Literatur zu Direct Game

10 Beiträge in diesem Thema

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Hey, ich mach schon seit 1 1/2 Monaten PU, aber nur Club und dort auch nur indirect (schön MM). Nun will ich aber mal Street direct machen.

Ich bin auf der Suche nach Büchern, die als Thema Direct Game haben. Könnt ihr mir helfen.

btw. frohes neues pu-jahr

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Für Direct Game brauchst du keine besonderen Opener oder Routinen.

Du brauchst lediglich eine gute Körpersprache, sexuele anziehungskraft, starkes Innergame und 2 dicke Eier wäre auch nicht schlecht. Wie du dein Innergame verstärkst und stabilisierst wird im Board sehr gut erklärt und auch über die Körpersprache und ect.

Frohes Neues..

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Schau dir doch mal die Videos von "Victor Malvado" auf youtube an. Vor allem Nude Erect / New Direct.

Ein Buch zu Direct Game kenne ich leider nicht.

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Mode One. mehr brauchst du nicht.

Hier ein Review der ziemlich gut beschreibt wie Mode One dein Leben verändern kann:

Summary: The Only Review You Will Have to Read:

Rating: 5

I will admit it - I used to suck with women. Around four years ago I met a girl who was deeply into me. (or so I've been told, I never dared asking her myself) The problem was - I had no idea what to do, and no balls to take action. So I pussyfooted, and after three weeks of me calling her and leaving messages, she ended up getting annoyed and forgot about me. This was my breaking point - my ego was torched. I couldn't get a girl that clearly liked me and I had to find out why.

It took me roughly three years of studying different things about women to get decent at it. I had many lines and scripts memorized and could at least figure out how to close the deal a few times. However, something was missing. It seemed like the times I succeeded with women were not the times that I played some strategy, but when I was fairly straightforward about my intentions. Looking back, all the girls knew that I wanted to hook up with them. Yet I still had little idea how I was getting them in bed. I couldn't possibly imagine that all the years of gathering information would be obsolete in just a few months.

Mode One goes directly against most of the regular advice that young guys get. Our society had become so incredibly confused that the guys have very little idea as to what exactly they are doing when dealing with the opposite sex. Ironically enough, deep inside they know exactly what they should be doing, but there is so much fear and contradictory information that it is hard to take the plunge and embrace your natural desires.

This is why Mode One is an indispensable book - It does exactly that. It forces you to look deep inside and question your true intentions with the opposite sex. It shows you the "light side" - the option to tell the truth, being real, straightforward, and get the girl without all the nonsense and drama. It boggles my mind when I think of people going on multiple dates and spending weeks wooing the girl only to find out she is not interested. That is LOSER strategy. And this is exactly what I was doing before I knew better. The winner knows what he wants, and he isn't afraid to tell the woman what it is. What I love about the mindset transcribed through the book is that it actually makes you a better human being - you are no longer playing manipulative games, supplicating or straight out lying to get what you want. I've been told by a very wise man once that women reflect your own attitude. I couldn't agree more, and this becomes evident once you go Mode One - women will actually drop their tactics allowing the two of you to have a better emotional connection.

I will make one very important distinction here: Allen is not saying "go up to a girl, tell her you want to bang her and keep pushing if she is appalled." That is stupid. The real way to do it is showing a girl that you are a cool, caring, sexual, fun guy who knows that he wants her and is not ashamed of it. You still have to be nice to girls, but you are not going to get rejected because she knows that you want to have sex with her and hence you are in the "potential mate" category.

Here is the most important quote from the book:

"How would you approach women, and behave towards

women, if you knew for a 100% fact ahead of time that

each and every woman you interacted with was dying to

date you, kiss you, and eventually have sex with you,

even if they failed to initially reveal this to you??"

This is the ultimate question, since once you know the answer, getting women is a very easy task. Reading Mode One makes sure you discover that answer for yourself.

I have the policy to not kiss and tell, but I know that numbers don't lie, so see for yourself:

When I was implementing strategies, scripts, lines and general supplicating behavior, I slept with 5 women in 3 years. When I started being honest with them, I've bedded four women in a month.

People say that there are not enough practical examples in this book - but I think that is the genius of it. Once you develop the mindset, you will have enough experiences to compile your own book in no time. I actually had to turn down sex a couple of times because the women were too easy. It was like going to the knife fight with a bazooka. So definitely keep looking for quality women otherwise you might end up with a lot of party girls on your hands.

P.S. I can not rave enough about Alan's personal customer service. Every sent email is promptly replied to, and the advice is always there in case you need some. Simply tremendous.

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vllt was von tyler durden? blueprint? oder ist das zu fortgeschritten? ich weiß nur, dass sich 5kull (ja der von ddd) sich in seiner sarging tour auf viele sachen wie cavemaning, buying temperature usw. bezieht und er selbst ja gern direct gamed

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Momentan lese ich gerade MODE ONE. Es ist gut geschrieben und enthält zwar keine wirklich neuen Weisheiten (Wie du dich einer Frau gegenüber verhältst, so verhält sie sich dir gegenüber), aber bringt alles nochmal auf einen Punkt. Currie schreibt zwar wenig darüber wie man mit der Frau jetzt konkret sprechen soll, aber das Buch dient auch primär dazu seine eigenen Verhaltensweisen zu reflektieren. Prädikat: empfehlenswert.

Gibt es denn auch Anleitungen zu Direct Club Game? Konnte im Forum nur eine für Direct Street Game finden.

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