Cassius at best

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Parktheater. Komisches Gefuehl nachso langer Zeit nicht weggehen mal wieder richtig in guter alter Manier unter die Leute zu kommen. Schlange wie gewohnt Mittwochs super lang, allerdings waren wir rechtzeitig da (nicht so wie letzte Woche ha!) und deswegen auch kein Problem reinzukommen. Die erste Stunde hab ich mich dann erstmal mit Leuten unterhalten die ich schon n paar Monate lang nicht mehr gesehen habe...Es gab n paar Maedels von der Sorte man hat sich schon 4-5 mal gesehen und kennt sich auch bei Namen, aber man hat sich nie richtig miteinander unterhalten. Also hab ich mir gedacht na das sind natuerlich super warm-up sets um wieder reinzukommen. Das witzige war das ich eigentlich nicht aus war mit einer von denen rumzumachen (persoenliche Gruende) aber ich die Ganze Zeit irgenwie das Gefuehl der Ueberlegenheit hatte. Ich konnt irgendwie die ganze Zeit waehrend ich mich so unterhalten hab nur dran denken wie es so waere sie zu voegeln, und ich denk mal das war dann auch das was der Unterhaltung dann nen ganz anderen Vibe gegeben hat..

Ich wusste ehrlich gesagt eh nicht so recht was ich von heute Nacht erwarten sollte. Das erste mal gamen auf Deutsch...hab ja schon ab und an mal Deutsche Maedels in Kanada gesehen, aber da war das dann immer ein wenig komisch weil ich versucht hab die englischen lines auf Deutsch zu uebersetzten, was natuerlich sich kacke dann angehoert hat. Ich muss sagen mir kommt bisher game in englisch einfach n bisschen mehr smooth vor. Einfach so sachen wie “Hey you have cute hair”, sowas kann man einfach nicht so gut im Deutschen sagen mit der gleichen Bedeutung “du hast suesses Haar” ? Wohl kaum... aber auch du hast schoenes oder sonstiges Haar passt einfach nicht wirklich. Naja, vlt. Liegt das aber auch nur daran dass ich wohl noch nicht so wirklich warm bin mit deutschem game.

Ich war dann allerdings doch froh festzustellen dass ich eigentlich nicht so wirklich approach anxiety hatte...gut, so viel hab ich dann auch wieder nicht gemacht den Abend aber hier und da n paar Komplimente zum aufwaehrmen verteilt, das erwaehnenswerteste waer wohl eine gewesen die mich gefragt hat ob ich schwul waer, und diese Gelegenheit liebe ich immer, die hab ich dann gleich umarmt und gesagt “ja wieso”. Sie hat dann noch irgendwas geantwortet aber ich hab sie einfach weg von ihren Freunden richtung Tanzflaeche gedraengt und die ganze Zeit gesagt, es ist okay, es ist okay, Ich bin schwul, mach dir keine Sorgen...waehrenddessen aber dann mehr und mehr Kino (an Arsch gefasst etc.). Hab dann kurz mit ihr getanzt bis sie dann aber wirklich iwi zu Ihren Freunden zurueckwollte, beim naechsten mal muss ich einfach hartnaeckiger sein, ich hab ja gesehen dass es ihr gefallen hat, je hartnaeckiger man dann ist umso besser, dann haben Sie gleich ne Ausrede gegenueber Ihren Freunden “ja aber er hat mich doch nicht gelassen”.

Ansonsten wurd ich noch spaeter auf der Tanzflaeche von einer geopened die ich vorher selber schon aus der Ferne non-verbally geopened habe, sie hat sich dann allerdings als doch nicht so heiss herausgestellt. Alles in allem lustiger Abend.

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Friday, June 8, 2012

So. A lot happened. I pretty much didn't go out 2011 and traveled and worked instead. Then in November, I moved to Melbourne, Australia. After the RSD free tour, me and Radical started going out 3-4 nights per week to get back into it. And it wasn't so bad. Got some make-outs, some numbers, but no lays. I was pretty much back to where I was after my 3 months of going at it in Vancouver. It got a little better, but then it got worse. During January, I did less and less approaches. It wasn't so much of a approach anxiety, but more of a approach lazyness and rejection anxiety. I was getting comfortable with my results and built an ego around that. Of course I didn't wanna disappoint my ego, so slowly regressed my approaches. When you're not approaching, pick up isn't fun most of the time, so going down this horrible spiral, going out actually became more and more a chore to me, until I stopped almost completely going out for February and March.

I got laid in between once, but that was a fluke and I wouldn't actually call it a proper pick up. Things then changed again mid April when I watched an RSD video about fine tuning momentum. The idea of momentum was always present in my mind, yet I never really applied it. Same thing with pulling. I knew that at some point in the interaction I had to go for the pull/lead more, yet it took 4 months for me to actually do it. So me and my roommate started going out again 4 nights per week and focused on the basics again, approaching and building momentum, which made going out fun again.

So 6 weeks in I get a call from a good friend of mine, who was an RSD intern last year. He told me that Julien was coming to Melbourne for bootcamp and hot seat, and that he still needed a place to crash. After a few exchanges with RSD the deal was set. He was staying at our place for 10 days and we were getting a discount on bootcamp and hot seat. Sweet.

He left two days ago and my game is pretty much turned around 180 degrees now. I thought my sticking point was pulling, but I had no idea what I was actually doing wrong all the time. It helps tremendously to actually see someone good at this live in field. Combined with the hot seat this whole thing was an amazing experience. I can't even begin to describe how solid this guy is, and probably the biggest things I took away from the 10 days were self-amusement, getting the girl reacting to you, becoming the buyer, trying different angles and not looking at external results but at how many quality reference experiences you can gather. Now it's time to densify these beliefs. Currently on a 30 day challenge, but will probably go 60 days till I leave Melbourne and go back to Germany.

bearbeitet von Cassius.

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Tonight chapel st. I don't remember how many sets I did tonight, but I got quiet a few new reference experiences. One set stood out though. It would probably be the closest I could get to “Julien-game” so far. The girl was hot, awesome body and I was buying. When I opened her she was with a guy next to her. I can't actually remember what I used to open her, but my very next move was the hand of god. The guy stopped talking to her, probably thinking that she's gonna blow me off in a second. Chode hahaha. Anyway, after a while he disappears and sits down with some of her friends. All throughout that I was talking nonsense to her and practiced self-amusement. Things like

her: where are you from? You have an accent?

Me: the ocean

her: what?

Me: (serious) Yeah, the ocean, before I hit puberty I was actually able to breath under parents are sharks.

her: wtf?! (in a good way)

Just shit like that, which was super hilarious to me. In between I would say stuff like “I think you're the one”, “I love you”, “I hate you”, just to get her reacting to me. Now while I was saying this romantic shit, I was always close to her, holding her waist and touching her, always keeping good eye contact. After a while the dude rocks up and I immediately try to befriend him to which he simply replied “don't touch me”. He was way to aggressive and was asking the girl whether she was ok, but at that point I already had her hooked and she was defending me. “No it's ok, I'm fine. No really, he's really nice. Yes, I'm good, I'm ok”, which was pretty cool. After that she asked me for my facebook but I wanted to take her number instead so I told her “give me your number on the side, so your friends can't see”.

She actually told me she would like to kiss me but she can't because of her friends. I told her I wanted to talk to her a little bit more, cause she seems like a really cool person, but was aware that I couldn't just drag her away, as the guy was always watching us from the couch. Like literally, I was keeping an eye on him with my peripheral vision at all times and saw him consistently turning his head towards us. Now after talking to the chick a little bit longer, even to a chode like him it must have been clear that she was super into me. I told her, I'm gonna leave, and she should just wait 2 minutes and then follow me and meet me at the other side of the room, so her friends won't notice, but she just told me “yeah”, but if she can't make it “I have her number and should call her”. I tried to persist and get her to commit to following me, but before I could try yet another angle, the guy rolled up and dragged her away.

I should've acted faster to get her to meet me in front of the bathroom. If logistics would have been good for her, I would've pulled her right then and there but I didn't think that they guy was gonna freak out like that. Fun times though

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Tonight all over the place. I can't remember how many sets I did, but there were two interesting ones. First one was a girl that I didn't knew from before. She was with two friends, which I pretty much ignored. Her body was not as lean as I would've liked but her face was really cute so I figured for reference experiences sake I should go for the make-out. So I hit her up with all the shit in my head and she is just loving it and fully reacting to me. After a bit of that I danced slowly with her and told her that we're an 80 year old couple who's having their last dance before they die. Then I tell her to give me the last kiss. She tells me she's not that kind of girl. I try. She doesn't let me. Good, different angle. I pull back slightly and pretend I'm getting something out of my pocket. Then I tell her to close her eyes as it is a surprise. She hesitates, then actually closes her eyes. I kiss her, pull back and laugh about it. But I want the make-out, so I pull back again and tell her that this was shitty. Again, she doesn't let me kiss her. I tell her how about a 4th grade kiss, close my eyes and pucker my lips. We do the little kiss but not more. I can't think of any other angles to try so I let her go. One thing Julien used a lot in the hot seat was “it doesn't count as sex”. Next time.

The other set was a drunk girl that I facebook closed like 5 months ago and never really followed up on. She was with a friend and two guys. As soon as I go to her booth and she sees me, she frantically calls me and tries to get to me. Good reaction, but soon I realize she's at that point of drunk where her attention span is even less than a second and she's just all over the place. Very hard to keep her RAS focused on me. I don't really wanna try too hard either. She yells something about getting a drink with her (unattractive) friend at the bar so I let her leave and wait for a bit for her to come back. Bam, she's gone. I search the venue but can't find her so I take off. Lesson learned, next time I take her number sooner so I can at least text her. Now, sitting at home, I actually saw that she messaged me on facebook like an hour ago saying that she came back to look for me but I was gone. Well, maybe another time.

Today was really good in terms of freedom from outcome. Self-amusement is so important for that. Can't stress it enough. Still, I can't let myself get too comfortable with what I'm doing or where I'm at...

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Yesterday we ended up going to a strip club, since they didn't charge any cover that night. It was very interesting to see everything reversed. We got approached by the girls, and they tried to lure us into giving us a dance. I noticed that all of them used physical leading and that it was hard to resist to go with them. The also have a very strong frame as they always want to give you a dance (obviously that's their work and they wanna make money of off you). So it's really hard to get a dent into her reality. Eventually we tried the double penetration technique, which is both of us yelling random shit in each of her ear to pump buying temperature and get a dent in her wall of politeness. The first stripper didn't really know how to react and I think we got at least a scratch on the surface, the second one tho blocked completely and said we were giving her a headache hahaha. Lots of fun.

Hawthorn. Like every Tuesday. This place is probably one of my favorite places here in Melbourne now. We arrived 10:30, knowing that the window of opportunity is only 1:30h. It takes me a little bit to start approaching as I'm standing outside and most people are inside. Eventually tho I get started and do a couple of sets. What I can take from tonight, is being a little bit more real. At the moment my biggest focus is on being self-amused as I truly believe that it holds the key to putting a lot of RSD concepts into practice. Today I realized that I should've taken it a little bit more easy with one girl I was talking to close to the end which was pretty hot. But even tho I talked to her for 5-10 minutes, I couldn't write anything down about her but her name and age. I also believe I could've done more push as opposed to being too neutral throughout the conversation.

This whole self-amusement thing is really interesting as a lot of times when I think something is absurd or funny and I don't need her to laugh at it, the girl will laugh so bad and have so much fun, that it puts me in danger of needing her to laugh because obviously, when both of us are laughing, we're just having more and more fun and who doesn't want that to continue. I also noticed today that if she's laughing so hard (and I mean like literally laughing her ass off) it leads to not being pushy enough which makes establishing the buyer frame more complicated.

bearbeitet von Cassius.

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After waiting in line for 2h we finally get in around 12:30 and it's packed. So many hot girls. I randomly do a couple of sets, and end up talking to Charlotte. She's there with her friends but after a while Radical comes in and wings me on the friend. Soon we separate and I see them starting to make out against the wall. I was still talking to my girl but after a bit I start making out with her as well. I remembered my lesson from Tuesday night and pulled back two times to talk a little bit more serious and actually get to know her. After 10 minutes of this I decide that I should move her around a bit. I take her hand and tell her to come downstairs with me. She looks at her friend making out with Radical, I tell her we'll be back in 5 minutes (yeah right :P) and get her to come downstairs with me. Downstairs pretty much same routine, making out, talking, making out. She blocks any of my attempts to finger her. After a bit she receives a text message from her friend and tells me she has to find her. I tell her ok, I wanted to get some more reference experiences anyways. I take her number and move on.

This one girl I walk up to and say utter nonsense in her ear, leaving her with a “wtf” expression and turned my back on her. Then she actually spilled her water in my neck which came as a shocking surprise to me since I just talked to her for like 20 sec. That incident snapped me out of state a little bit and I was the one walking around like wtf!

Another set I would like to mention was a girl I accidentally ran into. I immediately became physical and started talking bullshit. I then told her that I'm really shy, and that she's the first girl that I talked to that night, but that I think she's the one. She calls me out on it and I just burst into laughter. Then she tells me she has a boyfriend. I tell her I never kissed a girl before. Her reaction was pretty funny. I tell her that I never lie. Right before she leaves, she kisses me hahaha. Anyway, I do a couple of more sets, but there's less and less people standing around, and most of them are on the dance floor. We decide to bounce and grab a cab back home. Just for fun I start texting Charlotte, and try to get her to come over to my place. I didn't really intend to fuck her, but bj would've been fine. She texts back she can't tonight.

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Presynced. For some reason this was really quiet tonight, certainly not as busy as on bootcamp night. I think I managed to do 13 sets tonight in a 3h period. I had one girl I was talking to fairly long, and made out with in the end. I opened her by saying “romance!”. She didn't understand. I told her “Just come here for a sec and we'll share some deep romance”. With that I got her to get up and we walked to the fire place. I started a major role-play of how we had a good time and if she liked the sunset and fire, and she pretty much snapped right into it. So we did that for somewhat 10 minutes when Radical showed up and started to sneak her away from me. As usual it was a little bit too much, but generally super fun for her. He's now done this so many times to my sets, that tonight, I finally felt like I wasn't just reacting. Anyway, after a while, I got her back to focus on me and shortly after started kissing her. At that point I actually knew nothing about her, not even her name, so I decided to take the role-play back a notch and properly introduced myself. She was not hot enough to fuck but cute enough to make out with, so I figured to just talk to her until we make out, and then drop her. She was a little shy at first, but I told her we've been through so much together and I want a proper goodbye make-out. So after some weak resistance on her part, we started making out. I then eject. Radical actually saw her again later and apparently she said she lost me and she wanted him to text me to get me to come.

Another interesting set was a 55 year old woman who I just started talking to after I saw the bouncer running into her and nearly smashing her into the wall. I think this was really gold for practicing self-amusement and I had a quick fun chat with her.

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Chapel st. seems to be the place to be if you wanna meet pua's. After Radical ran into RSD Tim a week ago, tonight we ran into Juggler who was in town. Really chill and cool dude. Otherwise not really that interesting night. One lesson I can definitely take with me is that if the girl shows any resistance, back off immediately and try again later. I ruined a really good set by being too obnoxious and trying to put the girls arms around my neck. Also I have to keep in mind to get the girl to invest sooner in the conversation although I'm not 100% sure how to go about it. Apart from that I made out with a 7 which was nice but not going anywhere else, and Radical stole a girl from me by using unfair lines and telling her he's gonna buy her a drink. Of course he couldn't know that the girl was a cheap whore just looking for that....jk fun times :DD, he deserved to win her...she was asian and after a bit I ran out of shit to say so the only thing I could think about was “ping pong”, so I repeatedly just yelled “ping pong ping pong!!1” in her ear hahaha lots of fun!

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Sundays always hard to find a decent venue. We went to a shitty bar and talked to a group of girls with whom we bounced to toff afterward. It was actually pretty funny, cause they didn't make the decision to go there, we pretty much decided for the group. In toff they met two of their friends, so it was six girls and us two. All of them unattractive except one. And she had a boyfriend. So we hang out with them for a while and then decided to leave. On the way out we took a look at the dance floor, where all the lights were on and apparently a famous band from sydney has been playing, and there were still a couple of groupies hanging out. I went in and almost immediately start hitting on the girl selling band-shirts and albums. I talked to her for about 10 minutes and was just having fun with her. She was responding fairly well and after a while one of the guys from the band walks up and asks if we know each other from before. I tell him no, I just walked in 5 minutes ago. At that point I already had checked her logistics and it wouldn't have been possible to pull her that night cause she was playing with the band (violin) and they were leaving in the morning. I tell her that I have to leave and she gives me the hand “nice meeting you”. I take the hand and pull her in for a hug. The best part was that after this, the guy from the band tells me that she's his girlfriend because he felt threatened by me lol. Incredible when you think about it. I was just hugging her. I guess it's just that I always imagine famous people have game but they just have incredible situational confidence...

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Since exams are pretty much over here now, it was really busy last night but for some reason I couldn't get myself to do some sets and already assumed that this night is gonna be shit. Eventually tho, I pulled myself together and got started by joking around with a fatty. I saw her reach in her purse and my opener was “noooooo”. When she looked at me confused I walked up to her and told her that I have a bomb on me which goes of if I'm in close proximity to someone and they're getting their cellphone out. Talked to her for a bit and then quickly bounced to another girl. It's really gold to know how to be self-amused, since even talking to a fatty can pump your state. Anyway, after a while I start talking to a girl who I considered fuckable after a bit we make out. I make sure I pull back every once in a while and get to know her. Soon we go to her friends on the dancefloor and she introduces me. We dance, we make out. However, I'm wearing my jacket and it's too hot so I told her to meet me outside in 10. I take her number and text her my name.

On my way back I run into a set I did earlier and holy shit were all of these girls into me. I joke around a little bit and go back to my friends to discuss logistics. The first girl told me she and her friends were gonna go somewhere else. I tell her to ditch her friends and hang out with me instead. I see her again a bit later but she's on the phone and ignores me. At that point I was talking to some female friends having fun so I didn't bother. A friend is filming RSD Alexander at another joint but I didn't wanna pay $15 to get in lol. Girl #1 finally leaves with her friends and later text me to find her at McDonalds where she's hanging out with her friends. I stay at Hawthorn and go back to the set of three girls from earlier and focus on girl #2. It's ridiculous how much she's into me and I pull her away from her friends to the bar. We start making out and in between I screen her for logistics. She lives 40 minutes away, is here with 2 friends, and has her final exam tomorrow. Fuck, can't pull her to mine and don't want to drive 40 minutes to hers. I decide to go for the bathroom pull and go further in that direction. She's resisting a little bit so I just chill and make out with her for a bit. She's not a good kisser. Asian as well. Out of nowhere her friends show up and drag her away. I get her number and she tells me to call her. Yeah right.

Basically nowadays if I don't get the snl, I take the number just in case I'm horny late at night and can check if any of the girls might be in the city to meet up. So pulling girl #2 doesn't work as well. The place is about to close and everyone is leaving for the Glenferrie. I go there and do 2-3 warm-up sets. One is a black girl that I tell right of the bat I'm racist hahaha the look on her face was priceless. I calm her down and tell her I'm just joking and not really racist. This was around the time where girl #1 text me to find her a McDonalds. I lean against the bar and see this tall girl #3 walking towards me. I open her “Sunshine!”. She stumbles and leans in “what?” - “Sunshine!”. She's clearly confused so I say the first thing I can make up and tell her that if we were a couple I would call her sunshine. Immediately I ask her what she would call me. She says cutie pie lol. I chill a bit with her not doing a lot of touching, just when I felt like it. Her face is average but really good body. I screen her for logistics. She doesn't live anywhere close to where I live but I try to convince her that she should share a cab home with me. She's texting a friend and I give her a good slap on the ass since I felt like it and after a bit she says she has to go with her friends, who show up 2 minutes later. One of her friends is this girl who's ridiculously hot but I don't have the guts to switch. We all go to the dancefloor (guy as well) and I start grinding with my girl. Coincidentally I see a girl I made out with 2 weeks ago on the dance floor and just tap her on the shoulder to make sure she sees me with this girl and then I pretty much ignore her. Obviously from the corner of my eye I can see that she's watching us haha. Around 2 the place closes. I leave with the girl and she tells me to meet her at Seven on Thursday. I initially planned on going to Trak but now I'm tempted...

Anyway, really interesting and good night. Tried to pull 3 girls and had some good self-amusement sets. One of my favorite things to tell a girl is, when I go for the number or try to get her to go with me somewhere and she's resisting, I step back and say “Look you don't have to come if you don't want to, I just think you're cool and want to hang out with you a little bit more” That gives them a chance to invest and reduces the chance of them flaking.

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Last night was night 22 in a row. Thursday Seven. More than before I realized yesterday that it really takes the edge off if your only criteria for success is that you approach. My wing made the mistake of setting his expectations too high on Tuesday and had a really shit night yesterday. For me it was more like a relief when I thought about the fact that I only have to approach to make this a successful night. In terms of reference experiences I definitely choded out a couple of times where I knew I should've persisted more but also got a few good ones. Overall I can sum up last night by saying I bet on the wrong horse.

I ran into a girl from Glenferrie that I talked to very briefly on Tuesday and after a bit isolated her and started joking around and making out with her. My wing tried to snatch her away from me but this time I was stronger hahaha. She was a good kisser for being 18 so I told her that. I chatted to her for a while, took her downstairs, brought her back upstairs and told her to meet me later in the night.

Then hooked up with a short cute girl from Chile and bounced on to the private area of the club. I started talking to these two girls and one of them was just gorgeous but super high maintenance. She was pinging off the environment like crazy. Very very hard to get her RAS focused on me and I'd say I somewhat failed to do so. I asked her if she was madly in love with someone (line from Spread) and she said no, although she told me she did have a boyfriend/is dating someone. After a while she and her friend took off and I decided it was time to text “sunshine”, girl #3 from Glenferrie who told me she's gonna be here tonight.

I went downstairs had a quick chat with my wing and then opened this super tall girl and asked her for a dance since I want to rest my head in her chest. She danced with me and then I took her to the side and started talking to her. I mentioned how funny it would be if we were a couple since I would always have to stand on my toes to kiss her. She then complied and said she can always just come down on my eye level. She did that and we started making out. After that I talked to her a little bit more, took her number and decided to move on to sunshine, since it was already close to 2am. I found her with her friends downstairs. Started talking to her and her friends and follow them upstairs. Her face was a lot more average looking then I remembered but her body is close to perfect. Skinny, D-cup tits (as I found out later), beautiful ass and legs....hmmmm just yummi. There was a guy with them and she told me that because one of the girls hooked up with him that night, he was buying all of them drinks. I felt really sorry for the guy. Later on the dancefloor when I stopped dancing with sunshine for a while, he actually came up to me and told me that he's a good wingman and that if I want to, I can get with my chick. I didn't even know how to react to that. Anyway after dancing/chatting to her friends for 30 minutes I finally isolate her and hang out with her at the bar. She's not a good kisser. 19 years old, only child, went to a private school haha. She told me about her model friend who got a BMW for her birthday and is super hot (apparently she also hooked up with 3 guys and 2 girls in one night). Hopefully I'm gonna get a chance to meet that one as well. Anyway we just socialize and have good times when I get a text message from the other Glenferrie girl, asking whether I'm still here. I knew that was my moment to choose. Go with the not so hot one for sure, or try and pull the hotter one. I decided for the latter and ignored her text. Unfortunately the hotter one is working in a bakery and had to work in the morning which I again checked too late. I tried to pull her nevertheless but just couldn't make it happen.

This whole trying different angles thing is really not as easy as it sounds, but I reckon it's definitely something that is way easier to figure out when you go out sober. One more advantage for going out sober. Anyway. Fast forward another hour of making out/talking and she has to leave. I let her go, knowing that she's probably gonna be out in Hawthorn on Tuesday anyways. This girl is really perfect, I don't have to waste a night out for going on a day 2 with her, since she's always out anyways. After she left I text the other Glenferrie girl and the tall girl. Tall girl texts me back saying she's still here. I tell her to meet me downstairs but she doesn't show up. I go upstairs and have a look for her but can't find her. Go back downstairs and wait. She than texts me “gone now”...well, I tried. I chode around for another 10 minutes but it was 4 in the morning and I couldn't be fucked to do more approaches. Found a cabbie who drove me home for $7 off meter as that was all the money I had left lol.

Lessons. I developed a good feel for being real/being self-amused/and not forgetting the push in push/pull...just have to calibrate better and better. I should push myself more in situations where I know I should do it but don't want to. This is important for not letting the good old rejection-anxiety ruin my game again. Finally again, screen for logistics earlier and try more angles. She wants it to happen as much as you do, but you need to be the one giving her enough reasons to rationalize going home with you. As Julien said in bootcamp debrief, I need to persist more, play to win, and not eject.

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After presynct failed and was not very busy at all, we ventured on to Brunswick st. The line-up for perseverence was still too long so we decided to go to Bimbos. At Bimbos not too busy as well and I did maybe 3-4 approaches. One make out and grabbed a girl which was walking by on the dance floor and started dancing with her. I guess this was my first time pulling off the claw. After that back to perseverence. One set stood out for me which was pretty weird. I was talking to this really hot half Indian girl but she was very very shy. Like super shy. I knew that if I was gonna do something a little bit over the top it would scare her off. She was also very vary about her friends who were sitting and watching us. One friend of hers actually gestured me to make out with her, but there was just no way that that was gonna happen. I talked to her for a bit, went to look for Radical and Reuben, came back to the girl and talked to her some more. In the end she wouldn't even give me her number. I don't know what I could've done differently but the only thing I can think of would be a role play that takes her mind off.

Pretty chill night, did some comfort zone pushing sets and a very funny self-amusement one at presynct, where the three of us after a while of bullshitting, just started to stare one girl down and not talk any more for like 5 minutes. She was laughing all the way through and couldn't believe what's happening to her.

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Saturday night was pretty tough. Went to the Irish pub first and did just 2 sets for pushing comfort zone. After that we went to the next place and walked into a private function. Flirted with the bartender a little bit (who was surprisingly receptive) and then continued talking and joking around with a couple of old women. When we were done I wanted to take the bartenders number but she was already done least it explained why she was so receptive...she knew she would finish work soon and wanted to hang out with us.

Electric Ladyland was where the magic happened. Or not. I had a really good set with an asian that I almost made out with despite the fact that she had a bf. After a while I ended up talking to this really hot 26 year old and we were hitting it of. I decided I'm gonna stick to this girl for the rest of the night, when my wing walked in and I talked to him for a bit and ignored the chick. After 5 minutes she pulls at my coat and wants to tell me something. I brush her of and continue talking to my wing. She interprets this at me being snobbish and after 3 minutes she and her friend leaves. Nothing I could to, caught me off guard. Not enough calibration on my part.

Next set was a girl that I seemed to hit it off with and that seemed to be into me, but after 10 minutes she went to the bathroom and while I was talking to her friends, she comes back, sits down, and whips her phone out to write text messages. I talk to her friends for 2 more minutes, then I extend my arm to get her to get up and put the phone away. She ignores me. I try again. She ignores me again, just starring at her phone. At that point I knew this was a shit test, but at that point I was already in my head, so I wait for her to “finish her sms”. Obviously that didn't happen and after 10 minutes I just eject. I do believe that leaving on a high note is not necessary. I open the next girl via eye contact and pull her away from two guys. It's on, I know I could've made out with her straight away, but just coming from the blow out set, I'm not entitled enough to actually go for it. I pull her away from her friends but it just got more and more awkward to the point where she just left.

And then, if this wasn't enough already, I open a girl who's on her way to the bar to get drinks. I tell her I'm gonna accompany her but can't really talk to her that long, cause she gets served straight away, grabs the drinks and walks back. I just follow her like a dog back to the booth with her friends. They all look at me with the typical who the fuck is this guy look but I don't care. Don't eject, one of Juliens recommendations and I wanna stick to it. She sits down next to two guys and looks at me. Now, I don't know if I completely misinterpreted her behavior or if she was really just super friendly. I talk to her a little bit when her female friend asks who I am. I think she tells her she doesn't know me and that I walked with her to the bar, so her friend looks at me almost disgusted and asks me why I would follow her. I try to explain. She doesn't understand (she's pretty ugly so I didn't expect her to understand). She then sits down between me and the girl to cut me off. After a bit I tell her that I wanna talk to the girl but she just tells me that I should leave. I stay. Then she gets angry and tells me to fuck off. Then I get angry and tell her that her friend is a grown adult and if she doesn't want me around she can tell me herself. I look at my target and tell her “look, if you don't want me here, just tell me and I leave, I really don't care, but you do have to tell me”, since I didn't get the vibe off of her that she wanted me to leave. And sure enough, she doesn't tell me that I should leave, she tells me “well, I just don't know what to talk about”, then the friend annoys me again and now she's getting more and more pissed. What a bitch. At that point I just want to leave cause the fat ugly friend is so fucking annoying. So I almost look at the girl begging “Please just tell me to go away”. She mumbles something that I don't really understand but it wasn't a clear “go away”. Well, it was good enough for me so I leave.

Sunday Monday nothing special as usual.

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poor sod! what a shitty night. well, everyone's got 'em from time to time. What I'm missing in all your reports are FCs. You do make out but seldom do the f-close. And it can't be logistics. It feels more like you don't really want to. Some inner resistance on your part.... what's wrong? Inner frame?


AR the South African

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What I'm missing in all your reports are FCs

so am I...I dunno why I don't fc, I used to blame it on too high standards but that doesn't cut it for me any longer. I have a fuck buddy here but that's obviously not LR worthy...


Tuesday now really is the best night, hands down. There is always someone who can give us a ride, tons of people going out, really hot girls, I just love it. And thats despite the fact that tonight was probably the night I did the least approaches, maybe around 10. My favorite set was this girl who started asking me all these questions after I opened her. And she was shooting the shit. I couldn't even find the time to answer. But I noticed what happened and turned it around just by breaking her pattern and yelling out something offensive. My newest thing is that right after I tell them I'm German, I tell them I'm a racist hahaha, gotta love their reactions.

Second best set was at Nevermind, and that was probably the set I did most damage at. The girl was really hot, into me, and her friend seemed super busy talking to someone on the phone. I talked to her for about 5-10 minutes as her friend all of a sudden gets up, tells her something, and then drags her away. This came as a surprise for me (if you're anticipating the friend to leave, or drag the girl away, befriend him/her) and I tried to hold her hand. She tells me she's coming back in a bit so I let her go and talk to another girl. I see her a couple of minutes later, but am talking to the other girl now, and wait for another 15 minutes until I actually walk up to her. She tells me she has to leave now, since her and her friend arranged a ride. I tell her to ditch the friend and stay with me. She leaves.

The 3rd set was a sad old lesson that I cannot seem to learn. I ran into this girl I talked to maybe 2 ½ months ago and actually remembered what she does. Back at the time she had a boyfriend, so after a bit of fun talking I ask her if she's still dating her boyfriend. Apparently no. She's really hot, so I talk to her a little longer, but it was at the very beginning of the night, so I figured I can always come back to her later. I don't take her number since I'm sure I'm gonna see her later. Did I see her later? NO, of course not, you NEVER see them later. I don't seem to get this, have been making the same mistake for a couple of times now.

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Well, yes, that's a mistake. I've had a very successful PU buddy teach me the following. Go into the night with logistics set up, i.e. if you're staying far away, hotel or her place or cab/taxi. If that's all too expensive and her place not possible, you should start thinking about moving closer to your hunting area, or get a car. If that's not possible, welll, then you'll just have to hope to get lucky from time to time.

But I suggest figuring out logistics before gaming.

Then, when she's taken the bait (willing), move off with her to your FC location (or her place). Do a FC and then remove the washing tag from her bra or panties as souvenir. Helps to clear the air of any LTR wishes she might have or of which she might be afraid of (you having). Also helps close the FC - if thats what you want, i.e. to go back to a club to start round 2.

I always got the girls with dance game (I'm a very good Salsa/Latino dancer + ballroom as well). It has been my experience, that once you dominate on the dancefloor, they'll basically follow you blind, if you made them hot (makeout). I wouldn't do heavy makeout, 'cause that gives them too much. I've found women are often "satisfied" with a heavy makeout and don't neccessarily need sex. So I just don't give them the heavy makeout, just simple makeout with short suggestive advances. That get's them wanting more and wanting to leave with you. Basically: hooks 'em!

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Yeah I noticed that as well...especially asian girls get validated easily by make-outs. I just hope that I at least provide a good example of looks don't matter cause if they did I should definitely be getting laid more hahaha.


Went out with Reuben to trak. It was pretty empty when we get there around 10 but slowly but surely filled up. The first 30 minutes we were just joking around coming up with a new meme around a friend of ours and tried something we called lazy pick up. We just sat down and pointed at girls walking by and then try to gesture them to come over to us and sit down. After about 10 “approaches” we gave up lol. Went upstairs and I figured I'd use the opportunity to practice my dancefloorgame a little bit, since I suck pretty bad at that and it wasn't really busy on the dancefloor anyways. We opened maybe 5 girls and dance with 3 each. Opened a group of 4 girls and both got 2 girls grinding with us on front and back haha fun times. Then went downstairs to do some proper approaches. Now here comes the big rejections lol. I think I got rejected by every girl I approached. That hasn't happened in a couple of months now. We decided to go upstairs again to do some more dancing and I got a girl to dance with me pretty hardcore but Reuben wasn't dancing with her friend since he got creeped out by a 40 year old hitting on him. I knew the friend was gonna be a problem later if I don't deal with it so I tried to get her to dance with us. She didn't want to. After another 5 minutes of grinding with my girl her friend finally comes in and drags her away. We left after that cause wanted to catch last tram cause I wanted to sleep a little bit before I had to get up at 4am to watch germany italy at a public viewing pub.

Tonight I really improved on the dancefloor and generally I think the reason why I got so many rejections was that the sets I did where always pushing my comfort zone, meaning mixed sets like girl with just one guy who clearly knew each other from before.

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Chapel st. Met up with two friends and wing to go to chapel st. First went into this Irish bar where we did one set and collected a number. I texted the girl later that night to meet us at electric ladyland. Once we got there got started pretty much right away. I had a couple of good sets and eventually started talking to this milf. I bounced after a while as she was checking on her friends. I did talk to another girl and told her that I never really opened up to a girl before and tried to infuse some drama. After a while she told me she had a boyfriend and I told her that now she ruined me for all girls in the future. She asked me why and I was like “well, you're the first girl I opened up to a little bit and then you shoot me down, now I'm definitely not gonna open up to a girl again” So after that she was like “no, I really do have a boyfriend, we've been dating since February blablabla” Right before I move on, the milf comes up to me and tells me that her friends are leaving but she wants to stay a little bit longer but since she doesn't know anyone, she was wondering if I'm still gonna be here. I tell her yes. After a bit I started talking to her again and after like 10 minutes she asks me where I live and tells me that she lives in St. Kilda which is “close by”. Now, in my head I was like sweet, gonna go back to her place and fuck, so I ask her if she has any animals. She tells me yes, fish. Later I take her hand and tell her let's go. She asks me where, so I tell her I wanna see her fish and give them names. She said no, she can't take me home with her. I keep my cool, but in my head I'm like what the fuck girl, how much more obvious can you be about it. I relax and tell myself, maybe just wait a little longer and try some different angles. I time constraint the whole thing and tell her that I just wanna have a quick look at them and then take off and it's just gonna be 2 minutes. Doesn't work. I try another angle, tell her that I don't judge, and pretty much try about everything to help her rationalize taking me home with her. But still no. After that I give up. I pull her back and start making out with her in a last attempt to get her going that way. But after a little bit my friend walks in and tells me that he's gonna take off and go back to the city. While I say goodbye to him she says she needs to go. I don't resist and let her go.

Lesson here was that I should've pushed more and maybe even persisted more. Go walk her to the cab, try fuck her in the bathroom, try to pull her to my place, etc. Did a couple of more sets afterwords, but nothing really hooked and I guess at that point I just wanted it too much.

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1. Nice conversation with the bf-chic. Choice if or if not to continue gaming her is a matter for everyone to decide for themselves.... Some PUAs would have continued, but that's individual character. & frame set...

2. MILF: No, she probably has a hubby/BF at home.

3. It would have been wiser to FO her for a moment, the talk about some nonsense, make her laugh. then lead her to asking her to come to your place, e.g. by

- asking her if she knows X-suburb (your suburb/town).

-- Yes/No.

- Have you seen it by night?

-- No (most probably)

- aah, I do, cause I live there. I'd like to show it to you...

If she accepts, she's willing to go all the way with you. If she blocks, either try escalating more or just next her.

If she accepts:

--> go grab a cab, escalate heavy (petting). She might then even tell you to take her right to your place. If not, take her to a nice place on a hill or something to see the city lights. then go walk home or let the cabby wait (former: that should not be far; latter: expensive --> logistic planning beforehand is absolutely critical!!).

4. you were definitely to needy on the milf. She lost attraction. As said, you should have FO-ed her way earlier.

Your "lessons learnt" are, from my experience, exactly what NOT to do! Especially persisting and walking her to the cab. If she doesn't invite you to come with her to the cab, push her verbally away (e.g. "yeah, you better get going. don't want you to miss your beauty sleep. *twink* and, here, my phone. type in your phone no. maybe i'll call you *laugh*") + NC.

"..I just wanted it too much..." --> Yes, you did since the milf. Women smell that. After I get rejected like that I sometimes play: "Reject girls"/"Mädels dissen" ("fuck that" mindset). Works nice on once frame, gives you a good push and re-creates a positive-attraction aura around you. Women will jump you after 10-15 minutes if you grow your balls again and get your game back.

Anyways, that's my 5 cents advice for you. Wonder what feedback you're getting in the other forum. Could you post or PN me the other forums URL incl. the URL for your specific FR-thread?

Thanks and good luck - you'll get there - no worries here!! :-)


bearbeitet von AndyRandy

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Thanks man, some good points you're making. I'm actually only posting that here since I'm not active in the Melbourne lair....


Went to Perseverence tonight, pretty average place with average girls. My throat has been sore for the past two weeks and doesn't get better cause I go out every single night and scream at girls cause the music is so loud. I can go a while without coughing but when I talk too much, I have to cough after every sentence. We did some lazy pickup approaches in the beginning and dancefloor game, but non of the sets really hooked. Moving on, talked to some girls and watched a guy make the most awesome kiss close ever. He just basically put his hand in the girls neck and shoved her mouth onto his hahaha. Reuben and I watched the two for a bit and came up with lazy cockblock, which is basically stare at the girl while the guy is escalating on her and make her feel self-conscious cause her “slutty” behavior is being watched and judged haha.

Moving on I did another lazy pickup approach and the girl actually came over to me. I introduce myself and basically hit it off with her right away. She is cute, wears braces and has a really nice body so I decide to stick with her. Since she was waiting for her friend, I wait with her and then the four of us go outside (her, her friend + friends boyfriend). We have fun together and the guy is on my site too. Great. We chat a little bit in the group then I isolate her. Talk to her for an hour or so but sensed that she was nervous, so I stay calm. At that point my throat was hurting as well so I let her do the talking. She is fun but naive. Which is actually good. After a while, I just take her hand and pull her to the exit. She gives some resistance. I tell her afterparty. She tells me she has to stay with her friends. I tell her the place is gonna be open for another hour, we can come back if it sucks, she tells me she has to stay with her friends. At that point it is pretty clear that she's not gonna go home with me that night, I can tell that she's not comfortable with the idea. I go back inside with her to try one last time. We find her friends and I say that we were gonna go to an afterparty. I thought maybe if the friends agree she's gonna come. Since they loved me they did agree but she wanted to stay with them. Oh well, at that point I just get her number and set up a date for next wednesday. Then they leave. I chode around for a little longer then walk home.

Lesson from that set is again, screening earlier. Otherwise I'd say it was really good and I could tell that she was just really inexperienced which was the reason why she couldn't let herself go and come with me. She might actually still be a virgin..

also, since Sunday, Monday and Wednesday nights pretty much seem to be shit here, I'm gonna try and schedule some dates for these days. I do love cold approach pick up but I shouldn't dismiss dating at all since that's most likely the only thing I can do when I get back to germany..

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so I haven't been to the doctor with my sore throat and pretty much ignored it, thinking it would get better on its own. Well last night was pretty horrible. I actually can't talk to girls cause as soon as I open my mouth and say something, I have to cough. I took the initiative and worked a little more on my dancefloor game which was fun. Called it a night around 3am to get some rest and let my throat heal. Today almost no talking. Will go out later but not do too much as I have a date tomorrow. With this girl I have been on a date 4 months ago but I didn't meet my own expectations plus wasn't that much into her, so I decided to not pursue her any longer. Then Wednesday I thought well fuck it, I might as well play around. So here are the textmessages between me and her. Bear in mind that I haven't texted this chick in 4 months, still she pretty much replied immediately.

Me: Girlfriend!

Her: Are you waiting in line to get into a club? Cause thats the only time you text me. How are you anyway?

Me: There are no lines on a Wednesday night :'(

Her: Ok, so you've got me curious why the sudden message not that its a bad thing its always good to hear from you :P

Me: I'm checking in on you

Her: Well thanks for the thought :) how are you going? I haven't seen you in a while

Me: No I mean checking in on you to see whether you still play faggy netball :)

Her: Very funny, yes I still play netball :)

Me: Laaaaaaame, I'm breaking up with you now sorry we could've had something special

Her: Its not lame your reason for breaking up with me is lame. I didnt really see you much anyway it was a silent relationship :P

Me: Ok if its a lame reason then tell me why I shouldn't break up with you

Her: Well I didnt really know we were going out but a reason not to break up with me is because im amazing! And you enjoy teaching me how to dance (I think)

Me(pushing how far I can qualify her): Everyone can say they're amazing, what was the last amazing thing you actually DID?

Her(more serious, I took it a little too far): I dont know, break up with me if you want but your reason is really bad. And what team sports are you currently playing that is better than mine?

Me(pull): Why do we always fight? Good night honey, love you.

Her: Goodnight to you too :) did you notice though that youve dodged every question ive asked about you?

Me: no reply

Me(two days later): How are you working next week?

Her: Im working tuesday next week why?

Me: I wanna see you. Lets do wednesday then.

Her: Sorry but I cant do wednesday cause im going away then, I can only do monday or any day when I get back in a week

Me: ok Monday it is then. Just meet me 8:30 melb central

Her: Ok see you then :)

With any other girl that I wouldn't have been on a date with I probably would've answered some of her questions, but she knows I'm cool, so I was just all about dictating the rhythm and getting her reacting to me.

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so I haven't been to the doctor with my sore throat and pretty much ignored it, thinking it would get better on its own. Well last night was pretty horrible. I actually can't talk to girls cause as soon as I open my mouth and say something, I have to cough.

Well, maybee you should see a doc! Gute Besserung!

BTW: what a FO! 4 months! LOL

Me: Girlfriend! Nice NLP

Her: Are you waiting in line to get into a club? Cause thats the only time you text me. How are you anyway?

Me: There are no lines on a Wednesday night :'(

Her: Ok, so you've got me curious why the sudden message not that its a bad thing its always good to hear from you :P

Very nice until here. You've got her on her toes!

Me: I'm checking in on you Not so good. Try NLP/dirty talk, e.g. "Wanna play with you" --> be the badboy she likes!

Her: Well thanks for the thought :) You lost DHV but are building rapport - wouldn't do that so early how are you going? I haven't seen you in a while

Me: No I mean checking in on you to see whether you still play faggy netball :) nice! now you're the bad boy again

Her: Very funny, yes I still play netball :)

Me: Laaaaaaame, I'm breaking up with you now sorry we could've had something special s.above

Her: Its not lame your reason for breaking up with me is lame. I didnt really see you much anyway it was a silent relationship :P

Me: Ok if its a lame reason then tell me why I shouldn't break up with you

Her: Well I didnt really know we were going out but a reason not to break up with me is because im amazing! And you enjoy teaching me how to dance (I think)

Me(pushing how far I can qualify her): Everyone can say they're amazing, what was the last amazing thing you actually DID? good!

Her(more serious, I took it a little too far): I dont know, break up with me if you want but your reason is really bad. And what team sports are you currently playing that is better than mine? nono, she's just shit-testing you and laughing. i don't assume she seriously meant it.

Me(pull): Why do we always fight? mmhh, sounds abit as if you're irritated. you failed the shit-test. Good night honey, love you. here you're trying to recouperate, i.e. to take back the lead - whilst using IOIs ("honey") - good

whay did't you use this as an opp. to push a bit more, e.g. in direction of sex talk: "does menage trois count as team sport? ;-p "

Her: Goodnight to you too :) did you notice though that youve dodged every question ive asked about you? another shit test

Me: no reply good freeze

Me(two days later): How are you working next week?

Her: Im working tuesday next week why?

Me: I wanna see you. Lets do wednesday then.

Her: Sorry but I cant do wednesday cause im going away then, I can only do monday or any day when I get back in a week

Me: ok Monday it is then. Just meet me 8:30 melb central

Her: Ok see you then :)

not optimal but ok. got you where you wanted her! :-)

With any other girl that I wouldn't have been on a date with I probably would've answered some of her questions, but she knows I'm cool, so I was just all about dictating the rhythm and getting her reacting to me.

It doesn't matter if you've been on a date or not with the chick. all that matters is your frame. the cockier you are, the likelier she will except your bad boy behaviour and will except you changing to a more sexually tensed tone, i.e. dirty talk.

If you had switched the tone in part one as dscribed above, you'd have prolonged that chat. Well, short chat's are often better, 'cause she can shit-test you fewer times, BUT then OG is darn good practice - as one often has a few seconds more to think about a good answer than in RL game (you could very well be busy with something else while chatting with her...)

Anyways, this might be a solution / PUSH for you reg. your lay-difficulties:


Regarding your ejection-/blow-out "difficulties" (no, you don't seem to have a problem there, just potential [verbesserungspotential - wie wir alle! *g*]):


And something else a friend of mine found, which is quite interesting and worth making myself/yourself some side-notes:

--> Geht vor allem auf "Attraction isn't a choice" ein und hat früher auch mit DeANgelo gearbeitet. Ab 36:40 wirds konkreter...

Anyways, good luck to you! And keep posting... :-)



bearbeitet von AndyRandy

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Anyways, this might be a solution / PUSH for you reg. your lay-difficulties:


moving to China :D ?!

Regarding your ejection-/blow-out "difficulties" (no, you don't seem to have a problem there, just potential [verbesserungspotential - wie wir alle! *g*]):


A+ post!

And something else a friend of mine found, which is quite interesting and worth making myself/yourself some side-notes:

--> Geht vor allem auf "Attraction isn't a choice" ein und hat früher auch mit DeANgelo gearbeitet. Ab 36:40 wirds konkreter...

where?...can't see any link

otherwise the text with the team sport, i was also thinking about the classic witty response of sex as a teamsport but I really wanna work on dictating the rythm and being the one who's choosing the emotions she receives. Thanks for the feedback, appreciate it!

I'm supposed to see this girl on wednesday who I met but seems very immature. Atm I'm reevaluating my textgame so I'm just playing around with different ideas.

Me: Georgia! Can you do tomorrow instead of Wednesday? Btw you'd like my coffee table...its colour is black :P

Her: D: sorry I'm staying at verity's house over the weekend, I work on Monday. But I'm pretty sure I have nothing on the rest of the week. Btw I'M NOT BLACK XD!

Me: Whatever you say darling :P Ok wednesday it is then!

Her: Awesome :) seeya then!

Her(one day later): Hey, just wondering what the plans are for wednesday? :)

Me: We're gonna go to a weapon store, buy some guns, and then use them to fuck random people up the ass. You're welcome for making your fantasy true..

Her: no reply yet lol

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nice! neat bad ass routine! gotta say, that seperates the LSE girls from the HSE girls. at least my experience...

Though I have to say, that your last sentence IS a bit crude! Kinda funny but a bit crude. Don't quite get how it's supposed to get her tickle? Insider I don't know?



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yeah it was an insider. part of the stuff we talked about that night


I was too sick both Sunday and Monday so called off my dates and just did some lousy street approaches to go out at least a little bit, but I didn't wanna strain my voice. Tonight was fucking awesome. Incredible abundance of hot girls. Crazy. I still couldn't talk without coughing so me and my wing decided to pretend that I was mute. Basically I didn't talk and he did a little talking for me. One of the sets was this asian girl and her friend. Instead of talking to her I typed in what I wanted to say in my phone. This is what I typed in my phone:

Are you studying here?



Are you a doctor?

Are you a pilot?


So after that I gesture to her that we should dance and we go to the dancefloor. She tells me she has a boyfriend. I “tell her” its ok. We dance and grind together but her friends pull her away. I follow. She was with a bunch of friends, too much to deal with when you're mute so I just gesture that she ripped out my heart, put it on the floor, and stumped on it and tell her that I have to say goodbye now. Another set was pretty fun as well. Me and mate went in and I opened with pointing at the girl and then forming a heart with both my hands. Then wing takes over and explains that I can't talk. This whole shit was not easy at all, I really had to restrain myself from not laughing out loud. Here my phoneindex of that set:

He's a terrorist and im a nazi

I can't speak

we should dance Olivia

(here she says she can't dance)

I'm a dance instructor

(she asks what kind of dances)

salsa rumba chachacha walz

(I dance with her a little bit which was hard cause I couldn't tell what dance we were dancing)

You don't like me because I can't speak right?

That was my last text, unfortunately she couldn't read cause while I was typing some friends drag her away. I don't go back in. Then I see another girl, super hot, with a little birthday badge. I immediately open and decide that for this one I do have to talk unfortunately. I tell give her a hung, turn her away from the friends and she tells me I look like Draco Malfoy lol. I tell her she gets a birthday hug, then I tell her she gets a birthday kiss as well. She tells me she can't she has a boyfriend. I shrug it of and tell her it doesn't count as sex, just a short kiss. I could tell she was attracted and just needed the right rationalizing to actually make out with me so I lift her up and walk a couple of meters away so she was out of sights from her friends. Then I tell her that its ok now, her friends wont see and never know. She is laughing but still need more rationalizing. I'm out and can't think of another angle so let her go.

Later in the night I text Monique who told me she might be at the Glenferrie tonight (I'm at Hawthorn)

Me: how is glenferrie?

Her: I actually went to the hawthorn, worst night ever. Rough crowd and I went with a shitty group of people :S. Are you out atm?

Me: Yeah, Hawthorn

Her: Too bad I didn't see you before I left! Have a good night

So basically she told me that she would've liked to ditch her friends to hang out with me, and then come home with me instead later. I don't know when she went home, but must have been early cause I texted her 11:15. I went home early that night as well cause of my voice. I just want this shit to be over and be able to talk again. Besides that restriction awesome night!

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