Zoolander walk off Routine

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Crosspost from mASF

One thing I do constantly now when doing club game is the Zoolander

style "Walk Off". If you don't know what I'm talking about then I

suggest you crawl out from your cave already and have a peek at the movie.

Even If the girls don't know the movie, they will love to play along

most of the times (if they are really playful and high energy - or drunk).

In the movie Ben Stiller competes against Owen Wilson in a contest to

who has the greatest "moves" on a runway. I pervert it slightly so that

it comes down to straight grimacing and who has the coolest "power move" :)

I use it both as an opener and as a small routine for fun:

TheTruth: Hey, I just asked myself if you know the movie Zoolander

HBTarget: Yes/No/Are you a Retard?

TheTruth: Never mind - anyways, in this movie, Ben Stiller competes

against Owen Wilson in some kind of grimacing contest. It's quite cool

actually. We gotta do that. I challenge you to do a "Walk off".

HBTarget: A what?

TheTruth: A "Walk off". We do three rounds, each time we have to show

each other our best moves and grimaces. Oh, yes and your friend here

will serve as a judge (pull friend close and give instructions). Whoever

wins, gets to buy the next round of drinks.

HBTarget: Okay

Now, be prepared. I have some moves that would make Ben Stiller cry for

his mommie, so there is no way that her friend can judge against me

without me being able to call her partial :)

What it does:

1. Establishes a leading frame

2. Sets you up as a fun guy

3. Shows you don't give a shit about what they think of you

Most girls are a bit hesitant to "Walk off" - you just have to convince

her it's ok somehow. If she refuses outright -> Next (Never happened to

me in ~10 times I used it).

After you're done it's easy to resume convo as usual. Dancing, Fluff

whatever. Just be sure you don't run into a cockblock scenario (that's

the weak point of the routine) when appointing the judge. Since you are

giving her power over you, she can CB as she pleases.



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Sounds interesting, been some time since I´ve seen the movie but maybe you can show me thos moves tonight.

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leute crosspost heißt nicht dass ihr auf englisch antworten sollt

sondern nur dass er es zuerst in masf gepostet hat und zu faul

war es nochmal auf deutsch zu schreiben


zu der routine:

yeaahhh saufett

am besten noch nen LOOK contest.

"baby, gib mir den look" :D

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