Handbuch des Krieger des Lichts

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jow ich hab das buch Manual of the Warrior of Light von Paulo Coelho gelesen u. möcht mit euch meine persönliche zusammenfassung teilen ;-)

A warrior of light knows his own faults. But he also knows his qualities.

He tries to make the most of his virtues. He tries to establish what he can truly rely on. And he always checks that he carries three things with him; faith, hope and love.

A warrior of light makes decisions.

His soul is as free as the clouds in the sky, but he is committed to his dream. The warrior is free. But he knows that an open oven bakes no bread.

The warrior knows that no man is an island.

He cannot fight alone.

The warrior of light knows that everyone is afraid of everyone else.

That is why, whenever he finds himself before someone who fills him with fear, the warrior reminds himself that the other person has the same insecurities as he has. But he knows how to deal with the situation better. Because he uses fear as an engine, not as a brake.

The warrior of light is always trying to improve.

The warrior develops the beauty of his blows.

The warrior of light unwittingly takes a false step and plunges into the abyss. “You don’t no drown simply by plunging into water, you only drown if you stay beneath the surface.”

The warrior of light behaves like a child.

A responsible warrior is one who has proved able to observe and to learn.

The Latin root of the word “responsibility” reveals its true meaning: the capacity to respond, to react. […] But he always learned his lesson; he took a stance, listened to advice and was humble enough to accept help. […] who has learned to deal with the challenges of the moment.

A warrior of light is always vigilant.

A warrior does not try to seem, he is.

Warriors of light oten ask themselves what they are doing here. Often they find their lives meaningless.

You can recognize a warrior of light by the look in his eye. Warriors of light are in the world, they form party of the world, and they were sent into the world without saddlebags or sandals. They are often cowardly. They do not always act correctly. Warriors of light are wounded by the most foolish things, they worry about trivialities, they believe themselves incapable of growing. Warriors of light sometimes believe themselves unworthy of any blessing or miracle. […] That is why they are warriors of light. Because they fail. Because the ask questions. Because they keep looking for a meaning. And, in the end, they will find it.

The warrior of light is wary of people who thinks they know the path.

The warrior of light had dreams. His dreams carry him forward. But he never makes the mistake of thinking that the way is broad and the gate wide. He knows that the Universe functions in the same way as alchemy: solve et coagula said the masters – “Concentrate and disperse your energies according to the situation”. There are moments when you should act and moments when one should accept. The warrior knows how to distinguish between these moments.

A warrior trusts other people because, first and foremost, he trusts himself.

The warrior of light views life with tenderness and determination.

Yes, life is insane. But the great wisdom of the warrior lies in choosing his insanity wisely.

A warrior of light practise a powerful exercise for inner growth.

He pays attention to the things he does automatically, such as breathing, blinking, or noticing the things around him. He does it when he feels confused, and in this way he frees himself from tension and allows his intuition to work more freely, without interference from his fears and desires. Certain problems that appeared to be insoluble are resolved; certain sorrows from which he thought he would never recover vanish naturally. He uses this technique whenever he is faced with a difficult situation.

The warrior of light takes responsibility for everything he does, even if he has to pay a high price for his mistake.

The most important quality on the spiritual path is courage, said Gandhi. Cowards end up making the bars of their own prison.

The warrior of light concentrates on the small miracles of daily life.

He is capable of seeing what is beautiful because he carries beauty within himself, for the world is a mirror and gives back to each man the reflection of his own face. The warrior knows his faults and limitations, but he does all he can to maintain his good humour in moments of crisis.

You are not what you seem to be in moments of sadness. You are better than that.

By now millions of people will have given up. They don’t get angry, they don’t weep, they don’t do anything; they merely wait for time to pass. They have lost the ability to react. You, however, are sad. That proves that your soul is still alive.

A true warrior of light knows that every garden has its own mysteries, which only the patient hand of the gardener can unravel.

He knows that the fool who gives advice about someone else’s garden is not tending his own plants.

Warriors of light always have a certain gleam in their eyes.

They suffer over the most trivial things […] believing that their lives have no meaning. That is why they are warriors of light. Because they make mistakes. because they aks themselves questions. Because they are looking for a reason – and are sure to find it.

No one is entirely good or evil; that is what the warrior thinks when he sees that he has a new opponent.

A warrior knows that the ends do not justify the means. Because there are no ends, there are only means. Life carries him from unknown to unknown. Each moment is filled with this thrilling mystery: the warrior does not know where he came from nor where he is going. If he thinks only of the goal, he will not be able to pay attention to the signs along the way. If he concentrates only on one question, he will miss the answers that are there beside him.

Goodby, she said. You knew that the bells at the bottom of the sea were not just a legend, but you could only hear them when you realise that the wind, the seagulls and the sound of the palms fronds were all part of the pealing of the bells. In just the same way, the warrior of light knows that everything around him – his victories, his defeats, his enthusiasm and his despondency – form part of his Good Fight. A warrior does not try to be coherent; he has learned to live with his contradictions.

When somebody wants something, the whole Universe conspires in their favour. The warrior of light knows this.

And he is always very careful about what he thinks.

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Ein sehr, sehr gutes Buch das mir viel gebracht hat und an dessen Metaphern ich schon des öfteren in verschiedenen Situationen und Entscheidungen gedacht habe um mir als Richtlinien weiterzuhelfen.

Coelho ist zwar sehr religiös, dennoch ist der Inhalt seiner Bücher so geschrieben das man auch als "un"religiöser Mensch sich oft mit dem "Krieger des Lichts" identifizieren kann ^_^

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