Kissing: Resisting Yourself, by 60 Years of Challenge

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Ein interessanter, kurzer Artikel von 60 Years of Challenge zum Thema Kuss und Sexuelle Spannung, den ich im Netz gefunden habe. Er spricht davon, wie mit einem vermeintlich kleinen Detail viel Spannung aufgebaut werden kann.

Kissing: Resisting Yourself

When it comes to getting physical I know you worry that after you kiss a woman a few times her initial excitement will wear off and you will be going home alone. Thus the debate over "should you or should you not kiss girls in bars/clubs if you want to get them home later."

One simple thing you can do to remain a challenge and keep the sexual tension high (without needing to become "Cheezy Club Makeout Guy") is to resist yourself.

In my experience it's more effective to show her, not verbalize (ie. ok that's enough, we need to stop) that there is a very strong sexual connection brewing between you that is becoming more and more difficult to contain. Meaning, instead of worrying about things like "stopping first and not kissing her too much" you can simply convey throughout the night that you are struggling to control yourself.

Resisting yourself is more of a mindset than a specific group of tactics, but here are some examples so you can get a clearer understanding of what I mean:

* get close to her lips... stop...and then bite your lip

* nuzzle around her neck...breathing heavy

* faces close, pause....look at her lovingly like you are going to kiss her and then just trance out for a few seconds

* get that wild look in your eyes like you are going to start ripping her clothes off (aggressive)... and then turn your face away slowly (shy)

All of these things have one thing in common. They create more tension without actually having to kiss her..

No need to over-think this. Whatever you end up doing should come naturally. Basically these moves are just the physical manifestation of what you are both secretly feeling in that moment. For example, the wish that you were somewhere more private so you could further explore this new sexual connection. Or that deep longing for a release to the tension.

Of course, you will eventually give in to her....but when you are isolated.


bearbeitet von Jack Green

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Was wird gemeint mit

nuzzle around her neck...breathing heavy


to nuzzle heißt ja so viel wie liebkosen, stelle ich mir aber relativ schwer vor wenn man sich gegenüber steht. Da könnte man dann meiner Meinung nach höchstens eine Umarmung oder so machen und dann den Hals/Nacken von vorne küssen, kraulen, anhauche, was auch immer.

Oder denke ich falsch?


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Oder denke ich falsch?

Nein, nur zu viel. Das sind keine Techniken, sondern Beispiele für eine Idee, eine Denkweise, die dir helfen kann, wenn du tatsächlich in der Situation bist.

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Das ist absolut money!

Selbst KCblocken oder nen KC antäuschen und dann so tun, als sei nichts gewesen, macht nicht nur unfassbaren Spaß, sondern hebt euren Wert gen unendlich.

Probiert's einfach bei der nächsten Gelegenheit mal aus.

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