theghost 1 Beitrag melden Juni 10, 2010 erstellt (bearbeitet) Hallo liebe Kieler,wir möchten Euch herzlich nach Hamburg einladen zu einem Vortrag der Superlative.Wir freuen uns eine herausragende Persönlichkeit und Legende des Direct Games als Gast in Hamburg ankündigen zu dürfen:Am 18. Juni wird Badboy, einer der bekanntesten PUAs Europas vor demHamburger Lair sprechen.Was Euch erwartet:"Badboy, the founder of Direct Method, will be presenting newestdiscoveries in field of Seduction. Because of its effectiveness, directgame is becoming more and more popular. The problem is that no one everexplained what direct game actually is, what are the rules, standards, andhow to go about if after the opener.For the first time someone created a clean and effective structure of howto play direct game from beginning to end, with no routines, stories, orthings to memorize. Spontaneous & Natural. Badboy will present and explainstep-by-step how to play the game for different types of girls. If you wantto be more effective with girls, you have recognize them and separate theminto several categories and play the game that's going to work only forthem.Converting a girl into a long-term girlfriend requires a different kind ofgame than using the girl for sex and Instafuck her in bathroom of a club.Lots of guys fall in trap of just "picking up the girl" without knowing whois she and what she wants: which in the end leads nowhere.If you are Interested in improving your game you have to come and listen toBadboy's speech because he will be presenting clean 100% hard core materialwith no marketing bullshit.Topics Badboy will present :-How to recognize girls who came to club to get laid.-Aggressive game with 100% sexual escalation for those girls.(15min'sInstantfuck)-Kiss-Openers-DNA Dominant & DNA Natural explained in detail with follow-up infieldvideos-Sex with no words -perfect technique for dance-floor isolation to sex-and many more things that will change the way you see and play this game. Get a preview of what Badboy will talk about on latest podcast: Badboy18. Juni 2010 um 19:30 in der Sternchance(Anfahrt unter - Kontakt)8€ EintrittAuf Grund der begrenzten Platzzahl ist eine vorherige Anmeldung unter [email protected] zwingend erforderlich.Wir freuen uns auf den Beginn eines heißen Sommers mit einem der besten PUAs.eure Hamburger LairleitertheGhost, bemojo, eisteeHH, M@tt Juni 10, 2010 bearbeitet von theghost Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag Auf anderen Seiten teilen