Sarging in Deutschland

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I'm from Vancouver, Canada, and am staying in Düsseldorf for most of the next two months. I do MM and Mystery's routines, some RSD for my A2 game, and DYD for my inner game.

Ich kann Deutsch, aber...

1) ... das letzte mal als ich in Deutschland war, war ich WBAFC

2) ... ich kenn meine routines/negs/etc z.Z. nur in English

First Impressions, German Women: Hottt. :)

Ich habe schon auf geguckt und finde es its ein Super Anhaltspunkt

Mein Fragen:

1) Funktioniert MM mit negs und cocky/funny genausogut wie im Englischen? Wird es irgendwelche große Probleme geben?

2) Will I be able to just open and run my game in English for now?

3) What are some hot places in Düsseldorf/Köln to sarge?

Es wäre cool mit ein Paar "locals" zu sargen um ein Gefühl für die Szene zu kriegen. So: Shoot me a line (dh.path AT gmail PUNKT com)



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hello Obsession!

i don´t know how good your german is,therefore i write in english.

i´m a little bit overextended with some of your acronyms. what is "MM" ?? and what are Mystery´s routines? i guess that "RSD" is some material created by ross jeffries, isn´t it? and what is an A2-game??

questions over questions....

if you only now your routines in english,and if you can´t formulate or express them in german,no problem! P-L-E-A-S-E ,send me all the routines you know. than,i will translate them in german,for sure!

it would be great if you can write your knowledge down. everybody in this forum can profit from your knowledge.

concerning your questions:

1) cocky and funny is unbelieveable. it works and helps you to "crack" she goats. i used c&f,created attraction and was very successful with this technics. i guess that it works in canada as good as in germany.

2) if you can run your game in english, i guess that 90% of the german babes don´t understand everything you say.

3) in düsseldorf/köln i don´t belong to the locals. but here are some locals.



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Hello Motocross. I'm sorry I wasn't aware that these terms are lesser known here. Okay:

MM = Mystery Method. Das ist die Struktur die einer der top PUAs (Mystery benutzt).

RSD = Real Social Dynamics. Ideas on vibing, and mindsets.

A2 ist eine Phase in der Mystery Method. That's the phase in which you create attraction. By routines I refer to openers and routines that can be found on ASF ( and/or routines that people create themselves.

2) if you can run your game in english, i guess that 90% of the german babes don´t understand everything you say.

Ich werde versuchen meine approaches auf Deutsch und English zu machen.

3) in düsseldorf/köln i don´t belong to the locals. but here are some locals.

Cool. Looking forward on meeting people with different styles.


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Heya. I read that if you talk English, it puts you in a state of dominance. THEY have to adapt and talk YOUR language, which makes you the one with power.

Play around. Try some English sets, some in German. And make sure to post your experiences :)

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Ich werde versuchen meine approaches auf Deutsch und English zu machen.

Dann kannst du uns ja auch an deinem Wissen teilhaben lassen und Sie im Forum posten ;)




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