"Sarge" die Katze ist tot....:(

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Ich entschuldige mich gleich vorweg für das simple reinkopieren eines Newsletters...

Aber ich denke in diesem Fall geht es OK :)

Rest In Peace, Dear Grey Pawed Friend

Dear Speed Seduction® Student,

It is my sad duty to inform you of the passing of our beloved Speed Seduction® mascot, Sargy J. Cat.

To those of you new to SS, the term "sarging", which means to use Speed Seduction® with women, was coined from the name of my Russian Blue kitty, Sargent, aka Sargy.

Sargy had not lived with me for some years, choosing instead a different human to own, but I saw him occasionally. I ran into his current human at Starbucks and she informed me he had passed on in from complications due to Feline HIV. (Speculation is that Sarge got into a fight-which he frequently did when he lived with me-and that he got infected from a bite from an infected cat).

Sargy was not the brightest kitty in the litter (to say the least) but he was beautiful and mean, as a male cat should be.

I'm sure he's crossed the rainbow bridge to a better place, with plenty of 3 legged-mice, flightless pigeons, and loads of lizards to torture (his favorite pastime).

Rest In Peace, dear grey-pawed friend,

A very sad RJ

Gedenken wir seiner...Wir verdanken ihm viel...:)

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