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Gast B-Flex

Also ich habs ja schon ein paar gesagt und das Interesse war da.

Deshalb hier mal allgemein, aber ich kann nicht garantieren, dass noch Plätze frei sind!

19.4. in München, 18.00 - 22.00Uhr


Hey Guys,

We’ve launched a brand new 4 HOUR FREE WORKSHOP TOUR, and it’s coming to your city. What I mean is that we are going around the world to pretty much every major metropolitan city to host a Free Workshop, and if your city isn't on the schedule, let us know you want us to come, and we'll probably put it up on the schedule as well. Last year we did the “2 hour free workshop” tour in over 40 cities and 10 countries, and as you may have seen, there was a continual stream of rabid success stories on RSD Nation throughout the year, despite that it was only a “free event”.

Well this year we’ve doubled the stakes, and revved up the free workshop, so that it’s like last year’s event on steroids. Some of the new add-ons include:

**** 4 hours of 100% brand new content (the very latest “tech” in the success with women game)

**** Video clips of RSD instructors “live in the field” (so you can witness exactly how pickup is done by the pros)

**** Interactive exercises that will “wire” these skills into your brain (you won’t just listen to seminar, but engage with the material on a physical level)

**** A personalized curriculum where YOU will have the option to have your skills analyzed (we’ve never done this at any program before, and it will be a surprise element that allows you to learn things about yourself you’d have never known)

We’ll be revealing our most updated repertoire of material. By the end of the four hours, you will have fully integrated these new ideas into your dating skills arsenal. PLUS -- this will be an excellent networking opportunity, and a rare opportunity to meet a ton of people with similar interests! Anyway, I don’t want to rush you, but the seats for this free event are very likely going to fill up FAST! In fact, I doubt that I’ll have many spaces available by the weekend for some of the cities since space is definitely limited. So if you want to come, you need to register today. Just visit:

If your city event is sold out when you get there, sorry, but that means the event is now full. And if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call +1-888-546-7286, or send an email to [email protected]. I’m anticipating demand for these seats to be HUGE! Don’t miss out. Take the two seconds to claim your seat immediately at:

Hope to see you there!

kostet 50$, 4 Stunden von den besten. Ich bin dabei, Ouzh so wies aussieht auch.

Überlegt es euch!

bearbeitet von B-Flex

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Gast das_huhn

Man bekommt die 50 Dollar wieder. Die nehmen sie nur, damit sie sicher wissen, wie viele Leute kommen.

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Gast B-Flex

ich denke nicht, dass man die wieder bekommt o_O

ich denke mir halt das der Instructor das ganze umsonst macht, und nur Reisekosten mit dem Geld finanziert werden o.Ä.

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Da steht zwar:

Free Workshops

($47 Registration Fee - Refundable After Event)

Instructors: Executive Coaches

Aber: Inwiefern ist das "Refundable" zu verstehen? Wird es dann "ersetzt", wenn man sich die neue DVDs/CDs kauft (quasi vom Preis abgezogen), aber nicht mehr bar zurückgegeben oder wird das wirklich wieder bar auf die Hand gedrückt?

Sehr wackelige Formulierung!

Wahrscheinlich ist der ganze Event sowieso nur eine Werbeveranstaltung zu den neuen DVDs/CDs... bin etwas kritisch!

bearbeitet von TJD

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