Die Schüchternheit der Deutschen

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heute nach dem Mensaessen, als ich mich auf dem Weg zurück zu meiner Wohnung begab, nahm ich auf dem Weg noch ein kostenloses Studenten-Magazin (Unicum) mit. Zu Hause - als ich mich bei dem tollen Wetter heute endlich mal wieder sonnen konnte - schlug ich das Magazin auf und las ein wenig darin. Kurz darauf stieß ich auf folgenden Artikel, den ich allgemein sehr interessant fand... vor allerdem PU bezogen...

Ich will es euch nicht vorenthalten:


Source: Unicum - Feb. 2009, p. 6 (German Student-Magazine), www.unicum.de

Meine Gedanken (kann man im Blog nochmal nachlesen) dazu:

For all those who can only speak English: Sorry, this extract is in German because it's from a German Student-Magazine. It deals about the difference of Approach-Agressiveness from an Argentina-guy and a German-guy. The Argentina one nearly jumped to the girl like a predator to its victim, scaring the girl away. The German guy instead was too shy and "too nice" to approach the girl, even he was very interested. In the End - that's what I think it's interesting in this extract - the girl (= author of the extract)says that she wants a perfect mixture between agressiveness (you have the NUTS to apporach her) but also a gentleman-like shyness (which makes you more intersting and not like a scary predator).

I think this confirms the Alpha-but-Fluffy-theory. You need to have a frame and the balls to lead your life and the woman and to get what you want, but you have to do this in a way which will make people loving you and also make them forgiving you very quickly.

The perfect "Alpha" is not being an Egoist and an arrogant guy, but being a guy who loves and lives his life and knows how to gain the goals without hurting others too much. It's difficult to explain... better read the book of Lodovico Satana (Endless_enigma) "Lob des Sexismus" (also german). He explains this balance in his book very well!

Viele Grüße & keep on sarging!


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