attraction problem solved. now it's time to get them to the date (auf deutsch)

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ok i'm going to try to post in German to reach a broader audience here. please I know my German is bad, but I hope you guys can nevertheless understand.

Ich habe mein Attraktion Problem gelöst. Ich bin jetzt in der Lage, ein Mädchen auf der Straße anhalten, sprechen sie eine Weile erhalten, und wirklich glücklich mit mir zu sprechen, und nutzen Sie ihre handynummer mit dem Versprechen zu erfüllen "irgendwann"

Das Problem ist, dann kann ich nicht eine Dynamik von der Anziehungskraft begann ich am Tag zuvor. mein phone game sucks! wie bist du jungs, über das Telefon Fortschritte? Ich weiss die Antwort ist ganz einfach, eine genaue meeting Zeit, wenn Sie zunächst auf Sarge ihrem Zeitplan. Aber manchmal ist dies nicht möglich ist und sie will lernen Sie zunächst wissen, bevor sie sich so etwas.

Big thanks to Dang, Stefen and Torsten. You guys helped me a lot! Corey

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For us it would be easier to read your text in english. With such translation tools you'll

never get the correct meaning of your thoughts. It's useful for us to improve our

english too :mellow: Hope to hear something fom you soon!


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wow you guys are brutal LOL. ok. and for the record, anybody who knows me know that I can hack my way through most of that in deutsch, but I figure my vocabulary would be much better with the help of a dictionary :)

basically, my street pickup is pretty good. I had a problem with attraction before but now it's gone. now the issue is getting them to day 2. My phone game sucks massive donkey kong balls. how do you guys keep the attraction going after the initial sarge? is it too early to sms her the same day? because sometimes I feel compelled to do so.

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most of the time, the reason for flakes are comfortproblems!

how do you handle this?dont forget it!

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wow you guys are brutal LOL. ok. and for the record, anybody who knows me know that I can hack my way through most of that in deutsch, but I figure my vocabulary would be much better with the help of a dictionary :)

basically, my street pickup is pretty good. I had a problem with attraction before but now it's gone. now the issue is getting them to day 2. My phone game sucks massive donkey kong balls. how do you guys keep the attraction going after the initial sarge? is it too early to sms her the same day? because sometimes I feel compelled to do so.

Indeed you will never want to SMS a women within the first few hours after the initial encounter. You will not at all SMS her, or at least reduce it to a minimum and make a phone call. Usually you can wait a few days (but less than week) to arrange a date.

When calling her, in a sense you have to play the game again; As attraction has decreased during the time (though it is not at zero again) you have to build up new attraction again, maybe by telling an interesting story, that happened the day before or anything else.

And of course, as "bobone" already said, comfort is another great factor, you should never underestimate. On some website I recently read the percentage contingent (don't know, whether that's the right word) of attraction and comfort and it said: more than 80% of the time you spend with a women should be during the Comfort phase

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Thanks! It's weird and not always the same. I number closed a hottie and wrote her within 30 minutes. She wrote me the next day and we set up a date.

Other girls, you're right. Writing too soon will hurt you. It's always hard to tell at first.

My problem is attraction after initial attraction (??). I'm gonna try something new for me: calling them with quick little anecdotes about my day. Nothing too long. Preferably when I'm busy doing something else. Just a quick story about how cool my day was, ask them about their day, and say goodbye.

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