Seven Mysteries of Life by Guy Murchie

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hab auf Eben Pagans (= DeAngelo) Blog ne Buchempfehlung gesehen:

My biggest “find” in the last year or so is this book:

The Seven Mysteries Of Life

I consider this book to be the ultimate introduction to, and integration of, everything important about life and existence. Guy Murchie invested something like 15 years of his life writing this book - and then another entire YEAR illustrating it.

I honestly think it would be valuable for every person to read this book as they enter adulthood, and then review it at least once per year from them on. It’s that important.


This book will greatly assist in helping you “wake up.”

An integration of science, philosophy and art. Beautiful in its form, and impactful in its message. A deep book… but one that anyone will immediately be able to understand and appreciate.

Read it!

The Seven Mysteries of Life

Fuuck, 700 Seiten, wahrscheinlich nicht leicht geschrieben.

Kennt jemand das Buch?

bearbeitet von C.J.

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