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Hey guys,

Real quick: is it kosher to try and fuck her on the first date? My day 2's are usually played to get her in a sexual state during the date and bringing her back to my place to fuck. But... some things I've done here so far have been like "OMG, we don't do that in Germany!!" and some have not. Just wondering what you guys think.

A bit of background: met the day 2 on the train kinda randomly, she was very open to kino but pointed out she's got a lot of "male friends," we exchanged numbers and agreed to meet friday, i call and tell her i'm not available friday anymore but earlier in the week is cool, she agrees to meet middle week and will come to my banhof to "go drinking or something." she seems keen, but then again she could think i'm just another kumpel.

Cheers guys! BB


bearbeitet von bigblack

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There is no rule for that. You have to develop a feeling for the inner dynamic of a seduction - there is a text about that from Sharkk. Unfortunatly only in german.

So watch for the moment when she´s ready. This can be on the second date or after 10 minutes. It depends on your game, the logistics and the lady.

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Hmm I dunno mate actually I laid most girls I used to "date" on the 1st or 2nd date. Thing is tho, where did you pick them up?

I reckon if you closed her during day/streetgame it might be a bit more difficult to lay em. Clubgame should usually be same night lays.

Day 2 should just be considered as lay 2, init ;)

So yeh, go for it.


Btw. just tell em you don't usually do that wherever you're from, too. Preferrably b4 she even mentions it lol

A bit of background: met the day 2 on the train kinda randomly, she was very open to kino but pointed out she's got a lot of "male friends," we exchanged numbers and agreed to meet friday, i call and tell her i'm not available friday anymore but earlier in the week is cool, she agrees and will come to my banhof to "go drinking or something" with me. she seems keen, but then again she could just think i'm another kumpel.

Oh ok, like I thought. Daygame approach but well, she does come to you which is a good sign and if you're doing enough kino she shouldn't really see u as LJBF.

Have fun :)

bearbeitet von pdapick0r

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