TJ - Ich stelle mich vor + 1. FR

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Hey Leute,

nun, ich habe mich vor kurzem hier angemeldet. Nettes Forum und hoffentlich auch nette Com! ;)

Nun, ich wollte gerne euch meinen ersten Fieldreport vorstellen. Dieser Report ist jedoch auf Englisch (weil ich a.) die Sprache liebe b.) meine PU-Basis zu 75% aus dem Englischen kommt!). Der Report ist aus meinem eigenen Blog kopiert, wo ich halt eben eigene Gedanken und Prozesse niederschreiben werden. Dieser Blog ist halt eben die Geburt meines eigenen AVATARS, vorher war es irgendwie nicht so richtig in meinem FRAME drin. Der Link zum Blog wäre:

Hier der Text, ich würde mich über Resonanz und konstruktive Kritik sehr freuen:

Hey guys,

here is my first field report. Yes, this blog is really great to write down stuff about THE GAME, how I did myself in the field and where I shall improve!

First of all about myself. I am TJ, a guy who has been too nice most of the time with girls. 90% of my time I got a LJBF, the rest was rejecting from my side because I wasn’t interested. Being upset about that I couldn’t get the girls I wanted I decided to do something against this. Rather soon I got somehow to MYSTERY with his Mystery Method. First of all reading about the stuff he did I got really impressed and couldn’t really believe there was a formula behind all of this. But I bought the book (just travelling over to the States and then have a bootcamp would RUIN me completely! Mystery, heck - why are you so expensive!? I am just a student and cannot afford over 3000$ just for a camp – even when it is probably worth the money) and read it. This has happened over one and half years ago. The book had really impressed me and I tried to improve myself. Though unfortunately I got a lot of failure, so I got frustrated. Plus having had my final exams has caused me putting the book to the shelf and forget it.

After having had a lot of success with my final exams and then an offer in UK for a work placement I moved away from my old place. The chance to change opened for me again – I remembered the black book of the Venusian Arts. Though not being a motivation enough and after having heard about Neil Strauss’s (aka Style) book “The Game” I went immediately to a bigger book store in London, to the psychology segment and grabbed the book. This was a motivation booster for me! Thanks to the two books I started to improve my own frame slowly step by step. Like: Having a warm vibe and always a nice smile at your face is often an opener too! With this you break the ice! Juggler – a natural gamer – also puts importance into having a warm vibe.

I have also a funny story about what happened after I had bought “The Game” book. Though I won’t tell it you today or the blog-post will get too long! Check back someday, I will tell it you!

Starting with the details about my frame I got noticed much more and got much more better responses when I talked with people (work, on street, café, everywhere!). With this your selfconfidence also gets a boost!

Though unfortunately I had no real field-practise in parties, clubs and streetgame in UK.

One year later I moved back to my home country because I got a place to study my desired dream-subject. This moving is another new chance for me. And I am grabbing this right NOW!!

Yes – right directly I had my first days in the university, I “opened” a lot of fellow students. I just did it for finding new friends and also a group I can learn with this. Though … now it seems nearly everybody knows me and I know only a dozen of them. Fuck – I cannot remember ALL THOSE 100 of 100 names! Anyways…

I was in parties a dozen times, also with fellow students. Some went rather well (especially one of the first were very nice, I had a lot of fun and everybody just wanted to know me, be with me, girls pawned me and such – no joke, but unfortunately I didn’t response rather well!), others were just horrible (too full, not funny, bored me, I didn’t get into the vibe and I couldn’t socialize well).

Then I decided to try to boost my experiences. I checked out some forums, I was dragging more and more theory, I was sinking into a too big pool of theory… always looking out for advises… until I got this: “Don’t take too many theories. The Game is just simple, don’t think too much, just do it!”. So I decided: Okay… let me open that blog, let me give an official birth to my Avatar “TJ” (he will surely melt with me together in the future), let me start THE GAME! Then I took a little paper and wrote down simple things:

Mission 01:

- Open 5 Sets or more

- Use 5 different openers at least

- Never approach frontal!

- Use time constraint 3x, body rocking

- 3 seconds rule!

- Befriend social guys! [important – don’t see them always as competitors!]

- Slow speaking [Jeez… I really didn’t keep to that one! Lemme practise this more! Because it has also caused me speaking faster than my brain was working… I got sometimes stuck in the middle of my sentence because I didn’t get the word]

- Use/invent 5 routines

(I also wrote down: A1 Open A2 FtMI + DHV A3 MtFI, Reward IOI)

Then: I wrote down 5 canned openers so I will have something:

1 Tattoo-Opener

2 High-Five-Opener

3 Who lies more?

4 Wet clothes Opener

5 Do you hear the light? Opener

(Plus: Lane opener as a bonus)

[Did I use one? Hrmph… to be honest.. only No 2 at my own version, none of the rest. I used natural openers related to the situation, sometimes also shooting negs]

Then I also secured some Routines:

1 Do you believe in magic? [i would have preformed even one magic trick with which I had won the attention of the half party, happened in UK; this trick is also a little escalator of emotions/tension]

2 FMK – game (fuck – marry – kill)

3 Finger Farting + eventually hug as KINO afterwards (Mystery Method)

4 Fairy – Woman to Man Routine

(Plus: Isolate -> KINO (Hands/Dance) -> Adventurer – Routine (P&P) -> Kissclose)

[Here I also used only one Routine… and it was the BONUS one!]

That was my trick sheet.

And what was my outcome? Well, I did a lot of KINO (thank you, thank you, thank you Mystery, your “Dance-KINO” is such a BREAKER!) and most people reacted positively. Though I have to improve this too! Once I took the arm over one girl (which I thought she was very interested in me, I got plenty of IOIs in the days before too) and was just talking something into her ear (wtf – why was she just staying in the middle of the LOUD dancing floor!). Then she just pushed my arm away. Honestly I got irritated little by this reaction (wasn’t prepared, though after looking back I should have noticed she was going to push my hand away, she felt uncomfy). I am still wondering: How should I have reacted correctly? I just pushed her away with my hand (not too hard, but it wasn’t a comfy push away) and made a bored body language (“No big deal!”), then I rejected the set. Plus: WHY did she feel uncomfy? What did I miss before? Maybe was my hug locking her too much or was my neg bad (yep, it was nearly a wrestler hug because I was pointing to someone and shot a neg to her, saying that she shouldn’t be mean to him (she had pulled hard at his pullover-strings before) or he surely won’t give her any lessons anymore.)? (Any ideas? Write a comment please!)

I also noticed: Completely strangers were rather difficult to open in the party. Sometimes I also have to work little at my *%&$” AA! Sometimes I got, after using a natural opener, a quick rejection. Wrong frame? Wrong opener? Should I have used canned opener? I should fieldtest the canned openers more!

I jumped from set to set. It was absolutely fine. Mostly I didn’t stay longer than 5 min. in a set if it was just about chatting and such. I changed the set rather quickly for just not running out of routines/chat-ideas too quickly and become quiet. Normally I wanted only to try out routines, KINO and openers this evening.

But plans have changed REALLY!

I did a lot of KINO (someone advised that if you feel uncomfy about KINO, then you should do a lot so you will learn it!) and it made women stunned.

For some sets I had a really strong FRAME and showed a lot of self confidence. I was even able to move 2-3 sets COMPLETELY to places I wanted them for having fun. The dance floor was rather uncrowned (people standing around and just chatting) and the DJ was trying really his best to get the people dancing. I approached one set who was half dancing, I opened (I knew a girl in there, it was a 6-girl-set, 5 strangers for me) and then “pushed” (with KINO and also dancing) two more or less to the dancefloor. What happened? The girls were connected to the set like a rubber strap (I tired EXTRA not to make it to an isolation!) and therefore PULLED the whole set over to the rather uncrowned place, they were DANCING! 3 min. later I left the set and walked over to another one I had opened before. I used little KINO and then just used some kind of FRAME and pulled the girls piece by piece over to the dancefloor. The same with the third set. And you know what was so great for me? The girls were SO STUNNED – they were like hypnotized. Plus other people noticed that something was going on at the dance floor and piece by piece it got CROWNED. About one hour later, when I left the party, the dance floor was FULL!

Later I got also isolated one of those stunned girls. She is a real cutie, for me really like a HB8,5. I used the Adventurous Routine, then used a little trick I have half invented, half taken from Ross Jeffries. She had admitted she and her girlfriends aren’t “party lions” and was just stunned about my “frame”. I told her about my vibe, that you – if you do something exciting – it will make your heart pounding (my two fingers at her chest), but then let a happy feeling slide upwards to your mouth (slide upwards) and make you smiling. Then this happy feeling will keep in your head (here I should have taken her head and kiss her, but I was little blocked). Though I got her phone number, then I hugged her and have given her a kiss, then I said: Let us return to your friends.

I am happy! It’s working and I can improve myself! I hope and now I am confident I will get it!

I love myself! I love myself! I love myself! (For the frame! Try this out at yourself!)

Keep sarging!


P.S.: Sorry because of my blog post is so long, sometimes hard to read and having an actually REALLY bad English, but it’s midnight, I had a fucking long day with even a test in University which had worried me. I am really tired!

P.P.S.: Keep on your mind: Don’t worry about how screwed you look at your own. Actually I have a really horrible big red spot (looks painful) at my skin (yeah, I will go to the doc because of that!) so that even some other people are asking me out what is going on there. BUT surprisingly this doesn’t change much in your game if your frame is strong enough!

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100 Views, aber 0 Comments (außer einem Private One :) )

Na, ihr User lest wohl ziemlich ungerne:

a.) Englisch

b.) lange Texte...


2ter Post in meinem Blog, dieses mal etwas kürzer! ;)


Peacock Theory & Santa Clause Routine

Hey you,

well, today I tried out the peacock theory (again).

What is peacocking? Well, peacocking is that you are wearing curious, non-standard clothes or clothing accesories. With peacocking you will advertise your survival abilities to women for being unaffected by the social perssure. So therefore it will Demonstrate Higher Value (DHV).

What kind of peacocking did I do? Well, honestly it was only a very small peacocking, but the response was rather positive. I went out with dozen people to a christmas-market at the evening. Really lovely and beautifully made! So because it was just "christmassy" and I had rather trouble with my hairs I just took the Santa Claus-hat (yep, the red one with the white ball! ;) ).

No really big deal, BUT:

People really liked it and often just talked me that they "love it". Especially girls! Funnily nobody just had "the idea" to wear this too and at the christmas-market I have seen only another woman with the santa claus hat. So it was really "theme peacocking".

And I invented and tried out a routine with this too. The girls really laughed hard, though I have to improve the outgoing and the calibration.

It was like this (not exactly):

G1: Hey, really lovely hat you have there! It looks good!

Me: Yeah thanks, but you know, this won't help you! You won't get any gifts this christmas. You were a rather bad girl!

G1: Whaaat? Noooo!

G2: But I was a good one! [i think there was even a pawning]

Me: Lemme check this. You know, Santa Claus has to go with the time!

*pulls out the mobile phone, makes a gesture like I am calling the list*

Me: Oooh.. I see... well well... I know what you did last summer... so no, there won't be any gifts either!

*the guys were laughing hard, one was like "what's about me?"*

Me: Well, you... *mobile phone check action* ... you weren't the best one, but I will get over this. You will get one!

B: Oh yeah.. SO NOW GIVE IT ME!

Me: Uh what? Don't be so greedy... wait a second *mobile phone action*... okay.. now you won't get any, you were too greedy. Bad luck!

*group laughing*

Then a girl started to convince me that she is a good girl. She made a REALLY strange gesture and noise, like she wanted to convince me overdramatically.

I just turned my head and looked to the horizont, then said after a short break: "Not very convincing! Now next year you won't get any too!" (C&F). The others were laughing out loud again.

Though unfortunately I don't know a good "finish" plus this routine is dependable from the nature of the conversation. I just rejected the set after a short while and went back to my own group.

Besides all of this I just had really fun and was relaxing really in this beautiful atmosphere! (There was magic in the air! =) ) Plus somehow I got to a normal nice conversation with a sweet girl, who was just always around me or was just happy when I was talking with her. I enjoyed everything.

What do I want to say:

1. Peacocking doesn't need have to be BIG. Small but clever things can cause also an massive effect.

2. Just have fun! Don't see everything tight! Enjoy yourself!

3. Try out new things!

Keep on sarging!


P.S.: Go out to christmas-markets. They are also good sarging spots!

P.P.S.: Are you still working at your frame? (Remember last post?) Say with a smile: "I love myself!"

bearbeitet von TJD

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Ich habe deine Texte beide gelesen und nur nicht geantwortet, weil ich einfach noch nicht gut genug in diesem Spiel bin, um zu beraten.

Eine Kleinigkeit vielleicht:

Die Mädels wollen ein Geschenk. Warum darauf keinen KC? Du bist das Geschenk.

Und danach kannst du dein Telephon hinhalten und ihnen sagen, dass sie dir ihre Nummer geben werden, damit der Weihnachtsmann auch wirklich ihren guten Willen, sich zu bessern sehen kann (ergibt das Sinn? egal ^^).

Aber die Routine mit dem Telephon ist sehr geil. Muss ich auch testen.

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