn from over the last couple of months, it has been a awesome time of my life for me. I came from a pretty dark place in terms of women and now I'm a lot more closer to the light yet still, there is so much to learn. I will update this thread occasionally and let you guys know how things are working out here in Germany for me....but I wont have time to go out as much since I have other things now to concentrate on.

Thank you Vancouver...and cheers!

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