Why being aggressive and talking dirty can be effective...

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Hier eine explizite Ausführung dessen, was im ES-Workshop schon angeschnitten wurde: Ein bisschen Dirty Talk und Aggressivität können helfen.

(Das hat natürlich nichts damit zu tun, dass man ihr keinen Respekt zollt oder sie unglücklich hinterlässt.)


David Shade's Free MASTERFUL LOVER Newsletter



Badboy vs Nice Guy

When to be "aggressive" and when to be "polite"....

***EMAIL from Jenny:

Hi David,

I don't mind aggression when making love. Sometimes

it really turns me on.

My man is an amazing lover. It's in the way he takes

control of my body. He pulls and moves my body

aggressively in different positions. It shows that he

wants to give me sex that I enjoy. He would massage

my vagina with his fingers very intensely. Its

wonderful, even better than when he uses his penis.

I love it.

At the moment I can't seem to get enough. I just seem

to want to do it all the time. I don't want to stop

wanting it either.


Jenny, may your email serve as an example to men

that women are highly sexual creatures. And when it's

really good, women can't get enough of it.

***EMAIL from John:

Is there lots of women that don't like the aggressive

badboy attitude at all? I mean, what about the

important aspect of "politeness and manners"?



A lot of women are turned off by the aggressive

attitude of badboys, if by "aggressive" you mean

rude and pushy, and if the context is outside the

bedroom in social situations.

Outside of the bedroom, and in social interactions,

most women prefer "politeness and manners." It's just

human nature.

But as you look around, you find that badboys tend to

get the girls, while nice guys don't. Women are often

seen crying on the shoulder of a nice guy "friend" as

she suffers through the extreme emotional highs and

lows of a relationship with a badboy "lover."

Badboys are aggressive. Nice guys are polite. And

thus, a lot of "reforming nice guys" who want to be

"exciting badboys" will try to act aggressive. But

they just end up being rude wimps.

But a lot of it has to do with context. As I have

discussed at length before, women want to be treated

like a lady in the living room and ravaged like the

slvt that she loves to be in the bedroom.

And women know that badboys can ravage them. And I'm

talking about the dangerous to know, impossible to tame,

badboy. (And I'm talking about MOST women, at least

once in their lives.)

Badboys are exciting. For a woman, the sex is awesome

with a badboy. He is dominant, he talks dirty to her,

he makes her do things she is too inhibited to do, and

she loves it. It makes her feel sexual. It is

extremely exciting for a woman to experience these

intense sexual feelings.

Badboys are masculine. The feminine in a woman is

attracted to the masculine in a man. And with a badboy,

it is extreme. It is this contrast that is so alluring

to a woman. It makes her feel sexy and feminine.

Badboys lead an exciting life. They are daring and live

on the edge. Women want to be part of it to make their

own life more exciting.

Badboys are mysterious. They have a dark side that

women are endlessly curious to know. She never really

feels she knows him.

Badboys cannot be tamed. Women are nurturing creatures,

and are thus compelled to save him. She is determined

to rescue him by teaching him how to love.

Badboys are fearless with women. He will woo her by

being sweet and gentlemanly, while she is drawn to his

masculine confidence.

Badboys are addictive. She becomes so wrapped up in her

experience that she realizes she needs it. And the

badboy knows it.

Once she becomes addicted, the bad side of the badboy

comes out.

Badboys are selfish. He inconsiderately takes and

takes, and she gladly gives and gives even more in order

to keep him because she is addicted to the exciting sex.

Badboys are secretive. She begins to notice things he

is keeping from her. Things about his dark side that

would be self incriminating.

Badboys make promises of fidelity and then deny their

indiscretions. When she learns he has cheated, she is

hurt, but she needs it, so she works even harder to save


Badboys are paranoid. He knows that other men do

exactly the same thing. Thus, he becomes very jealous

and possessive of his women. He becomes controlling in

order to keep her to himself.

It is incongruent. The internal incongruency is another

form of weakness.

Most every highly sexual woman has at least once in her

life been with a badboy. This is true for both high

self esteem and low self esteem women.

For the high self esteem woman, she eventually can't

take the drama any more, and she leaves him. It is

probably the most emotionally traumatic thing she will

ever do. It is heart wrenching for her because she

has become so addicted to the awesome.sex.

After a woman has been through the roller coaster ride

with a badboy, she will forever avoid inconsiderate

jerks. But she will always crave those intense sexual


Let me repeat:

She will ALWAYS crave those

intense sexual feelings

And it is because she craves those intense sexual

feelings that there is a tremendous opportunity

for you. So you can thank the badboys for doing

some of the preparation work for you.

I have studied the badboys for many years, because

I wanted to have the same kind of powerful sexual

affect on women. But I was determined to go

beyond even that. I was going to figure out

everything it takes to have that powerful affect

on a woman and still have all the other things

that a woman must have, because when all those

other things are true...

It makes the sex even more awesome.

So when you step into a woman's life, she sees

that she could have all the things she has always

wanted, and she begins to become excited about

the possibilities.

You are masculine without being macho.

You are dominant without being domineering.

You are exciting without being reckless.

You are mysterious without being deceiving.

You are considerate without being placating.

You are strong yet gentle.

You are forthright and trustworthy.

You are sexually exciting in the bedroom and a gentleman

in the living room.

You are a man in every respect.

You are a Masterful Lover.

I have gathered all my research and knowledge into

my "David Shade's Masterful Lover Manual" where I

discuss at length what it means to be the kind of

man that has a powerful sexual affect over women.

And I discuss all those things that you must make true

for her in order to drive her crazy and bring out that

ruthlessly expressive slvt in her.


You can learn from the badboys just how very powerful

it is to talk dirty to a woman in bed. For most women,

it is extremely exciting. But many men have

reservations about doing that, or don't really know

what is appropriate to say or not appropriate to say.

There are certain things that powerfully turn on a

woman, and there are other things that absolutely

must be avoided. And this is especially true for

high quality women.

I discuss all these things, with specific examples of

what to say, on my audio CD called "The Art Of Sexy

Dirty Talk." My girlfriend also speaks and gives a

woman's perspective on the subject. She will tell you

just how important it is, and tell you some of the


You can also learn from the badboys about what they do

to get a new sexual relationship off to an exciting

start. And you can avoid their mistakes. I discuss

this on my hour long audio CD called "How To Set The

Foundation For A Wild Se xual Relationship."


I have many more sexual techniques in my

"Foundations" program, complete with detailed

illustrated diagrams explaining exactly how to do the

techniques, and fully explaining female anatomy.

I also discuss the correct knowledge and

beliefs to being a Masterful Lover.


Give women incredible pleasure,

David Shade


Copyright 2005, David Shade Corporation.

All rights reserved.

David Shade and Masterful Lover

are trademarks of

David Shade Corporation.

You understand and agree that David Shade Corporation

writings and recordings are strictly to be used for

personal entertainment purposes only. All content,

products, and services are NOT to be considered as legal

advice, medical advice, or professional advice. You are

solely responsible for your use of the ideas, concepts,

and content herein, and hold David Shade Corporation

harmless in any event or claim.


David Shade's Free MASTERFUL LOVER Newsletter

David Shade



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Credits to David Shade Corporation for the permission of pasting this content.

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Das Standard-Wissen, das hier präsentiert wird (Badboy - Gentleman), kann kaum kaschieren, daß es sich hier um einen einzigen, überlangen Werbespot handelt ;)

Das gehört nicht in die Schatztruhe.

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Ein Super-text von Deida. Daraus kann man wunderbar einen Opnere basteln.

Ich meien der altbekannte, warum stehen Frauen auf Badboys etcetera. , und die Frauen mit diesem Wissen von Deida ködern und DHV zeigen, sie sexuell antörnen und ficken, wie ein Badboy. Werde da mal was basteln und berichten.

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Das Standard-Wissen, das hier präsentiert wird (Badboy - Gentleman), kann kaum kaschieren, daß es sich hier um einen einzigen, überlangen Werbespot handelt ;)

Das gehört nicht in die Schatztruhe.

Muss dir Recht geben-

Hat hier nichts verloren-

Wo is der Opener? Denk nicht, dass der so einschlagen wird xD

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