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Gast Ziod
An die etwas erfahreneren Leute, was denkt ihr ist besser um schnell gut zu werden, clubgame oder streetgame?

Ich nehm mal an, dass die meisten doch erst mit clubgame angefangen haben. Vorteile die mir einfallen waeren:

- Momentum ( auf der Strasse dauert es halt manchmal doch bis das naechste set kommt...)

- ONS sollte leichter sein und weitere verrueckte Sachen, die einfach Selbstbewusstsein staerken und Realitaet erweitern

Game überall.

Jede Frau die du siehst, während du nicht wirklich etwas zu tun hast.

Treibe ihr BT hoch oder eskaliere bis zu dem Punkt, an dem du Lust hast um dann wieder weg zu gehen, fand ich einen tollen Vorschlag.

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Ich denke, daß die Anmache im Club deutlich schwieriger ist, weil die Frauen viel gnadenloser testen und Fehler nur schwer oder gar nicht verziehen werden. Es ist eh klar, warum der Mann sich ihr zuwendet, und deswegen geht die Frau viel strikter vor. Mir macht es keinen Spaß, wenn ich immer darauf bedacht sein muss, meinen Frame zu halten und mich nicht unterbuttern zu lassen.

Bei der reinen Kaltakquise auf der Straße hingegen bekam ich auch unglaublich viele Absagen, so daß ich mich irgendwann fragte, was das hier überhaupt solle. Die erhofften Erfolgserlebnisse, die ja sehr förderlich sind, um "schnell gut zu werden", waren auf diese Weise jedenfalls sehr spärlich. Irgendwann klappt es dann auch, aber dauert eben.

Ich empfehle daher, es an der Uni, oder wenn ihr noch zur Schule oder Berufsschule geht, es dort zu versuchen. Es muß natürlich nicht dieselbe Klasse oder derselbe Studiengang sein. Auch Vereine und irgendwelche Aktivitäten, die die Teilnehmer nur minimal verbinden, erleichtern das Game meines Erachtens ungemein, weil es gesellschaftlich gesehen viel verträglicher und angemessener ist.

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Ich ging zu vielen Frauen hin. Das hier ist meine Einschätzung.

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Flow & Blow machen Werbung, ob sich das nicht auch auf ihren FR auswirkt - ich würde nicht alles glauben, was man liest ;)

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Klar, mach' das doch. Wird sicher spannend und extrem.

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haha hab ja schule :D Aber in den ferien!!!

schau mal hier vorbei, würde mich freuen, hab auch bald ferien ;)

lg vom BS lair

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Gast Ziod
Flow & Blow machen Werbung, ob sich das nicht auch auf ihren FR auswirkt - ich würde nicht alles glauben, was man liest ;)

Lies den Gameteil, der überragt das Verständnis der meisten bei weitem.


Und die Tatsache, dass sie sich damit profilieren alles auf Kamera zu haben und bald online zu stellen macht sie nicht unglaubwürdiger :ph34r:

bearbeitet von Ziod

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haha hab ja schule :D Aber in den ferien!!!

schau mal hier vorbei, würde mich freuen, hab auch bald ferien ;)

lg vom BS lair

Gerne aber ich kann leider erst nach den ferien :D

Edit: Ist jemand zufaellig heute im Capitol? Feier da den Geburtstag von einem freund, waere cool wenn man noch einen pua treffen wuerde.

bearbeitet von Skyisthelimit

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Mhh..mal was zur Verführung:

(in english..und für den vollen Text muss man angemeldet sein - weiter unten hab ich beide vollen Texte gepostet..)

Es geht um Sex...normaaal;)

...das heißt, ein Verführer spürt, genießt, strahlt das hier aus aus:

sexuelle Spannung

Deswegen meinte ich neulich mal, dass es so gut tat, die ganzen PU- Theorien (und den Wunsch nach Coolness aus dem Kopf zu schmeißen)...weil man dann endlich mal Weiblichkeit und Sexualität genießen kann. :rolleyes:

bearbeitet von silky smooth

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It's not YOU it's the SEX

Some of the most effective methods for picking up women quickly all seem to have ONE important thing in common. Whether it be putting out a seductive vibe, escalating quickly, using sex talk or being physically aggressive - there is a always one KEY ingredient present that makes it all work.

And that is...

For the most part these methods are selling SEX not YOU

When you use seductive eye contact and get close quickly you are basically selling sex. When you talk freely and openly about your sexual desires you are selling sex. When you grab her hand, spin her around and pull her very close to you all in the first ten seconds you are selling sex.

In contrast, when your main focus is on trying to be interesting and funny , saying the right "words" and bringing the "value" you are trying to sell YOU.

Now I know you are a cool guy - but YOU are not cooler than SEX. If you want to get a girlfriend I would agree that sometimes you need to sell her on YOU, but to pull a girl quickly that you just met I would you argue that the most effective way is to sell her on SEX.

Are you going out at night trying to convince women of the idea of YOU (and possibly sex) or is your game centered around selling her the idea of SEX (possibly with you). If you are spending 90% of your effort on promoting YOU and only 10% on selling SEX you might want to reverse that.

The truth is YOU are not that important. Sex is a very pleasurable experience on it's own. YOU are replaceable. Not convinced - just take a look at the transfer of buying temperature. You get a girl all worked up and in the mood for sex and then some other guy swoops in and reaps the benefits.

Think about it. How much of what happens is you personally and how much is that sex just feels good and women like it. Is it you or the experience itself. Let's be fair and say it's a mix of both. I know, I know - we would all love to think it was only due to our good looks and awesome game. Hey, it's an ego thing.

Why SEX is much cooler than YOU

One thing to keep in mind is that sex is probably the most pleasurable experience we can have. We all love to feel pleasure and obviously women are no different. It can take a guy a long time before he finally internalizes the mindset "women love sex" but it seems to click instantly when you simply tell him "women love pleasure".

I mean it's not like you are out at the bars trying to convince women to risk their lives and go climb a dangerous mountain with you. I mean imagine if to get a girl home you had to convince her to run a marathon. That would be hard - selling the idea of sex is easy.

Keep in mind we are selling a product women want to buy.

Would a drug user turn down a line of coke. Well sex is a lot like drugs (it releases powerful pleasure chemicals into the body)and best of all it's free. In other words, if there is some "mutual" interest - engaging in an activity as pleasurable as sex really doesn't take that much convincing. Most times sex sells itself.

I've always thought that the decision to have sex is mostly mood based. Meaning after a seduction becomes overt and mutual it's really not about you anymore. The question becomes can you get her in the mood for sex (arouse her). I mean you've already shown her how cool you are - she likes you. You don't need to create more attraction (aka selling yourself)'s time to sell the SEX.

Of course the fact that you are comfortable with your sexuality and confident says really good things about you, it's attractive no doubt - but don't lose sight of the fact that it's because you are offering her an opportunity for PLEASURE (sex) that is so appealing.




bearbeitet von silky smooth

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Aber Silky, wo ist die Treppe nach oben?

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The Seducer's Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4: Tapping Into Sexual Tension

TheLetter's picture

Submitted by TheLetter on Sat, 02/13/2010 - 14:53

Table of Contents:

* Sexual Tension: Prompt or Process, by Aaron Sleazy

* Tension is Waiting to be Discovered, by 60 Years of Challenge

* Appreciating Sexuality, by The Cost Of Success

* Sexual Tension in Slow Motion, by TheLetter

Sexual Tension: Prompt or Process, by Aaron Sleazy

One of the main aspects Sixty teaches in seduction is that guys are afraid of sexual tension and break it prematurely because they cannot handle it. But what if you are able to handle its pressure? In this case, you have two options to utilise sexual tension for the process of seduction. One is to draw it out and completely captivate her attention. The other is to strike hard and fast as soon as you realise that she is horny enough to proceed further. Cosy stands for the former, whereas I am infamous for the latter. Both approaches have distinct advantages and disadvantages.

Maintaining a stable level of sexual tension is no small feat. To a beginner it can feel like a balancing on a tightrope. In fact, the difficulty of successfully maintaining sexual tension over a longer stretch of time can itself be very gratifying, not unlike a physical activity such as juggling, or playing those old school arcade video games that seemingly go on forever.

Two dangers are inherent, though. First, if you fail to maintain sexual tension, she may just get bored and leave. The obvious cure is to escalate ever so slightly, and then subtly retreat: one step forward, one step back. However, if you escalate too much and follow the community adage of two steps forward, one step back, and then suddenly decide to “play with sexual tension” and, for instance, deny her a kiss three times in a row, she may just get fed up with you and leave. Nobody likes the feeling of being played with. In this respect the girl is not much different from you.

If truly fast escalation is what you are after -- I am talking about seducing girls literally within minutes --, then maintaining sexual tension for an unordinary stretch of time is counterproductive. This kind of game is all about escalating quickly, and once you realise that she is ready to got, you don’t maintain the same level of sexual tension. Instead, you make one bold move and simply lead her off to wherever you feel like.

In terms of sex, both ways of approaching sexual tension lead to different results. If you sweep the girl off her feet in a time-span your average community guy hasn’t even finished his “opener”, you are in for very intense moments of something I would not call “love-making.” I have seen girls getting so horny that literally any kind of release was sufficient for an orgasm. In one case I did not even have to touch the girl to give her her first of many orgasms.

On the other hand, if you draw out sexual tension and slowly draw her in, the actual act has a tendency to unfold rather slowly as well. This is no surprise since the girl follows your lead anyway. Once you have learnt how to properly use sexual tension, the decision how to use it should depend on nothing but your personal preferences. There is no right or wrong, but only a question of what feels right for you.

Want to hear more?

Aaron Sleazy is speaking at the RMC Try Out on 27 February in Rotterdam (more info on official website).

Tension is Waiting to be Discovered, by 60 Years of Challenge

I think the mindset that you NEED to do "special" things to create sexual tension is, well...very needy.

Given the recent popularity surrounding the concept of tension I can already start imagining what commercial products will be coming out soon. Maybe something like "The 25 Frames You Absolutely Must Install to Create Sexual Tension".

An Automatic Connection

The truth is on some level sexual tension between a man and a woman exists naturally. I'm sure you've noticed it's usually lurking just beneath the surface of even your most polite conversations with women.In most cases there is really nothing special you need to say (verbally) or do (physically). Sometimes attracting a woman can be as simple as just tapping into the tension that is already there.

Be Still

One way you can tap into this natural tension is by being comfortable with silence. Be still. Sexual tension always seems to reveal itself during the short pauses. Or in an extended gaze. A sexual connection forms naturally when you are simply enjoying the woman in front of you (ie. listening) instead of focusing on talking and entertaining.

Don't over-complicate the concept of sexual tension by viewing it as something you NEED to create. Instead think of sexual tension as something that is always there, just waiting to be discovered. And if you can keep quiet for a few seconds you may just find it.

Appreciating Sexuality, by The Cost Of Success

Every woman has a sexual side. A side invulnerable to the nagging details thought to be in the way of sex. Truth is, when that devilish smile comes upon us, as we feel that rush, that is seeing our future right infront of us, when we know that there is nothing standing inbetween us and our goals, we know that it takes but only a caress to make that future happen and we don't care in the slightest about details because we see an opportunity to act. It is this that is at the heart of sexuality, and this is why little details don't matter in the face of it all.

This is where most people go wrong.

Most consider logical things, thinking them a necessity, or that they are relevant when it comes to sex. However, if little details matter, then its likely you aren't being sexual at all.

Sex exists alone, one woman, and one man.. breathing in syncronicity, hearts beating, and heat filling the air. The only thing in those moments, is feelings. A flood of all those satiating desires filling you both. Hungerous desires being filled by further and further thirsts that quench the soul.

When it comes to sex, if you are worried about little logical things, you are not being sexual. And being sexual, can grant you with not only more satisfaction, but more freedom, effortlessness, and passionate drive. That girl you thought would satisfy your ego will fade into the distance as you realise the simple pleasure of this girl right infront of you. You'll be free, of that irrational side of yourself, that 'just' wants to get laid under xyz conditions just cuz it likes the sound of it. You'll be more suited to finding what you want in regards to sex.

If you draw out an interaction by not achieving goals set before hand. You can explore things that are free from all the little niggles of day to day. You can like a skydiver.. or a scuba diver.. just feel freed.


bearbeitet von silky smooth

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Aber Silky, wo ist die Treppe nach oben?


Aber was war denn da? Erzähl mal...

...Ik find das immer voll dooof, wenn man öffentlich so "Insider" raushaut, weil dann immer alle so denken "Häh, was soll das denn heißen..?!

bearbeitet von silky smooth

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Da kam ein Mädel an und wollte wissen, wo die Treppe nach oben ist (wir standen 2m daneben).

HB: "Hey, wo ist die Treppe nach oben?"

PU: "O_x, ähhhmmm da? *Langsam draufzeigen*"

HB: "Ja, komm mal mit und zeig mir die"

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süß :)


Ach ja:

scheiß mal auf MM-Phasenmodell.

Gestern einfach ansprechen, langweiliger Smalltalk mit einem wahnsinns vibe und währenddessen einfach krass durcheskalieren. :mellow:

wasn game -.-

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süß :)


Ach ja:

scheiß mal auf MM-Phasenmodell.

Gestern einfach ansprechen, langweiliger Smalltalk mit einem wahnsinns vibe und währenddessen einfach krass durcheskalieren. :-)

wasn game -.-

Wie sieht euer Game aus, wenn es SEHR laut ist ( reden umstaendlich ) oder ganz auf der Tanzflaeche? Denke mal, dass man hier tatsaechlich alles mit subcommunication klarmachen muss.

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Bezüglich der Tanzfläche hätte ich eine Idee ... wenn du Selbstbewusst genug bist, pack einfach eine Frau von hinten am Arm , wirbel sie herum und tanze mit ihr ...

Das ist die Art und weise mit der mich vor ca einem Jahr ein interessanter Mann überrascht hat !!

PS : Gib nicht sofort auf wenn sie dich abweist, sie wird sicher überrascht sein, tanz dann ggf. kurz mit ihrer Freundin oder versuch es weiter. Hartnäckigkeit macht SEXY ;)

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Gast Vit90 NEW

Hey BlackJane,

findest du nicht, dass Hartnäckigkeit zu needy ist. Also nach meiner Erfahrung bringt es nichts bei Frauen am Ball zu bleiben, wenn sie abweisend ist. Oder mache ich da etwas falsch? Kläre mich auf BlackJane!

Liebe Grüße


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Es kommt drauf an ... es gibt zwei Arten von Hartnäckigkeit und abweisung

1. Wenn die Frau klar zu verstehen gibt lass mich in Ruhe dann geh lieber, bevor es stress gibt !!

2. .. wenn es allerdings blicke, signale oder gesten gibt die dir Hoffnung geben dann versuch es doch ruhig weiter. Ich hab mal einen Mann eine Stunde zappeln lassen bevor er mich küssen durfte. Er hat es nach 5 Minuten versucht, das ging mir zu flott, ich bin immer ausgewichen, hab mit ihm getanzt, er blieb am Ball und das imponierte mir. Auch Frauen wollen spielen und den Mann "testen" ;) !!

Ich würde es als "So leicht bin ich nicht zu haben" Signal deuten.

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Ich erwarte viele erfolgreiche Berichte ;)

Wir Frauen haben halt unseren eigenen Kopf und wollen erobert werden, was dir sicher nichts neues ist !!

Tu es bei Frauen bei denen es sich lohnt, die du WIRKLICH interessant findest, ansonsten kommt es wahrscheinlich nicht allzu glaubwürdig rüber !!

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