Zeichen der Zeit: Frauen werden immer unglücklicher

7 Beiträge in diesem Thema

Empfohlene Beiträge

1. Over the last few decades, women, in comparison to men, have become less happy with their lives.


2. As women get older, they get sadder.


Dazu kommt noch:

- women's happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men

- the decline is consistent across all socio-economic and demographic groups

“The changes brought about through the women’s movement may have decreased women’s happiness.” But the authors argue that this is only because ” The increased opportunity to succeed in many dimensions may have led to an increased likelihood of believing that one’s life is not measuring up…Or women may simply find the complexity and increased pressure in their modern lives to have come at the cost of happiness.” They also propose that women may now feel more comfortable being honest about their true happiness and have thus deflated their previously inflated responses. Or, that the increased opportunities available to women may have increased what women require to declare themselves happy.

Looking beyond pure survey data, the World Health Organization can track what this increase in stress does to a woman's mental health. According to their most recent analysis, depression is the second most debilitating disease for women (heart disease is first), while for men depression clocks in at number ten. As a result, women choose to medicate themselves with anti-anxiety and anti-depression medication twice as much as men do.



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Da bin ich ja froh, dass die fetten zeiten für uns noch anstehen!

und die frauen die meiste arbeit machen werden!! ;)

Ich bereite mich dann schonmal auf die erziehung der kinder &kochen vor. Dinge die mir spaß machen werden :D


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Danke H&M, ein sehr interessanter Report! Mehr davon bitte!

Wenn Du "The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness" bei Google eingibst, findest Du vieles zu dem Thema, besonders aus der Blogosphäre.





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Diesen Kommentar hier fand ich clever:

"I hate to say it, but the women’s liberation movement did me and the women of my generation (and those to follow) a grave injustice. [...] By most standards, I am a pretty successful woman. I have a career. I make more money than my male counterpart. I have paid off my car, which I was able to buy new. We bought our house on my credit rating, which is impeccable. I am a mother. I run my home and provide the basics for my family – food, shelter, and love. I don’t do it alone, but I know I could if I had to.

Good for me! I am everything to everyone. Thank you, liberation. [...]

Instead of celebrating the differences of men and women and demanding that the work that women have been doing for thousands of years be valued, women’s liberation focussed on ‘anything you can do, I can do (better).’ In so doing, forcing women to change to meet the standard in order to prove our worth, instead of forcing the standard to change to include us. Internalized oppression was so profound that women did not see the worth in what they did and what they were inherently good at doing.

I have no interest in becoming a ‘like a man’ to prove my worth. I am different from a man and I embrace that. I want to throw like a girl and run like a girl and drive like a woman. That is what I am. I don’t want to be expected to “man up” and “grow a pair.”

We need equity, not equality; they are not the same. Equality is about sameness. Equity is about recognizing differences, celebrating them, and not evaluating people based upon those differences. [...]

The pressure is overwhelming and the expectations, extreme. Women have not been liberated, but the illusion that we have has been masterfully created and maintained, which further devalues us and strips us of our voice. We have been silenced by the right to vote and the right to work. ...

Equity eliminates power structures and oppressive systems. If cooking, homemaking, and child-rearing were valued to the same degree as working outside the home and making money, then there would be no supremacy in the home and more balance. Having everyone responsible for everything is ineffective and inefficient."


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