LR: Viva la Mexico!

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Nach längerer Zeit der Inaktivität und Nichtbeteiligung an der Community, hab ich mich mal wieder dazu entschlossen, etwas von mir hören zu lassen und einen LR aus Übersee zu veröffentlichen. Wundert euch nicht, dass dieser auf Englisch ist. Ich hab ihn auch in die Santa Monica Lounge, dem örtlichen Lairforum hier, gepostet und war zu faul, alles nochmal auf Deutsch zu schreiben. Also, viel Spaß beim Lesen! B-)


Friday night, 21th August, 2009


Las Pulgas in Tijuana/Me and three guys (two from England and one from Australia) from the hostel I’m staying in in Venice Beach

What went down

Some guys I got to know in the hostel I’m staying in planned on going to Tijuana and asked me to join them. I heard many stories of Tijuana, so I needed to go there.

We arrived in Tijuana at 8 pm, got dressed and went out to check out the nightlife. It’s actually quite boring there at daytime, but at night the city’s vibrant with life. Eventually, after having visited a few shady bars, we found the location we would have a fun time in: a club called Las Pulgas.

The club was really huge. I was quite enthusiastic, because I saw that it was filled with beautiful Mexican girls, so I went to the dance floor immediately without grabbing a bear, without sitting down, without going to the restroom at first, without any hesitation at all. One of the English guys joined me after a minute and we starting dancing like crazy without caring about anyone. This soon would pay off. There was a group of 4 Mexican girls next to us. We smiled at them and just joined their circle. At first we just danced in the middle of the circle, having lots of fun and pulling other people in the middle. After having gotten approval of the group we started dancing with the girls one-on-one. At first with the girls which were not that good looking to make the more beautiful women curious. It worked out perfectly. For dance floors basically the same rules apply as for normal conversation: Be playful, be the prize, focus on having fun, not being needy, etc.

Sometimes the other English guy and the Australian guy joined in which kind of helped us keep our energy level. The longer we danced, the more girls joined in. Often we just grabbed some random girls to join the group. Without the social proof this would have been impossible. But since we we’re having fun, taking the lead, being the centre of attention, dancing with lots of girls without being needy it worked out perfectly. At some point we managed to isolate two cute Mexican girls from the group and danced with them for about 30 minutes one-on-one. We eventually ended up kissing them on the dance floor without having talked to them at all. After our making out with them I decided it was time to take the next step, so the four of us retired to the bar.

Now the second and funny part of this report begins, because an unexpected problem occurred: The two girls weren’t able to speak any English. We found out their ages and their name and that was that. So we stood there at the bar with these two attractive and attracted girls and were kind of stuck. Of course we would have been able to keep them attracted and interested for a while. But it is almost impossible to close the deal, if you can’t talk to them. Fortunately, our saviour came in form of a Mexican we met earlier. We gave him 5 $ or so and bought him a beer, of course without the girls noticing it, in order that he interpreted for us. At the beginning it didn’t work that well, because the guy didn’t want to tell them what we wanted him to tell them. He was like “No no, you can’t say that to a woman, blah blab blah.” But after explaining a few things to him, he told them the right stuff. We teased them, made them laugh and even managed to tell them a short story of our travels and our time in Los Angeles.

Anyway, you guys wanna know how the story ended, right? So that’s how it ended: They rejected us. No, just kidding. After having build up enough comfort and trust, which worked, although our words came out of somebody else’s mouth, we tried to somehow get them to our hotel. I always find it funny that you only need a reason to go there no matter how ridiculous it is to turn of a woman’s doubts and her logic. So we told them we would go and continue the party at our hotel, having a few beers and showing them photos of our travels. It worked out perfectly. We got in a taxi which brought us to the hotel in about 5 minutes. I sat at the back and started joking around and manage to teach them how to thumbwrestle and kept them entertained.

When we arrived at the hotel we rented an extra room for the four of us, having two separate rooms with queen-size beds. Then we all went upstairs, grabbed a few beers and our cameras which were in our old room and went to our new room. It turned out that we neither needed to switch on our cameras nor open the beers. I can’t tell you more, because I forget the rest. But before you ask: No, we didn’t have a foursome. Damn, what did you think? I am not THAT kind of guy.

What you did well.

- Started dancing immediately after I had entered the club, as opposed to going to the bar or the restroom first.

- Focused on having fun rather than getting laid.

- Found out much about dance floors.

- Build up a lot of social proof without even talking much. Another proof that women aren’t attracted by what a man says but by how he acts. On the other hand, it wouldn’t have been possible to seduce them without having our interpreter. I think it is almost impossible to seduce someone without words, but you can seduce someone without using many words. And of course you can seduce someone without using any pick up lines and routines.

What you did wrong and could have done better.

- Should have learned a few words in Spanish. Would have made it a bit easier.

- At first, when I discovered that they couldn’t speak any English, I was a bit confused and surprised, because I didn’t expect it. But eventually we were able to cope with this problem quite well.

- I felt a bit uncomfortable when I was on the dance floor all by myself. But after the English guy joined me, I started feeling more and more comfortable.

Extra comments

I know that the dance floor can be a trap, but dance floor game can be quite effective. What I learned about dance floors is:

- Smile and have fun!

- It’s always better to dance with some friends. If you are alone on the dance floor, make sure that you join a group soon.

- Women often avoid groups which consist of guys only, so make sure that there are some women in the group you are dancing with. As soon as there are a few women in you group other women will be more likely to join it.

- Interact with everybody in your group, motivate others to have fun and dance and be in the spotlight.

- You needn’t be a good dancer, although being a good dancer is advantageous.

- Looking around from time to time is necessary to find new people, but looking around all the time seems needy.

- Dance with everybody, even with ugly woman or guys. This proves that you just want to dance and have fun and that you aren’t trying hard to get laid.

- It’s quite easy to isolate a woman from the group and dance with her alone, since her friends are busy dancing. After that you should dance a while with her, but retire to the bar as soon as possible, since dancing gets boring after a while.

- Wearing a hat or funny accessories can be helpful, because you can do some push and pull with them. I actually didn’t bring any accessories to the club, but some guy gave me his hat and fortunately never wanted to get it back. My Mexican girl always wanted to put it on. So I teased her by pretending to give it to her, but putting it on my own head, etc.

- Building attraction is quite easy on the dance floor, but building comfort is impossible.

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Super LR.

Ein schönes Beispiel wie man auch ohne Sprache eine Frau attracten kann!

Viel Spaß in Mexico.

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Ja, ein Beispiel, das wieder deutlich einige große Irrtümer insbesondere über das so hoch gehandelte Wort Status zeigt. Status erlangt man nicht durch Worte oder interesssante Geschichten, sondern durch Taten. Status wird nicht verbal, sondern nonverbal kommuniziert. Es geht nicht darum, was man sagt, sondern um die Emotionen, die sich hinter den Worten verbergen. Zu erklären ist das dadurch, dass Emotionen viel länger existieren als Sprache, dass sexuelle Kommunikation in Form von Dominanz oder Status viel länger existiert als Sprache.

Was aber bedeutet das konkret? Es bedeutet, dass man keine Routinen oder auswendig gelernte Sprüche braucht. Man muss nicht immer etwas zu sagen haben, man muss eine Frau nicht immer unterhalten und sich darum bemühen, das Gespräch am Laufen zu halten. Das größte Problem von Anfängern ist, dass sie nicht wissen, was sie zu einer Frau sagen sollen. Wenn man ihnen nun Sprüche gibt, dann werden sie selbstsicherer, weil sie nun wissen, was sie sagen sollen. Dennoch kann es immer passieren, dass sie irgendwann nichts mehr zu sagen haben oder ihnen die richtigen Sprüche nicht zur richtigen Zeit einfallen. Und dann stehen sie da, unsicher wie am Anfang. Ich denke, dass jeder von uns das schon erlebt hat...

Der bessere und effektivere Weg ist demnach, sich von der Angst, nichts zu sagen zu haben, zu befreien. Man muss sich immer wieder vor Augen führen, dass es egal ist, was man sagt. Man sagt einfach das, was einem in den Sinn kommt. Dadurch wird man lockerer und selbstsicherer, was wieder unheimlich attraktiv auf Frauen wirkt. Sie merken, dass man nicht versucht, sie zu beeindrucken, dass man nicht versucht interessant zu wirken. Und dadurch, dass man nicht versucht interessant zu wirken, wirkt man letzten Endes interessant.



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Ja, ein Beispiel, das wieder deutlich einige große Irrtümer insbesondere über das so hoch gehandelte Wort Status zeigt. Status erlangt man nicht durch Worte oder interesssante Geschichten, sondern durch Taten. Status wird nicht verbal, sondern nonverbal kommuniziert. Es geht nicht darum, was man sagt, sondern um die Emotionen, die sich hinter den Worten verbergen. Zu erklären ist das dadurch, dass Emotionen viel länger existieren als Sprache, dass sexuelle Kommunikation in Form von Dominanz oder Status viel länger existiert als Sprache.

Was aber bedeutet das konkret? Es bedeutet, dass man keine Routinen oder auswendig gelernte Sprüche braucht. Man muss nicht immer etwas zu sagen haben, man muss eine Frau nicht immer unterhalten und sich darum bemühen, das Gespräch am Laufen zu halten. Das größte Problem von Anfängern ist, dass sie nicht wissen, was sie zu einer Frau sagen sollen. Wenn man ihnen nun Sprüche gibt, dann werden sie selbstsicherer, weil sie nun wissen, was sie sagen sollen. Dennoch kann es immer passieren, dass sie irgendwann nichts mehr zu sagen haben oder ihnen die richtigen Sprüche nicht zur richtigen Zeit einfallen. Und dann stehen sie da, unsicher wie am Anfang. Ich denke, dass jeder von uns das schon erlebt hat...

Der bessere und effektivere Weg ist demnach, sich von der Angst, nichts zu sagen zu haben, zu befreien. Man muss sich immer wieder vor Augen führen, dass es egal ist, was man sagt. Man sagt einfach das, was einem in den Sinn kommt. Dadurch wird man lockerer und selbstsicherer, was wieder unheimlich attraktiv auf Frauen wirkt. Sie merken, dass man nicht versucht, sie zu beeindrucken, dass man nicht versucht interessant zu wirken. Und dadurch, dass man nicht versucht interessant zu wirken, wirkt man letzten Endes interessant.



Ganz großes Statement!


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