FR: Jansens Tanzpalast - 12.6.2010

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Englisch weil noch auf einem anderen forum gepostet und kb das alles umzuschreiben, ziemlich langer FR auch, also viel spass :P

Alright...I went with 2 wings to a club somewhere in the nowhere full with afcs, but it was big and they had hot girls so I guess it was alright haha. I did as much sets as never before this night, about 20 or more, learned a lot and it's gonna be a long report. Mostly what improved from my last time going out, was that my sets were longer and girls were attracted. I don't rly have any kclose-hesitations anymore but didn't kclose tonight.

Oh and I think I was a little bit intimitated by the club, because It wasn't in my city and I didn't knew what it was about, so I needed longer than usually to get into a state where I was like I don't give a fuck about rejection and everything.

Alright my wing knows a lot of people here, so after he introduces me to some of his buddies, I open the first set asking them about the club and what it's about. Wasn't rly interested in them, more for a warmup. Thereafter we're waiting at the line. It's pretty full so I say out loud something about people always bumping into my sixpack and HB infront of me is amused. I don't have any clue why I didn't open but I definitely need to get up my reaction time.

Next when I'm walking in, I am getting a VIP-wristband - don't ask me why, i dunno - and so I ask some girls to help me put it on...Could and should have gamed from there on...and then other HBs ask me to help them with theirs, obviously attracted...again could should have continued...oh and I knew from past expiriences I could have clawed that girl. It's just wierd when you do daygame and then you go to the club, it messes with your reality of what you are able to do and what not. I guess I just gotta make it clear for my mind, at what kinda place I am and what state the people are in...


Then I see a rly hot HB I saw on the way with the train to this city and we were like playing eyegames all the time, but I didn't open at the train ( ofc again should have done this...). But yea I tell her that I saw her in the train and she says, yea maybe i Dunno, I ask her name and she says it but leaves then. It was like she was attracted to me but her friends we're going upstairs or she needed to go somewhere. This was a reocurring thing during the night, so I rly need to take action fast and lead her somewhere, before she leaves...

Okay next my buddy shows us the whole club and we drink something at the bar. My other buddie starts gaming a girl and after a while I go in to engage her friend. She tries to help me fix my phone, which I somehow broke, and even her friends all come to help me but neither they repaired the phone nor where they hot haha.


I open a seated set downstairs afterwards. I think again I just introduce myself and say I wanted to talk to them cause they looked cool. Surprisingly for me it opens rly good and they even make room for me to sit down. I talk to HBjingles a lot of more rapportisch stuff, like what she wants to become and trying to find out what she wants to become and so on. It goes pretty good, she is obviously nervous, asks questions and stuff but she looked to me like a girl which wasn't rly expirienced and more like the shy-type. At some point I say, If my phone was working, you could give me your number now and she's like why would I do that. I think it is ridiculous what kind of egoprotection bullshit that is, cause especially in retroperspective she was very obviously nervous and so on. I dunno I guess it is just a standard response, to not look like a slut or sth, would be interesting if anybody could comment on that..

But yea I get bored at one point and leave, she wasn't thaaaat hot too, so it's like whatever. If I wanted to escalate with her, I should have found a ridiculous excuse to isolate her, lead somewhere, probably buy her a drink so she can loosen up, get more sexual, get closer, go dance, kclose...


Next set I do is seated in the corner of the bar. I just sit down with them, I think just introducing myself. It kinda opens but not rly that good. I try this C&C thing of Brad, imagining I was talking to my dog. The funny thing is they are unresponsive and so on, but I guess couldn't rly fuck with me. I dunno, I guess if I always answer in BR, C&C they can't rly make themselves look higher value. I guess if I had a +300night-expirience I could have somehow turned this around, but I didn't want to mess with my state and they were rly boring so I just leave.

Here I lost my wings and couldn't find them..I was kinda in chodestate, I guess because I didn't feel like I could just cold approach on my retro perspective alrdy bullshit, but it was real for me i guess at that point. So after a bit choding I think I get blown out of a set, but I can't even remember. I realise I am in Chodestate, so I kinda need to do sth ridiculous first and I sit down to some HBs and say in english(!), I am a, I'm in germany so they dunno what that is, but then I ask for her name and realise it was the one girl, which helped me all the time with the phone. Haha I guess it was akward for her but I thought it was funny. I leave.

I don't know from here on the particular order of the sets, so probably its wrong but anyways....


Upstairs I open two girls. It opens good, HBbracelet ( 16years) opens seems interested in the beginning, more like the shy/attentive thing but I dunno where I fuck it up but the older HB stays more responsive, friendly and everything over the whole conversation. The older girl is still pretty responsive to me. Lol then Fatchode comes into the set and is trying to amog me. I ask his name, he says bullshit, I amog him like in the textbook, being wierded out of him and calling him out and stuff, still staying cool and kinda friendly. I could have kept on plowing with the other girl I guess, but would have turned wierd and went into there for HBbracelet anyways..

I think I can't handle yet the attentive/quiet girls. I think when I start sending IOIs, they freeze more up. I think when I asked her if she wants to go dance or when I told her I think she has cool bracelets, she lost attraction. I guess I'm saying it in a chodeway or I dunno. Maybe I'm just overvaluing attraction and when she see's it she realises I can't be that cool guy who has to handle this all the time. I think I did to much pull with her, more push the next time. I guess the younger ones lose attraction quick, when you give them validation...


I open HBgreenlight somehow, it's more like the random open while walking by shouting out sth loud. Somehow I asked her if she was lesbian, she says yes and hugs her girlfriend...I say thats nothing proove it, she says how, I say makeout with her, they kiss lightly, I say that's still nothing, I think she asks me what a makeout is and I say I'll show you and go in for the makeout. haha, she doesn't let me but her Buying temperature is on the roof. She like runs away from me, and is giggling. I dunno how you can expain that, I guess you just have to know what I'm talking about. She is like mad attracted but she doesn't want to talk to me anymore haha. So I leave.

So later I see her on the stairs, when she sees me her buying temp jumps again, she wants to just go by me, but I make her stop and tell her I thought I saw green lights. She says no, I ask if I have green lights now, She says,.....YES ( WTF so unexpected ), So i go in for makeout. She doesn't let me again, me kissing her on her cheek. I think I was just surprised, that she said yes, and kinda did it hasty. Next time sth like this happens I'll take my time and stare her down first, guess that should make it work better..But yea she leaves again.

I see her again one time later, and the funny thing is her buying temp always jumps when see shes me. So what the instructos say about you cannot get blown out of overescalating is not only true, but you will get serious attraction for being bold and unapologetic. I guess you can say I even fucked up a lot of sets, cause I didn't escalate somehow and took the convo further...


There is some HB I open randomly with a comment when walking by, she jumps on me ( touching my back from the first second ). I dunno what I say later, but I make some comment about her cigarettes and somehow we talk about dope and from point she is like, Oh no, I would never have anything with sb who smokes dope, my ex smoked and bla. It looked like she was attracted first to me and then either a) she rly has a boundary on dope or b) - and this Is what I guess - she realised that I'm way younger than her ( which was kinda obvious ) and tried to rationalise her attraction away.

This was like a set which would have been really on from the first second but I guess I crossed one of her boundaries. I should have switched topics asap when we started talking about dope and I sensed she didn't like it or other possibilty would have been, to pump her buying temp right at the beginning, with either heavier kino or something like the apocalypse opener, showing I do wtf I want and I'm unapologetic for it.

I try one girl in a corner, kinda surrounded by friends, just introducing, doesn't work that good, she looks like shes about to proceed to not-look-into-your-eyes mode and I just go on.


Next Set, I was still a little chodey, but I overcome it and open introducing myself. Opens pretty well. After a while I say it's lame that I can't sit, she says I should get the chair from this other girl overthere. After a bit hesitation I go over, tell her I'm doing chair-tower ( wtf ) and that I need her chair for 2 mins and surprisingly she's like rly friendly and gives it to me. I get the chair and sit down to my girls but I feel bad about it so I go and get that girl another chair from somewhere else. I didn't rly do flashy game but I guess it was still good, I think my girl liked me, although I don't think she rly invested. So at one point I thought, I need to move this forward somehow and ask her, whispering into her ear, if she wants to come home with me. She says I'm not that kind of girl, but I guess I'm alrdy congruent with stuff like this, cause she took it like a serious request. After a while I ask if she dances, she says later. I dunno why I didn't isolate earlier with some ridiculous excuse or sth like that. But yea I leave at some point.


I open another hotter older girl by just introducing myself and again surprisingly it's smooth. We chitchat for a little, then some huge friend of her comes and I can tell shes attracted haha. I stay there to watch his game and at some point, I tap her on her shoulder and tell her, sth like I guess I don't stand a chance against him, she's like yea haha. She tells him too and says but his going to be married. When he leaves again, she continues the interaction. All my game was pretty smooth till now and I was just having fun, but she says by herself that I'm not her type. I take it cool again and we still just vibe, but after a while she sees a friend of hers again and I don't feel like waiting so I leave.

Very cool was, that she realised I was gaming her, even though I didn't rly make IOIs or anything like that towards her, because she said by herself, that I'm not her type ( I guess I was to young again haha ), I guess if my game is just that smooth it sends all the right signals.


There are 4 girls leaning on the stairs and as it would look cool, I wanna try a highfive-row ( high fiving all of the 4 one after another ). Lol first doesn't wan't to, but third gives me one and after she sees that second wants to give me one too. They're going downstairs too, so I'm kinda talking selfamusing bullshit. HBfattie, is like a rly cute a bit pudgier small girl with big boobs, but I guess she passed as fuckable on my scale..So I kinda game her with my BS-Selfamuse shit. She's into me but doesn't want to loose her friends. Luckily they all go dance, and I go dance with HBfattie too. Right of the bat she tells me she has a boyfriend but I just talk over it...I miniisolate her a little, we dance, I'm close to her, but lol she's rly small, so I'm not rly close with my face. I still go for makeout but she gives me the cheek and tells me again about boyfriend. I don't rly loose state but I dunno how to go on from here, she's like still into me but doesn't want to go for kiss.

I should have done somehow some push on the dancefloor, sth like you can't dance or whatever and then pull or I should have lead somewhere else first, talked a bit so she can make sure I'm rly a cool guy, and then lead to dance again. But I guess the first would have been better as she was alrdy into me. Next she leaves with her friends.

One other Set outside I open with the apocalypse opener, 2 girls, one guy. Again surprisingly this wasn't bad at all, I guess girl thought it was funny. My game and everything is good, she's attracted, but it was cold so I wanted to go inside. Thought she was coming with me, but she saw another friend. So next time, don't let her out of your eyes and lead stronger.


At some point I alrdy met my buddies again and we go eat sth. He opens a HB which is ordering sth. Somehow he gets me into the convo, she's attracted and I think she's hot haha. When she gets her pizza, I still have to wait for my chickenburger ( sry I was hungry, otherwise no way haha ). She sat down with her friends and I go to them, introducing myself to her friends. Her one friend likes me which is cool, asking me questions. As i read that day some stuff about giving validation, not giving validation, I don't continue gaming, but decide to just eat my chickenburger lol. I dunno about that, I guess it wasn't the best move, but I think a lost a bit attraction with my HB and when I finish they're talking about some relationship stuff of theirs and so on, and I can't rly hook again that good. At some point they leave.

Either I shouldn't have ignored when I ate my stuff, but should have continued right from where I left or I should have eaten it and from there on gotten their attention back with some selfamuse stuff and so on. I think I wasn't too sure abouyt myself too, I could have plowed a lot and just seen with a compliance test, where I am at with her.

So yea I even did some more sets, but not worth mentioning. I improved a lot in the last time, but I guess as you improve and stay longer in Sets, you only get even more questions and things to work on haha. Here's some points from tonight:

- Game everywhere even in the train or while waiting for it. If you see girls you wanna approach and you don't it makes you incongruent und puts you in a wierd state...

- Get in State faster, do stupid stuff right in the beginning, especially in new environment, Idon'tgiveadamn-mindset.

- Kino right off the bat, Switch your mind from street to clubgame asap, know what you can do....Push things forward further, play to win, not to not loose...

- get your reaction time better, no hesitating, 3secrule and so on. passed a rly hotgirl 2 times, not approaching..

- 2 or times I opened a girl at a place where a lot of people are going from one point to the other. I say sth, she responds well, is attracted, I ask for name, she complies, but then keeps walking on. How the hell do you make those stop and spend time with you?

- I feel like I overvalue HBs at my age. It seems like my game is smoother with older HBs, probably because my ego somehow wierdly overvalues attraction from HBs my age...Need to learn to not at all give a fuck with those, just risk totally screwing up some of those next time.

- Escalating fast VS comfort, rapport and that stuff. I'm kinda confused about that, Alex said if you wanna pull, it's probably even better to not makeout at the club on the other hand I seem to loose attraction if I don't move things forward or better said the sets I move forward always go better. I think for the next time.

- Rly wierd stuff happens, I seem to not know when girls are attracted. Sometimes it looks like they are attraced, then they don't act like it, or sometimes they look nervous and I dunno if that is attraction or they're just afraid of loosing validation in front of me. I guess thats cool, because I first recently started to not overvalue hot girls and I guess that's the point from where they want your validation..

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Nice One :yahoo:

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Yo bro, you're amazing no doubts.

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