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look boys I have an issue.

I gamed a girl everything went well, I had huge attraction, but it fell down and it ended LJBF.(well she said she is seeing someone else for 2 weeks). She told me how great and amazing I am and the woman who will be with me can be happy, she even called me "alpha male" but... LJBF.

I replied I have a lot of friiends. She didnt directly said she has a BF. Then I maybe dida mistake and told her, I care about her and Im wiling to fight for her (It seemed to be the best solution).

What happened, we ended dancing "love songs", she literally hooked on me, but stilll didnt want Makeout, just kiss close.

days after, I still got lots of IOIs from her, she KC me, asks "did I miss you?" .....

She doesnt takl about her "new BF" so I dont think it is serious.

Isnt she decided yet ? Do I have a chance ? What shoul I do?

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Well Guy, not enough Input.

Ok, let me try to say something with this information which are writing down from you.

You had huge Attraction, done Escalation, get a KC but what happens than? No Sex? How long you know this girl? 1 eveneing? 1 Month? Longer?

But you are right. Never say something like this:

I care about her and Im wiling to fight for her

Buddy, just give some more informations and than we should discuss again.


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kissing is not ljbf. If she blocks your escalation there must be a freezeout. I guess that this is your problem.

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Well Guy, not enough Input.

Ok, let me try to say something with this information which are writing down from you.

You had huge Attraction, done Escalation, get a KC but what happens than? No Sex? How long you know this girl? 1 eveneing? 1 Month? Longer?

But you are right. Never say something like this:

I care about her and Im wiling to fight for her

Buddy, just give some more informations and than we should discuss again.


I had a hude ATT, done Esc like you said. NO sex. I know her, in fact we are colleagues.

what details do you need to know ?

today she called nem wanted sth, I was totally freezouting, no seduction :)

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ok, so the whole stuff happened 2 weeks ago. we ended dancing as I wrote, since that I got some IOIs from her and KC-s (not mouth to mouth).

What I was doing, was freezout and a bit of push pull, I want try a bit more , KC.

I dont care about her "new BF" and I see (or I think) she seems regret that she LJBF-d me.

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