Outline the Contours of Her Face Before You Kiss Her

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Kissing is important in the seduction process. It's not just putting your mouth to hers, there is much more to it. Using touch to create a whole new level of excitement is one of the things how a man can make himself exceptional to the woman. Here's an example of how to do that.

Assuming you've built attraction and rapport with the girl, comfortably violate her personal space, i.e. get close to her face to face.

Tell her you like her earrings or ears and touch them or the lobe. Begin outlining the contour of her ear and tell her how much you like her ear.

When you've done two laps, begin tracing the contour of her face: move to "safer" areas, such as her jawline, chin, then up around her forehead. Tell her how much you admire them, i.e. pace what you see.

If she lets you do this, you're pretty much in and you can really push the envelope. Move your finger down the bridge of her nose until you get to her lips. Outline her lips. Tell them how soft the feel (don't tell her how you'd like to kiss them, keep the tension going).

When you're get done with her lips, make a half circle up to her eyebrows and trace her eyebrows. This will cause her to close her eyes. Go in for the kiss.

Warning though, this routine can be a little tricky because you want to get a good circling rhythm and you don't want to "bump" into anything. I suggest practicing on finding a rhythm on your own face first.

The cool thing about this routine is that once you begin outlining the contour of her face, if she doesn't pull back, she's just waiting--expecting--you to kiss her. So you can kiss her at any time.

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