Pimping in the Netherlands (Kissed and almost Laid 2)

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This is the second part of my LR-FR that includes my trip to Aachen and then, to the Netherlands.

The history continues like this…

So there I was, after a really awesome Saturday night with the German Blondie and a great Sunday divided between a walk in Aachen, a very awesome home-made “Turkische Pizza”, making new friends at the RMC and having Tea with my friend from Aachen (The one who gave me his apartment while he was away).

Just a really good time.

While I was talking to some guys at the Conference, I made friends with this super cool Dutch guys, I told them I was going to Utrecht (Which is a city 20 min away from Amsterdam, where my best friend Gabriel lives) and they told me in their Dutch accent:

“Well, I go to Haarlem, so I need to eventually cross Utrecht on the way, I can take you there and drop you off at the “Centraal Station” in Utrecht.

“Wooohooo! I’ve got a free ride,” I thought for myself.

So on Sunday night, 23.00hs we headed in this black BMW (Not only got a Free Ride, I got it in an awesome Ride! I was on my lucky day) with this two Dutch guys and David, one of the organizers of the conference.

While we were in the car, we just had fun and we had this amazing Dutch mini-cakes (No drugs on it!) One of the best things I’ve ever tried.

We got to Rotterdam, where we drop David off, and 30 min later we were already in Utrecht.

I went down at 2.00am at the Centraal Station of Utrecht and then I see my friend Gabriel waiting for me.

We went down the station to the street and he told me “I’ve got my Bike, my house it’s 10 mins away on it”

I thought he referred himself to a Motorcycle, but nop!

It’s Holland! People ride bikes instead of cars or motorcycles!

So we went back to his place, we just talked, drank Coffee and then, to bed.

Not bad for a Sunday night.

Next morning, he had to go to the dentist, and I stayed in Utrecht, and I went to walk the city with this mother, who showed me around (what a sweety!).

Amazing city, everything it’s sooo old, we made this trip on a boat that was just amazing.

But the things that most amazed me were the girls!

I never ever ever in my life saw so many hotties in that little amount of time! They were coming from everywhere, it was just amazing!

Trip over, came back home and Gabriel is already back.

Now we went to pick up girls then?

Fuck no!

We went to the local Red Light District.

It consisted in 3-4 blocks of boats in the Channel with prostitutes showing themselves through windows, so we went to see that, was great!

I must make this clear; we went everywhere via Bike! I never rode a bike so much like that.

After that, we went to have a coffee in a Bar in the woods, just a beautiful place.

No more for that day than having fun and talking between us.

Not everything is pimping in life!

But here it goes with the part you are interested in, the one that consists only in pimping.

Next day, we woke up at 13hs, and we headed directly to meet these two friends of Gabriel on Downtown.

We were coming in out bikes, and again, the amount of hotties was INCREDIBLE high.

So there I was, riding my bike, when I saw this amazing looking red-haired Dutch girl walking with her dog.

I pressed the brakes, put the bike aside, and ran to talk to her.

That morning I had some of my “lines” translated into Dutch, that were actually no lines, just compliments and basic conversation in Dutch.

My idea was to approach her in Dutch and then go to English, but when I got closer, she looked so god damn cute than I couldn’t contend myself and I the only thing I could actually say in Dutch was “Hallo” and then I English I blamed her for being so cute and make my friend wait because I had to talk to her.

She was really surprised, but she liked me.

You guys gotto understand this, Dutch women tend to me more masculine than Dutch guys sometimes in their behavior, but it’s men fault of course, naturally every women wants to feel like a women, doesn’t matter how “masculine” she is in her way of thinking.

We were late, I wanted to get her number and keep going.

She said after I asked for her number:

“I’d like to meet you, but I can’t give you my number, I don’t even know you”

Then I told her:

“I’m Ginger, I was born in Argentina, I had a nice childhood, I have one sister, My favorite color is purple, I love to travel, I like Italian food, and I live in Berlin, Germany, I’m pretty sure that you know enough about me now!”

She laughs and say no again, but she asks if I was in Facebook.

I reply:

Are you in Kindergarten? Where I come from we do things in the easiest way possible, we don’t text, we don’t write emails, we just call and close the deal fast, fun and easy.

She laughs again, and puts her number on my phone, we said bye, and I went back to my bike.

Anyway, whit that amount of hotties I couldn’t be bothered.

We walked till downtown, I spoke to some girls in the way, but nothing important happened.

We hanged out all day, made a few excursions, and then back home.

I had a shower and then we went to this bar where a “Milonga” takes place on that night.

Milonga, if you don’t know what it is, it’s where you go to dance Tango. And I’m a big fan myself.

I was having a Coke Cola, enjoying the music and then I saw this blonde, tall, skinny, big-tities girl dancing with this guy. She not only was a hottie, but she danced really well.

After the song was over, I went to them, I congratulated them, and asked her to dance with me the next song (That was soo Buenos Aires in the 1920’s)

So we start dancing, she was great, she danced like an argentinian women, I told her that, and she got red and told me “Coming from an argentinian man, that’s a big compliment, thanks”

Tango it’s extremely sexual when you dance it, it involves sex, if you don’t dance it, I recommend you to take a few lessons, you won’t regret and it will have effects on your “inner game” …


We went to the table; I introduce her to Gabriel, who was bored as fuck.

He asked me to leave the place and hit a club, that it was getting late.

Fucking Gabe! ☺

I told her I was leaving, but that she was a cutie and I wanted to see her again, she wrote her number in my hand (that was romantic)

We left, got in out bikes and got to the club.

This friend of Gabe got us for free, and then we entered there.

Fuuuuuul of Dutch hotties again, we danced a bit with Gabe (not in the Gay sense, of course!)

And I see this girl next to me, she looked at me, told something to her friend, and both looked at me at laugh.

I pull her in to me from her arm, and with a smile in my face and looking to her eyes I said:

“What the fuck are you laughing about, eh?”

She laughs in a flirty way and told me

“I told my friend that you look like a Latin Lover like the ones in the cover of those Novels for Women, and that I thought you were hot”

My God, that shocked me!

In Argentina, a girl rarely will be direct to you like that, even though she wants to fuck you so bad, she can’t control herself, she would rarely say that… sober.

But in Europe (a lot, but not all the) girls tend to be direct or at least talk to you in clubs, I love that! God bless it!

So there, we were. I looked at her, grabbed from her arm and took her to a wall next to the bar, I put her there, and I just kissed her.

This girl was fucking sexually charged!

Lot of guys would say to me:

“Dude! That’s not game, she picked you up!”

I would reply to that:

“Fuck you, I got her anyway, and I might fuck her with a minimum effort!”

After that, a friend of her came in, crying with other friend of her, interrupts us, and she says something in Dutch to my girl.

I got into the conv, and said:

“Hello! (I’m here) I’m Ginger, nice to meet you” in Dutch.

The friends left, and she said that the boyfriend of this girl that showed up crying was in the club with other girl, when he lied saying that he was going to Belgium. And that she needed to leave.

I tried to convince her to stay, but no way, we kissed again. She asks me when I was leaving, I told her that in two days, but first I was going to Amsterdam for 1 day, what it would make almost impossible to see us again.

I wish her luck, and let her go.

Went back to the dance floor, talked to a few Italian girls, and 1 hour later, we left the club.

I’m not a big fan of clubs, but once in a while it’s fun to go. I’m more a daytime guy.

Next day, woke up early and… Amsterdam baby!!

Oh my God! Amaaaaaaazing city!

I took lot of pictures!

We made with Gabe a few tours and we also went to this high terrace, we sat down in the sun and chilled for 15 mins under the sun.

We both sat down, and we both saw this brunette cutie about 8 mts of distance.

I said, “It’s mine”

He replied, “Fuck you, we saw her at the same time, let’s throw a coin and decide”

If you are having problems with your wing because you fight for girls, this is a really good solution to avoid fights and to make it fast and easier.

I won!


So I went, again, in Dutch, she said.

“I don’t speak Dutch”

I asked her (While I sat down next to her):

“What do you speak then?”

She says “German, I’m from Berlin”

I said “Ick auch! I live in Berlin”

And I went to German, she might thought that I spoke lot of languages and that things!

What a pro! Haha.

I managed to have an entire conversation in German with her, but since her English was terrible and that my German is not perfect, we couldn’t really talk a lot, just took her Skype name and went back to the Sun.

We left the place, after I took some more pics, and we went to downtown.

We walked a bit and we sat down. Gabriel told me that his friend Royce was coming, because he wanted to meet me. Gabriel told me that this guy is the “Top Dutch PUA” and that he works with this well-known company as a coach.

So we waited for him in this plaza, he shows up and we headed to this bar for a Tea.

I was hungry as hell, and I asked the guys where could I get a Doenner or a Turkische Pizza (Yes, I’m an addict to it)

There was a Doenner place nearby, I enter there and I order a Turkische Pizza.

He says:

“It’s 5 Euros”

I was like:

“5 Euros, why so expensive?! I buy it all the time for 3! Is there any special ingredient?”

And he tells me that that’s the normal price in Amsterdam…


Anyway, I went back to Gabe and Royce, and we started walking, Gabe and Royce where talking about buying a boat for Queens day, and I was just eating the most expensive Turkische Pizza in the world.

We got to the bar, and the guy in the door tells me

“Sir, you can’t go inside with food”

I tell the guys that I will finish my food outside, that they can go and get a table.

I was outside, eating in the street, and this “So Amsterdam” girl goes by next to me.

She looked soo… Amsterdam, cute, relaxed, like floating in the air while she walked. She amazed me.

So I ran after her (Why Europeans walk so fast?)

Stopped her, and spoke to her first in Dutch and then in English.

I told her the truth of what I though about her,

I didn’t went like:

“Hey babe, you’re fucking hot, let’s make babies! :-)

Just sincere.

She looked very surprised and told me:

“That’s a really nice compliment, thank you!” with a big smile.

We started talking.

I made fun of her because she was full of bags; we talk a little bit about how I find people in Amsterdam and Germany really friendly, etc.

I told her:

“Listen I’m waiting for my friend Gabriel, he’s like 10 mins away, why don’t you show me the city a bit?”

She replied:

“Well, it’s my day off, so yeah, no problem. Have you seen…?” And we started walking.


I helped her to carry a big map she had in her hand, and we kept talking.

We made some pictures, and we got to this Plaza (The one that I was with Gabriel before, it’s incredible, every street in Amsterdam takes you to the same place you were before)

I saw a Coffee Shop called “Smokey” and I told her:

“Let’s have a Coffee in a Coffee Shop”

She laughs, and we go, but we end up entering to the Bar next to it.

We sat down, and she told me that she went to South America (Peru) a while ago and then she asked me why I was in Europe when I could be relaxing in the sunny South America beaches.

I explain her why I like so much Berlin, and why I moved there.

I showed her pictures, mostly the ones I took in Brazil during this year (Santos’s Beaches)

At that point we ordered 1 coffee for me, and a cappuccino for her.

I went to the Bathroom, and then I came back and sat next to her.

She was all the time looking at me with a big smile and really open eyes.

There was not a lo to do then, so I while she was taking, I gave her a hug with my right arm, brining her closer, but not fast (movie style) she get’s red, and kinda look down.

I grabbed her chin up (Really slow, I was in a Coffee at 4.00pm, not in a club!!)

And we kissed, first a little kiss, I pulled back.

Looked her in the eyes, she laughs, and then, full make out.

She was a really good kisser.

She tells me:

“I can’t believe that I’m kissing a boy I just met! But I like that you talked to me without hesitation, I’d like that more guys would be like you”

Ego Boost!

And there I was, in a Bar, next to “Smokey” having a Coffee with this cute Dutch girl.

I was like “I leave tomorrow at mid-day back to Berlin, I can fuck her”

The thing was… where?

If you are South American, you would know that we have in there Hotels, where you rent a room for fucking, but they are not common here in Europe.

So I was not pretty sure, and I didn’t wanted to spend lot of money on a normal hotel, so I asked her between the lines:

“So.. Do you live alone here?”

She said:


I was like “damn”

And she continues:

“But my roommate is in France visiting his boyfriend, so now I’m alone.”


We kept talking a bit more, and told her to keep walking.

We went to this shop and I bought this amazing Bracer that says “I Amsterdam”, I always wanted to have one of those.

Then, phone rings, it was Gabriel

I picked up

He was worried.

I told him that I was all good and that I made a “new friend” and he asked where we were, and I told him “Next to Smokey”

10 mins later, he shows up and told me:

Dude, we’re leaving, let’s go!

And I was looking at him like “Man, I might bang her!”

And he kinda grabs me from my arm and start taking me, not aggressively.

And she is like “Well, if you need to go, it’s fine”

I was like “No…” and Gabe says:

“Come on dude, let’s go, we gotto a lot to see yet!”

I was perplexed, between my best friend who I barely see and this Dutch cutie that could make possible my fastest day-game lay ever.

She said:

“Ok, was nice to meet you!”

I was like:

“It was nice to meet you too…”

I was still perplexed, and I was getting my punch ready to hit Gabe.

She left and I told him, really angry:

“You fucker! Didn’t you see that I was all good with her, you were with Royce, you were not alone!”

And he explains me that he didn’t want me to get lost in Amsterdam, and we had this gay-couple discussion.

At the end, he invited me to this Suriname restaurant.

We had a nice meal, and we walked this park, then the Red Light District. But I couldn’t avoid thinking about this Dutch girl; she was like a perfect set.

But well, we just hang out. Then back to Utrecht in the Train at night.

We got there; I was destroyed, so I went to bed. Still thinking about this girl, she was close to perfect.

I played some “Vinicius de Moraes” on my iPod and I fell asleep.

Next morning, I went to the Train Station in Amsterdam, to catch my train, and I started my trip back to Berlin.

Was just an awesome week, Aachen + Holland.

Already looking forward to go back there.

And Utrecht girls… Oh My God! If you ever go there, you would know what I was talking about.

I hope that you enjoyed reading this, as much as I enjoyed writing it!



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Ginger cool stuff which you are wrote ;-)

1a Dein :rolleyes: Englisch ;-) ;) - nicht böse sein, aber da solltest Du nochmal ein Buch zur Hand nehmen...aber immerhin: Erheiterung für ne Minute :help:

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Ginger cool stuff which you are wrote ^_^

made my day :-D

Sorry, nicht bös sein. Aber ein wesentlicher Teil von Pick Up ist es, nimm es bitte als konstruktive Kritik, sich selber gut einschätzen zu können. Man muss wissen wo man steht, wo die persönlichenStärken, und wo die Schwächen liegen, um angemessen reagieren zu können. Daran würde ich arbeiten!

bearbeitet von PU-Zurich

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