Super Confidence Report

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Hi, ich schreibe hier meine Supre Confidence erfahrung hin.

Ihr solltet diesen Post NICHT lesen, wenn ihr SC machen wollt.

Ich werde in einigen Tagen/Wochen wahrscheinlich noch ein review schreiben.

Ich muss mir selbst erst den gemacht/nicht gemachten veränderungen bewusst werden.

Das ganze ist in Englisch und mein Englisch ist nicht besonderes gut. Wem es nicht passt, der soll es halt nicht lesen. Ich habe den post woanders geschrieben und werde das sicherlich nicht nochmal übersetzen.

Ich würde mich freuen, wenn andere, die SC gemacht haben, ebenfalls ihre Erfahrungen posten würden, damit man sehen kann, ob es sich deckt.

So my review. (With spoilers up to day 9)

I did it in the last 2 weeks. I made only the first 8 days.

Well... I wasn't out sarging yet... but I don't fucking feel much change. Thats sooo fucked up. :/

I don't know. Probably i didn't do it 100% or so. You know... I'm responsible for my levels of confidence and not anybody else :/

And I don't fucking get it... I mean.. I was going out on day 8 and went to 20 - twenty - girls and told them "I think you are very attractive and i want to get to know you" (And thats really hard for me, I couldn't imagine myself doing something like that before) And I got soooo many rejections... after 10 rejections (friendly to very unfriendly) I started to stop caring about it. I even got one number in less then 30 seconds. I almost always felt the fear but it wasn't like a feeling I could make go away with the exercieses. It was like "One part of me wants to approach.. and the other doesn't". But well, the biggest problem was that i couldn't find any targets. HBs > 6 reacted always friendly. The 6, didn't always... LSE. But in germany aren't that many HBs > 6 :/. After a while it was no problem approaching them and I didn't feel that "feeling".

And then.. next day I wasn't able to do any approach. I just couldn't...

Oh well back to the beginning.

I don't have a very good imagination, so it was really, really hard for me to feel the blue light and see myself as blue light. The smile and the head thing were no problem though.

Day 1

Well I repeated day 1 again because I wasn't able to think of my self as blue light all the time. I mean... you go around and search sometimes for a target 10 minutes... (again no fucking hot babes in germany, fuck germany... i should move out to sweden or so...) and you should think of yourself all the time as blue light? I always drift into some day dream or soliloquy. Did that happen to you to?

Well when I repeated the day it was sunday... so almost no targets and I had to go with not really hot babes.

OK, after i finished day 2 for the second time I felt sooooooo confident... wow... that was really cool... and i felt the confidence for whole 20 minutes or so ohohoho </irony>

Ok... it was easy to ask for the time. I had some little problems on the first day. But I think it was because I wanted to do it perfectly :/

Day 2-5

It was very hard. I was always not sure whether I did it right or not. I mean... "Feel the vibe. How do you do it? You just do it!" How should I know whether I did it right? How should I know whether it was 100%? I was most of the time in trains, because I couldn't find any other place where I could be for some while near the people to listen/feel/watch them. The things about them just popped into my head. I don't know... I think I just invented them. I didn't feel anything.

Wow I really felt more compassion in me after day 4. I was driving back home from the exercises in the train. And there was a man. He was soo friendly and nice. And then he opened a bottle of beer and started drinking it. And i thought "Damn, that poor man. He is such a friendly person, but probably an alcoholic." I never thought or felt something like that before. Before SC I would have thought something like "Fucking alcoholics..."

I didn't feel/think something like that since then though. :/ I really liked that thinking/feeling :(

I repeated Day 5. On the second try it was REALLY easy!

But.. I kinda lost the ability to feel my heart and me dissolve. I don't know...I wasn't able to feel almost anything in my heart anymore. It was such a beautiful feeling in my heart. It was incredible. I loved it. And then... I just lost it. And i couldn't feel my body dissolve as strong as the days before while doing CD2 anymore.

Day 7

I had to repeat it because there were no woman on sunday.

Well at first I had that feeling and thought, that I couldn't do it. But then I did the exercise from day 6 and it worked. I complimented a girl on her style (She had a really interesting style) and she was happy and said thanks. During the day I was also happy because I made so many people happy. Some reacted unfriendly, but most were happy.

For the one who can german, that was the funnyest reaction (I don't know how to translate that to english):

I: "Geile Ohring"

HB: "Was, was?"

I: "Geile Ohringe"

HB: "Oh man... na toll..." geht weiter

Hahahahaha dachte wohl ich sagte sowas wie "Geile Titten" oder so ;D. War eine Türkin btw.

So after the first compliment I didn't have any problems more to go up and compliment them. The only problem was to find girls that were interesting enough/weared something intersting enough to compliment on. Really... I always thought most girls have an individual style, but after this day I know that they wear all almost the same clothes, just like guys...

Day 8/9

See the bitching above :)

So I'm not sure yet... When I asked the girl for her number on day 8 I hesitated and felt nervous, so I wasn't really super confident in that moment. Well I'll go out sarging tomorrow or next week. And then we will see. At the moment I'm really disappointed. I was often frustrated in the days 2-5, because I didn't know whether I did everything right, didn't feel more confident, was unsure whether this all makes sense. I did often want to stop but thoughts like "Shit now you invested x days and want to stop? Get the most out of it!" prevented me of doing this.

After Day 8 I really felt confident. I didn't feel it like on day 1. It was different. It were thoughts like "LOLOL having AA to approach a girl with an opinion opener? LOL i will never feel that again, I just approached 20 girls with direct game. I will never fear any girl anymore"

My mobile rang when I started writing this report. The number was hidden. It was probably the girl I #C. I'm not and I was never planing to call her back, because she lives about 150km far away of me. I feel bad about that :/ Maybe I should call her and apologize :/

Well I don't know whether I broke any commitments. Maybe I did and didn't notice it. Like in first days I went over a red traffic light and drove to fast with my car. And i shouldn't do things I know i shouldn't do. When I noticed it, it was too late. I always did it a few times. But after that I stopped.

I didn't watch any TV and so. The only thing I did was listening to music while I was in the train and reading (The Game and some X-Files book i found).

I didn't talk to anyone in the time. It freaked me out. I missed talking to people so much. I always hoped that the next Day I will have to approach someone and talk with him :)

The only things I was talking were with my parents. Like "Can you make me something to eat" or something like that. Almost nothing else. So at least that I did more than 100%. :)

Well I hope its useful for somebody. Looks like I'm the first who is not satisfied with the results.

But I also had very, very high expectations. I have got more confidence now. But its no way near super or demonic or whatever. I hoped I could #C and Kiss close girls without problems after the program. But I don't think I will be able to. But well... we will see...

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