Cassius at best

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I think tonight was night 45. Awesome night. Went through so many different things did a lot of good approaches, then got a lot of blow outs in a row on the dance floor but bounced back from that, got back in the zone and ended the night on a high note. I'll start in the middle. I went to get some water for myself, Reuben and Radical and after I waited for a while I had to look for the two of them 2 minutes and found them both in set. Gave them their water and realized that I was a little pissed at them for not waiting for me so I decided to try and steal their girls. Radical first. He – knowing very well what I was about to do moved his body around so I couldn't really get to the girl. I gave up after a bit and went for the easier prey – Reubens girl. He also knew what I was doing, but I never directly did it to him, so he pretty much didn't know how to react. He talked to her for a bit but then let me take over. It probably didn't help him either that the girl was totally into it. I was like the fucking boxer who discovers the weakness in his opponents defense and just mercilessly hits it up. She couldn't do anything, I was basically punching the good emotions into her body. Bam – laughing – bam – laughing – bam – laughing. After a bit Reuben fucked off and I started making out with her. I didn't really feel bad for him cause he knows it's just another girl. Nothing to become outcome independent about. Well, he told me later that he was actually pissed at me, so I promised him to not do it again, cause I actually didn't know any better. Radical apparently did good with his girl as well cause they were making out too. We went together to the dancefloor and it was pretty clear that we're gonna pull them. Then my girl (Sarah) said that they have to go to the bathroom and I fully assumed that they were gonna discuss logistics. First we waited a little bit, but then I went on to get some water and Radical told me he briefly talked to both of them but then they went back to the bathroom. We waited a little longer but I actually couldn't care less. I was like fuck it, there are plenty of hotter girls here, it's just 11:30 anyways, let's go downstairs. Fuck them. So we went downstairs.

I saw a girl I tried to lazypickup open earlier upstairs and re-opened her. She told me that she saw her boyfriend here at the club with another girl. Perfect. I talked to her for a bit and started making out with her after a bit. It was a very different vibe with this girl and I went on to dance with her, but she wasn't fully into it. I guess the whole boyfriend thing was on her mind. Anyway, after a bit Radical comes up to me and tells me he found the girls again. This girl Sophie was actually hotter then Sarah so I wasn't too pleasantly surprised about that but logistics for the other set was better so I told Sophie that I had to leave her now. She gave me the puppy look. I kissed her goodbye, not before taking her number. Went upstairs again, couldn't find the two girls. By now, this was like 90 minutes later and Radical told me they were dancing with some guys on the dancefloor. We went separate ways on the dancefloor to get to them and I see my girl. She sees me and is immediately excited. I put my hand out, she grabs it, I pull her away from the guy. I tell her I'm leaving for an afterparty in the city. She wants to come, then her friend comes up (the one Radical was supposed to fuck) and tells us that he just tried to physically pick her up. In my head I'm like “oh no...what did you do...” Well, it turned out that she was making out with that guy just as he was about to approach and thought the only valid move for him here is to pick her up and carry her away from the guy. I don't blame him it was a gain everything or loose everything move...maybe just a little too much on the risky side, considering that we were trying to pull these girls. So basically he blew himself out which meant that Sarah wasn't coming with me cause she was there with her friend and she wasn't gonna leave her. My favorite moment was

(Sarah turns to her friend to talk about something, then turns to me and says)

Sarah: wait, is the afterparty just a way of getting us back to your place

Me: Yeah

Sarah: hahaha what

Me: I assumed you know that afterparty is just an excuse for both of us to get back to my place

Sarah: something, but she responded positively to that

In fact, a little bit later when I realized Radical blew it with his girl, I tried to just pull her by telling her that we can always come back to this place but she wouldn't leave her friend and her friend definitely wouldn't have come. Especially since now it was clear and obvious what was meant with afterparty. I hang out with Sarah a little more, do some pushing, have a couple of “real moments” with her and tell her that I have to find my friends so they don't leave without me. She's actually disappointed that it didn't work out and tells me that she really wants to come back to mine. I set up a date with her in two weeks time that she can “help my study”, which was actually her idea.

Then I find Sophie. Same thing. Tried to pull her but she's with her friends blabla. I set up a date with her as well but don't actually remember the date lol. Then we have to leave. On the way down I re-open another girl, pick her up, and go into lock-in with her at the wall. At that point I still have my boner from the last girl so I press it against her. She really turns me on and actually took 3 years of german. It was pretty hilarious, whenever I would ask her something she would actually answer in (broken) german and I would speak english. Her name is also Georgie and I tell her that I'm leaving for an afterparty. I don't really remember her excuse but I try the usual angles but she wouldn't come. Make out with her for a bit. Try again. No. My friends are standing right next to me while this was happening, waiting for me to come leave with them. I take her number and tell her that we do something. I also set up a date with her but don't remember the day either. Literally 3 seconds later I see another hot girl I need to open, so I do, go for the quick make-out but at that point my wings pretty much drag me away.

Lessons for tonight, don't try too risky things that either break or make the set when you've already invested some time and are going for the pull. Also, building state can happen even in the end of the night. I guess the only thing that I could've done differently would've been more playing for the win. Otherwise this was a pretty good night in which I did a lot of things right. Also gotta appreciate the dance-floor blow-outs, where I just did set after set, just doing it anyways.

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yeah, sounds more like it. you seem to be getting better at getting the girls to want to come to your place. good for you to call the "afterparty". I'd just try "my place, in 15!". Tell em right early what you want. Once you have attraction going, just be straight and casual about it. tell em what you want. try that next night. might be the solution. tell your wing to do the same, so if you have 2er sets, logistics would be easy!

And then report. I bet it'll work see "shock & awe". Most girls love it if an alpha is also alpha about his sexuality. and you ARE alpha. you ARE funny. you do get women to feel sexually attracted to you. but i guess you are currently not alpha enough about your desires (withholding these shows insecurity, which the girls probably have previously picked up and thus left you standing in the rain). So just verbalise your desire.

TASK (for your next outing):

1. first C&F them,

2. then escalate,

3. then add a good portion of dirty talk,

4. then start making out - parallel move the dirty talk into open and clear to sex talk

5. ending with stating your desire.

Mindset: it's all a game and I want to have fun!

Try that with different time frames. I'd start with a very short time frame, e.g. max. 1 minute per task each. If that blows you out, try again (practice + fun + eliminating possible "sour apple"). If 2nd blow-out is clear to be connected to going too fast, switch to 2-3 minutes switch. That should do it. If all fails, increase the time frames for the switches, but according to my expirience, 3 minutes (in all 15 minutes) should be enough. Club-game is very fast!


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Yeah thanks, I was actually asking Julien about my entitlement problems yesterday cause I noticed that the pull opportunities I have are more average girls than the top of the line product. He suggested that I should work my way up and just go for these medium girls anyway. Danke fuer die zusammenfassung, werd mir das vor dem naechsten mal richtig rausgehen mal durchlesen...


So Friday and Saturday were kind of average. What happened was that my sore throat came back which by now I'm conditioned well enough to so that I immediately stop talking as I really wanna get rid of this fucking virus. Yesterday I went out with a friend who knows about the pickup community but doesn't actually get involved in it. He's one of the people I would consider need female validation in order to draw state from that more than the average chode. Anyways, we went to this warehouse party around 12:30 and did a two set. I hit it off with my girl and we were both laughing and sharing the good emotions. Him and his girl did not hit it off. I noticed it right of the bat but was hoping that he would do something about it. He didn't. I could almost see him go more and more into his head. Anyway, I decided that this would be the perfect situation to switch targets so I start talking to his girl. And from there on it went well. It just occurred to me today, that if you're going out with someone who's pinging off the girls for good emotions, it can actually help you. You just bring one girl into a good emotional state bzw. Pump her buying temperature, and then your wing will feed off of that and it's gonna be an upward spiral of good emotions for both of them, while you take care of the other girls. A win-win-win-win situation. I'm texting a couple of girls, but the most crazy one, is Sophie, from Thursday who's boyfriend cheated on her:

Me: Are you sure you spelled your name right in my phone?! You pronounced it different. - Cassius (the new improved bf)

Her(same night): Where are you, your a dick

Me: I told you. Afterparty!

Her: no reply

Me: Why do you hate me so much

Her: I dont hate you because your fat, your fat because I hate you. (I'm very very far from fat btw)

Her: That was a joke, I hope you have seen mean girls

Me: What are you doing tomorrow night?

Her: Hey I am sorry dude but whats your name again?

Me: Cassius

Her: Last name?

Me: You wont find me on facebook (:

Her: Sure sure

Me: You didn't answer my question

Her: You did not answer mine

Me: I can already tell you're high maintenance, maybe we should just file for divorce and forget that we ever loved each other

Her: Bitch please we are already seperated

Me: Now I truly feel that all the money for couples councelling went to waste...

Her: Yeah I told you that our problems ran too deep. If you listened to me could have saved you thousands! Now tell me your fucking last name

Me: And if you would've listened to me and taken those anger management classes you could die in peace

Me: Surname. You're welcome.

Her: Id say thank you but I apparently have anger issues so I wont

Me: You should go to bed now. Don't dream about me.

Her: Ill try not dream about your murder, it will be hard but I am strong

Me: Thats right little girl, embrace the dark side, take on the role I chose for you

Her: ok dark vader (this was all like 4am in the morning)

Her(next day): I really hope your facebook account is on private, otherwise you are either married, a fat child, have 26 friends, no display picture or a seedly middle aged man. Im edging towards the last one

Me: I wanna molest you behind the dumpster in a dark alley...does that answer that question?

Her: Yep. Problem sorted. Expect a friend request

Me: I will create a special friend list just for you called “psycho-ex wife”

Her: Thanks darling xoxo

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Oh god, i loved THAT conversation! too cool! thanks for brightening up my otherwise grumpy-dark sunday! Thx! :-)

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So I'm still under quarantine. Went out tonight with the goal of just doing some mute approaches and then leave early at 11:30. It's now 2:30. The first set I did was outside, Anabell. Talked to her a bit, hit her up pretty good and started making out with her after a couple of minutes. I decide to try and pull her right then and there. Afterparty in the city. She says shes here with her cousins and that they were actually thinking about going to the city after. I tell her awesome, let's go now. She tells me she can't leave her cousins here, they would text her and be mad. I tell her that we've been talking for 30 minutes now and they didn't give a shit about her until now, so we can just check out the afterparty and come back if it sucks. She laughs but says she can't. I grab her number in the hope of somehow separating her from her cousins later. After that lazypickup open another girl and Radical wings me on her friend. She's the second girl that was just really really pinging off the environment and hard to get her focused on me. I even tried stuff like saying “Just be normal girl, relax”. Anyway. After that ran into Emily who's birthday it was tonight. Then ran into another girl who I gamed like weeks ago but didn't really go anywhere. Then another girl that was super into me but I was just talking to her for self-amusing reasons when I first talked to her a couple of weeks back and now she was actually following me tonight. I shook her off and get a text message from Monique asking whether I'm at Hawthorn. Yes. Come outside. I'm dancing with my friends. Come to pool table. Meet me at bar. I meet her at the bar but her friends are leaving. At that point I don't know whether I should catch the last train home but remembered Juliens advice, always play to win. So I did. And lost lol.

We went to Nevermind with her super hot friend and 3 other normal hot friends of hers. Overall I talked to her friends a bit, but they hooked up with some random guys so all was good and taken care of. I chatted to Monique and made out with her a bit. After a while most of her friends are gone, so it was only me, Monique, her super hot friend Alex and random guy. Alex and random guy were making out, me and Monique were making out, this was good to go. But then it happens. The guy all of a sudden gets up and leaves. I was gonna get a water anyways, so I followed him downstairs, just to discover that he didn't get up to take a piss like I suspected, no, to leave. I run up to him and confront him. Turns out he's a chode. “I have to go home now, she's kind of young anyways, she wouldn't let me take her home, I'm sure about that” (actually turned out he was right after all lol) but I tell him bullshit, that the girl is good to go and into him. In my eyes, if he leaves, I have less chance of pulling Monique cause I need to take care of both her and her friend. I convince him to stay and he goes back to Alex. They start making out again. All goo. Except, it wasn't. After a while I tell Monique that we should go, but she says she's cabbing back with Alex. I tell her that Alex is gonna leave with the guy but she says no he apparently still lives with his parents so they're not gonna go back to his. That comes like a shock to me so I switch topics to gain time to think. I then tell her that Alex and this guy definitely are going to hook up and that he's not really living with his parents any more, and lied. I tell her to come back to the city with me but she tells me no. What. The fuck. I try different angle. Then I pull back completely and say “look, it's late, and I'm gonna leave soon, and these two are gonna hook up tonight”, she says “So I'm supposed to cab it back home alone?!”, “No”, I say, “you come back to mine....look, I actually don't care, if you wanna go home, thats fine, you don't need to come with me, I just don't want you to cockblock Alex as shes apparently really hitting it off with this guy” That almost seem to do the trick, I saw her struggling to decide if she should come home with me or not. She actually said she's not gonna have sex with me, what I immediately dismissed and ignored since obviously, if she comes home with me, she's gonna have sex with me. She tells me she has to talk to Alex about it. Now it was out of my hands. She speaks to her quick, then tells me she's gonna cab it home.

Lessons. Brought the guy back in to increase chances, tried new angles, gained more reference experiences. Monique had a friend who actually went home alone earlier that night, cause she was frustrated that no guy was hitting on her (she was hot). She just broke up with her boyfriend two weeks ago and wanted a guy to hook up with. It was just nice to see, that sometimes, all we have to do, is really literally just approach. Bottom line is, I went for it and it's gonna pay off sooner than later anyways.

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Yes, very good. Do a day date with Monique and write her, that you wanna pick off where you two left at. She'll get the hint. Either she drops you or she agrees. Ot you go the extra mile and send her the "crazy SMS" (tentacle sms). You'll need to translate it.

Ich hab in letzter Zeit so tierisch oft an Dich gedacht. Heut Nacht hatte ich einen Traum mit Tentakeln. Ich muss Dich dringend fühlen. Ich hab Bock! Hört sich vielleicht komisch an, aber ich will Dich. Liebe, Love Peace und ich. Geil!

"Lately I've often been thinking of you (or "way too much"). Last night I had a dream with (big) tentacles. Ich urgentyl need to feel you (up). I am full of lust/desire. Sounds strange, but I want you. [String unzulässig], Love Peace and me. Wicked!"

Here's the original text (in german):

Make it clear you wanna fuck her. Maybe not so crude but make it clear. Do alot of C&F with dirty and sex talk and she'll want you. I think she wants a good fuck, get her frustration out of her. And you are just the right guy.



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After tonight, next time I do to Monique what I did to this girl tonight...


So last night me and my roommate had this super long discussion about the mistakes that we made since we got here and why both of us haven't gotten the results we desire. The last couple of days I was slowly feeling more and more frustrated about the lack of result and when I say frustrated I don't really mean hardcore frustrated cause I don't usually feel frustration. Anyway the whole thing started out by him saying it's a fucking miracle that I haven't pulled since bootcamp and thats how we got talking. After we were done, I was almost a different person. My whole perception of what happened changed and now that I had realized my biggest mistakes I made my peace with it. A big burden was taken from my chest and I felt what I would describe best as “unity”. This was a major epiphany and I'm glad I recorded the whole discussion. Now it only has to hold up in reality.

So with this I pretty much set myself up for a failure tonight cause now I have the solution to my problems. I know it doesn't make sense, but it does. At Hawthorn I talked to a bunch of girls, but no set really hooked. I was almost drauf und dran den letzten train zu catchen but realized that it would be a waste of opportunity. We venue changed to Glenferrie but I was already too much in my head. I didn't do an approach there and after 20 minutes we left for Nevermind. But same thing there. Just choded around, fulfilling my own prophecy of the anticipated failure. The worst part was that I knew what happened to me but I couldn't push myself to do something against it. I then choded out at that venue as well for about 45 minutes and was about to leave, as my wing comes up and asks me if I want to fuck a 6. At that point I didn't wanna do anything, all I could do at that point was hide my frustration about the night to not pull him down as well. I tell him he has to deal with both of them but shortly after I realized what a selfish dickish move that was and follow him to find both of the girls. The were at the bathroom so we wait for them. He introduces me and I start talking to his girls friend. She was asian. I started out chill, not forcing any states I couldn't access in that moment. But slowly but surely I build momentum (at that point I have to give credit to macro momentum from going out all these nights in a row) and got more and more into it. I basically channeled my frustration into our verbal conversation and from harmless kidding around in the beginning I switched to full on abusive mode. Some of the lines I used:

Don't call me cunt that all your petty little brain can come up with?”

That's right I'm 16...I snug in using my fake german ID...they can't tell the difference here. I'm into cougars, you're a fucking cougar to me at your 18 years old. Or a milf. Are you pregnant? (feeling her stomach). Doesn't matter, I'll make you one, I fucking impregnate you and then you're a milf”

Where do you live again? Brighton? Where the fuck is Brighton? I tell you what it is....trash, just like you. I dump my fucking trash in Brighton, I literally go there every two weeks, take my trash with me, and dump it in your fucking backyard.”

I'm actually an android from the future. My fingers turn into a super vibrator that can give you insane fucking orgasms”

I should spank you right here, in front of all these people here....but you would get off of that wouldn't you? Yeah who abused you first, your father or your uncle?”

You disgust me”

What the fuck are you even wearing (checking her out)? What is this shit?”

Whats your name again? (doesn't wanna tell me cause I forgot) OK if you don't wanna tell me I guess I just call you ping pong from now on then”

I should kill you right here, I'm gonna take you into the bathroom, kill you, and then rape your dead body into every hole. Pussy, mouth, I'll cut your eyes out and fuck you in your eyes too”

Now this was really really calibrated. Imagine me standing really really close to her, almost kissing her while talking to her directly or in her ear. And while I was saying this shit she was laughing her ass of like crazy. Also, all I did was stand close to her. I left my hands in my pockets and didn't touch her except full body contact. She was the one pulling me in with both hands telling me what a racist I am and how bad I am. After 15 minutes of this verbal abuse I start using my hands molesting her as well, getting more and more into dirty talk until we start making out. I noticed that my wing and his girl were on and off kissing but otherwise just sitting next to each other watching us. Especially in the end when things became more and more heated up between me and my girl I think they just enjoyed the show. Then my girl sits down and I simply give her the “what is this shit supposed to be” look and get her to stand up again. I tell her lets go, grab her hand. While walking to the exit I sign over to my wing that it's time to extract these girls. He gets up with his girl, who just gave me a puzzled look. Then my girl asks me where we're going. I tell her we're going to swanston st. (she knew from earlier that I live on that street), she's ok with it. Then her friend comes up. They talk. We say lets go. They say they have to go to the bathroom. So we waited for them. I knew my girl was good to go...her buying temperature was through the roof whilst I still framed it in a way that she was actually gaming me and I didn't give her to much making out either. Then they come back and I can tell her friend doesn't wanna come. We try a little bit but I pretty much know it's a done deal. They wont leave each other and his girl wasn't ready to go with him. I guess I could've pumped her buying temperature even higher so that she would've convinced her friend to come with my wing but oh well, it was a pretty big state turn around for me anyways. Then we left.

I'm too tired right now to draw lessons.

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good for you. but your wing sucks. and it's been like that for a couple of times now. either you suck as wing or your wing sucks. you guys need to calibrate before going out. set goals. set strategies. like, when one guy gets going, the wing needs to follow and pull through as well.


just tell the 2nd girl to come with. either be really dirty and offer a threesome. if no 2 is not cool with it, just tell her OK, but come with us and chat with my wing until "awesome" and me are finished. be strong about it. be crazy. women love that. and use that "i'm german" line more. women are crazy about foreigners!! If I say I'm from South Africa, I used to pull girls without a problem. Being different is a chicks-magnet. Do it. Use it. You saw how well your agressive mode worked. Be different and girls will want to get fucked by you. and get your wing to try it as well. you've been far to "nice" to girls. kick some but and get some pussy.

hope these lines help you with your mindset. read it again before going out and bust some!



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Lay. Went out with Reuben and Radical to meet Moe on Chapel st. at O'Reilys, the irish pub. It was actually really good and pretty busy. A good mix of bitchy and normal girls. Did a couple of sets and tried to use Moes mustache to get girls. Didn't work but was great fun. After 1-2h at that place we drove on to what was supposed to be a mansion party. And a fucking mansion it was. Heated blue-lighted swimming pool outside. Sauna outside was running as well. They had one dance room with laser show and dj playing and a bunch of different rooms were people hung out. Pretty fucking awesome mansion. We walked around and and checked out the premise to see which rooms would be suitable to pull to. Sure enough found a bedroom and some other really cool room. Unfortunately there weren't too many hot girls but there was slutty cat which was this punk girl dressed up with cat ears, who was there with her boyfriend but was just flirting with everyone. I went back inside after I talked to some random drunk chick and opened this girl in the kitchen. She was wearing Mickey Mouse ears so I called her slutty Minnie Mouse. She was neither fat nor skinny but something in between. Had a cute face so I decided to just keep talking to her. We talked for about 10 minutes in the kitchen until I asked her whether she had seen the Chrystal room, which she hadn't. I took her to the room which was not the bedroom and sure enough, the lights were out and no one was in there. We closed the door and I went into the whole we're married for a year now thing and told her to remember our vacation in Hawaii where we had sex on the beach even tho people showed up and watched us. I also told her to remember our vacation in Switzerland were we had sex in nature next to some cows. All the time we danced close to each other and made out a little bit. I started fingering her and she opened my pants to get my dick out. After some more 5 minutes of that she asks if I have a condom. Unfortunately the room didn't have any bed or practical chairs so we had to do it on the floor. We also couldn't be as loud as there were people going by the room every once in a while.

This was literally the first “normal” situation in months now, since I've been only focusing on SNL, no dates, no social circle, no house parties etc. It's incredible how much easier it is in these social proofed situations. This gets my hopes up a little bit since when I get back to Germany I'm gonna focus more on social circle game. It's like playing on a really high level, and then going back to a lower level and having no difficulties. On our ride back home we were reminiscing about slutty cat and how she probably has a couple of guys ganging up on her tonight but since she was just soooo slutty, it wont even be called a gang bang, it would be called a slutty cat lol.

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Hawthorn was super super busy. We got there around 10:30 and the line was MASSIVE. Inside it was already packed as well. Fortunately Abdul came out as well and with his black help we were able to jump the line by about 2/3rds. Did a few sets but I noticed I've become too comfortable. Anyways the last couple of nights I realized I had to focus more on logistics. I've been caring too much about attraction and hooking sets that I forgot how easy this is actually supposed to be. Just open girl, check logistics within 5 minutes. If bad – eject. If good, enjoy the ride. Attraction is taking care of itself. Too often I've checked for logistics too late, only to find out that she had uni in the morning or had to drive her friends, but at that point I often already invested too much in the set which caused me to stick to it and try it nevertheless instead of opening a new girl. From now on I'll try and figure out logistics as early as possible. That also allows me to think about possible objections early on and ways around them.

Anyway, I started talking to this chick and her friends and after a while her friends told her they were going dancing. She stayed with me. We continued to talk and it seemed to look good. She had no uni in the morning, and was actually from far away/came here by train. I made out with her a little bit and talked some more. She was studying photography. Awesome. Not really super hot tho. Her friends come in again after couple of minutes and drag her away for a dance. I knew that it was not enough but I just couldn't be fucked to go to the dance-floor with them, so I took her number. Texted her later that night but she was already home. Right before we decided to bounce to another venue I opened this asian chick, average face, awesome body. We clicked instantly but after like 3 minutes she got a text message that the cab is waiting outside now. I told her to stay for like 2 more minutes which she complied to. I rewarded her by lifting her up while making out with her. I asked her where and with whom she lived and told her to invite me for drinks to her place. She said she couldn't do that since she lives with 5 other people plus has uni in the morning. Then she told me she really has to go now so I grabbed her number and texted her my name. This morning at 8 she texted me back “told you I had uni at 9 haha” I asked her out for tonight but she's dancing. POLE dancing. I'm actually not surprised with this smashing body of hers.

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Lay. As soon as wing texted me that his girl flaked for the night and I knew that I had the apartment to myself, I started texting some of the girls that I gamed recently. Jodie had to dance, Sarah told me that she's busy till next Wednesday and two girls didn't reply. Or so I thought. But 5h later I get this text from Carmin

Her: ahhh sorry, left my phone at home. Dont think I'll be doing much, Im kinda exhausted. Had an intense gym sesh tonight. Why, what you thinking? I can be persuaded

Me: I was gonna suggest to sneak into hoyts and watch a chick flick but don't know if you're adventurous enough..

Her: lol!!! love it, so tempted but it would have to be later cause I gotta sneak out :/

Me: Ok what time, I'll look up potential movies to sneak into

Her: like 11ish?

Me: Ok I'll figure out a movie and pick you up at melb central 11ish

Her: sweet

Her: I can't get out..parents are still awake and they're blocking my exit. Is 11:30 going to be ok? Or is it too late?

Me: Hey for people like us 11:30 is the normal persons afternoon

Her: well in that case lets make it 12. parents are just going to bed now. Sorry, but I can't do anything about it.

Me: Yeah that's cool, just send me text like 15min before you get there

Her: shall I bring cheap champagne?

Me: why not

I met her around 12:15 at melb central and of course at that time there were no more movies playing (I actually never planned on watching a movie there) so I took her directly to my place, which is a 5 minute walk from there. We opened the champagne, talked a little bit, she enjoyed the view. I had to skype with my grandma cause it was her birthday so I sang her a birthday song and made a jackass out of myself. She loved it. She showed me some ballet dancing and I showed her some chachacha. We almost made out but I didn't go for it. Instead I knew that my roommate was gonna be back soon so I started to move my laptop into the bedroom. I put on some music and we lay in bed talking for a bit. Started making out, escalated more, had sex. Even tho she's only 18 she was a pretty good kisser. Awesome c cup boobs as well. Anyway we were lying in bed later talking and she told me she likes me too much haha. Also found out that she's bi-sexual and has a gay friend that is making advances towards her. Of course, I told her to go for it. Too bad I'm leaving next week. We had sex again later in the morning before she left at like 6am to sneak back in.

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Lay. Having this much sex lately (as opposed to the months before that) is awesome. Not necessarily because of the sex but right now I feel really productive. Even tho I went to bed around 5am, woke up when the girl left around 6:30 and then woke up for good around 12. Usually if I wake up that late I'm far from being productive. I think it's due to my increased testosterone levels. The sex last night was pretty amazing and we went at it 3 times, but let me back up. I tried to get Jodie to come out on Wednesday but she told me she couldn't cause she had dinner with friends so we set something up for Monday. Then friday she asked me how old I was and after I answered her question she asked what I am up to on Friday nights.

Me: don't really like Friday nights cause never really know what's gonna happen till late at night haha so yeah haven't really made plans yet

Her: Well I'm not doing anything after 9ish and fridays are less boding than mondays so I don't know how spontaneous you are but how about tonight? Lol :P

Me: Yeah that works. Meet me at melb central when you're done. Do you smoke?

Her: Okay sure. Tobacco? Sometimes.

Me: Meant weed actually :P

Her: Also sometimes haha but not that fond of it. You smoke a lot?

Me: Did I really look like I smoke a lot of weed hahaha?? ...i hope not cause I don't :P

Her: Gee I don't know, you were laughing a lot haha!

Me: That's cause I enjoy myself not because I'm high :D anyways, let me know like 10 min before you get there and I'll pick you up at the big clock

Her: Well I noticed your eyes weren't red ;) Sure. Ill see you then!

So Reuben had two girls over at his place to smoke weed, Radical was meeting a girl, and we met 3 american chicks the day before in the sauna who we we're hoping to get to come out. Unfortunately they didn't have any working phones cause they were only here for two weeks so no orgy. I met Jodie around 9:30 and I had to drop something by at Reubens place. They were already really fucking high so we stayed a bit cause I knew Radical was back at our apartment with his girl. Then I told Reuben we're gonna get some booze at my place and be back later (yeah right :P). We walked over to my place which is just a 10 min walk and fortunately Radical was in the bedroom with his girl. They had the lights on, which I did not understand, cause they're pretty bright and it's a mood killer. I didn't know how Jodie was going to react when she saw that there was other people in the apartment cause the sleeping couch was right next to the door so anybody who walks by could see us. Well, as it would turn out later she did not have any problems at all. In fact, she enjoyed it. So we talked a bit, I gave her the apartment tour and it was all a very light and fun vibe. Occasionally I would get close to her to create some sexual tension which she liked. Since she is a pole dancer, I wanted her to explain to me the whole thing so we lay down in my bed and she showed me some youtube video. I teased her a little bit more and took more and more of her cloths off. We were making out and she wasn't wearing a bra any more when Radical and his girl came out of his room. The left and pretty much right after we started fucking. This girl was amazing. She had a vaginal orgasm after like 5-10 minutes and was actually embarrassed by that lol. Then she came a second time after another 5-10 minutes and 5 minutes after I came. I could already tell she was sort of into me spanking her little ass and after that we lay down and she told me that she liked getting her hair pulled or neck strangled. This was enough information for me. An hour later we went at it again but this time I was spanking her more, manhandling her more, and generally pulling her hair/biting her. She loved it. She came twice again, the second time we actually climaxed together. She also loved sucking my cock in between sex which was awesome.

After that we lay in bed for a while, then got dressed around 2 to get some pancakes. I seem to have an eye for these girls, but Jodie also told me how she would be interested in having a threesome. She actually said: “If you find a girl within the next 3h, we can have a threesome” I considered giving Carmin a call but then decided against that cause I wanted to fuck Jodie alone again. We got back around 3 and went at it again. This time I pretty much busted out all the dirty talk I could think of.

You're my little fuck whore, you're fucking disposable”

You do exactly what I tell you to you little slut and you address me as master”


yes what?”

yes master!!”

that's a good little girl”

You're not cumming until I tell you to understand?”

yes master, please master, can I cum?”

NO! Don't you dare cum you little cunt, I'm not done with you yet!”

Say you love me, say you love my cock filling up your little pussy”

I love you, I love your cock in my pussy master”

That's right, I OWN your pussy, and only I decide when and by whom it gets to be fucked!”

yes master”

Do you wanna cum now?”

Yes master, please I wanna cum so bad”

Ok, since you've done what I told you to and been a good girl, you can cum now”

Ahhhhhhh thank you master ahhh”

It was fucking amazing :DD I felt like I was in a freaking porn movie. All the time I was manhandling her and insulting her, then calling her my sweet little girl. Later after she came three times, I took the condom off and told her to suck the cum out of my cock and swallow. She sucked it and I slapped it in her face. Then it went even further.

You know, I should just fuck you raw and cum inside your little pussy”

ahh yes please master”


Please, please cum inside my pussy!!”

Yeah bitch, I'm gonna cum inside your pussy and get you pregnant!!”

Yes please get me pregnant, I wanna have your cum inside me”

Then I teased her even more my jacking off super close to her pussy and trust me it was really really hard to restrain myself and not actually bust a nut inside her. Safety first. After she swallowed every last bit of cum out of my cock we lay down naked in the living room and I took this picture of her. Then she told me was really glad that I was leaving next week but wouldn't tell me why. I found out in the morning when she left, apparently she could see herself to easily falling in love with me haha.


bearbeitet von Cassius.

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Went out to Hawthorn last night tonight. Fortunately it wasn't really busy. Jodie tagged along and I told her we're gonna look for a second girl to have a threesome. She concurred. She met me today technically promising me sex sending me dirty pictures only to tell me she's on her period. She said she wanted to see me again and thought I wouldn't meet her if I didn't think I was gonna have sex with her. I was actually pissed for a moment cause I did think I'm gonna have sweet dominant public sex, eventually tho I pulled myself together and made the best out of it. Which was making out and almost getting it on also in public. She was also wearing hooker-stockings (strapse), which was pretty hot. I mostly provide her with good emotions, tho I do remember a moment I did a pretty intense freeze out. We walked together towards my place and I made a stupid joke that she didn't get. Since she thinks she's especially smart, she wanted me to explain the joke. I told her that I'm not gonna do that and she pretty much told me “I'm not gonna move if you don't tell me”. I didn't hesitate a second, said “ok”, and went on without her. She thought I was joking and would come back but I didn't turn around and just continued walking towards my place. I actually got my phone out and called Radical telling him that I might just leave the girl. Fuck that was hard being an ass. I really had to concentrate to not turn around or go back and just give her these emotions. After I walked for a good 600 meters, and was about to turn around a corner on the next street, I looked back and saw that she was way way behind me. As I look around she texts me

Her: :(

Me: Goodbye Jodie (at that point I disappear behind the corner but she couldn't see that I was waiting for her)

Her: omg see this is because I can't have sex with you

Her: I hate you

I actually felt pretty bad for doing this but the reward was immediate. She saw me waiting behind the corner and was a little hesitant first. I waved her over and she came, then I just pulled her in and smiled. She then opened up and told me that she lied about being on her period but she didn't wanna have sex cause she liked me too much (women tzz). I told her if I really wanted to have sex with her, I could just force myself upon her. We then hung out at my mates place, went back to Reubens, where me and Radical had to do some work. She was sitting next to me massaging my cock. Then we went to Hawthorn and we tried to pick up a girl but I actually had no idea how to go on about it. After a while she told me she had to go, which was fine with me. Then we had our goodbye. “Why can't I just hate you?!” I deliberately made it hard for her by opening up a little bit and telling her that I actually really started to like her. She said no it was just the sex, to which I replied that it wasn't just the sex. I told her how much I like making fun of her and how she always takes it lightly and how she makes fun of me as well and we can just have a good time together. All the while I looked her in the eye like someone who loves her and will miss her a lot. When she finally let go of me, she looked at me and said: “If I don't see you tomorrow, I love you”, turned around, and left.

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Although I've been going out here in Cairns until tonight, I think the challenge stopped in Melbourne. 80 Days is quiet the amount of time and I can honestly say it has been an interesting learning experience. I wanted to warp this up by saying that I finally got what I hoped for. The final external result, as in sleeping with 3 different girls within 6 days and turning two of them into girlfriends. I'm not even kidding. Both Jodie and Carmin were pretty much hooked after the first night of meeting them and I met up with both of them on my last day in Melbourne. I had been playing around with the whole idea of drama and a full range of emotions with Jodie and I guess it worked fairly well. It all started out with a standard “I feel like I can open up”. I don't even know what that means, I just know that it triggers something in the girls. I actually believe I open up to everyone, since I'm not trying to hide my here it goes:

Me: You know, I actually felt like I could open up to you...

Her: You know, I feel the same way even though sometimes I can't tell if you're lying..

Me: That's cause I like to joke around and have a good time with people I hang out with, I don;t joke about stuff like this tho..

Her: I know haha. I told you, I really like you and I wasn't joking. So I guess you're not all about the sex.

Me: Still can't believe that the one time I feel like I can connect with a girl, she screws me over and lies to me :(

Her: What is it?

Me: You lied to me to get me to come out cause you thought I was just about the sex :(

Her: Hey I hung around for your shit grammar and while you looked for old men/little girls to seduce!

(this was a joke, she was over on the 15th and I was looking for couchsurfers in Cairns, hence the gay man)

Me: Just trying to be honest, sorry if this is a joke to you...good night

Her: Its really not. Jesus christ I told you that I could fall in love with you. Why would I still be texting you back if I thought this was a joke? Its like 2am and I have uni. I really can't tell if you're just messing with me. You can travel the world and meet tonnes of girls but I've met enough people in melbourne to know that I'm not going to find someone who's like you. And I'm stuck here. Its not like I want to hate that you're leaving.

Her(10min later): Look I just really wanted to see you even if you didn't wanna see me :( night night Cassius.

Her(next morning): Do you eat breakfast?

Her(2h later): Its sunny. Have breakfast with me.. It'll take like half an hour. Don't ignore me.

Me: hey just got up now, can't do that I'm supposed have breakfast in st. Kilda

Her: Mmmmmmkayy

Me: Look, I appreciate the honesty in your text message...its nice to have someone not putting up a front and being real which I believe is pretty rare and is something only few people can have x

Her: Is that saying you don't want to see me?

Me: No I want to, I just think it would be easier if we didn't see each other..

Her: I don't think so but I guess its up to you.

Her: Buuuuut I tould really like to just see you

Her: Just come for a walk with me and then you'll never hear from me again :)

Me: Don't say that, I'd like to hear from you. I have to back up my harddrive in 2h or so if you want you can meet me in the city and tag along

Her: I would like that

So I met her later and we chatted a little bit and then had sex where the condom broke (second time this happened). She hung around for like 3h before saying goodbye. Later that day Carmin texted me and told me she has something for me. I met her up around 1am and she actually had a portrait that she drew of me. I thought it was a pretty nice gesture. As I was packing my bagpack I got her to help me fold some cloths, which she liked. After that we went to bed together and chatted a bit, had sex and then went to sleep. She stayed over for the night and we both left in the morning for the train. She then send me this text message:

Her: bonvoyage, have a safe flight. I will miss you terribly :/ oh and enjoy the hot weather/find a way to move it down here!! <3

Her(2 min later): I love you...

There was another girl that texted me the day I left but was busy to meet up with me. If I would've had more time I know I could've had sex with her as well. And another asian girl that I went on a casual date with but logistics weren't good as I was pretty busy the last two weeks in Melbourne. I think things were finally looking promising but now obviously my time in Melbourne is over. The next couple of months I will have to focus on work but after that I will be moving to Berlin and hopefully be able to work more on game.

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Ich komm grad ausm Urlaub. Ich les es mir am WE durch und gib dir Feedback. Sorry for the wait. :-)


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Yery, very cool reports! You finally seem to know what to do and say at the right moment. Congrats!! So, are you back in Germany or are you still down under?

Damn, that would have been cool to have a threesome. Not so easy to find women that would partake! :-(

Anyways, continue with your super game and continue posting. And yes, like 90% of women like domineering games in bed, where the MAN is the dominant one. My theory: cause women have been emancipated and have to act so tough all day long and have to lead so much +++ because so many men have become wussies --> women want men who lead and are domineering (if only as a game, but still...). Pulling hair and choking them a bit has worked with most girls I know/knew.

Tip: Blindfold them, that turns them on even more! And it gives you the chance to keep the light on (though it should be dimmed - not to kill the vibe) so you can see her in all her glory!

Another tip: tie up her hands (e.g. with a tie (krawatte)). Not too tight. She must know that she can free herself. It's all about appearances to her - just game.

Spanking her butt - sure!

Halsband and / or corsage is also cool. Givs you a handle to pull her from behind while fucking the shit out of her. Try it - they love it!!



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Jou werde am Dienstag nach Thailand fliegen und dann wieder zurueck nach Deutschland. Allerdings stehen die naechsten paar Monate arbeiten aufm Plan weswegen ich wohl hier nicht so viel updaten werde. Spaetestens dann naechsten Sommer wieder ;)

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Neben Arbeiten kann man Abends trotzdem gamen. Hab ich auch gemacht. Abends mit meinem Wing ca. 4-5 mal die Woche einfach in die Innenstadt und bis 22h / 23h (ggf. auch mal später) die angesagten Bars besucht. "Schnecken checken" halt!! LOL

Mach keine große Pause, sonst musst du nächsten Sommer deine AA wieder voll abbauen. Die kommt nämlich (leider) sehr schnell zurück.

LG und guten Flug


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