european chicks

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und gleich noch ein thread von mir. soll kein spam sein, aber ich bin grad in geberlaune. habs schon in mystery's forum gepostet, deswegen auf englisch (verzeiht mir bitte meine miserabelen englisch skills)

Hey guys. I wanna share my experiences with european chicks with you. If anyone has made different experiences, please let me know. i made this post together with a friend, so a few things are second hand.

German girls

German girls are often reserved and/or short-spoken. The approach is a kinda hard , cause they don’t go out to meet guys - they go out to have fun with their friends. It’s not a big deal to get her digits but it’s along way to a kiss, you have to build a lot of rapport. once you’re in C3 it’s easy to go full monty.

A1-3 hard

C1-2 medium

C3 very hard

S1-3 easy

Italian girls

Italian girls are sooo easy to approach. They’re very flirtous and playful. The C stage can be tricky cause usually their English skills suck. Another bad thing is that they’re extremely jealous, so if you get in contact with other girls, better don’t let them know (trust me, you don’t want an Italian chick chasing you down the streets). Because of their strong faith it’s very fucking hard to seduce them.

A1-3 very easy

C1-2 hard/ medium, depends on the language

C3 easy

S1-3 very very fucking hard

Polish girls

Most of the polish HBs I met were kinda snotty. It could be my skill set but I think cocky & funny isn’t the best tactic to get them. you have to demonstrate hellalot higher value. So once she thinks you are somebody you’re almost in her panties ( that’s what a friend told me! I had to deal with pretty high LMR – so I’m not sure what’s up with that)

A1-3 hard

C1-2 very hard

C3 very easy

S1-3 easy (maybe S2 could be hard… depends)

Turkish girls (not really European, I know, but you find them here too!)

Turkish chicks are really arrogant! They get approached all the time, so they have a huge bitch shield! the best thing is to neg them to death, even if it’s just a HB6. you don’t need a lot DHV, it’s ok if she thinks you’re rich :lol: like the italian chicks, it’s almost impossible to seduce them.

A1-3 very hard

C1-3 easy

C3 medium

S1-3 very very fucking hard

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Tja, mit den Italienerinnen hast du verdammt recht, wobei es echt schade ist, weil sie mir so gut gefallen.

Am einfachsten empfand ich bisher immer die Britinnen, wobei man da auch mal etwas länger für ne Hb suchen muss. Aber sobald man eine erspäht hat, kanns abgehen B)

Mein Lieblingsspruch: I guess you never had anything as exotic as a German guy :D

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Guter Thread Legato!

Kannst du evtl. erläutern, was die Nummern hinter den Buchstaben bedeuten?

Ich nehme an

A = Approach

C = Conversation

S = Seduce

Und die Nummern dahinter?

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A = Approach

C = Conversation

S = Seduce

Und die Nummern dahinter?

A = Attract

C = Comfort

S = Seduce

ist aus dem M3 Modell von Mystery übernommen, welches die 3 Phasen nochmal in 3 Teilphasen unterteilt und zwar

A1 - Open

A2 - Female To Male Interest

A3 - Male to Female Interest

C1 - Conversation

C2 - Connection

C3 - Intimacy

S1 - Foreplay

S2 - LMR

S3 - Sex

-- KJ over&out :D

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A = Approach

C = Conversation

S = Seduce

Und die Nummern dahinter?

A = Attract

C = Comfort

S = Seduce

1:1 aus dem M3 Modell von Mystery übernommen, welches die 3 Phasen nochmal in 3 Teilphasen unterteilt und zwar

A1 - Open

A2 - Female To Male Interest

A3 - Male to Female Interest

C1 - Conversation

C2 - Connection

C3 - Intimacy

S1 - Foreplay

S2 - LMR

S3 - Sex

-- KJ over&out :D

ganz genau :)

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