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mein Thema heute " direct game".

Ich habe mich die letzten Tage ein wenig mit direct game beschäftigt. Habe die Berichte auf bristollair.com zu dem Thema durchgelesen. Fand vorallem den Artikel Power von Badboy sehr interessant.

Würde gerne in diese Richtung etwas experimentieren, da ich bisher eher die hier weiter verbreite "indirekte Masche" (à la Mystery, Style und Co. ) angewand habe.

Deshalb würde mich mal interessieren, wer von euch damit schon Erfahrungen gemacht hat.

Wer hat vielleicht auch noch weiter Links zu dem Thema? :wacko:

Also bitte alles was ihr habt :)



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Ok, danke. :)

wird sofort in Angriff genommen.

Warum müsste der dazu was sagen können? Was hat/hatte er mit Badboy zutun?

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ich hab mir auch letztens nen bericht über Badboys Masche durchgelesen! gefällt mir auch!

aber ich weiß nicht mehr wo es den gab!

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egoist's blog , dort vor allen Dingen das August-Archiv.

Post's von Razorjack im mASF-Archiv.

dann noch Attract and Date mit dem dazugehörigem Forum und Produkten.

Früher gab's noch das Badboycafe.com , ist jetzt aber down. Die hatten ein gutes Shark-Archiv, das ich hier mal bereitstelle.

/edit: www.badboycafe.com ist wieder da. Lest dort ein wenig umher. Das Forum wird zwar weniger stark besucht, dafür sind die Antworten und Themen Gold wert.

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Badboy art ist doch eher zu ihr zugehen und sagen.."HEy süße ich will jetzt einen kuss von dir,sofort"!

nein, das ist kein direct game. Direct Game ist schwer zu beschreiben, keine Masche, sondern eine Einstellung.

What the direct method means to me is living your life without excuses. Being 100% committed to everything you do and taking risks and chances. Going after your goals. Being free.

I've heard somebody say

" direct game is hard to define. Its not just by being honest, showing your intentions and opening without excusing yourself."

One of the things this means to me is living WITHOUT rules of what I can and can NOT do.

I hate those. When you truly step outside the matrix.

THERE ARE NO MORE RULES. Just your beliefs.

Take action and go after what you truly want in life.

Das soll jetzt kein indirect vs. direct werden, aber dieser Text hat mir sehr geholfen direct zu verstehen...
After all these discussions regarding Indirect vs. Direct, there still remains so much confusion.

I have seen a bunch of posts on mASF regarding what direct and indirect are. Mainly, however, I have seen lots of confusion. Furthermore, I find many guys constantly asking me for clarification as they are still unclear regarding the difference.

My goal with this new article is to explain the difference once and for all with depth and clarity so that everyone can understand and absorb the differences. So I have set out to write what should be the mother of all direct articles.

This article will be covered in 3 sections.

A. Behavioral difference between direct and indirect

B. Belief difference between direct and indirect

C. Rejection between direct and indirect

Each section will cover that particular aspect of the distinctions.

A. Behavioral differences between direct and indirect.

Advocators of a direct approach are proponents of not hiding their intentions. Simply put, it’s acceptable that a woman knows you are interested in her.

Advocators of indirect try to slide through the backdoor. At first, they make every attempt to NOT show interest in her, then they slowly begin to transition to showing a difference.

You have to discover what is right for you, and how you want to live your life. Direct is in no way just about the opener. It’s simply regarding the masking or unveiling of your intentions.

Over a year ago, Shark popularized the phrase “I like you and I want to get to know you better.” Then again, he likes to be ballsy and anything less is unacceptable to him.

With such a bold statement, there remains no doubt romantic interest is conveyed to the girl. Is it the only way? Of course not!

You can talk about anything in the world, but if you are conveying interest, you are behaving in a direct manner. I want you to think of James Bond, particularly Sean Connery’s Bond.

James Bond usually did not say the words, “I like you, and I want to get to know you better.” In fact, I don’t recall him saying those words ever, but the question is: Were his intentions clear?


There was never any doubt for even a split second what his intentions were during his conversations with women, and the women damn well knew what he was after. Most of us know that 93% of communication is nonverbal. A sly smile, a glimmer in the eye, are manifestations of direct-behavior when they convey the man’s intention.

What is the man’s intention? That he is romantically interested in the woman.

Indirect behavioral model is based on hiding your true intentions until a later time where you feel you are now worthy of divulging your intentions. It’s essence is: “Hey, look, I am not hitting on you. I am not interested in you. I just want to get an opinion from you. That’s all. For all you know, I work for the Gallop poll company and I am conducting surveys tonight.” Every attempt is made to kill any sexuality so that there is no sexual pulse between you two.

That is the difference between the behavioral model of indirect vs direct. Do you hide your intentions or does the woman you are approaching clearly know you are hitting on her despite the subject matter?

Is there an absolute rule? No. There maybe instances where you can’t quite distinguish if the man next to the girl of your interest is her cousin, merely her friend or her boyfriend. You probably wouldn’t want to be overtly flirtatious when her fiancée is standing right there. The problem arises when guys write community doctrine that you must never show interest in her. For a long time, this was community doctrine, and it’s slowly starting to change.

If you read my posts from a year ago, you could see that I was just starting to experiment with this direct thing. Since then, I have had a chance to hang out with some other interesting guys in the community. Guys like Shark, Steve Piccus, Zan, and Stephane are all guys who prefer to not hide their intentions. While I don’t know if Zan would cold-approach a woman by saying the words “I like you” immediately, I do know that when he talks to a woman, there is absolutely no misunderstanding about his intentions.

She’d never ever think, “Oh, he wants to be just friends. We are going to knit together and play bingo.”

Steve Piccus operate on a whole different dynamic. He has no problems telling a girl what he seeks down to the graphic details. To him, too much time spent chatting about bullshit is just a waste of his time.

Shark assumes that he is the prince. He actually believes that it'd be a travesty for the girl to date someone else instead of him.

(I heard David X is pretty direct, but haven’t met the man.)

In the end, regardless of what any of these guys do, you have to decide how you want to behave in YOUR interactions with women. Do you want to show or hide your intentions?


B. Belief different between direct and indirect

Direct vs. Indirect is also about the mentality and your mental frame. I have already said this numerous times but it does not hurt to occasionally repeat this statement.

You could talk about anything with the woman, but here is the difference:

The entire sequence of the transaction becomes different from the point of meeting that woman.

Now, we'll take it one step further!

What creates this huge difference?

***********A Direct Mentality is you working under the assumption that you are just as good as the girl, and perhaps even above her!***********

***********An indirect mentality has you working with the assumption that you are not good enough. She is above you and somehow you must prove that you are worthy.**********

There you have it gentlemen. Once and for all: There lies the difference. Simple, wasn’t it?

You can start the conversation with whatever you want. Let's say you talk about something very ordinary: A movie you just watched the day before!

Your behavior, body language, tonality, emotions, and beliefs should EXUDE that you feel you are just as good as she is. You don't have to say the words, "I am as good as you are." You just show it through non-verbal traits which account for 93% of communication I already mentioned.

Allow me to expand through examples in the following scenarios:

Scenario 1: You meet an average looking girl, (maybe 5-10 pounds overweight, but not fat!) and you feel that you are better looking than she is.

You feel that you are a very good looking man, and she is just average looking.

Do you have a problem going up to her and just talking to her in a very normal relaxed manner?

No! Most men would not! I want you to picture a good looking sharp dressed man in a club approaching a very average girl. You see him walk up to her and just introduce himself.

What do you think? You think to yourself that he has so much more value than he does not need to ask an opinion. She is in a league below him. (You probably have all this garbage about “Value” in your head, which I’ll address in a separate article.)

Next situation:

Scenario 2: You meet a very beautiful woman who is stunning!

Suddenly, you are nervous, you start making excuses as to why she may not go out with you, you start feeling the anxiety building. You “Don’t have enough Value”, you are not rich enough, you are not good looking enough and thus, you do not feel you can walk up and start the conversation in the same manner as you did with the last girl.

Why? Because you feel that you are not good enough!

If you were a King or a mythical Prince riding on a white horse, you would not have this anxiety. You are the fucking prince and this beautiful woman is your birth right! She is your birth right.

"There is no one else better for her," would be your line of thinking.

Are you starting to see the picture?

Many of the men giving PU advice have great pointers, but ultimately, many of them subconsciously possess the beliefs of Scenario B mentioned above.

They do not believe that the woman could like them unless they had a script with all sorts of lines written in it. They do not believe that a woman could like them unless they broke her down with one insult after another.

This is a form on insecurity, of course.

Everyone mentions the words "Do not supplicate" in the community.

For some reason, however, supplication has taken a financial meaning. Do not buy her drinks,

do not buy her gifts, do not pay for her dinner, do not give flowers, etc, etc, etc.........

I present to you that constantly trying to impress someone through your words, through machine-gunning one routine at her after another, is a non-fiscal form of supplication!

You are an entertainment monkey hoping to convince her to like you through the little games you learned on an Internet chat board. Think about this.

Here is the advice: “Hey guys, do not supplicate to women, don’t even buy her a cup of coffee, don’t tell her she looks nice, BUT please learn these little routines from anonymous people on the Internet, and repeat them verbatim, repeat other people’s stories, LIVE OTHER PEOPLE’S LIVES so that she may actually like you.”

You gotta be kidding me.

The counterargument is that beautiful women are approached by men all the time, and hence, they are sick of it. Like many of you, this is what I was taught when I first came to the community about 4 years ago. It was all over these ASF Boards at the time. It still is today! (It’s just that there is also an opposing voice today to give you a choice and more options.)

At that time, I bought this argument. It made sense. I was not good at cold-approaching women and this seemed to explain why my approaches were not up to par.

Like most of you, I was told, “You see that pretty girl? You cannot approach her in a normal manner. She has already been hit on by 50 men today. You’ll be the 51st man of the day. Why should she go out with you? Why should she choose you? Why?”

Yes, attractive women are approached all the time.

They are approached all the time...............BY GEEKS and Insecure men!

They are not approached often by cool, relaxed, secure, confident men!

Most of the men approaching do not possess the attributes of a confident man who is comfortable in his own skin, and lives a strong reality.

Looking back at it, I think to myself about what a loser mentality this was: To think that you are just like the other 50 guys who approached her. Hey, you are just the next guy in line. What a pathetic frame that was to have. You are just like the rest of the sheep in the herd. You are no different than the 50 guys before you.

In retrospect, it’s so obvious to see the dismalness of it, but sometimes when you are in the middle of it, it’s hard to step outside and see it with an objective view.

It has taken me 4-5 years to break out of that mentality, and now, I am on a mission to bring the distinction it to others.

You may view these women as being above you because of bad experiences in the past.

However, I want you to unequivocally know and understand that when you stop believing that these women are above you, you will have automatically transitioned to a direct belief! You will not have a choice about it. You can’t complain about it, you can’t go to the police. It will just happen, and there ain’t a damn thing you can do about it. [And that’s a good thing.]

You can call it whatever you want. Call it, “Being the Prize” belief system. The semantics are not as important as the internal belief system. It’s a belief system where you no longer feel that you have to prove yourself before you can ever show your interest in her.

When you see a woman on the street/ supermarket/ coffee shop/ bar/ restaurant/ nightclub, and you BELIEVE That she is not above you, and nor is she any better than you, you will have transformed yourself into the direct frame of mind.

When you truly believe that you are no less than her, it’s powerful. Trust me on this.

When you truly see yourself as an EQUAL, you will no longer feel the need to mask your intentions under veil of conducting surveys.

You don’t give a rat’s ass if she thinks David Bowie is hot and neither do I.

You can approach and talk about anything in the world and communicate to her that you are a sexual being. Harness the sexual energy, don’t kill it.


C. Rejection handling between direct and indirect.

A secondary reason for the indirect mentality being prevalent: The fragile male Ego that cannot handle rejection.

Proponents of indirect instill that if by going indirect, you cannot possibly be sexually rejected. After all, if a man asked a woman for an opinion and chatted for 5 minutes, how could she possibly be rejecting him? There cannot possibly be a sexual rejection because the man never showed any romantic interest in her. (In fact, he showed no interest on any level, whatsoever.)

This is true. If you asked her some irrelevant opinion and conducted a CNN type survey. She cannot be sexually rejecting you.

Let’s shift to direct. A man shows interest in a woman! Even if the man was talking about the movie he watched last weekend, she’d know he was interested. Believe me, she’d know. His body language, tonality, facial expressions, the look in his eye would scream it out.

Again, remember the James Bond films. While he does not say “I like you,” there is never even a shadow of a doubt that he is interested in the woman. (Interest does not mean neediness by the way. That’s bullshit written by geeks. Always remember that.)

Thus, how do you deal with rejection if you are showing interest?

First, you must genuinely believe that it is not a reflection on you. What if her pet dog was run over by a car a few hours before you approached her? Maybe she just got fired from her job, or maybe she just got engaged to the man of her dreams! You cannot possibly know all this information. All you can remember is that it’s not a reflection on you. You are you and you have to be comfortable with that. You can try to “Fake it ‘til you make it” scheme, but in the end, you cannot lie to yourself. You must genuinely be comfortable enough with yourself that you do not believe it is a reflection on you.

At the end of the day, you look inside yourself and you find peace. If you stare inside yourself, and you look into an abyss, then you are in a world of hurt. This is when you must run around and get validation from drunk party chicks around closing time of the bar.

I’ll give one last analogy: Imagine if you walked up to Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, or Larry Bird and said, “I think you are a terrible basketball player. You just stink.”

Would they suddenly run around and try to get validation by asking the next guy, “Hey, do you think I am good? I feel rejected as a basketball player.” OR would they chuckle and just move on?

The same principle applies here. I won’t bullshit anyone either: It’s a journey. It’s not easy to obtain such a belief system. It takes work. A few individuals have this mentality when it comes to approaching women. The rest of us have to work at it.

You live in planet of 5 billion people in 200 different countries. You live on this relatively tiny planet in a gigantic galaxy which is part of inexplicably huge universe. Whether a girl is interested in your or not at the moment has no meaning. You are not curing cancer and you are not feeding hungry children. You are talking to one person. If she is not interested in going out with you, it is not that big of a deal. On the same token, if she gives you her number, and repeatedly begs for you to call her, it still isn’t that big of a deal.

Secondly, after all I have written, if you still are concerned about rejection, then I’d point to these things you have between your legs. They are called BALLS. You are a man about it. If she is not interested, she is not interested. Who cares. Move on!



I am not going to indicate a right or wrong in this post. You have to decide what your ultimate goal is. You must decide how you want to live your life. Do you want to restructure your path to one where your goal is living without fear, or are you comfortable being the guy who sneaks under the radar?

Lastly, I realize that anything I write will be scrutinized, because I am a commercial coach after all. You may never take a workshop in your life from anyone, and that’s fine too.

Regardless of what you decide to do, realize the paradigm you’re in, and restructure your path of self-discovery to be aligned with your ideals. Do you want a path where you are learning a skill-set of 121 steps to get a girl, or a path where you make a transformation as a person?

Does a path where you are putting a value on yourself appeal to you? I mean a path where you are not some inferior being who lives in fear, a path and paradigm shift where you continually grow so that you your ideals and beliefs are that of a person whose self-image is strong regardless of what the person next to you says.


For a further case study, get away from community people for a couple of weeks. Don’t just take my word for it. Do what I did: Find a few naturals who are extremely good at what they do and observe them. Don’t quiz them about it, but just watch the process. Believe it or not, there are guys who are so good that they pretty much blow away any community guy I have ever seen, including me obviously.

Watch these guys. They can’t explain what they do, but watch their belief system and see from what frame their actions are driven.

Decide for yourself on what is the right path for you to live your life.




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Zum Thema Direct Game hat Woodhaven auch ein paar gute Artikel auf Bristollair.com, weil Direct ja meistens auch gleich Natural ist.

Aber man merkt schon beim Lesen dass es nich ganz so einfach ist, es ist eher ein Schritt in die andere Richtung, sollte man schon einige Skills vorweisen können

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Das hilft so ziemlich wenig... Ihr lest die Theorie und verarbeitet das rational. Den Typen zu erleben ist eine andere Sache.

Meine 2 Cent dazu.

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Cooler Zufall, ich hab heute folgendes Video von einem Badboy Workshop gefunden:


Und zwar bevor ich den Thread hier gesehen habe.

Ist zwar in einer anderen Sprache der Bericht aber Badboy und Co. reden natürlich Englisch.

Fand die Szene wo der Schüler die Mädels auf der Straße anhält besonders interessant, stellt sich einfach mit ausgestreckten Armen hin und sagt "Stopp!"

Muss ich auch mal probieren.

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Gast Tom

woha das Verhalten von dem bei dem Streetgame ist ja wohl mal grottig So von Körperhaltung und so. 0 Kino etc. kA.

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woha das Verhalten von dem bei dem Streetgame ist ja wohl mal grottig So von Körperhaltung und so. 0 Kino etc. kA.

Sagt der wo bei den meisten Bildern die er hier reinstellt die Hände in den Hosentaschen hat :P ;-)

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Also ich war schlimmer am Anfang. Ich erinnere mich grob daran, wie ich in ein 4rer Set kam und es irgendwas fragte, "woher bekommt man hier soundso?", dabei habe ich eine Jacke in der Hand gehabt. Mein Verhängniss. Ich habe die Jacke etwa 2 mal Pro Sekunde hektisch und wild hin und her geworfen von der einen Hand zur anderen, STÄNDIG! Und ich habe es NICHT bemerkt! Dagegen ist der Typ schon ein Pua


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Der Thread ist vielleicht etwas alt, aber da ich mich erst seit kurzem für direct gam interessiere, kommt die Frage erst jetzt.

Kann man Direct mit Indirect auch kombinieren?

Was ist, wenn man seine Interessen nicht auf Anhieb zeigt, sich jedoch trotzdem für viel wertvoller hält, als das Target. Was ist wenn man canned material wie DHV Routinen anwendet und trotzdem Interesse zeigt und dabei nen Frame ans Tageslicht legt, der ein Erdbeben auslöst. Diesen Stil habe ich bisher immer angestrebt. Die beiden stile unterscheiden sich meiner Ansicht nach viel zu stark. Es sollten gewisse Parallelen erhalten bleiben. was sind eure Meinungen dazu?

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Probiers doch einfach aus ;)

Ich hab so mal mal ein 2er Set indirect geöffnet.

Pitch0r: Hey, wie gehts dem hier am besten zum XYz. Hab gehört da soll was abgehen.

2er Set: Blabla

Pitch0r: Achso, wo kann man denn hier sonst noch ausgehen?

2er Set: Blabla

Pitch0r: Ich mag übrigens dein Lächeln @ Target...ich werde dich jetzt kennenlernen

Also einfach mittem im Gespräch zu direct wechseln. Ich hab das Set übrigens genumberclosed ;)

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Probiers doch einfach aus ;)

Ich hab so mal mal ein 2er Set indirect geöffnet.

Pitch0r: Hey, wie gehts dem hier am besten zum XYz. Hab gehört da soll was abgehen.

2er Set: Blabla

Pitch0r: Achso, wo kann man denn hier sonst noch ausgehen?

2er Set: Blabla

Pitch0r: Ich mag übrigens dein Lächeln @ Target...ich werde dich jetzt kennenlernen

Also einfach mittem im Gespräch zu direct wechseln. Ich hab das Set übrigens genumberclosed ;)

Je nachdem wie du das Set geöffnet hast warst du bereits direct !

Meine jetzt damit bezogen auf Körperspräche (im ganzen, also stimme und alles eben) !

Hab das auch erst gerade wirklich durch den 2. Artikel von Cameron, den Hirtec gepostet hatt, gemerkt.

Ich selbst öffne auch immer mit so etwas in der Richtung, bin aber irgendwie von der Körpersprache her ziemlich direct.

Wurde mir erst durch den Artikel richtig bewußt. Auch ist mein Mindest genau das das ich über den dingen stehe.

Dachte immer ich fahr eher indirect, doch wurde mir durch den Artikel klar das dem nicht wirklich so ist.

Besonders wenn ich so über die letzten Tage nachdenke (mehr dazu weiter unten).

Fahre auch kaum Routinen sondern bin einfach ich selbst und unterhalte mich mit dem Target. Klar, ab und zu ne kleine Routine (evtl. oft abgewandelt) mach ich schon, ist dann aber auch eine die mir persönlich zusagt und auch nur wenn ich mal ins stocken gerate und nicht weil ich meine ich müßte sie bringen weil jemand nen tollen FR dazu geschrieben hatt.

Das ganze hatt sich bei mir eigentlich von alleine in die Richtung entwickelt nachdem ich an meiner Innergame gearbeitet habe.

In den letzten Tagen war ich mit einigen Jungs hier ausm Forum öfters mal auf der Wasen sargen und dachte mir oft "Oh Gott, der spult ja eine Routine nach der anderen ab. Genauso wie sie im Forum stehen.."

Was jetzt nicht heißt das ich sie dafür verurteile oder sonst was, aber es ist einfach nichts für mich. Da ich mir hier wie ein Schauspieler vorkomme und ich will das das Mädchen auf mich abfährt und nicht auf etwas das ich spiele.

Aber jeder hatt seinen Weg und das ist auch gut so.

Was mir aber hier öfters beim Wingen auffiel, am Ende war ich in der Unterhaltung mit dem Target, auch wenn ich eigentlich nur das Obstacle beschäftigen wollte.

Anfangs wars klar, ich hab mich zu wenig zurückgehalten und mit das Target gegamed (mein Fehler, keine Erfahrung mit Wing). Aber selbst am ende, wo wir das dann besprochen hatten und ich mich zurückhielt (beim Target), dauerte es oft nicht lang und das Target stieg voll in die Konversation von mir und des Obstacles (das ich dann gamte) mit ein und das Target hing an mir.

Als wir anschließend versuchten zu einer Lösung zu kommen und zum Wing meinte warum er sein Target nicht weiterbeschäftigt hätte, so daß sie gar keine Gelegenheit hatte zu uns zu wechseln hörte ich ein paar mal "Ja gut, das ist verdammt schwer. Du ziehst halt auch irgendwie die Aufmerksamkeit auf dich !"

Wohlgemerkt, ich verwendete nicht irgendwelche Routinen oder DHV Stories oder sonst was. Und ich fing auch nicht an mich per BL oder verbal dem Target zu widmen. Ich versuchte einfach nur das Obstacle zu beschäftigen um meinem wing das isolieren des Targets zu ermöglichen.

Es ist einfach dein State, deine Äura, dein Frame. Das ist einfach um einiges stärker wenn du du selbst bist und immer der Typ bist der du auch beim sargen bist bzw. beim sargen der Typ bist der du auch sonst bist und nicht ein Set siehst und dann denn "sarge on" schalter umlegen und anfangen Schauspielern mußt.

Schaut auch Mystery und die ganzen "Social Robots" an wie sie in "The Game" beschrieben werden.

Sind das die Idole der Indirect Vertreter ?

Leute die eigentlich nur Schauspielern ? Die streng eine Masche runterfahren (Ich weiß, Seduction ist keine Masche, aber paßt schon ein wenig auf diese Jungs) ?

Mystery fällt von einem Loch ins nächste, zwischendrin immer wieder ein kurzes Hoch. Und jetzt soll mir jemand sagen das so jemand einen wirklich soliden InnerState besitzt !?

Lustiges Beispiel zum Thema "sarge on" Schalter erst am Dienstag.

Auf dem Heimweg von nem alten Klassenkameraden hielt ich noch kurz in Cannstadt und wollt mich nochmal kurz mit einigen der Stuttgarter Jungs auf der Wasen treffen.

Fand sie dann auch an nem Tisch wo noch 2 Mädels saßen. Ich setzte mich links neben die 2 Mädels (weil dort noch platz war) begrüßte kurz jeden und drehte mich kurz zu dem Mädchen neben mir (HB4, für mich absolut kein Target) und redete kurz mit ihr. Kurz darauf meinte Nogger54 zu mir

"Vergiß es, die eine (mit der ich redete) ist absolut nicht in Partystimmung und die andere hatt ein Freund und will treu bleiben !"

Wobei ich erstmal klar stellen mußte das ich sie nicht anredete weil ich sie gamen wollte sondern weil sie einfach da war und ich einfach mit vielen Menschen um mich rum rede weil ich spaß dran habe. Auch mit der 80jährigen Oma die im Supermarkt die am Regal neben mir steht, sind oft sogar die lustigsten Unterhaltungen.

Wobei wie gesagt, ich verteufel, verurteile oder schau auf niemand herab weil er indirect game zusammen mit routinen oder canned material betreibt. Es ist nur nichts für mich persönlich.

Wobei ich jetzt auch nicht sagen würde ich sei der ultimative vertreter für direct game.

Dachte eigentlich, bis ich den Artikel von Cameron gelesen hab, das ich selbst eher indirect fahr. Aber da hab ich mich wohl doch getäuscht.

mfg T.J.

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Was ich über badboy gelesen habe hat mich maßlos enttäuscht.

Das er die ganze Community verarscht hat.

Seine Methode ist nach angaben eine Kopie das was Cortez und Shark (Date and Attact) beibringen.

Das er aja MM-Style macht und es dann schlecht macht.

Hatte vor seine neues Ebook zu kaufen bin jetzt sehr skeptisch über Ihn.

Die Story:


Jetzt frag ich mich an wenn ich mich anhand von "direktes Game" orientieren soll?

Cortez, Marko(Shark)

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mich würd ja mal interessieren, ob man das 1 zu 1 auf frauen übertragen kann. also frauen, die männer ansprechen.

ich habe die erfahrung gemacht, daß es männer genauso abschrecken kann wie frauen, wenn man offen zu ihnen ist und sagt, was man denkt bzw. keinen bock auf "verstecken" hat und spielchen spielen.

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