An American in Deutschland

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Hey Fellas,

Well its been a long time. After Germany I went to France and Ireland and I got back home 2 weeks ago. Finally I have some time to write about my experiences in Germany and meeting all the PUAs. Guys I really recomend traveling. It is such a great way to build up your social skills and challenge yourself. And it doesnt have to be expensive! check out,,,

Well I must say I was very impressed with the community in Germany. Out of all the European countries you guys were the most organized the most dedicated and pasionate, and of course German Efficient :D

Keep up the good work and really try to enjoy the journey. Because its all you have.

Ok I have a zip file with photos and video of people sarging and what not. But I don't read German, so someone please email me [email protected] and I will send it to you and maybe you can post it for me. Thanks

J., Maximillian. From KOLN

The man, the myth, the legend. J. was the first German PUA I met. He was wearing leather pants and a leather biker jacket. The guy was intense. Women would come up to him to take pictures that first night. We went to a student party in cologne. His Turkish friend OGY was with him. Also a funny guy. . Now I wish I had taken better notes those first few days because my memory is now failing me. We did a couple of sets at the student party. . He told me about his guest speaking at Brother Rabbit’s seminar a week before. My impression of him was positive from the beginning. He had all the marks of a natural. Funny. Good smile. Easy laugh. He reminded me of Harrison Ford. His opener is the my little pony. I challenged him to a mixed set because I had never done one before. The guys got wierded out by his presense. They were 2 afc nerds and 2 hbs.

“ do you guys remember my little pony? Do u remember if they had super powers” the men were visibly shaken, they didn’t know what was happening. But J. kept going with his big smile.

We got 2 bad responses or bitch shields but he just moved on. When I asked him what happened. His frame blew me away.

“I don’t have time for bitch shields” he just kept going. “If a girl wants to be a bitch that’s her problem. I just want to have fun.”

Wow. Talk about rejection proof. I have a video of a sarge that night. The girl was really hot. But in the video of him sarging, you see him LEANING IN TOO MUCH. PARTLY BECAUSE THE MUSIC WAS SO FUCKING LOUD… THEN HE ASKS FOR her name … bad ioi. …eventually he lost her. She left. so we regrouped and starting find new sets. But something interesting happened.

One minute later the same girl retuned. And stood right in front of him and didn’t talk to anyone. I knew that girl code

“she wants you to open her” I said.

“what ? are you sure? I think I lost that one” - J.

“dude she is standing right next to you .. not talking to anyone” ..keep in mind it was very loud.

“ well what should I say” – J..

this technique is the easiest way to reopen and isolate. Its magic if you got at least a little rapport.

“Just tap her on the shoulder and tell her you need to talk to her”

“About what?”

“Anything just go!”

Off he goes and off they go in to the next room. They talked for about 30 minutes I would have paid anything to listen and understand German. Rapport was my sticking point at the time … now I’m better. I think he did eliciting vales on her. . The seating arrangement did not help for the Kino but he got the number anyway. 45 minuets for an HB number. ehhh I think that’s a long investment but I’m probably just lazy,

Day 2. it was his friends birthday party so I met him in a crowded bar. The kolsh was free. She was hot. He was peacocked.. white jacket and white sunglasses. Like Elton john. …. I could barely say hello to him. He was the party .. you think it was his bday. I met Mark another pua … tall good looking pretty boy with a girlfriend. We told people I was a porno movie producer… making wiener shintel 2 with mark and max. max was talking to the bay girl who was giving him iois like crazy. With her fiancé watching in the back. Apparently they were FBS before .. but he turned into a wuss and lost her . now she has a provider fiancé but was missing lover Max. you could see it in her eyes. Poor girl

Mark and I opened a 2 set .. I dont know what happened but maybe a language barrier but I lost them .. Max came in and had them laughing and smiling within minutes. He was so relaxed and reason being he wasn’t interested in them. Which made them interested in him. We left to go to a fancy bar that made you wait in line. I borrowed his white glasses to see if my luck would improve. The bouncer started amoging me but I was cool and told him they were prescription glasses. 2 girls started talking to us. We each got numbers. I got a kiss.. from the girl who ended up being 17 and could not get in. compared to the university which was laid back college kids. This was snotty pretty people with pretty clothes. .. sets were mediocre. 1 set I regret was a bday girl set 2 sisters… I was cocky funny. But the girl was passive. So I ejected .. “ bye” I think the girl J. said she had a surprised look on her face. Looking back. I should have read the signs better. I could have isolated easily .. but I sabotaged myself and ejected. After that there was nothing left so I left and went home.

The third and last day was the best for J.. I had a friend come visit me because It was my last day in cologne. we went to another student party. Good sets but I couldn’t sarge too much because I had my female friend. So he was mostly solo. He did this routine on his target where he said “hey, you caught my interest I want to get to know you” Now she is his LTR.

Basically the main thing I learned from J. is the importance of frames. His own frame is so strong. That he is the prize and that he is the man. And everything else is just detail. Its gets him past bitch shields and everything else. The main thing I would tell J. is to watch the leaning. A couple of times he leaned in. like with that girl on the video.

We went to another bar the 4 of us. And it was obvious where it was going … but the girl was playing hard to get. Ignoring him going off on her own. These were tests. Tests are good because it means the girl likes you and wants to be with you. Test are natural for her. She doesn’t even think about it. But J. was failing the tests, following her, leaning in…So I told him to lean back and it worked . He talked to me and I talked to his girl and she talked to my girl… then she started dropping hints. Saying “I live around the corner.”

It was over….

J. had this girl no matter how many tests she threw.

Well I isolated my girl leaving them to dance … kiss kiss, yawn yawn. “I’m going home.”. I said

“ok well we’re getting pizza. Ok man nice knowing you…” And the rest is history.

After that they continued seeing each other. I saw them again 2 weeks later at the cologne carnival. It was good seeing them again. They make a cute couple and I can tell he’s happy too. I’m putting more value in relationships. I think they are important. My personal problem is I get bored quickly and I like meeting new women. But I guess that’s a high quality problem. If you get a chance to go out with him you won’t regret it. J. is natural a great wing and just fun guy to hang with.

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Hey Adrian,

glad to hear you had a great time traveling around Europe.

It was great meeting you on Karneval in Cologne... I was the one who did the many sets when we were doing street pickup at night not knowing which bar to enter, in case you should have trouble remembering me.

So I just wanted to say thank you because meeting you was an inspiration in terms of your dedication to just go and do set after set after set. I also learned to use kino more frequently and earlier in sets, and you showed me how to improve my bodylanguage while working a set. This has helped me getting more and better lays after Karneval than in my entire life before (2-3). *beam*

Anyways, happy Sarging in NYC! B)


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Part 2

Marco Mplus from Munich

First time I saw Marco he was in a 5 set outside the metro station we were supposed to meet. A good start. Marco had gone to 2 workshops. One RSD and the other I think Badboy or Br.Rabbit. I don’t remember. Now I can imagine where is he coming from. The Guy is a Physicist, very very logical place to be. So I can imagine he must have been very AFC before.

We went to a coffee shop and we couldn’t even sit down before he opened. Very easy on a 2 set sitting “ Hi this is my friend from NY” real laid back and very serious. We sit down and start talking.

Now the most interesting thing was his face. Because he had a very even face. Not really smiling. Almost robotic. Just a hint of a smile. It made me uncomfortable at time. Well this was my first non club approach so I let him run the show. We did the cube, bla bla, cocky funny, but the girls had to catch a train to go home. So it was time to number close.

“ so how can we continue this” says Marco


I don’t remember how they replied but we didn’t get it. After 40 mins no number. Which surprised me because his game was tight except the last piece. He later confided in me that it was his sticking point, but that he was probably focusing on it to much. I think that’s what it was. Because the whole interaction was routine based. Which was fine! Cube- warrior queen magician, … but the last routine didn’t work… I know that if he had just asked “ hey you seem nice, Give me your number” When I say "give me your number" I 90% get it… after rapport… but if I ASK. … I give my power away. He didn’t ask but he relied too much on routine.

Marco was obviously a MM RSD PUA. Its not my style but it definitely engaged, but something about it seems unnatural. They are good training wheels, but eventually the training wheels have to come off. Little by little, you need to develop your own game.

Next set at a bar we opened again but I got a cold response which caused me to get angry and get blown off. The next night we went to a club area and I met his friend who looks like Style. And his female friend. He had a set going for 30 mins. I came in and I noticed his target was giving me IOI’s I cant help it I’m too sexy! Ha .. just kidding. It was the American thing again. But I noticed he got real intense and took over the interaction. He ignored me and focused on getting her back. Which he did, but I left the table so that he wouldn’t think I was amoging.

Next in a club setting the energy was off. He had his female friend and I couldn’t approach anything. Plus it was fucking COLD…so I went home.

I think Marco is a cool guy, very smart, and logical. My only advice would be to try some direct game. The RSD stuff works 90 % but its good to expand.

Patrick Nobok from Nurenburg

Patrick, My pal, my brother from another mother. I was able to connect most with Patrick. I guess because I lived with him for 3 days.. but also because our PU skills complicated each other and we were on a similar level. Patrick forte is rapport. The can walk to the hottest HB11 and have her smiling within minutes. And you would but guess that by looking at him .. He’s a short guy but with a lot of heart and energy… and the women see that . but he is also very calm cool and collected. And really serious about PU. “I want to build my lifestyle” is his motto. And the probably the smartest and noblest goal you can strive for in this community.. my only critique is to be careful with dates. I accompanied him on two day2’s I was trying to be a good wing and occupy the obstacle while he isolated and got comfort from the target, but by doing that I think I made his day 2 more stressful. What I should have done I just kept the party vibe. Just 4 people having fun at night. Another thing I liked about his lifestyle in Erlangen. Is his friendliness to everyone. He knows everyone and everyone knows him. Its amazing. He greets waiters, bouncers, waiters, “ hey what’s up Patrick!” tremendous social proof and just makes things smoother for him. That’s something I have to copy. .

At 19 he defiantly off to a good start. That demonic confidence and badboy series must have helped. I’m sure as soon as he is able to get out of his house he will be able to really set his lifestyle really well.

Don Arturo from Nuremberg

I actually didn’t contact Don Arturo from the forum. I met him through Patrick. He is a Russian guy who used to be a dancer and took a workshop with Br. Rabbit. The guys was very interesting. When you first meet him he can be kind of cold. He gives you a cool smile. And his body language was very Alpha, slow movements, Head high, graceful. But it was with him and Patrick that I first did some cold street approaches. I was chipping away at my old frame. I used to be intimidated by day game.

Don Arturo knows his stuff, I guess the workshop with Br. Rabbit helped. Now I was really curious to meet the guy..

We opened some chek republic girls on vacation. I think they were able to speak Russian together. I really like the way he held himself. His smile his posture. I was a very confident yet sincere smile.

2 weeks later when we met at the HBF in Köln, he showed me his direct opener. Now words can not describe this opener but here goes:

“ Hi, you seem nice, I would like to get to know you”

But the look in his eyes and his comfortable smile and the soft hand on the shoulder makes it magic. Damn I was falling for him. Unfortunately for him I’m not gay. But as soon as I saw him do it, it was like big shift in my heard, Like when Saddam Hussein’s statue was knocked down in Baghdad. A new world opened up. Immediately I tried it and it worked. A few more times and I was in the state, I could open anything.

Patrick described his style as Russian.. I agree, at first he seems kind of cold and distant but that might be just a cultural thing. In reality the guy is really nice and humble, in the Club he was asking me for advice about club game and also fashion tips. I don’t consider myself an expert but I think he’s a little more confident on the dance floor now.

I showed him my hand spin routine. I’ll explain it

Select your target. Be in the state and be high energy. Go straight up to her, big smile “HEY!!!” give her your hand like for a high five. Usually she will give you a high five. Take her hand, Give her a spin and start dancing. Its that easy. BUT. The spin has to be smooth I saw some guys whose names I will not mention… almost break girls arms when they tried it. Try it on a friend first. and take a Salsa Class. You have to enjoy dancing.

Mike from Stuttgart

Seeing mike in action was a real treat. He is perhaps the PUA who got the most ioi's. If there is any German PUA I would go back and study it would be him.

As a certified hypnotist he was able to get Rapport with almost anybody. He is fascinated by the cube as a way to get to Know someone. I was eager to do some street game with him, that being my sticking point.. We did the routine about buying underwear for a friend. What is great about this one is that it lets you get into a sexual frame right away. Comparing breast size with ass size. Of course I get social proof fast by saying I am American

The responses were always positive but difficult to Continue. The last one was a short Italian teller working at Zara. 29. she looked like Marisa Tomei but kind of old and short for me but it was practice. We did the underwear Routine. I was ready to eject…

"So what part of NYC?" ioi

“Queens” I replied.

She was Coming to NYC in March. I got the email and told her we could party together. Now I was calibrated for indirect day game. It makes me wonder about the

last year I spent in Spain afraid of day game… Its so fucking easy… My previous beliefs were limiting me.. All I had to do was try it a few times & I was ready to go... Any thing is possible. You just have to believe it. & if you Can’t believe it, watch someone else a few times...

Mike & I said our Good byes . but I ended up missing my plane to Paris. So we went out for some club game.

We managed to get a few decent sets. I vas able to spark attraction but fucked it up by being too cocky. C&f doesn’t work for me. I think its because I am already too sarcastic. Its just who I am naturally.

the way Mike talks to women is interesting. He does it very leaned back, almost talking from the side. After leaving a bar he opened 2 Turkish girls in German. I noticed he bad his arms crossed. I thought that was bad Body language, but I then noticed the girls also crossed their arms.

He was mirroring them. & it worked.

I don't Know what he was wearing but he was getting a lot of ioi's. A few Ugs were opening him asking him to dance. I had never seen ugs open guys and give IOIs like that. & he's not a good looking guy, compared to J.. He's just tall. But his strong laid back smile & approach make him irresistible. He is a little peacock but not enough to look stupid .. His hair is messy.. He didn’t shave because he was growing a goatee to look like ali G for the Köln carnival, he is a little over weight. Jacket is a black & white stitch long coat which looks like a woman’s Coat. I just didn’t get it… well I do now. It was his frame. A couple of times I thought his conversations with people were awkward, He would come in at the wrong time and change subjects too quick. But it didn’t matter, his frame was unconscious.

Last Bar

When I ever walk into a bar or club I act like I own it. I walk slow & confident, head high. Regardless of how I do later I know I make a good first impression. Place was empty except 2 girls at the bar. One was smoking hot .. Short 9.5. Brazilian. Ass + tits & An out fit it to show it off . Great smile. The other her fat but nice sister.

I kept my Strong frame & opened with opinion about the underwear. They like. But the amazing part was when I picked her out of her seat & spun her Around & started grabbing her breasts & ass .. She was so Cool with

it. Like nothing.. The fat sister questioned me

“you cant do that” she was shocked

“why not”

“because you can’t just walk into a bar and grab a womans breasts”

Now I should have ignored her because the HB was loving it. But I began to explain myself and lost the frame. Damn.

The HB got her power back, and we called it a night.

Mike also is a huge speed seduction fan. I personally don’t like speed seduction but I regret not at least witnessing some SS routines. If you go to Stuttgart go out with mike and buy him a drink. It’s the best money you’ll spend.

Hey Adrian,

glad to hear you had a great time traveling around Europe.

It was great meeting you on Karneval in Cologne... I was the one who did the many sets when we were doing street pickup at night not knowing which bar to enter, in case you should have trouble remembering me.

So I just wanted to say thank you because meeting you was an inspiration in terms of your dedication to just go and do set after set after set. I also learned to use kino more frequently and earlier in sets, and you showed me how to improve my bodylanguage while working a set. This has helped me getting more and better lays after Karneval than in my entire life before (2-3). *beam*

Anyways, happy Sarging in NYC! B)


Hey Ivary, no problem I love giving back. unfortunatley i dont remember which one you were. were you in the live music hall? or were you with me that night we couldnt get into anywhere, or was it the last night it rained.


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Brother Rabbit in Köln

Then I met the big man

First place was at the shamrock. he was dressed as a

pimp but instead of prostitutes it was PUAs. He was really Cool & we talked for a bit and then went outside to do some street game. I was really excited because my street game was about to receive a quantum leap. He gives me some quick ideas and techniques. We walk down the street and I can’t remember too well who opened but it was a black Canadian girl, very cute. The interaction went very well but again I ejected without a number. Br. Rabbit said I could have easily gotten the number but I didn’t care, it was practice. Things were great.

We didn’t get a chance to do anymore sets, because he had to go. I get the feeling Br.Rabbit doesn’t like clubs. Which is understandable. Now that my day game is better I am depending less on the club and bar for women. Day is much easier. Still I do enjoy dancing so I go. His wing Lifestyles went to the club that night. That night was a lot of fun. It was a big group of us and I was able to help a lot of people. I really enjoyed that night. I would have Fclosed but I didn’t have a place to go fuck. O well.

The next day I went out with Br.Rabbit to have lunch with his girlfriend and Patrick. If I may be so blunt but his girlfriend was fiiiiinnnee… I was very attracted to her and found it difficult to concentrate at times but we had a great conversation. I wish I would have had a note pad because the guy was just laying gem after gem. It was information overload but I think absorbed it well. After Lunch we did some day street approaches by the HBF. 3 great sets one number close just for practice. My day game phobia had been cured.

I can definitely see a similarity with Br.Rabbit and DonArturo in style. Patrick describes it as the cool Russian style. Its very strong, very masculine, and cool. But I can see Br.Rabbit makes an effort to come off nice and down to earth. He doesn’t intimidate you, he makes you feel comfortable like an old friend. We said our good byes.

After carnival I went to Paris where I met none of the PUA’s. So no sarging for 2 weeks.

And before carnival I was in Amsterdam where I met Stripped. He’s trying to run a business up there where he charges 40 euros an hour. He is really good though, but I found him to be a little arrogant. He’s also good friends with Style and told me some interesting stories about him…

My last country was Ireland, Dublin. There the community is also strong. I had a good time with a Cassidy and Symbolz, so check them out.

Man, its been quite a trip. I learned a whole lot from everyone. I cured a lot of my sticking points and found new ones. But that’s ok, because I’m on the journey, I’m on the path to Mastery. And I’m loving every minute of it.

Fellas, please come visit me in New York, I’m going to have my own house in Queens soon. I’m calling it Project Queens. Its going to be a lot of fun. Hit me up [email protected]. I might be going to South America this summer so check first. Also if I have enough money, I’ll come to the PUA summit in London, august I believe.

If anyone can help get those videos and photos on the forum that would be great.

Keep in touch guys,


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Hey Ivary, no problem I love giving back. unfortunatley i dont remember which one you were. were you in the live music hall? or were you with me that night we couldnt get into anywhere, or was it the last night it rained.


I was in the Live Music hall, but didn't meet you there. I think it was the night afterwards (Monday), you and Patrick just had come out of a crowded bar when I and my wing met you outside. It was just a short meeting. You said you didn't want to pay to get in anywhere, so we stayed outside.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, I'm gonna call you up when I happen to be in NYC area and you'll see. :)

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Hey Adrian

Fucking great to hear from you. Men that time with you rocked, and im really sorry that carnival was no options to actually meet, after you left everything changed. S. i still my Ltr, but i told her im not going to live monegeamus. She asked me some days before we are like a couple and i told her, from the heart you are but i avoided the phrase, because i dont want you to get the wrong image about our relationship and be disapointet afterwards. So she is my girl now and i love her to the bone because she is the first one where i can be the whole me, she even agreed to go girl hunting with me.

My live is like a fucking porn movie, i had to cut some girls out because i just didnt had the time or stanima. I had situations like sitting in a bar seeing a gorgeus bartender and fighting with myself because id like to approach, but i know i just dont have the time. I cant go into to much detail because brother rabbit an i have been on tv and my nick is known now to the public. But write me a pm, perhaps we can talk via skype would be great. take care my friend i will definetly come to new york when i can afford the flight

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wow, great stuff to read. Only thing I wonder is how PUAs can afford traveling around the world. Style did that too, but he didn't mention how he got the money :lol:

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wow, great stuff to read. Only thing I wonder is how PUAs can afford traveling around the world. Style did that too, but he didn't mention how he got the money :lol:

Reading my mind, Clockwise ? ^^

That's one of my main problems, money ... and time.

I really enjoyed reading your stuff. That makes up for a few shitty hours at work hehe.

I'd like to see the videos and pics you made, so youre gonna get a PM from me soon.

About leaning in:

Of course i don't know how loud it really was where you saw J. leaning in too much. But i think it's overrated. It can blow you out any second, sure, if you do it wrong. But in a Club Environment, where it's just too loud to have a normal chat, you have to lean in ... at least the first few minutes. Because at first, she doesn't know you, she is not gonna lean in in order to hear what you're saying. There's no point in saying your opener 5 times because she can't hear you, doesn't lean ind and you refuse to lean in, too. Your job is to get a connection going, for that to get going, you have to lean in.

After you leaned in and said what you were gonna say, lean back and have HER lean in for her answer. That's the point. Normal guys lean in all the time and that gets them blown out.

We have to do it too once in a while, then reposition ourselves, lean back and make her work.

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Man, what up and how is New York treating you? Such a shame we just got to hang out very briefly on Carneval Sunday in the Live Music Hall. We stayed till the house lights went out and I gave you a ride back to Rodenkirchen, we had this conversation about PickUp and Karate Kid, if you remember. But I had great time meeting you, you are one of the very few guys who could actually teach me something, which is very rare. Take it easy man!

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