Cassius at best

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also zur Erklaerung, ich bin noch bis Dezember hier in Kanada und moechte so viel wie moeglich an meinem Game arbeiten, da ich hier recht viel Zeit habe. Ich bin dem lokalen Lair beigetreten und werde beide journals parallel fuehren um moeglichst viel feedback rauszuholen. Deshalb Warnung vorweg, alles was ich hier in diesem Thema an Fieldreports schreibe wird auf Englisch sein. Hat jemand verstaendnissprobleme kann nachgefragt werden und ich uebersetze gerne.

Here we go.

Ok, this is long overdue. I'm gonna be in Vancouver till December 10th and wanna improve fast. I started going out on a regular basis last month, untill that point, I've only been reading material. However, I got approx. 15 # and/or fb closes, but I'm only messaging with 3 girls atm. getting rid of AA was the highest priority, also I'll be on vacation till almost September, so I can't set up day 2's anytime until I come back (and I don't have a cell yet, that's quiet the phone game killer :p).

Anyways, I was sarging on Granville last Saturday after the fireworks with Radical, Cortez and Alex and Alex and I did that 2 set. My target is approx. 28 years old and a preschool teacher who is writing a book about children manners. They want to go to celebrities, so I explain them how to get their in some kind of playful, confusing way. We have a little chat about me being from Germany, and her being a fairy and so on. In conclusion I would say she was attracted(body language), I think I was in set 10 min +/- . In the end I say that she definitely has to send me a copy of her book and she returns that she doesn't have my contact information. No problem I say, just type in your mail or and name and I message you.

So far so good.

Now the textgame.

Cassius: alright, I gotta know...did you guys managed to get to celebrities in the end or were my instructions to confusing ?

HBwriter: We found it, you were spot on! Thx.

at this point I was like wtf? I mean, I didn't expect an awesome response, but certainly more than that

Cassius: comparing your highly eloquent mail to our fireworks conversation you might wanna change your profession from writing to journalism...but you made a good impression on me that night so I decide to give you a second chance to proof me wrog.

I tried to make the best out of it, teasing her a little bit and then reframing the whole thing in me being the prize.

HBwriter: Hmmm, second chance hey? Funny. Try again....

ok seriously, I really really ridiculously did not expect that answer. But I like it, it's challenging. I don't know tho, if I'm up to the challenge at the moment.

So please, any thoughts on that are highly appreciated.

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haha alright, tow updates. First, the set, I was explaining above...I wrote back

cassius: try again huh? tomorrow, starbucks robson&thurlow, 6pm, bring some flowers...

HBwriter: Sorry, taking myself to Shambhala

seriously, wtf?

Second my textgame between HBsweet, I met her during daygame on Granville while Cortez was doing another set. It lasted for about 15 minutes, my opener was like hey! I'm waiting for a friend right now, would you keep me some company?

anyway, I texted her using textfree with ipod touch. Her response:

HBsweet: Just called you at your Textfree numer

I hadn't wrote her anything in a while, she just called when I didn't expected it

Cassius: Hey, sorry but this is no phone

HBsweet:(4days later): What are you up to this week?

Cassius: I'm looking for a new place at the moment -.-

craigslist=annoying. You have some spare place?

of cause I didn't mean it

HBsweet: Not anymore but too bad because i did. You can stay for a few days if you need to. I shall ask new roommates.

and I was like wtf? :D:D I just spend like 15 minutes talking to her and she would let me crash her place for a couple of days?

Cassius: A german friend offered me the same thing once..I said yes without checking out the place first...baaaad idea, it was a mess, so I have to ask. Do you live in a dump?

she didn't answer yet...

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Yeah, went on a roadtrip in August, so I kinda lost contact to the girls I approached in July...anyway life goes on.

I'm trying to to do 5 approaches/sets every day, 10 from Monday next week on, I figured that's the best way to get rid of the last AA in me. Although I improved a lot since I started out, I still have some AA. Most of the time direct works best for me, #c rate gets better and better, now it's time to turn the numbers into day 2's.


went out with Leo to pacific center to Hollister, I actually almost never go there despite the fact that there are a lot of nice girls. Anyway, we sit down in the middle of the store, two HB6 in front of us, Leo opens with something.

HBs: are you guys also here for the interview ?

at this point we say no and some stupid answer, then I decide to try a little role playing

Cassius: So, why do you think we should hire you? (serious face)

HB6: Because I'm beautiful (I guess at this point she didn't consider that we could be working with Hollister)

Cassius: Oh, well that doesn't count, every girl that works here is beautiful, what else do you got?

I just proceed with the role playing and all of a sudden she gets pretty nervous and asks if this is the actual interview and if we are working for Hollister.

Cassius: I assure you we're not working for Hollister

HB6: really?

Cassius: I swear on my mother's...actually no, I can't do that.

I then ask the same questions the other HB and she answers me. At some point I feel a little bit guilty because one of them was really struggling with their emotions and had a little bit wet eyes, but I just couldn't convince them that I was not working there.

Anyway, number close was something like this:

Cassius: alright, what's your name?

HB6: amy

Cassius: and yours?

HB6: lily

Cassius: alright, put your numbers in here and I'll give you a call tomorrow and let you know how we decided.

I then assured them once more that I do not work here and just wanted to give them feedback on their presence/body language. After that I hugged each of them pretty long (c'mon, you still nervous? let's hug it out) and left.


went out with Leo and MrLeon in the pacific center. Today I really wasn't feeling like it and when that happens, my standards are really high and I go only for HB7 or higher. That's also the reason why I didn't do a lot of sets today (4 so far), but still one went pretty good. This was also my first mother/daughter set...I just didn't care at all today, I saw her and approached direct.

Cassius: Hey you're cute, what's your name?

HB7.5: Amy! (her face lit up when I approached her, she stood right next to her mother)

Cassius: Well nice to meet you Amy, what are you guys up to ?(I also make eye contact with the mother at this point)

HB7.5: Oh just walking around shopping.

Cassius: Cool, you from Vancouver ?

HB7.5: No, I'm polish.

I don't quite remember the rest of the conversation, it turned out that her grandparents are Polish and she actually is from Vancouver. They ask me where I'm from, here my usual routine, let them guess, then neg or either highfive. I also commented on their relationship towards each other and asked if they're also this indecisive when it comes to clothes, both laugh. We chat a little bit more, but I sense they want to go on shopping so I make the #c.

Cassius: why don't you give me your number and we hang our some time?

HB7.5: (hesitates a little bit) here, give me your number. (tries to get our her phone, I cut her off)

Cassius: I usually don't do that, let's make it fair and exchange numbers, this way when you stalk me I can stalk you back.

HB7.5: haha ok (puts her number in my ipod)

I actually didn't give her my number because I got my phone after that. Just to mention, during the whole conversation she was smiling a lot and her body language was pretty open. However I wasn't sure how much Kino I can do around her mother, so I kept it at minimum.

bearbeitet von Cassius.

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Didn't do a lot of sets today, just 2 #c and the third one I just missed to ask (I am chode). I tried to call HB7.5, no answer...trying again tomorrow. Also called one girl I did the interview with, had a little chat with her, I'll probably call her again some time next week and try to set up a day 2. So far so good, tomorrow 10 approaches, that's gonna be harsh.

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I feel that I need to do Cassius a favor here and explain to the good readers of his journal that he goes by a different "HB" scale than most of us. :D Personally, I have come to think that his way makes more sense but that's just me.

In his worldview, if a girl is not attractive, she doesn't deserve a spot on the "Hot Babe" scale at all. So she is just a zero. If she is attractive and fuckable, then she has secured herself a spot on the "HB" scale, anywhere from 1 to 10. So when he refers to an HB6, that girl must be pretty damn attractive.

But I can't conceive of a girl that would possibly get a 9 or 10 from Cassius.

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... on the "HB" scale, anywhere from 1 to 10.

I still have to work on the rating system, I'd say my HB scale starts at 5...thanks for pointing that out tho.

bearbeitet von Cassius.

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nothing special happened today, I did 8 out of #c tho. I guess the most interesting set was another mother daughter set (I could get used to that ). I had a little chat with the both of them and then asked for the daughters number. Her answer was something along "Uuuhhm...(looking to mother)well I don't know, I have a boyfriend.." It almost seemed like she and her boyfriend are having some issues but she felt uncomfortable giving me her number in front of her mother.

After another unsuccessful try to get HB7.5 on the phone I txted her the following:

Cassius: Wow, you're really hard to get a hold on.. was nice meeting you tho, take care

HB7.5: hey! wow I'm sorry Im bad with checking my phone :( How are you?!

Cassius: (I'm probably answering tomorrow because I'm really to lazy now)

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Scheinst ja Fortschritte zu machen gute durchschnittliche approaches ( relativ asexuell ) , habe mir alles durchgelesen, allerdings:

What about some KC's and FC's - by way of variation?

edit : Since when are you living in Canada ?

bearbeitet von kenyo

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Eskalation...gut beobachtet, genau das ist momentan mein sticking point wenn man so will. Bin hier seit April, dem lair allerdings erst im Juni beigetreten und im Juli dann angefangen regelmaessig rauszugehen...hab noch bis Mitte Dezember hier Zeit um mein Game auf Vordermann zu bringen.

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Today was definitely the big Boyfriend day, I think 7 out of 10 sets I did today either were married, had a boyfriend or with their boyfriend at that moment. I went out with Jordan first, Lust and Yarbles joined later. At least I got 1 number from a girl who wasn't with her boyfriend. I already feel like it is way easier then last week to approach HB's, now I just have to keep it up and build more attraction.

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Due to the fact that I have been working from 1 to 10 and before that had to get my phone ready I didn't had a lot of time. 10 minutes after coming home from work txt msg from Lust, I met him on Granville, didn't do a lot though, a little bit dancing and one a call from HB6 (the Arabic girl from Hollister set), she wanted to know whether I have time on Friday, nice.

ok, to write a little bit at least, here the txtgame with my Friday day 2

HB6: Heey, can you do 11 or 12 instead? (this was like 5 minutes after she called me and we set something around 3)

Cassius: Yes, let's make it 12.

HB6: Okkie :) are you bringing anyone?

HB6: Oh, and do you have facebook?

Cassius: You're cute, yeah I'm bringing my grandma.

HB6: Haha thanks :$ you're pretty cute yourself ;) hahaha no are you seriously bringing your grandma? :p what's ur facebook !

Cassius: Yeah, you could bring your grandpa, maybe the two hit it facebook is "grandmas sweetheart"

HB6: hahahaha cuute and funny :p My grandpa's a married man. And I don't think ur grandma would be interested anywayss haha ;) ohh jeez grandma's sweetheart :p forreaaal hahah!

bearbeitet von Cassius.

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Cassius: Wow, you're really hard to get a hold on.. was nice meeting you tho, take care

HB7.5: hey! wow I'm sorry Im bad with checking my phone :( How are you?!

Cassius: (I'm probably answering tomorrow because I'm really to lazy now)

A quick piece of advice: Don't ever tell a chick that she's hard to get a hold of, or ask her why she didn't return your messages, etc. It shows neediness. It is one of my absolutely golden and unbreakable rules. I have sometimes had chicks give me complete radio silence for anywhere from several weeks to several months, then suddenly re-initiate contact. I NEVER mention "wow where have you been all this time" because I presume that she's been busy, and so have I. More than one girl has told me how much she appreciates that particular form of non-neediness (acting like weeks or months of no contact is no big deal).

Why is this so important for chicks? From an emotional standpoint, a chick will go into periods of depression/jealousy/uncertainty where she is caught up in how she feels about some other guy(s). During that time, the last thing she wants is a random guy she only met once on the street for 5 minutes asking her why she doesn't return calls. Just keep her lightly pinged, and if she does not reply to a message then increase the interval. Eventually, she MAY reply and be interested again. Is it fair? Would a business survive if it operated that way? Hell no. But that's just the way it works.

bearbeitet von Cassius.

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thanks Yarbles, I certainly won't make this mistake again...

Had a day 2 yesterday but got kinda disinterested in the girl. Still used it to practice and now I think she's almost in love with me :D. Anyways after that day 2 I did another 6 approaches, no number though. It's really nice to see that I already have far less problems talking to a HB then last week

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Do not try to explain something logical to a woman, thanks again to the lady at the Food court for blowing me out and giving me this valuable lesson. Besides that I had a nice little chat with a girl who was approx. 28. Even though she was definitely attracted she had issues with my age, she kept asking me for my age and said that I was probably too young for her. I still got her number, now I have to figure out if she'll flake. Oh and I should also lower my standards a little more, just to get more sets done...

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Oh and I should also lower my standards a little more


No shit.

Even though she was definitely attracted she had issues with my age,

Put a serious look on your face and tell her that when you were 12 years old you dated your babysitter.

  • TOP 1

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Put a serious look on your face and tell her that when you were 12 years old you dated your babysitter.

hahahaha nice, never heard that one, well here are some news on that chick. I just gave her a call and her voice mail answered. Lucky me I guess, cause I forgot her name right away :D. So after like 5 minutes my phone rings. I answer and she says something I don't understand, I just ignore it and ask her how her day was. She then explains something to me which I didn't understand again, this time because of a missing vocabulary. Anyways, all of a sudden, she's like, Michael is that you? And I'm like yeah, who do you think I was. To make it short, it turned out she was waiting for a friend to call her and confounded me with her friend :D. Overall the call went good, we chatted a while, then I asked her for the day 2

Cassius: ..blablabla yeah I generally prefer talking to people in person, tell me when you're free and we can hook up

Lilly: This week is actually pretty bad for me because of blablabla

Cassius: Oh that's right, your job, you're busy 24/7 (she mentioned that when I picked her up)

Lilly: haha no not 24/7 but still busy

Cassius: what do you do anyways, are you like some secret agent and Whole Foods (where I met her) is really your secret base and the "friends" you were looking for were actually your targets

Lilly: haha no, you were my target and you didn't even noticed it (score!!)

Cassius: haha alright, good, when are you free next time?

Lilly: sometime after the 12th

Cassius: well the 12th is bad for me cause that's my birthday

Lilly: what really? haha how old are you actually

Cassius: One year older soon (I shouldn't buy into her frame I know)

then I told my actual age and told her that she's probably too young for me, cause that's like my 10th reincarnation on earth and my soul is pretty fucking damn old. The chat ended when she had her friend calling her on the other line, I just left her with something like ok, see you Thursday the 14th then...

I have to say in my defense, I had to pay attention to her and Radical who hung out with me at my place and was trying to tell me some shit while I was talking to her...dude, you should know I'm not capable of multitasking, what the hell did you try to tell me?

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... Radical who hung out with me at my place and was trying to tell me some shit while I was talking to her...dude, you should know I'm not capable of multitasking, what the hell did you try to tell me?

1. I don't remember what I was trying to say.

2. WTF!? I'm sitting right across the room from you for another hour after this, and you ask this in a post? :-)

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I went out with Jordan pretty late today, so I only did 3 sets. The first one blew me out right away, she mumbled something and kept on walking. I'm still not sure what I'd prefer, direct or indirect. Direct is way easier, because you can walk up to the girl and approach her right away, you don't have to think about something situational or whatever + you know right away if they have a boyfriend or are married, so you don't waste your time. But. I seem to get better conversations out of indirect, it's just more under the radar. For example set #2 today, Jordan got approached by some girl he knew so I kept on walking and noticed a cute Asian girl walking by. Now since I rarely approach Asians, I took the opportunity and opened her indirect.

Cassius: Hey wait! (I guess my BL was pretty dominant here) I hate it when I walk around with a friend and he runs into somebody he knows (not really true) here, keep me company as long as he's busy.

HBasian: uhm ok

Cassius: what have you been up to today?

HBasian: well I bought this iphone 4 and I'm still trying to figure the thing out

Cassius: iphone huh (I get out my phone), I only have this crappy phone, it's ok for calling tho, if you can't figure yours out we can switch

HBasian: haha no

I don't remember most of the conversation but it went pretty well. At the beginning she didn't want to stay that long, she even tried to introduce me to the girl Jordan was talking to, yet slowly but surely she was more opening up, gave me some IOI's and at the end hit me playfully cause I was teasing her. I'll probably call her tomorrow and try to set something up.

One last thing on set #3, this girl was by far the shyest person I ever (in my life) ran into. As soon as I approached her, her cheeks got red, and she wasn't able to hold eye contact at all, I mean she was just looking at my chest or down to the floor but not into my eyes. I pretty soon got disinterested and ejected, there is just no point in talking to someone who isn't even able to look you in the eyes.

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One last thing on set #3, this girl was by far the shyest person I ever (in my life) ran into. As soon as I approached her, her cheeks got red, and she wasn't able to hold eye contact at all

With shy chicks, I got them to say "No" about something simple then I tell them "the Little engine that could" story and then get them to repeat "I think I can I think I can" a few times thoughout the story while directly staring into my eyes. I high five them after as a reward.

Then I tell them the moral of the story "if you believe in yourself, you can do anything"

this works awesome for opening up shy chicks. I even got a girl to cry once and then tell me that she has no self-confidence after hearing the stry :-D

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then I tell them "the Little engine that could" story

Can you be more precise about that story...I've never heard of it.


long day at work, got home at 11pm, get dressed, call Noel...they're in Gastown...too far fuck. Alright, since I was already dressed I decided to go for a walk on Granville to see whats going on there, just for like 20 minutes, alone, do it anyways, right Zardoz...

First set were two chicks walking behind me on Davie, I opened them and chatted with them till our ways divided on Granville, the had tickets for some sort of benefit gala in Yaletown, it was a good warm up set, one girl was very responsive, my interest wasn't enough though to nc her. On Granville I run into this chick who gives me a ticket for Republic, awesome, let's check that out. I walk in, the club didn't seem very busy, only a few people on the dance floor. I walked up to the second level, more people here, I open this HB8 and her friend and just asked them whats going on here and why everyone is standing at the railing. DJ contest. I eject and make my way through the club downstairs again. Since dancing usually gets me in a good state I go to the dance floor and just dance like crazy near this 3 set of HB7, HB7 and HB6. I don't try to dance with them or anything, I just enjoy myself. After like 5 minutes one of the chicks, lets call her HBfaketits, walks up to me and says something like "I know u wanna dance with us"....I don't know exactly what I answered but I start dancing with the group. As we were dancing along I start grinding with HBfaketits a little bit and she asks me

HBfaketits: Do you think my boobs are real or fake?

Cassius: I honestly couldn't tell, they could be both

HBfaketits: ahhw thank you (big smile)

HBfaketits: they're actually fake

Cassius: no way! ...let me "see"

HBfaketits: go ahead

So there I was, in the middle of the dance floor, which didn't have a whole lot of people, feeling this chicks tits, in front of her friends and everyone else...nice. I start dancing with her again but also engage the group...At this point I decide to go outside to catch some fresh air and "cool down". I try to call Will, since I could use help with her friends, but, he didn't pick up...his bad I guess. Back in I went to the dance floor again, but they were gone. Fuck! ah, doesn't matter, so I start dancing for my self again. Not 2 minutes later I get approached by this old chick (approx. 35), she wasn't my type, I start dancing with her a little bit, nothing serious tho. After a while I start ignoring her and danced just for my self again...the DJ plays an awesome song I didn't remember and I dance like shit...I was in a really good state. And then it happens, out of nowhere this HB7 walks up to me, and starts hardcore-grinding with me...she compliments me that I'm a very good dancer and stuff and drags me to the bar to buy me a drink, nice! So I drink the drink, we go back and start dancing again, but then she starts talking to some dude, so I was on my own again...good for me the 3 chicks showed up again. To make it short, I try to isolate her two times, two times 2 or something they have to go, we exchange numbers and I kc her. 10 minutes later she msgs me "Good times danicin!!! Let do it again! ^_^ great meeting U!"...I dance around with some Arabic chick a little longer before I go home.

Right now I'm thinking about just befriending her, she knew a lot of hot chicks that night (even the 8 I opened first), and she introduced me to the DJ they where there for. Would be awesome to have her as a female wing...

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it's a children's book. Just go down to the library and borrow it. It probably takes about five minutes to read.
Awesome stuff Cass. I'm pretty far from you. It's a good time for you to do this, it seems to become harder as we get older because we're too busy in our minds.

have you tried some NLP stuff to get rid of the "busyness" ?


Fun night. Met up with Radical, Lust and GoldenGun and get some stamps for Cellar and Republic. Cellar wasn't really good, so GoldenGun and I decided to check out Republic. We go to the dance floor, dance a little bit and then go upstairs. GG opens this girl with “Hey you are so beautiful, I wanna buy you a drink”, it hooks instantly xD. Then her 3 friends come and try to drag her away, I wing him and we talk to them a little bit before they move on. Then at the bar this girl comes up who told GG at the dance floor earlier that she thinks we're cool. She wanted to get a drink so I open her with “Hey, you stalking us or what”. I don't remember the whole conversation, but I talk to her for a couple of minutes before we eject (I knew I would see her on the dance floor later). We walk through the club and go to dancing for a little bit until Hbbar shows up. I start dancing with her, GG was encouraging me. Long story short, I end up dancing with her for two hours, unfortunately she was there with her ugly friend, so she had to dance with her friend from time to time. Still it was pretty intimate and fun (bonertime). I #c and kc her before she has to leave with her friend.


Me and GoldenGun catch some lunch at Vera's before going to Pacific Center for daygame, I did about 5 or 6 approaches and got 1 number, unfortunately she has her mid-term exams over the next two weeks, so is busy :/

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went out for daygame with Passion today but got instead of a number a free coke and free candy (thanks Fairmont). I only did like 2 approaches due to a lack of sets, was fun though...then home again, cooking and on my way to meet GoldenGun to get both our asses to

Mirage. This was actually the first time today I've been to sure takes a while to get there. We met TDIII and the three of us enter Mirage. Not a lot sets, but it was still early so we sit down at a random table and chill for a while. I noticed a promising 5 set in the corner of the room and after we got back from the smoking area I decided to not chode out and approach them. There were only 2 of the 5 girls sitting, perfect. I walk straight up to them, go sort of around the table and sit down next to HBbf.

Cassius: Hey guys, I need some help from you

HBbf, HB6.5: (looking at me like wtf does he sit down here) ....

Cassius: are you guys from surrey?

HB's: yes

Cassius: fuck I'm glad I ran into locals, I'm not from Surrey and it sort of creeps me out

HB's: what why, where are you from (by now they're both smiling already)

Cassius: well I came all the way here from Vancouver

HB's: haha that's not too far

Cassius: yeah it is, I feel fucking alienated in Surrey, like I'm not even in BC

HB's: no you don't have to, you have us

Cassius: yeah I'm glad about that, if they would kick me out I'd probably die out there, I don't know how to get to the bus stop (we actually got kicked out later)

HB's: hahaha...

Cassius: fluff talk

so while I'm talking I'm kinoing HBbf next to me all the time and it's fucking on, she was all over me with her hands and leans in almost as if she wanted to kiss we kiss. But then all of the sudden she backs off.

HBbf: omg what am I doing, I have a boyfriend.

Cassius: yeah, what are you doing? I'm not that easy...

HBbf: what? haha

Cassius: yeah I know what you're doing, but it's not gonna happen tonight, you have to take me out first. ( I take her hands and try to drag them to her friend "here, take them and make sure she doesn't do anything inappropriate with them...")

HBbf: haha no, you have to take me out! (touching me again)

Cassius: how good can you cook?

then 2 other friends of her show up and I start talking to them and ignore HBbf. The waiter comes and offers shots, HBfriend buys a couple and I accidentally drop one. At this point HBfriend with who I had very little time to talk to was like "wtf you just wasted a shot, go to the bar and buy another one" I was genuinely sorry, so I apologized to her, but she keeps pushing. So I get up, go around the table and talk to her, tell her I'm really really sorry and shit and hope she isn't mad at me. Now before you mock me, I acted beta in front of her for the purpose of disarming her and befriending her.

Cassius: Hey I'm really sorry that happened, will you forgive me please?

HBfriend: yes I forgive, you, the shots were also just $2

Cassius: yeah, thank you (hug), now I don't have to cry myself to sleep this night

HBfriend: haha no you don't have to do that

Cassius: awesome, I'm glad we two get along, I kind of have the impression that your the leader of this group, so I wanted to make sure we're ok

HBfriend: yes I am, but don't worry, we're good

Cassius: awesome (hug her again)

by this time HBbf came also around the table, and asks me what we're talking about. Now, next to the table around the corner was an exit corridor, so I pull her there and go into lock in. She immediately starts making out with me again and I just say "Careful, you gonna get me exited" (credit to GoldenGun). So of cause she gets even more into it and starts rubbing her pussy against my cock and touching it but than backs off again.

HBbf: what am I doing? ...I have a boyfriend

Cassius: that's alright, I'm married.

HBbf: (suspicious) what?

Cassius: Yeah, I have a wife, two actually...but I'm looking for a third one (credits to Marosh)

HBbf: hahaha what really? no?!

Cassius: (while pulling her to the back of the corridor against the exit door) yeah, but I feel like wife #2 might get replaced

And then we start making out again leaning against the door. And then it happens...the fucking door gets pushed open by us leaning against it. But not only we almost fall down, no this particular door also triggers a fucking alarm, so all of the sudden it goes like diudiudiudiudiudiu above our heads. Needless to say the bouncer came and we went back to her friends. At this point HBbf gets dragged to her friends and I chat to HBfriend again. One of her friends tells me she has a boyfriend and I leave them and go back to TDIII and GoldenGun.

I saw her like 20 minutes later in the smoking area again with one of her friends I kind of befriended. She's all over me again and tells me she is cold so I hug her "I know you have a bf and I'm married, but hugging is alright". Fortunately I get winged by GoldenGun, so I get into lock in position with her again and we make out again, but that was obviously too much for her friend and she drags her away. I was fucking lucky with that because her bf came like 10 minutes later and she hung around him for the rest of the night...

I didn't mention everything, there was a lot more teasing from me and a little more talking to her friends. Besides that I did another set of 4 girls and a 3 set with GoldenGun, complimented a few girls, not more...was a fun night tho.

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quick update: I just realized I really need to work on my follow up game, so I txted HBbar (10/08/10), and my favorite writer from post #1.


Cassius: Fun times dancing last night!

HBbar: Indeed.


Cassius: Hey HBbar, I want your advice on something.

HBbar: I will happily oblige... what is the topic du jour?

Cassius: Do jour? Are you studying for french mid-terms or something?

HBbar: Did just read a book on french cuisine.

Cassius: Cuisine? ...i feel like a dork right now googling at least one word out of every txtmsg you sended so far..

HBbar: The beauty of the internet is the ability to do that...

Cassius: ...and pornography

HBbar: but not 4chan or /b/

Cassius: You can't stop doing it huh? I can't look up /b/, it's too random

HBbar: Thats a good thing because /b/ is like the bottom of the barrel online...nothing good happens there!

HBbar: Whats your facebook

Cassius: My facebook, now i don't have to worry about anything right?

HBbar: Right!

Cassius: Thats what i hate about txtmsgs, you can't really detect sarcasm..

HBbar: Im not being sarcastic. I love facebook and i add everyone

Cassius: Thanks, you could at least pretend I'm special

HBbar: Haha

Now I didn't reply to that one, she should make the next move :-o

Now HBwriter didn't reply to my last mail last month when I asked her (after a couple of mails) what she's up to next week, so now, a month later:

Cassius: I just saw an Indian version of you today (RSD)

HBwriter: Oh? Picture? LoL

Cassius: my camera is too heavy to carry around all the time..unfortunately. How is your book going on?

HBwriter: Book is interesting,lol. How's ur blonde hair?

Cassius: with fall also darkness emerges my could say I'm becoming my own Indian version...

what does interesting mean? Sounds like you hate writing it right now...

HBwriter: never hate writing, its a pleasure axtivity only....otherwise it sounds forced. Interesting due to content :) driving though so have to put down phone!

Cassius: I don't know how far you've researched for your book so far but here's a question: How much more difficult is it to teach manners to rich/spoiled kids ?

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Went out with Lawrence today to do a couple of sets, I approached 3 sets, #1 had a nice conversation with her, but didn't try to close (that keeps happening to me lately, I know I probably could close, but I just don't go for it). #2 was actually a 2 set. I was at the food court pc and held eye contact with that chick, so I start smiling but she just keeps looking. Then I started to make all weird faces to get her to smile but she didn't. Finally I tell her she's too serious, she couldn't hear me of cause (I was like 20 meters away the whole time), so I went over to her and her friends table and I tell her. So she's pretty freaked out by now and tells me that she doesn't like it when people look at her, I try to make the set hook and her friend was already laughing, but she was really freaked out (she literally almost ran away from me after that :D).

I'm pretty sure she didn't have a whole lot of self esteem, otherwise she would probably be more familiar with flirting in was a interesting set though. I forgot the third one.

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Wanted to do a couple of sets today, but ended up discussing business with Leo most of the time :D. Lawrence joined later but still I ended up doing just one set today. She was eating at the food court by herself (I love this situation btw) so I make eye contact with her, she looks at me, looks down again. It takes me a couple of seconds to get there, she didn't re-initiate the eye contact until I was standing in front of her. I figured she's probably the shy kind.

Cassius: Hey, do you mind if I sit down for a minute? (I sit down)

HBBay: hmno

Cassius: You're cute. Sooo, I want you to tell me your three favorite bands.

HBbay: uhm thank you why?

Cassius: Well, I just wanted to make sure you didn't went to the Justin Bieber concert two days ago

HBbay: Ah ok, well...

So we keep on talking a little bit, she's actually here on a travel visa herself and blablabla. I talk to her for like 5 minutes when she has to leave for work, so I go for the #c.

Cassius: You know what, before you go, put your number in my Ipod

HBbar: uhm I don't know, I think you're too young for me, how old are you?

Cassius: guess

Cassius: You know what I think you're actually too young for me...this is like my 10th reincarnation on earth, my soul is approx. 800 years old

HBbar: what? ok..

Cassius: seriously, put in your number...I'm only gonna call you like 30 times

HBbar: haha hmm no, was nice meeting you tho, what's your name?

Cassius: Cassius, oh ok, i get it, you're one of those persons who wanna check out other ppls facebook first...

HBbbar: hm I don't know

Cassius: (we were walking at this point) alright, stop her (gesture), type in your name and I'll add you on fb

HBbar: Ok (types in)

lessons learned: persistence pays off, I don't know yet how I wanna follow up on that one, but it's definitely better then no close at all, after all I need to work hard on my follow up game in general...

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