FU: How to fuck up a sure thing, bigblack style

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So for those of you who don't know, I had a day 2 with an HB 10 last week. A bit of recap:

- Completely random and exciting meet on the train. There was an accident and we all had to wait outside on the platform for like 40 minutes. That's where I approached her.

- Little to no kino from me. She kept getting phone calls on her phone, telling the person she'll be late, and eventually not answering at all *

- She suggested we grab a coffee at a nearby place she knew while we waited. The place was full so we went back to the banhof.

- She got a call from whomever saying they'll be there to pick her up, so I number closed, hugged her, got on my train and left. Wrote her a message right away saying the conductor is making us wait on the platform for another 20 minutes for something stupid, but it was nice to randomly meet her like that.

- She answered me the next day, and again the day after that suggesting we meet after she gets out of school.

- I tell her i'm only free on Wednesday, and she changes up to meet me then.

- Because of a misunderstanding, she ends up waiting at the station on Wednesday for 20 minutes. By the time we link up, she's on her way home. MAD!! I apologize and suggest we meet instead on Friday, and she agrees again!

* found out later this was her ex-boyfriend. she just broke up with him 4 weeks ago.

So Friday at our meeting time we meet up. I'm waiting around, and she comes up to me and hugs me. I tell her I'm sorry about ditching her on Wednesday, she says it was her fault, and I'm worth coming to see again.

At this point i'm super excited. It seems like I've got it.

I take her to my favorite Franken restaurant, and she eats the food like a hungry hostage. I'm guessing she likes it. During the date, no kino from me. Not really. I can't incidentally kino because the way we sat at our table, I try to direct kino and she kinda moves away. I try to run some routines on her, but they don't go as well as they do with other girls. She seems really nervous. After eating we roll to the Xmas Markt here in Nuremberg and get some glu-wine, and walk to her school. I tried to hold hands, but she pulls out her phone and puts it in her hand. Confusingly enough, she switched hands after that to free up her hand again. I didn't try to hold it though. Still fluff talk, and at this point I haven't been able to kino her sexually. She keeps pulling back when I get too close, so I eventually stop trying. She shows me her school and I try to sit her down next to me, and she does for a moment, then gets back up like "would you like to go now?" She wants to go shoe shopping so we take the ubahn to Bereite Gasse and shop. She try's on stuff for me and she looks MEGA hot. I'm getting really turned on at this point, but I think I was the only one. LOL

Besides the over-kino, here's where I think I started to fuck up. At this point she's telling me she has to meet her girlfriends soon. I ask her what she'd like to do now and she doesn't know. I knew that if I didn't try to sexually escalate things then this would be my last date with her, or next time I'd be her shopping friend or something. I told her I know a place she'd like (knowing it was my apartment) and took her straight to my apartment. I told her I left my heat on (which I actually did) and needed to turn it off. At first she's like "I'll wait downstairs" but then I told her I also had to make a quick phone call and she should just come up. She did.

Upstairs she's checking out my sparsely furnished apartment. No kitchen (by choice) and my pictures all around my place. I make her some tea and we sit on my couch and talk. I've got my arm around her waste and on her legs, and she's got a hand on my knee. I go back to an escalation game I played on her earlier which involved me kissing her neck and ear, which I did. She seemed to like it, because she smiled :) Then I went in for the kiss, and she turned her head away. D'oh!! I turned my body away from her, BUT I apologized for trying to kiss her. I told her that in America guys are a lot more aggressive and it's totally a cultural thing (which is not always true, but I don't think she knew). It was my mistake. She's like "no no, it's ok" and we go back to hands on the legs. She says "i think you have a crush on me" and smiles. She's like "let's talk a little. tell me about your family" or something, which I did. But she's also drinking her tea really nervously, like she doesn't know what to talk about. I can't remember exactly, but I think I tried to kiss her again. Anyway, we ended up just hugging really really tightly, with her caressing the back of my head like she wanted to kiss. Then she stops herself like "wait this is too fast." I agree, but continue hugging her. Eventually it's time for her to go, and I walk her to the station. We hug again on the elevator down to the main floor. On the way to the station, we're holding hands. I initiate it of course. I could tell that if I'd stopped holding her hands she'd not be into doing it again. At the station i ask if I can see her again. She said sure, just give her a call. If she's free then it's all good. We hug again and at this point my eyes are really desperate because I know I fucked up and wouldn't see her again.

I purposely didn't write her for 4 days while I was in Rhineland Pfalz seeing an LTR. I come back to Nuremberg Tuesday morning and write her with a "hey how are you" type of sms. She writes back within an hour or two like "I'm a little sick since the weekend. How are you? How was your weekend?" I write her back a few hours later like "my weekend was awesome. how are you feeling now? if you want I can bring you some chicken soup ;)" but since then no answer since her one message on Tuesday. Thursday (today) at noon I call her wanting to ask her back to the franken restaurant for lunch tomorrow if she's at school, but no answer. I wrote her an sms asking the same thing. At this point, I know I've fucked up and came off as too needy. But I already know the outcome of this. I just wanted to make sure it was really over. She usually writes back pretty fast but since Tuesday I've written her twice and called her with no response. I'm not writing anymore.

Mother fucking shit.

It's SOOOOOO different with each girl. With her, the kino is probably what killed me. With others, not enough kino will kill you. Nothing I tried got her really comfy with me. Something tells me no matter which direction I went with her, whether it be super laid back or kinda aggressive like I was, I would get the same results. I'd be writing this FU report now saying "man, I should have been more aggressive." There were forces at work here that had nothing to do with me. I think she more than likely got back together with her boyfriend, but fuck, write me an sms or something telling me that. Is that too much to ask?? LOL. This just wasn't meant to be I guess. This hot, soon to be model, HB 10 slipped through my fingers and I can't stop thinking about it :(

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Gast DonRallo

"Ich bitte sie bei allem Verständnis dafür...aber...sowie es in Großbritannien üblich ist, dass man englisch spricht, so ist es in Deutschland üblich, dass man deutsch spricht" , um das mal klarzustellen hier :-D

Wär natürlich wirklich schöner in Deutsch, aber wer kein Englisch kann ist eh noch zu jung für PickUp ;)

bearbeitet von DonRallo

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ok this is weird. just got a call from her apologizing for not replying, saying she doesn't have time to meet me at noon, but we could meet later tomorrow night. like booty call hours (11pm).

no shit...

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@alle die wollen dass er auf Deutsch schreibt:

bigblack kommt aus den USA. Er kann Deutsch zwar lesen und versteht auch ein Bisschen, aber im Schreiben und Sprechen ist er noch nicht so gut.


I know that you will do your best tomorrow. Get her tiger! :D

Do we see us on saturday for street sarging?

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My first thought after reading this, was, she got not really over her ex-boyfriend, because u wrote, that she was nervous so often when u tried to touch her or when u were trying some routines... Maybe she was thinking 'bout him. But that's just a guess. It's hard to judge sth. like that from the distance...

Furthermore it's maybe a reason but no obstacle :D

I mean to say: Don't think too much 'bout the failures u did. It's good to know what was going wrong, but don't even start to think 'bout that next evening, otherwise u'll probably fuck it up again ;)

Just my two cents :)

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  DerSchüchterne schrieb:
@alle die wollen dass er auf Deutsch schreibt:

bigblack kommt aus den USA. Er kann Deutsch zwar lesen und versteht auch ein Bisschen, aber im Schreiben und Sprechen ist er noch nicht so gut.


I know that you will do your best tomorrow. Get her tiger! :D

Do we see us on saturday for street sarging?

Thanks! I might be able to come around for an hour or two. I've got a friend from Regensburg possibly coming around in the afternoon and then at 1900 I've got a day3 coming to meet me (future LR on that coming soon)

Yeah I know I should be speaking German, and I can probably say all that in really really bad German. But if you want me to say it accurately and correctly, for now it'll have to be in English. My bad :(

  seppl23 schrieb:
My first thought after reading this, was, she got not really over her ex-boyfriend, because u wrote, that she was nervous so often when u tried to touch her or when u were trying some routines... Maybe she was thinking 'bout him. But that's just a guess. It's hard to judge sth. like that from the distance...

Furthermore it's maybe a reason but no obstacle :D

I mean to say: Don't think too much 'bout the failures u did. It's good to know what was going wrong, but don't even start to think 'bout that next evening, otherwise u'll probably fuck it up again ;)

Just my two cents :)

You're right. Good thing is, she obviously likes me, otherwise she would have just flaked me.

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