Heiße Abenteuer am Uralgebirge 2

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I will write this report in english because the Russian girl who was „picked up“ is interested in reading it.


During the first week of my journey in Russia I’ve been mostly with my lovely cousin. Once she met an old friend of hers who she invited to a cup of tea. So I didn’t need to approach. The girl is 19, quite a “popriguntshik”, that is a very cheerful girl, makes fast movements, speaks fast and seems to use kino naturally. I do nothing to attract her, I first prefer talking to my cousin (who I see very rarely unfortunately). But from now and then I give the girl one of my favorite glances. At some point she says, “Why are you looking at me that way! You threaten me.” And laughs, hi, hi, ha, ha :)

Building Attraction

Cocky & Funny

During one of your shopping days she gives me seemingly a lot of IOIs, leaning her head on me. I tell my cousin that she must be liking me but she says, “why, it’s just how she is…” As we go the the movies she often just takes my hand. With every other girl I would have definitely said that these are all huge IOIs, but this one…I wasn’t sure – she f*cked my mind pretty much with this behavoir. But, ok, someone told me, not to wait or expect IOIs, so I just enjoyed the evening.

I used pretty much c&f, which seemed to work quite well on her. Some mindf*cking – giving, taking, being complimentary at one time and being very cocky the next time. At some moment I felt that I am about to overdo the cockiness. That's when she told me, “Why are you so rude?”, so I transitioned to a smoother way of talking to her.

The Eye Contact

Through the whole interacting she couldn’t stay quit when I looked at her with my intense, loving glance. She always had to giggle (later I found out that she is virgin which was the big “aha”-moment where all of her behavoir suddenly made sense). But I suspected that this giggling was evoked by insecurity. I guess this intense eye contact was one of the things that attraced her most to me.

Role Playing

At some time while standing in the bus I joke around, “My grand parent think, we have a romance, come, let’s tell them, that we are going to merry. Where do we celebrate our marriage?” I continue talking about our future children and grand children. Look her deep in the eyes and say: “Wenn we are old and have grand children, we look back at the time as we met and fell hopelessly in love with each other.” :D (Thanks to Juggler for this inspiration :)). All in all quite fun stuff and we laughed a lot. And more important, it braught us into a playful flirting vibe.

Direct Game

As she opens up quite easily and lets me know that she likes me, I award her and tell her that I like her. I establish a mutual understanding: we both know that we like each other.

More EC and mindfucking

At about our 3rd date I invite her to drink some wine and a lesson in french. She loves the language but hasn’t learnd it yet. I talk to her in french with deep EC, “Je suis tombé amoureux de toi” (I have fallen in love with you) He he, is it just a french lesson or do I mean it? Mindfucking. But she didn’t ask for the translation, she giggled even before I finished the senctence. I guess, just the EC and me speaking in french to her in a seductive voice tone made her feelings shoot up.

Talking about Pick Up

I tell her about how fascinated I am about the book I read (Neurophysics of Human Behavoir), where NLP is mentioned. And here comes the big surprise: she is very famliliar with the Pick Up Community in Russia and knows some Pickupers. She said she most of them are “such unsecure boys who have learnt some lines”. I chat also a bit about that and she suspects that I am one of them. “Are you a Pickuper?” I give her my sly I-know-something-that-you-don’t-know smile. “Please tell me that you aren’t a Pickuper!” I remain silent and hold the tension which makes her crazy. “Even if you are one of them, please tell me that you aren’t!” Delicious! Ahhh…I love women for these moments! The woman get’s to hear what she wants to hear, so I say “no” :D


But since we came to talk about Pick Up I start talking about my view on this topic which transitions in my general view of life. She listens carefully and seems to like very much what I talk about. It seemed to open her mind somehow and she fell into trance. I said something like “What I am looking for is love, but many Pickupers do that out of the frame of egoism, they are happy to report that they have gathered 20 phone numbers in a short time or about other successes. In fact, if they sleep with a woman they just masturbate inside her. What do you have to have to get a great woman? You have to be a great man, know your purpose in life….etc.” While speaking like that with a calm voice tone, I smoothly transition to caressing her head, all of which she enjoys very much. Then I stop talking and caressing her, but she asks for more! Well, I continue because I also enjoy it very much, I enjoy opening her mind and giving her my love. I really love the moment at the point.

Anti-slut defense

I pull her closer to me and we start making out. As she isn’t experienced with the art of loving a man, I give her the gift of just relaxing and enjoying my touch. As I want to undress her she says that she has to go home (mom worries about her, does anybody believe that? I don’t :) I let her go. That night she writes me that “I could have become too dangerous for her if she had stayed” That was so sweet!

Here comes my frame of love into play:

Usually this would be received as rejection. But I have seen it on another way:

The poor girl was so attracted to me that she had to save herself from being considered as a slut (or being too easy) So she had to go away. In fact she was overwhelmed by the moment and maybe feared that something could happen which she could regret. I have seen her happy and therefore I was it too.

Last Minute Resistance

The next day she came to say good-bye (just for half an hour)…but we winded up making out again. Why did she come just to say goodbye although she enjoyed the last night to much? I guess, she was afraid of all the wonderful new experienced, she was afraid to surrender in my arms. Whatever is was, I didn’t care bacause I knew she would enjoy my touch. And she did. I undressed us slowly to the point where we lay there just in panties. We enjoyed it much but she didn’t want to go further, maybe because of her virginity. Maybe because of her beginning period which she considered as a sign from obove not to make love.

I couldn’t overcome the LMR but somehow I didn’t really want. Everything was wonderful.

I remember her lying in my arms and sighing, “Ah, a Pickuper!” This filled my heart with warmth and just inforced my belief not to be ashamed that I do and love Pick Up.

She said that she is very happy and that the whole experience blew her mind ("krishesnos" as she expressed herself :)) Even though I wanted to achieve a FC i'm happy about seeing her happy. For an FC I would just have needed more time for her to get adjusted to this whole new world.

My cheerful girl, if you read this, I want you to know that I enjoyed the time with you lot and that you have been very brave.

Thank you!

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“Ah, a Pickuper!”

:) Sehr schön strukturierter FR, und die hat es auch gelesen?

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“Ah, a Pickuper!”

:) Sehr schön strukturierter FR, und die hat es auch gelesen?

Ja hat sie. Eben habe ich die SMS bekommen:

"i wish someday i could understand what is going on in a head of men. so you were surprised? i've thought it's easy to guess :) your report is of high interest to me, really. thank you. i wish i could meet you once again, think about it, ok?"

Das ist die Macht eines starken, schenkenden Frames, in dem man eben nicht die Frau verführt und dann insgeheim mit anderen Jungs damit rumprotzt.

Diese Erfahrung hat mich ein gutes Stück vorangebracht. Ich hoffe euch bringt der Report auch was.

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Hey DonArturo, toller FR!! Man kann merken, dass du eine sehr positive und edle Einstellung zum Pickup hast und viel Wert drauf legst, dass die Frau ihre Zeit mit dir geniesst. Es freut mich immer wieder neue Leute kennenzulernen, die diese Einstellung haben. Keep it up, man!!

In fact, if they sleep with a woman they just masturbate inside her.

Das ist eine der besten Formulierungen zum Thema, die ich je gelesen habe!! Merke ich mir auf jeden Fall.



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