The Perfect Online Game

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Irgendein IRC-Channel ... :

#904301 +(2594)- [X]

<massacre> Rosti, can I ask you something as a close friend?

<Rosti_LFC> you could ask me something as a complete stranger, but go ahead

<massacre> Do you reckon Emma would go out with me if I asked her?

<Rosti_LFC> errr....

<Rosti_LFC> ask her yourself?

<massacre> no fucking way until I get a second opinion

<Daz> dude she's in the channel

<massacre> no she isn't

<Rosti_LFC> yeah she is mate, look up

<Rosti_LFC> she got op'd yesterday

<massacre> fuck

<massacre> PLAN B

<massacre> spam the channel

<massacre> with text

<massacre> so it goes

<Audia> hi

<massacre> off her scrollback

<Rosti_LFC> ahaha

<massacre> FUCK

* massacre has quit (PLAN C!!!)

<Audia> I'm going to go install Windows 7 right now

<Audia> so I'll be offline for a bit

<Audia> if he gets the balls to come back in here in the meantime tell him the answer is yes

<Rosti_LFC> rofl

* Audia has quit (QUIT)

<Rosti_LFC> that was some hardcore nerd courtship ritual right there

<Daz> Oh man, I wish I could fuck up asking a girl out that badly and still succeed

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