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Hi Jungs (und Mädels)

Bin neu hier und was PU angeht wirklich ein totaler Anfänger. Ich frage mich die ganze Zeit wie ich anfangen soll??

Führe eigentlich sehr selten Gespräche mit Mädels und wenn ich weggehe, dann meistens mit dem gleichen Kumpel. Dazu kommt noch, dass dieser Kumpel total ängstlich und prüde im Bezug auf Mädels ist. Er will zum Beispiel auch ja niemandem zu nahe treten. Es geht hier aber auch nicht um ihn, aber was ich damit sagen will...irgendwie hindert mich das daran Mädels anzusprechen oder apha zu sein wenn er dabei ist.

Wie soll ich bloss die ersten Schritte versuchen? Alleine in Bars oder Clubs?

Habe mich hier bereits etwas eingelesen, aber was mir fehlt ist PRAXIS.

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Hi !

Alles was du wissen musst ist folgendes :

1. Mach das beste aus deinem Aussehen. Gute Klamotten, netter Duft, schicke Frisur.

2. Sprich Frauen an die dir interessant erscheinen und rede mit ihnen.

3. Stelle Frauen nicht auf ein Podest. Sie haben keine Lizenz für Drama,Zickerein oder sonstiges.

Sie sind Menschen wie wir auch wenn manche bezaubernd aussehen können sie nichts dafür und

die die sich etwas darauf einbilden beziehen ihren State nur durch andere Menschen.

4. Du hast nichts zu verlieren. Korb ? Egal ! Bei einer von 10 klappt es 100%ig.

5. Mach was dir Spaß macht. Frauen sind nicht der Mittelpunkt deiner Gedanken sondern ein

Leckerli und eine super Stütze in deinem Leben welches auch ohne Frauen wie ein schweizer Uhrwerk läuft.

6. Weniger denken, mehr machen. Dann hast du später deinen Enkelkindern mehr zu erzählen.

7. Mir 1000€ aufs Konto überweisen. Quatsch ... 2000€ ;)


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9 Easy Steps To Becoming a PUA


1. Read ALL of the ASF archives

Seriously. Before you ever post a question again or spend one cent on seduction products (apart from live in-field coaching), read up all of the ASF archives which are available. They contain so much knowledge, and the best thing, they are FREE. You can find them here:

EDIT: Reading the archives should be combined with massive in-field experience. Otherwise you will not be able to figure out your Sticking Points and waste your time reading all kinds of posts without a real purpose. You need to know WHAT kind of information you are looking for, and WHY!

2. Make going out a habit

You should sarge at least 3 times a week. If you have to get up early every morning, try street sarging, it doesn't always have to be clubs. Just get out there AT LEAST 3 times a week to hone your skills. Becoming a PUA is like learning an instrument, you have to practice to get good at it.

3. Get some hot female friends

Go out for a couple nights with the agenda to just make friends with some hot women. You can use your new female friends as pivots, and most importantly, they will introduce you to other women. It's a win-win situation. And the best, you'll learn how to act NORMAL around beautiful women, which is something most men never get.

4. Get involved in the community

Join a Lair or get a wing... just do whatever it takes to get around people who have the same goals as you have.

5. Go out alone

This is no contradiction to step 4! You should find a good mix between going out with other "community guys" and going out alone. Solo sarging is a great thing and will help you to skyrocket your game. You will do your best when you are alone and you will be somewhat FORCED to approach, which oftentimes a very important thing for newbies. If you go out with your wing there's no pressure. You can always talk to him if you "don't feel like" talking to other people, but usually the two of you will just discuss openers or other Pickup related stuff which is deadly for newbies. It will kill your state, cause you will be inside and not outside of your own head. You need to learn how to run game alone, without a wing, otherwise you will always be dependent on other people which is something you should strongly avoid.

6. Focus on building a big social circle

When you go out, don't exclusively focus on picking up women, also focus on building a big social circle. #close cool people (women AND men) which you ARE NOT sexually attracted to but have the same things in common with you and will make good friends. The bigger your social circle, the easier it will be for you to get laid.

You should also be able to hang out with "normal" people every now and then. Don't become one of those guys who has no "real" friends and surrounds himself with PUAs 24/7. Pickup should only be ONE of MANY aspects in your life. Yes, it is a lifestyle, but you will miss out on a lot of nice things if Pickup is the ONLY thing you know.

7. Style and physical appearance

a ) Read some fashion magazines or consult a stylist

Just do whatever necessary to get a basic knowledge about fashion and what kind of colors, clothes, etc, suit you best.

b ) Buy the best clothes you can afford

Do not buy 6 outfits which are mediocre, rather spend all of your money on ONE really outstanding outfit and buy a second one once you have more money available.

c ) Get a new haircut

Go to a well-known hair saloon in your city and get a great haircut that suits your personal style and face shape. It'll be money well spent!

d ) Work out

Hit the gym, do a marathon.. just do whatever necessary to keep yourself in shape. You can still get laid if you're fat, but it'll only make things harder, so don't be your own enemy.

8. Personal Development

IMHO you can only become a really outstanding PUA if you have your WHOLE life together. That includes your finances, your relationships with friends/parents/etc, your car, your apartment.. the list could go on and on.

Pickup is not a magic pill and will solve all of your problems. It's only ONE aspect of Personal Development. You have to develop yourself in EVERY aspect of life. You need focus and direction. You need to know what's your purpose in life and what you want to get out of those years you have left on this planet.

Here's a list of my favorite "self-help gurus", which I highly suggest you to check out:

- Anthony Robbins (especially his "Personal Power II" program)

- Wayne Dyer

- Napoleon Hill (especially his book "Think & Grow Rich")

- Brian Tracy

9. Figure out what YOU REALLY WANT

Yes, at the end of the day Pickup is about men and women getting together, so what kind of woman do YOU want? Do you find her in house clubs? Does your "ideal" woman even go to clubs or is she just someone who you'd meet at a Yoga class or in the park? Don't waste your time in places where you will not meet your "ideal woman". And if you only find her on the street, then specialize on street sarging. There's no need for you to do anything else! I say FUCK street game if you like trashy club chicks and FUCK club game if you like down to earth women. Figure out what you want, and then go after it and don't waste your time on anything that will not get you the results you REALLY want.

Follow these steps and you will be well on your way to becoming a PUA!


sehr wichtig. ansonsten kann ich dir DC ans herz legen, das programm ist wahnsinn :)

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