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Hallo Jungs!

Hab mich gerade im ASF Forum umgeschaut und da was interessantes gefunden, denke das kann man ohne Probleme mal als Routine einschieben.


You ask her if she believes in telepathy and would like to do a little experiment. Tell her you feel a connection of some sort but since you have just met you haven't adjusted to her patten very well yet. So you will try this with just three very basic and easy questions at first. Tell her she will have to concentrate very hard on the answer so you'll be able to feel it. Then you will write them down and you check them at the end.

The three questions are going to be

1. What's you favorite color?

2. What's you favorite animal?

3. Where would you now rather be: On top of a mountain or the beach of a sea?

The trick is that 90% of the chicks will prefer the beach over the mountains.

So when you ask her the first question instead of writing down a color note "Beach" on the paper. Fold it up and place it on the table or even hand it to her telling her not to look until the end.

Tell her the image you saw was just very faint and in a nonchalant way ask her what the answer was.

Normally without much thinking she will give you the answer to the color question because you already wrote the answer down and placed the paper on the table or in her hand...

Then ask her the animal, this time taking her hands into yours and looking her deep in the eyes for several seconds without blinking. Sometimes you can actually see them swallow (no pun intended) and their heart missing a beat :blink:

Then instead of the animal write down the color she just told you.

Again tell her you are getting there but animal is a lot tougher than a color. And again after you have written down the answer and placed the paper on the table or in her hand ask her what it was.

Now ask her "the most difficult one" about the mountain or beach (in this order, too so beach will ring in her ear and she will be still more likely to pick it). Again KINO, maybe squeeze her hand to check for her squeezing back.

Write down the animal she just told you, fold the paper and put in on the stack.

Don't worry about the order of the papers. Unfold them and sort them then. If she didn't pick up that she actually gave you the answer to each one before she won't notice the wrong order of the papers...

Show her the answers on the paper, preferably in the correct order.


Use three identical pieces of paper. If you use only one the will suspect too easily that you write down her answer after the next question. And if the pieces are not identical she might figure it out by the size or shape.

Sometimes a girl will get the trick or be just too suspicious to tell you in advance. Pick a popular color (I usually pick blue) or one you can bust her ball on later (like violet, pink or lilac) or something very specific like teal, amber or cobalt blue. Animal use girl stuff like cat, bunny rabbit, squirrel or so. Maybe you'll get one more besides the beach right. If not, don't worry it was still entertaining to them and you got to KINO and can take it from there with the next routine.



Hört sich auf jeden Fall gut an. Wird in meiner Routinensammlung aufgenommen ;).



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