Was habe ich während der letzten zwei Monate gelernt?

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Hallo Jungs.

Das folgende ist auf englisch, weil ich es auf fastseduction.com zuerst gepostet habe.

What did I learn in the last two months.

If you want to know what I learned in the last two months, you have two know a little bit

about my person first. So here is a short outline.

Four years ago I had a LTR which lasted over one year and was clearly one-itis.

I was the one who finished the relationship, but I guess I also was the one who suffered

most because it ended. The months after the LTR I was mainly sarging drunken in clubs and

had more or less success. This was, when I finished school.

When I started to study in university, I also radically stopped sarging and going out in clubs.

My skills with women went down rapidly.

This period lasted till last summer, when we had holidays. I was full of studying and had

the strong desire to go out have fun and fuck women. In my circle of friends there is one

guy who had a lot of success with women, especially those in clubs.

So I decided to learn: We went out very often, and I watched carefully how he interacted with

women and try to adapt it for my purposes.

Last summer was a very intesiv summer. By that I mean, that we partied and sarged every day

for a month or so. I had success. Suddenly I was flirting, kissing and even fucking with

beautiful women. Thinking back now that I've read tons of posts here in ASF I was "naturally"

(natural = success through learning by doing) doing the right things to attract women and to

have sex with them. I even managed to have sex with two different women in one day and three

different women in one week. That's my record until now.

Why did it stop?

I can tell you why:

As I was having success with women, I wanted to see what happens if I try to seduce my ex.

I met her and fell back in the trap I had put myself in. This made my mood down for

at least one week, which influenced my MLTR. They didn't find me attractive any more.

I also was tired of sarging drunken in clubs and wanted to have a GF.

That's why I picked up a sicko in a club. She became my one-itis until the last two months.

Influenced by the sicko there was a period of let's say two weeks where I decided

to put my whole energy in studying and so to forget women forever. This didn't hold

on so long since the summer was starting and women were wearing short skirts.

Through lucky circumstances I found ASF and decided to learn how to seduce women,

after I had accepted that I am a man and have desires and do have to live with those desires.

Naturally, as I started to read the posts and manuals and whatsoever I realized that I was

clearly in a one-itis and started to feel myself as an AFC.

What did I say to myself? I said: "You don't know anything about women", which was definitely

wrong. "Try out everything that you read", even if it was mixed and contradictory.

As you can imagine it didn't bring me much further. I went out nearly every day to sarge in

very different places. My approaches were becoming much better but to gain rapport was still

another question. Women seemed to smell that I was "unnatural", in the meaning that I was trying

to be somebody else.

What did I do wrong? This question kept coming to my mind very often. Here is where the luck

comes to play: Last month I had only limited internet access, mainly at the weekend.

But I also wanted to read the stuff of ASF. What to do?

I simply downloaded nearly all the archived posts of the PUAs around here at ASF and

started to read what *they* had to say. Because what I had been doing the previous month was

reading the posts of newbies which helped me a shit.

Another very good point of my improvement was:

While reading the theory in ASF and going out every day to sarge, I also started to *reflect*

on what I had done and how it fitted in the theory.

Having read Svengali I was inspired to go out and try it my way. That means: To forget

for one moment every "opener", every post I had read here and to go out and *simply* try to

seduce women "my way". What happened was:

I approached very naturally, talked to them very naturally and managed this way to build rapport.

Of course I couldn't forget what I had read on ASF -- it was at the back of my mind, sinking

down to my unconsciousness.

Another very good practice, which I did, is:

While I read the archived posts of a *PUA* (a really PUA, not a newbie like me) I went back

in my mind to the successful seductions I had already done *before* I came to ASF.

This is very important, because then you realize what you had done right.

Which stories did *I* tell the women? How did *I* elicit their values? How did *I* made them horny?

Why did this and that woman LJBFed me? etc.

This helped me a lot in acting "natural" (= being oneself), because then I knew how to be

me, while applying the theory of ASF.

Because these steps were so important to me, I will outline it for the new guys (= those

who are registered here for a week or sth. like that) here:

1. Theory : Download and read the archived posts of the PUAs here (one after another)

2. Practice: Talk *every* day to at least 5 new persons (men or women) for at least 5-10 minutes. (*)

3. Reflect / Feedback: Reflect on what you have done and how this fits to the theory you read here in ASF.

4. Repeat the steps 1. 2. 3. for at least one month.

I also realized what Svengali taught us: people reading is the most important skill you can


Now go out and have fun!

(*) By the time you will "only" talk to attractive women, because you find them interesting.

But for the first it is important to talk to strangers to overcome the approach anxiety.

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Guter Post, habe ne endliche Entwicklung durchgemacht wie du und es ist erstmal wirklich schwer wieder " man selbst" zu sein, nach allem was man so im Kopf hat von dem ganzen Pua Zeugs

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Guter Post, habe ne endliche Entwicklung durchgemacht wie du und es ist erstmal wirklich schwer wieder " man selbst" zu sein, nach allem was man so im Kopf hat von dem ganzen Pua Zeugs


Ich stimme dir zu: Die "Theorie" ist wichtig solange man natürlich bleibt. Das ist leichter gesagt als getan.

Viele angehende PUAs wissen, dass man natürlich und unverkrampft wirken muss, um Frauen zu verführen,

aber sie sind zu voll von "trockener" Theorie und zu leer von lebendiger Erfahrung.

Hat nicht sogar ein Benutzer hier im Forum mal *ZUM* Faust gesagt: "Grau ist aller Theorie." ?


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